When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess

Chapter 104: Volume 7 : CHAPTER – 22 : THE STARK PALACE (1)

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Just when everyone thought they had gotten closer to the Stark Palace, Alicia’s group was attacked by knights of unknown origin. Though all of them perished in the fight with Regis and Hana.

But Arya’s butler Alfred found evidence of them belonging to the knights working under Arya’s uncle Oweyn Stark.

They had made their intentions clear that Arya was their next target after the King and the Queen.

“Uncle Oweyn why would he go so far…” Arya had always been aware of the motivation of people around her, both bad and good. And so instead of wasting time on reacting to the expose. She acted more rationally trying to understand the true objective of her uncle.

Oweyn Stark, the current Stark King’s younger brother and also the Commanding general of the Stark Army. He had always administered policies that were forceful and always led to conflict. He always insisted on crushing any enemy than bringing negotiations to the table, which should have been the priority of a country like Stark Kingdom which solely depended on trade.

Unfortunately, being the younger brother of the king, he was always considered inferior to the present king who brought more wealth to the nation. Losing his standing in the court and no wars to fight in this peaceful era, he was almost sitting useless in the kingdom.

Also, because of rumors of how badly he treated his troops and conducted some horrific human experimentation to raise their battle strength. The proof of which they saw recently when the knight’s head exploded on the failure of his mission. This was even more horrifying for Arya because his uncle did all this behind the back of the King.

“But to start a revolt… why now? Even though he had always had the army under his command but why try to kill the King and Queen now of all times? There’s no way father wouldn’t have noticed it.” Arya questioned herself aloud. Her mind was jumbled up with so many thoughts.

“Princess Arya you may not believe me. But your uncle has always been ambitious. I am afraid this whole thing must have been his conspiracy from the start. And the King had informed me of his suspicious activities in recent times.” Alfred spoke his mind. He also knew that the king was trying to restrain himself because of his family's bondage.

“Even so he cannot do this on his own and try to bring chaos in the court without a proper strategy and backing.” Arya further pondered on the subject.

“Why are you two acting so calm? Why does Arya’s uncle want to kill her… It's just that it doesn’t make sense to me?” Regis spoke with a frustrated voice. But her neck was overwhelmed with sorrow to say this properly.

Arya too was a princess and when she put herself in Arya’s shoes. The thought of a family member betraying her family was unacceptable or completely inconceivable for her.

“I am sorry Regis. I don’t know how things in the elf kingdom are but I think humans try to act more rationally so much so that they end up deceiving others and themselves as well. You are right it is… very sad. I must be an unfortunate princess.” Arya realized what Regis meant and she was as usual trying to keep a front and act more mature.

But from inside, her heart was crushed to hear the betrayal. Her parents' lives are in danger and now her own life is as well. The culprit her uncle.

“It’s so simple… and yet it hurts a lot.” Princess Arya holds her hand to her face to hide her tears.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry. I was… was.” Regis found Hana glaring at her and she realized her mistake to even assume that Arya would not be in pain even if she was not showing it.

“Princess Arya is outstanding in everything she does. She has achieved so much and even in these adverse conditions, she found a perfect healer in another continent, making it all the way back here in this little time. But she is just too outstanding that others don’t see her in the same light.” Alfred explains Regis.

“Alfred you won’t speak anymore…” Arya seems to be afraid of something to get out.

Arya since childhood had no real friends she could talk her heart out to except her parents. People used to take advantage of her or only try to get close to her because of her position. It did not bother her much and decided to focus on managing the kingdom.

But the moment she met Alicia, Regis, and Hana she felt somewhat different. She did not want to make herself feel out of place among them.

“Princess Arya I must impose but you surely understand how things stand.”

“I cannot stop here now. I must go to save my family and my kingdom.” Arya insists.

“But princess you must know that Sir Oweyn will try to use the King and Queen’s life as hostages and will still succeed with his plan. I am sure by now he would have taken the palace under his control through his military force. The only way for you is to retreat.”

Alfred falls on his two knees and begs. “I know this is a very difficult thing to ask. But princess Arya will you let me perform my duty to protect you? That’s why I ask you to keep your safety in mind. I am sure that’s what the king and queen would also want.”

“What if I try talking to my uncle?“

Princess, your father was wary that such a day might come in the future. If talks were possible he would have done it already. The preparations are made already. You can go to the Crystall Knight Kingdom. From there you can take the help of knights and reclaim your kingdom. Princess, you should run away and no one would blame you for it.” The butler made his concluding words clear.

The dynamic personality Arya possessed vanished and she suddenly seemed powerless to everyone around.

“It’s not fair I know but I cannot leave my family alone. They are the only ones I will ever truly have….” Arya’s eyes misted over with tears as she faced Alfred.

⸻The memories of a simpler time enter Arya’s mind.

Somewhere in the Stark palace, a small girl climbs on top of a chair to reach the level of a man sitting by her side. The man wore an ornate suit and a red fur-trimmed cloak which was held by a gold cord around his neck. His head was adorned with the most beautiful crown.

“Father, people say that you have built the most beautiful palace in the entire world. Doesn’t that mean we are the richest country in the world?”

“That’s going a little far.” The man wisecracked at hearing this.

“But why, aren’t you the king of this palace and you still don’t have the time to play with me? Can’t you do anything you want?”

