When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess

Chương 120: Volume 8 : CHAPTER – Chapter 11 : THE SIERRA CLAN

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Chapter 11



Having listened to Galen's tale and conversed for a while, we noticed that Hana had already fallen asleep in the middle. So, we too retired to the temporary lodgings we had arranged for ourselves and went back to sleep.

The following morning, when we woke up, we found that the entire dungeon had been magically restored to its original state. The altar where the throne of the goddess used to be now was the place for the magic teleportation circle that would take us back to the outside.

Once we all stood on that, with an instant release of a faint purple light we were teleported right in front of the entrance of the dungeon.

The moment we came back, it dawned on us that the entire landscape had undergone a remarkable metamorphosis. Once a desolate, marshy wasteland, now flourished with lush greenery, and transformed into a picturesque landscape teeming with fertility.

Vegetation had already started to grow around the place. Delicate creatures scuttled about while birds gracefully soared overhead, seeking out ideal spots to construct their newfound nests.

But the most outstanding feature of all was the incongruous sight of the royal carriage waiting outside, defying the natural surroundings. The man holding the reigns wore a formal uniform of a coachman in a dark blue long coat with a cap labeled with the Stark kingdom’s symbol. Once he saw and approached us, Galen’s party backed one step not expecting any kind of welcome.

“Are you three the princesses’ esteemed guests?” The man asked as if trying to match the description of us he might have received. Since I was wearing back my mask, it became easier to know it was us.

“Yes, that will be us.”  I said before any kind of confusion could arise.

“The princess was worried since you did not return so she had sent me to get the news. If you have achieved your goal, would you please follow me back to the palace.” The man was well-mannered as a royal coachman.

“That’s so nice of her.” Regis said promptly maybe because she wanted to go back to a proper resting place as soon as possible after getting dirty in the dungeon. All of Regis and Hana’s clothes were stained with dungeon dirt and the blood of the monsters. For, me I was still fine since I could replace the threads of my dress with my webs.

The coachmen also looked and observed Galen and his party members for a while and with a surprised look as if realising something on his own he bowed his head a bit wishing them. It did not look like they really knew each other but the coachmen still looked at them with respect.

We quickly got into the carriage and hurriedly said our goodbyes to Galen’s party and left the place. Since we thought it was best to avoid any kind of questions about how we landed in the palace as guests to keep the palace’s mutiny a secret.

Thankfully, the way back was much more pleasant as we enjoyed the cool fresh morning wind in contrast to the gloominess we saw on our arrival.  I guess after getting rid of all the negative magical energy released from the goddess’s seal the place was returning back to normal.

I was glad that we could turn this back into fertile land for the people. So, something good actually came out of that fight and it was not all meaningless after all.

I still could not get the vision out of my head that the goddess made me see, even though it was literally just me hearing. Whether that was pulled out of my lost memory or just one of her petty pranks, I know if someone would know more about it; it would be goddess Athena.

And now I at least have a clue where she is and that’s where I am going next. The time to say goodbye to this place had come much sooner than I expected, only when I had started to enjoy here because of Arya.

We got back much faster to the palace than it took to get there. We were greeted back by Arya as she asked us about our dungeon exploration mission.

“So did you find what you were looking for?” Arya asked.

“I don’t really know for what we went there. But we did land on the evil Goddess’s lair and…” Regis described but then soon stopped.

“So, the goddess’s seal is real. But, what happened to her?” Arya asked in a passionate voice as if she would have very much wanted to be there herself.

“I had to eliminate the goddess... Otherwise…”

“You don’t need to explain Alicia, it must have been a difficult fight. We humans can never comprehend the will of the gods, at least that’s what I have understood from the history textbooks. I think you should all rest after the dungeon exploration.” Arya said without any hint of suspicion. Whether she was just trying to understand my action or comforting me, for once I felt at ease for doing something and letting others know.

“Hey, princess shouldn’t you be more doubtful of what we just said.” Regis was trying to put herself in Arya’s place since she too had her first unbelievable adventure on the dragon island where we defeated Ouroboros.

“I have no reason for being suspicious. I completely believe what you have said since you are my first friends and I have already placed my trust in you. I have already seen what I needed to on that ship even if it was only just a glimpse, and besides you have already saved my mother and father. Wouldn’t not trusting you make me look cruel and the illogical one here.”

