When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess

Chapter 105: Volume 7 : CHAPTER – 23 : THE STARK PALACE (2)

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“The throne we possess is for the sake of the people and not the king.... that’s what you always said to me. How utterly foolish you have been my big brother. But since this chair has been too comfortable for you, I will show you what exactly it means to rule and conquer all under the heavens. Today everything will change and so will the history of the Kingdom and the rectification of our father’s mistake of choosing you over me. When I Oweyn Stark will finally take hold of all the power and everyone will submit to my will.”

The man’s hand slowly glides over the throne’s top made of the rarest magitite ore. The excitement on his face broadened as he found himself a step closer to his ambition. The stillness in the King’s halls was just the silence before the storm.

Even though he knew he had done something hideous and shown disloyalty to his own brother. He had put those facts behind him and never to look back. That was how determined he was.

⸻To poison his own brother and his brother’s wife. Put the court in chaos and endanger its people.

A throne is the symbol of the origin of all the power a king holds over his people. But Oweyn still did not find himself eligible to sit on the throne. At least not right now. Rather it was a self-conceited decision of his to find an approval. 

He had all the ministers opposing him arrested and thrown in strict confinement.

The one final piece still remains the person next in line to the throne. Her sudden absence from the palace was something he had not accounted for. A princess who had never ventured into the outside world would suddenly go missing from the Kingdom’s map infuriated him.

‘Had she escaped to an allied nation.”

There’s no way the king should have been aware of his betrayal. Oweyn argued to himself.

“Even if she decided to go to the knight kingdom of Crystall to hire knights to wage war against me, I would have already surpassed their strength.”

Oweyn had made sure to put lookouts on each passage and no one could escape under his eyes.

“She should have by now figured about my betrayal or at least her bothersome butler would have told her so. ⸻Then why?” Oweyn could not stop himself from knocking out one of the pillars in the court out of proportion.

Only today he had received information that princess Arya had returned from the Demon Continent and had also supported in defeating the pirates that plagued the seas and had been an eyesore for so many kingdoms.

Just then a knight in silver armor entered the empty chambers and stood in salute after bowing his head in front of his commander.

Oweyn wearing a lustrous dark slate armor himself. The Stark crest was engraved on his back and draped with a red mantle. He had slicked-back black hair. His tall and broad figure commanded superiority and respect from everyone around him.

“General, report. Princess Arya has reached the southeastern gate and demands entry into the palace. We have still to receive any signal from the unit stationed in that area. Most likely the unit sent after them were dispatched by an unknown force.” The knight reported.

The illogical step of his niece had tormented Oweyn and for what absurd reason she would abandon her home and leave? He was aware of the princess’s love for her family and the kingdom’s welfare.

So much so that instead of removing her from his way he wanted to manipulate her and use her special gift.

“How many are there?” Oweyn enquired about the force that the princess might have brought along with her. He had assumed that Princess Arya had hired a crazed army of mercenaries from the Demon Continent and as a show of power she used them to defeat the pirates.

“⸻Only two.” The knight clinked.

“Speak clearly?” Oweyn asked the hesitating knight.

“There are only two individuals at the gate. Princess Arya herself and reports say of another girl wearing a white mask. As of now she still remains to be identified.”

For perhaps a split second Oweyn Stark’s worries was suspended, the surprise that endangered him until then shattered like glass.

Generally, he too would have been expected to be at a loss for words at such unbelievable news. But instead, a small smile played on Oweyn’s lips.

“I guess you just overplayed your hand and ran out of luck. I will go and greet my only niece in person alone. All of the knights in my command are to take a position inside the castle. I think I just know what she is up to.”




The Stark Kingdom’s palace was my home and the small world I thought I will ever need to know.

The palace nestled in the woodland on top of a flat hill was all concrete and tall glass windows that gave a view of the Stark capital city. The main building stood there as if the surrounding nature had embraced it, as the flora enveloped its walls. These walls were strong enough to defend against any raiders.

“It's like I am watching one of the castles from the storybooks.” Alicia was enjoying the view of the castle up close.

“I would like to give you a tour but…” I noticed Alicia had gone back to normal after proposing the plan and her decision to fulfill my one wish. I still did not understand what she intended to do. But it was like hearing one of the tales from my childhood my mother told me.

“Don’t worry it's my job to fulfill people’s wishes,” Alicia said with a grin.

The more I looked at her, the more I was attracted. I could sense her beauty because I could feel the similarities we shared and how special she became to me.

In truth, I was growing fond of her and wanted to get close to her. But right now it would be impossible without getting my answers that lay within these high walls.

I glanced at the top and Alicia accompanied me as we walked to the giant metal front gate.

“I am princess Alicia and I have returned,” I announced for the knights to hear guarding the gate at the top.

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“The palace is now under the control of Oweyn Stark. We are not allowed to give anyone entry without his permission.” The response from one of the knights was clear.

Even though my uncle’s betrayal was no more a secret, the words still weighed heavy on me.

“He is my uncle. I order you to open the gates and inform him of my arrival.” I still planned to play along, because we were not the ones making the first move.

After a few seconds, the gates were opened and we were let in. The walls were cleared of all the knights stationed. The two of us walked in to see what I considered to be the most familiar and everyday commonplace to me.

But on the top of the long marble stairs, my uncle stood there. His stern face cracked up a smile at me without any remorse or guilt.