“This palace represents the prosperity of our kingdom. And my job is to make sure that the people of this nation flourish as well. Being a king is not a privilege but a responsibility.”

“You say that every time.” Arya makes a sullen boring face.

“Arya, my little daughter. Some day you too will have to take this position and rule this kingdom.”

Arya puts a finger to her lips and smiles. “Then I guess I will start tomorrow.”

“Wait.. wait. I am still the king you know. And you are still too young for this.” The king stuttered as he was caught off guard by Arya’s witty remark.

The girl only laughed to see her father get flustered.

“Please don’t make my heart skip a beat for a joke. But this palace is also meant to protect you till you grow up to be capable enough and prove yourself as the rightful heir and make the people happy.”

“And that will make the Stark family proud. You say that every time too.” The girl and the man together repeat.

“Taking care of themselves is not what a royal member does. It’s about taking responsibility for other people. You are still so young and a lot of growing up to do before you are ready to take the throne. But trust me there will come a time when your special powers will be needed. But you don’t get to choose that moment.”

“I guess I will just have to work hard to make the Stark Kingdom the richest nation before becoming the ruler so that I can have more time to play with you and mother.” The girl seemed to have set her mind as well.

“I see. Then I can’t wait for that day when you become the most wonderful ruler the world had ever seen. And I am sure you will find new friends to play with along the way.”

The air seemed still around Arya as she had to make a tough choice. It was doubtful to say whether that was even a choice to begin with. Choosing one hand means losing all she had. If she goes back to her kingdom she might be threatened by her uncle with his parents still in his custody. If she retreats trying to save herself and look for reinforcements the situation still remains the same.

‘So, is this the moment you were talking about father?’ Arya spoke to herself under her breath.

You are reading story When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess at novel35.com

A strong wind swiftly passes through the forest that made the princess’s hair blow up and made it look like it had come to life. Her eyes widened. This time her Mystic eyes had more colors and Alicia could feel her power surging, so much that even others could also tell the change inside her.

“My parents never wanted to run a state just to dive into riches, they wanted to make a rich country where everyone can be happy and prosper. As a princess I have always tried to be strong and righteous… but now that I feel that heavy burden… I still don’t know whether I can do it. And that’s why I need to… no I already have made up my mind.” Arya stands proudly like a warrior awakening his fighting spirit.

“Princess then you will…” Alfred seemed to be happy as if the princess had complied.

“We are going back to the Stark palace.”

“But princess…” Alfred was taken aback by the princess’s statement.

“Because that’s my home and where my parents are. Tell me Alfred to whom do you serve.” Rya glances at Alfred from above.

“…To the royal Stark family.”

“Then you will follow my command. Even if I will have to beg my Uncle to heal father and mother I will do it… because I think that’s all I can do in this situation.” Even though Arya’s voice becomes feeble, her words still showed resolve.

“But princess what about your safety.”

“My family is in danger and I will not just stand and watch from safety. I do not want to drag my friend into this mess, but if it is possible will you three still accompany me to the king and queen? And if things do not go well, you can leave.” Regis looks at Regis and Hana.

“I am not going to turn my back after I have promised to help you and come this far.” Regis was after all the one who wanted to help Arya first. Backing down in between was never her nature.

“I will go wherever Master goes,” Hana said.

All eyes were now focused on the girl standing beside Arya.

Alicia silently stood there without answering.




“Even though I am being unrealistic about what I can accomplish right now. But I also know that I can’t go the other way. So, it’s alright Alicia if you do not wish to be a part of it. I was really happy I got to meet you.” Arya looked at me and said.

She got betrayed by her family member and her own family is in danger now.

It's true that I’ve witnessed many cases like that in my past life. And I can’t forget that I was in somewhat of a similar situation. I have lost so much in my past life that I never got used to the pain!

I had just grown numb to it. But these feelings could interfere with my objective in this world so I never consider them a part of myself here! At least I avoided this to happen and leave me motionless like this.

Arya is so strong to pick up one hopeful path from uncertain and dangerous possibilities of her own volition.

When the odds are stacked against us, it’s easy to forget who we are. I decided to shut myself from everything that scared me, rather than facing them.

Athena told me that I will never have to lose another loved one again and she would make sure of it. And that is enough for me.

"⸻The conditions are all complete."

“…Alicia… you wouldn’t.” Regis was the first to understand what I meant. But even she didn’t know what criteria it was that I used to choose this moment.

Arya looked confused, while Hana only smiled at her.

“Arya just make a wish and it will come true. But there is still a requirement that needs to be achieved but we can have it done afterward.” My voice lilted as if I was the one actually waiting for this to happen.

“What do you mean?” Arya felt her heart skip a beat as she saw Alicia’s sunshine smile that extended to her eyes.

The magic in my eyes was enough to mesmerize her.

“If you want I can give you one wish.”

“A wish… but… that’s so sudden. What should I say?” Arya was puzzled and her mind seemed to dwell elsewhere. Her eyes stole only glances.

“Just wish for the thing that’s most important to you.” I took Arya’s hand this time to make her believe in me.

But I think she already did because of what she spoke next… that sometimes even I won’t mind showing someone what is in my heart.

“Then I wish to save my father and mother.”



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Till now I have published from volume one to volume seven for free. And I hope to continue to do so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and then eventually storms in the outside world.

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