Listening to Arya’s firm response Regis sighed away in embarrassment, “Whatever..?”

“In fact, I got to know that the place had suddenly jumped back and was transformed in one night and talk of restoring it completely has already started. I think I have now other more reasons for thanking you.”

That was fast I thought.

Arya continued as if to add something even more important, “But what surprised me more was to hear that you met the Heartland clan on your adventure.” Arya said.

“Arya, do you know about the Heartland Clan members?”

“Yes, of course. They are the number one adventurer clan in these parts. But I have never met them in person.”

With how Arya then described it turned out Galen and his party were quite famous not only in the kingdom but the Continent and that’s why the coachman also knew them. Now that I think properly, they were pretty strong and skilled.

It’s just that they didn’t expect to fight a goddess and were not that prepared and lacked one of their main members.

But what really troubled me was that I had previously thought that if they did tell others about encountering an evil goddess as a dungeon boss, no one would have believed them.

Now that I remember they did tell me that they needed to inform this to the guild master. If that happens their words won’t just be shunned away.

After we had cleaned ourselves in the bath, Alfred served us with fascinating delicacies. Because of continuously using large amounts of magic last night fighting the Goddess of Malice, I was especially hungry to the point of wanting to stuff my mouth with tasty sweets.

After that, Arya suddenly informed us of a banquet happening the next night and invited us to it.

“Alicia, Regis, and Hana I would very much like it if you would attend tomorrow’s banquet. In fact, it’s very much to thank you for what you have done and for celebrating the King’s recovery.” Arya said.

Probably there would be a lot of people and nobles of the Stark Kingdom. While my involvement was only known to a few, certainly the presence of strangers in the banquet would be questionable. And then we would also have to prepare a lot of things for the banquet, which would be a lot of work.

Regis and Hana seemed to be willing to know how the banquet was going to be. So, I too accepted and decided to attend.

But fearing what was going to happen with the news in the adventurer guild, it eventually did come true in the evening when an unannounced letter from the guild arrived in the palace addressed to us with our names.

Of course, they would also know of our whereabouts since they saw the palace’s carriage taking us.

“Alicia if you want to refuse to go to meet the guild master, the palace can reply for you. It’s my carelessness that got you out.” Arya said feeling sorry.

“You don’t have to worry. I have already thought about it and I have decided to go. Hana and Regis will you come with me too.” I asked them.

“Of course. I want to meet everyone again too.”

“I go wherever Master goes.”

With that decided, thanks to Arya we were able to get to our destination without any trouble. Though this time we had downgraded our carriage to a normal cart with a roof to move freely in the city.

According to what Arya told we were heading to the head branch of the adventurer’s guild in the Stark capital. And it just turned out that the guild master was supposedly a super veteran adventurer from the post-war period and one of the high-ranking top six greatest Guild Masters. The reason he was still alive was that he was half-ogre and half-human.

Of course, that kind of title meant he would have a lot of authority.

What if he turns out to be super-scary, and asks a lot of questions? Was it really a good idea, I wondered what he wanted to talk about?

But before I could think of anything further, we had already reached the meeting place mentioned in the letter when the cart finally stopped moving.

The moment we got off something felt off. We were in an alleyway when I had imagined we would be standing in front of a big building bustling with adventurers,  a side tavern, and a lot of receptions with guild staff. Like how it should be in games and fantasy novels and when I was also looking forward to it so much.

But it was just a single back door of a huge building in a deserted passage.

“Why are we standing at the back of the building?” I said in an agitated voice for foolishly getting my hopes up.

“Was the address wrong? It doesn’t seem like a guild building even though I have never visited one.”

“Are there any adventurer’s guild in the elf kingdom?” I asked Regis.

“Yes, there are. They are everywhere, so it seems.” Regis said with a sigh.

“Master look.” Hana then suddenly pointed at the door from where a familiar face popped up.

It was Asher.

“I am so glad you decided to come. The guild master is waiting for you.”

Since it was Asher who greeted us then maybe we were in the right location. Asher confirmed this to be the adventurer’s building.

So, it really turned out that we were entering the guild building from the backdoor. To the extent, the embarrassment almost felt like doing a crime of sneaking in. I still pondered why the Guild Master would call us through here.

After climbing through a couple of stairs and taking turns we reached the topmost floor of the building. When Asher opened the door, Galen, Leafa, and Thorne were standing inside.