“I ask you to forgive my men for denying you permission to your own home. It’s good to see you, princess. I hope you have been doing well, my niece.”

“Uncle, what is happening? And the King and Queen are they well?” I asked deliberately but also not approaching any further. Also, I noticed somehow Alicia’s behavior entirely changed and she was more focused. I wonder if it had to do with something that my uncle said.

“Oh, I have gone to great lengths to make sure that my brother the King, and the queen are well cared for. And I have only the best interest for the Stark Kingdom.” Oweyn broke all limits as he smirked. His complete focus was on me.

Even for someone like me who remains composed even in the most strained situation, this was overbearing for me.

“Is that why you did this? Just to sit on the throne yourself?” My words clutched tight. I still could not see my uncle face to face. It was because I had still not come to the decision of what to do with him.

“Now come dear little Arya your parents will get upset if they found out you ran away from the palace. The outside world is dangerous for a feeble girl like you. There is no reason for you to be afraid of me.” Oweyn seems to not care about the companion with me. Also, seeing him alone and so confident made me feel uncomfortable.

“Then I would like to see my parents first. I have finally found a cure for them, that just might work.”

“That I cannot allow. All of you have already tried saving him but failed. Both of us know that there is no cure.” Oweyn Stark did not show any signs of acting rashly and instead watched silently for us to make a move instead.

“Are you saying this because you are the one who made sure no cure exists?” I raised my voice in fury.

“So, you already know. Not like I tried hiding it. Give up on false hope and join hands with me, princess. I promise I will give you the cure if you prove your worth to my cause.”

“So, it really was you. Why do this, uncle?” I was furious and heartbroken at the same time.

“Lies are filled with several secrets swearing all to be true after all. You were never my target, to begin with because you could have used your power to detect the poison. So, to gain control over the throne I could have only used the poison on the current King and the Queen. But, if you hand me the throne as I plan to ascend it, either way, you can get everything back.”

“What possible reason could I have to give up on those I hold dear? My father is the king of the great Stark Kingdom.  What made you even remotely think that I will hand it over to you?” I stare back into my uncle’s eyes.

“That’s a relief. I began to get bored thinking how long we were going to play this game of testifying the truth. But I have no regret or confession to make. It's remarkable princess how brave and confident you are even in the gravest situation.” The traitorous Oweyn laughed it all off.

“I don’t understand, does the hunger for power had made you go blind? How can you call yourself part of the royal family if you are the one to destroy it.”

“I have no ambition to rule the people. But when every day of your life you have trained to fight and glorify yourself in war. And then you wake up to a peaceful world your existence become meaningless. But times are finally changing and there are people in this world who are going to bring chaos.”

“I am sure you could have talked this out with father?” I protested. If it was about the safety of the Kingdom my father wouldn’t have compromised.

“I am talking about the need for a hero. People are trying to evolve themselves into a true hero first and they are willing to go to any lengths. The Stark Kingdom has no hope to survive if it soon does not find itself a hero.”

After the disappearance of the true hero, no one has successfully reached that tile. Though few nations had been doing their best to make promising people evolve into heroes and flourish. The Stark Kingdom has yet to gain its own hero. No one knows about the specifics of such an evolution. That’s why the process used by the few kingdoms had been kept a state secret.

“But isn’t it more the reason to not do this and look for other ways? That’s what I and father have been trying to do from the start.”

“To come from a challenging start and become a great and lovable person in the kingdom is a huge achievement. Princess Arya, the always so brave, confident, and strong. Knowledgeable and perfect in whatever she does. There was no chance I could gain power with you being here and rise to the top. But if not for the reality shown to me by my benefactor I would have remained ignorant. There is no future. Right or wrong if I desire something, I will get what I want.”

Oweyn Stark mentions of a benefactor. I could not help but wonder if was he the person who planned all of this to happen and gave the poison to my uncle to use.

“You would have been a good pawn and alive if you just remained here. But going outside you gave me a golden opportunity to take control of the palace. Those foolish ministers know nothing about war.  I will expand this kingdom into so big territory that my brother could have never achieved it and evolve myself into a hero.” Wrapped in a fever of excitement Oweyn reveals his true intention.

“You are wrong in thinking the kingdom belongs to one. If something would happen to my father, I would have been the heir and protected this kingdom. And if something would happen to me then there will always be someone else to do that job. I won’t let your selfish greed seep in.” I wanted to protect the kingdom and my family. That’s what I have always learned from my father and mother. And that was what I planned to do till the very end.

“Haaa...haa. That’s something that my brother would have exactly said. That being the case, princess Arya can you confidently say that you can protect your family? Don’t forget they are in my custody now. After poisoning them to eternal sleep I would have no hesitation in sending them off. I already know that you are just a decoy. My entire force would be waiting inside the castle hallways to intercept whatever force you would bring in through the secret channels. So, what can you really protect?”

“⸻He already knows of the plan…” My legs shook and I took a step back. Uncle Oweyn was right. This helplessness after my parents lost consciousness suddenly grasped my neck. Wherever I went it had been suffocating. Everyone tried to gain favors with me rather than looking for a way to devote themselves to the welfare of the kingdom in difficult times.

And now my parent's life was directly in his hands now.

Alicia grasped my hand which was shaking in fear and the warmth of it finally calmed me down.

But I also realized that after this something had really changed. I had finally found someone I could trust personally and ask for help.

“It’s alright Arya. Your parents are safe. Everything has been according to the plan.”



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