And on the other side of a huge table, was an individual with a unique and intriguing appearance that reflected the fusion of the two distinct races of the human and ogre. Though he seemed to be much of the human side.

With an imposing height, typically ranging from seven to eight feet, his muscular build and raw strength was definitely the trait of his ogre lineage.

On looking closer he possessed a strong jawline with small defined tusks and horns protruding slightly from the lower jaw and the head. But they were properly hidden under his beard and unkempt hairs. His eyes exhibited a keen and intense gaze that commanded attention.

The moment he pretended like he noticed us, which he might have probably done even before we arrived in the room. He smiled diligently as if he had been waiting to meet us for a long time. I wondered what exactly Galen and others had told him.

“Ah, welcome! I have heard a lot about you, thanks to Galen and his companions who have shared tales of your captivating dungeon explorations. It's only right that you know me as well. I am Hillard Glorgersk, the esteemed Guild Master overseeing the entire Eastern region of the human continent," declared the man with an air of self-importance.

The three of us have nonchalant look on our faces as if we really didn’t care. Regis and Han were only here to meet with Galen and the others. While I was here for the same I had one more reason to be here as well.

“I am sorry if this wasn’t a grand welcome enough for the princess’s guests.” the guild master exclaimed, suddenly adopting a rather playful and whimsical demeanor.

The three of us looked at Galen as if asking his he really legitimate, but I was just scared of meeting new people like this who would sprung up on me to start a conversation.

“If you are apprehensive of why we had to bring you through the back door, then we cannot just casually let the elf princess walk through the front door without knowing the details about it.” The guild master as if he suddenly dropped a bomb in the room caught each of our attention.

Seeing Galen and others surprised expressions he didn’t have told them until now either. But how did he know, when not even Arya could tell?

“How did you know?” Regis was the first to ask, slightly annoyed at being found out like this.

“Don’t be on guard, I don’t intend of making your identity public. As to how I found out, once I got the details from Galen about a beautiful elf with red hair. I contacted the adventurer guild in the elven kingdom. And I got to know something interesting about a missing princess from the palace and how the dragon island incident was suddenly resolved. Then we only had to match your age and height to make sure our guess was correct and we knew it was you.”

“Well, it’s not like I had any intention of hiding it but it's better if others don’t know. It’s much easier.” Regis said looking at Galen and others with astounded looks. “I am not exactly princess material nor do I intend to use my status. So, I would want others to behave around me just like they normally do.” Regis made herself clear.

“And does the Stark princess knows about it?” The Guild Master followed up with another delicate question.

“…No.” Regis had no reason to hide since the cat was out of the bag.

“It would be better if you tell her because I am sure the princess has her own way and would eventually find out about it. Though I leave that decision to your discretion.”

“I will.” Regis said understanding what the Guild Master meant. Maybe he was just looking out for her.

“As for this young lady Hana we were unable to know anything except she might have a special relationship with miss Alicia.”

Hana backed off when the guild master tried to take a closer look at her and she tucked close to me. Even though I was sure that if Hana wanted she could just toss the guild master right out of the window.

“I love Alicia.” Hana said in an affectionate voice like an innocent child would say to her elder sister.

The Guild Master then stepped closer to me and with a carefree look, he smiled. Despite his age, he almost looked like a middle-aged man. It must be because of the self-regenerative property of the ogres.

“As for the lady in the mask, miss Alicia the same goes for you. Despite our large network I still can’t believe a strong individual like you would have remained oblivious to us. But we do have the record of the recent incidents of you coming here with the princess and I presume you might be the one who they have started calling the White Queen. The one who saved the ship from the pirates and defeated their entire pirate army. Is that your real secret identity?”

“⸻Eh?” I was surprised.

“…Eh.” The guild master was surprised too by the nature of my response.

Something was amiss.

“I do remember saving the ship… but the alias.” I looked at Regis and Hana with my eyebrows raised and a playful smirk.

Alright, spill it! I'm all ears for this delicate explanation and don't hold back on any smallest possible detail.

I am sure Regis and Hana were the only ones who could take the cue from my expression even though my face was covered with my mask.

“See Alicia I was planning to tell you… and things happened so fast on the ship.” Regis went on with the trail of excuses.

While Hana twisted her leg in a roundabout way looking at the floor pretending that she didn’t know about anything. Is she trying to copy me!?

“Talk about weirdness! ⸻So, the White Queen… is that me.” I hesitantly pointed a finger at myself and tried to confirm with the Guild Master.

“Supposedly, yes…” the guild master affirmed.

What? First, all those eccentric titles that are already off the charts weird, and now to add salt to my injury, I've ended up with the most ridiculously bizarre and cheesy alias ever. If Mother or Father ever catch wind of this, I'll be the laughingstock for all eternity at the dinner table.

I used to have a blast mocking their cringe-worthy titles and enacting some matching dialogues. But I don’t want myself to be stuck in that embarrassing state.

“But how did you know it was me who saved the ship? And can’t we just forget about the alias?” I pleaded.

“Can’t do, it’s already become a legend and people are talking about it all over the kingdom. I am sure it will turn out to be a really fascinating and heroic tale.”

So, it was already beyond that. I could only cry within myself and hold myself strong in these tough times and be careful of revealing my identity next time.

“As to how I reached the conclusion, I just put one and one together to get the answer. You are the special guest of the princess so she must have seen you saving the ship. But what I am more interested in is to know how powerful you are to defeat the sealed goddess of malice.”

It looked like the guild master was slowly trying to corner each of us by revealing information about ourselves.

But now that he was up close to me, he tried to do something unexpected.

And if it was a show of power, father taught me that it was best to always exert dominance in these cases.




Once the Guild Master Hillard released a blast of his magical energy to measure Alicia’s magical energy and look at her status. It was the same technique that demons use to measure another’s magical power.

Alicia knew that only demons could use this technique to measure other’s power by using what she had made it into a magic of her own and called it the white room.

Alicia having no choice but to summon the white room and keep her powers and status hidden with it.

Hillard with his stumped look stood without moving and was speechless. While he was hoping to overpower the girl in a measure of magical energy, he did not expect to get moved to a soul domain created almost instantly.

In a room all white, he could not figure out the boundaries of the walls, the expanse of the ceiling, and even the presence of a solid floor eluded his perception.

And in front of him, rose a colossal tower, crowned by an occupant enthroned high above.

In the haziness of the view from down below, his vision caught a fleeting sight of a girl laughing, her face obscured by the shadow cast by the flowing mane of her pure white hair cascading down her back. But a pair of glowing red eyes gazed at him with a condescending look and an air of superiority.

You are reading story When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess at novel35.com

Hillard who had lived past a century and was a survivor of the aftermath of the cruelty of the Great War, where the world still searched for peace. He had never once felt so threatened and overwhelmed by a power beyond his comprehension.

His body felt being ripped apart by pressure every time he tried to look above almost bending and falling on his knees. He had no choice but to use all his monstrous physical strength just to stand straight as he screamed.

“…Sorry, I think that went too far. That should be enough.” Alicia suddenly interrupted and the Guild Master found himself back in the guild office.

When he looked around he realised no one had even noticed what that little girl in the mask had done to him.




“So, you know the demon’s technique to measure magical energy.” I asked worried that he might have disliked to what I have done to him. It’s not like he directly tried to harm me.

“Well, I am of half-monster pedigree, so it was easy for me to pick it up when I was on a mission in the demon continent. I must apologize for having my doubts till now but I am sure now what Galen described is the truth. So, the goddess is no longer sealed and free.” The Guild Master said with a sigh of relief as if he already knew about her existence.

“I suddenly felt a dangerous surge in magic right now.” Asher said with apprehension. Leafa nodded too.

So, they were that sensitive to magic.

“Everything is fine.” The guild master tried to calm them down, he then again looked at me with piqued interest, “I am curious now, do you by any chance know the True Hero?” An unexpected question burst from the consciousness of the Guild Master.

“Well, why… do you ask?” I stuttered.

“The mask you wear reminds me of the True Hero who wore a similar one in her adventurer days.” With a slight pause that almost made my heart beat fast stuck in a bind about whether I would be found out.

“But there’s no way it would be the same piece. It's one of the lesser-known facts but you must be that big a fan of the True Hero.” The guild master laughed as he replied to his own question. Maybe he had seen mother once when he would be young.

“⸻Yes, yes that’s right.” Both Regis and I took a sigh of relief from being found out.

“Wahhh! I also need to wear a mask like that.” Leafa suddenly muttered to herself and got embarrassed.

I guess, mother is just that idolized by everyone. And that everyone here is also a big fan of her. Even Regis was like that when I met her at the start.

“Since we are done with the introductions why don’t we next move to seeing what face is beneath that mask? You all couldn’t stop talking about how beautiful and lovely lady Alicia looked like she would be a goddess herself.” It almost felt like the Guild Master was acting like a spoiled child.

Suddenly Asher stood in between the Guild Master and me.

“You promised you won’t ask them to do anything which they did not want to.”

I quickly nodded knowing that Asher was trying to save me from the trouble. Go and get him.

“But I was curious you know…”

“Can’t you see these three precious little girls. They are so adorable. I know Alicia does not want to reveal her beauty to the world because she will only show it to me alone and admire it for all eternity.”

That’s definitely not the reason I am wearing it. I said to myself.

I was now getting creepy vibes from Asher the same as I felt around Regis’s big sister and even Regis could feel the same seeing how she shivered in her big sister’s memories.

Thankfully before Asher’s obsession grew, the Guild Master changed his mind.

“Alright If you say so. Since the death of a secretly sealed evil goddess which was a legend until now has been slayed. It’s such a delicate matter that it will cause trouble for you three and me as well if the word got out. So, I will use all my authority to remove all the evidence.”

Wait! He will do what?

But the guild master’s decision was final and in our favor. So, none of us objected to it.

“…But you see there’s one thing I would like you to do in return. I want you to become an adventurer or more importantly a clan leader.”

And here it was, what the guild master really wanted.

I never intended to become an adventurer; I think it’s a lot more work for someone like me. And I would rather spend a leisurely life than go around doing odd jobs. But now I was being asked to become a clan leader the same as Galen.

“There’s no problem miss Alicia. A clan leader is a very proud position and not anyone can become one unless they are recognized by one of the top guild masters.”

A clan leader in an adventure guild is one under whom many adventurer parties work for a definite goal.

“But do I meet the qualifications?”

“Yes. It would be much easier if your companions join in your clan as well.”

I looked at Regis and without any ado she gave a thumbs up to me and the same went for Hana. Even though I was hoping they would deny the offer, but their free-spirited nature got the best of them.

“So, don’t I have to give any kind of guild test?” I asked hoping to delay the guild master’s quickness in assigning me a position.

“There are guild tests. But you would probably destroy them all. The show you showed me earlier is enough to pass any qualification. There won’t be any objections now or in the future I promise. But your companions would have to go through the basic tests.”

“That’s fine by me.” Regis and Hana agreed.

Regis as a hardworking person never believed in any shortcuts.

⸻But I do!!! Sometimes life's just better when you take the shortcut, the devil inside of me agreed.

So, I quickly became more than ready to become an adventurer. There were some papers to be signed and while it took a bit of time to get through them all. Al could mostly side-process and confirm they were all legitimate.

Even though I was expecting hassles like measuring my power over a magic ball crystal, or a side quest to go and collect herbs or hunt down horned rabbits. I know I would never pass any of them until I would get lost in the forest and Regis would have to come finding me. That would be terrible for me to fail even the basic quests.

But with this contract, I can escape that demeaning fate.

“So, miss Alicia did you decide the name of your clan?”

Thinking about it for a moment, I decided and wrote down at the top of the contract my clan’s name ⸻"Sierra Clan.”

“Congratulations. I must take this back now before you change your mind.” The guild master hurried and took the papers the moment I signed on it. From what I was told these papers were magical and every guild branch would develop a copy of that in their own offices with my signature on it after it has been confirmed and stamped by the guild master.

So, that’s how they shared information so fast. But my reason to come here was still left and it was time I took my leverage into account.

“Since I became a clan leader, wouldn’t it make more sense that we have some dungeons in our possession?”

“Why don’t we deal with that part later?” the guild master was sure to quickly dodge the question.

But I was not so intent on letting him get away with only what he wanted. I too had my reason for coming here even before I stepped into the guild and was not so easily going to give up on them.

“Galen you have some dungeon rights as well, right?”

“Yes. Currently, the Heartland clan has around 25 dungeons in their control. That’s the highest in the entire eastern continent.” Galen said proudly.

“But all of those technical parts are dealt by Leena so I don’t know much about them.” Galen added.

Right, she is one of the other companions of Galen out there.

From what I had read about the adventurer’s guild in the palace before coming here. ⸻That the clan leaders and his clan members get the exclusive right to harvest monsters, and also to mine the resources in the dungeon. While they keep a major cut, the adventurer guild management and the kingdom too get a small revenue.

This system helped the adventurer to ensure that they get their work’s worth and it was a win-win situation for both the guild and the kingdom as well.

“I want the Dungeon of Malice.” I said with a full stop, meaning I was not ready to negotiate on it.

“That can’t happen.” The guild master said no.

I had no choice but to use telepathy here. Since I was able to analyze the Guild Master’s magic in the white room, I easily matched his frequency and said.

‘I was wondering. Didn’t you already know of the goddess’s existence being sealed there?’

‘And what makes you think that?’ The guild master answered without surprise. It was convenient for me too that he was already used to telepathy magic.

‘Isn’t the fact that you asked the number one adventurer clan to take on the job? And yet you didn’t tell them of the danger.’

‘Well, I couldn’t help it never thought that the goddess would break out of the seal the 6rTue Hero placed on her. Fine if you have any valid reason I will listen to it.’

It seems that this would be enough to convince the guild master and with one final push it should be settled.

“I think it would be more appropriate to acquire a dungeon of my own.”

“Ahem! Isn’t that too quick for a new clan to come into possession of a dungeon and we have yet to analyze that dungeon properly. There could still be dangerous monsters lurking.”

“That’s more the reason, I should get it. And besides I did defeat the boss goddess. So, I will add this, the dungeon is a treasure trove of magitite ore. Even if you started mining it now, it would take months just to get out a small chunk and you still won’t be able to process anything useful or make a profit in the short term.”

“So, then what do you propose?” The guild master looked interested.

“This…” I pushed one of my blue healing potions on the table.

“Is this the blue holy water I have been listening rumors about? So, miss you are the one who made it.”

So, he already knew about this too.

“That’s right. You get it now, the importance of the product. And these can be made by using magitite ores and only I have the knowledge to process them. I am ready to sign a contract with the guild to not only give them the share of mined magitite ores but also a percentage of the healing potions sold via the guild.”

“Ahhhh. I was never good at this money-dealing stuff. But the more I think about it. If we sold these healing potions it can save the life of a lot of adventurers on the battlefield.” The guild master generically cared about the adventures.

“Alright, the dungeon is for yours to keep. But we will have to discuss the amount and percentages later with other related officials before the transfer would be complete.”

“The guild master then brought out a black card and after processing it with his magic for a while he handed it out to me.

“This is your adventurer’s guild card. From today onward the Sierra Clan is recognized by the adventurer’s guild and you can start recruiting your clan members henceforth.“

I looked at the card and it had my name Alicia engraved on it with some of my fake stats made by the mask. It’s almost like a fantasy dream come true to become an adventurer like this.

“Guild Master I have never seen a black card before.” Galen interjected.

“It's fine, it’s a specially made custom card for the clan leader Alicia.” The guild master said with a smile and I was overjoyed to get a special unique adventurer card of my own. But if only that time I knew the conditions of using the card and how I was tricked by it. I would have destroyed the card myself then.

⸻But that’s a story for later.

For now, things were finally settled and each of us had got what we wanted and we had to also return to prepare for the banquet since we promised Arya.

So, we said our goodbyes to Galen and the others and left the guild. The carriage was still waiting for us so we got back into it.

On our way, Regis asked me, “Why were you so eager to get your hands on that dungeon? Wouldn’t all that work mean we will have to stay longer here?”

“Don’t worry, there's no need. Because tomorrow is the day Caige and Maia would be arriving here.” I said proudly.

“So, you were planning to dump all the work on her from the start? What kind of a friend does that?” Regis made a snarky remark.

“I am not. She is my friend but I am also her employer, and after fighting the Goddess I have realized I need to do this much sooner before something like that happens again.”




“So, Galen what are your thoughts about Miss Alicia?”

“She is a wonderful person, and I think I can learn a lot more from her as an adventurer and grow stronger. I am glad now we both have the same position of clan leaders now and compete.”

“Ah! Such a pure-hearted kid you are! If only you could see how she tried to scare and blackmail me secretly.” The guild master was tired after deciding on so many important matters.

But he couldn’t let it go.

After witnessing the unfathomable power of Alicia, he was more determined to bring her on his side.

Like other guild masters, he had noticed it too. The peaceful world that was built on the sacrifices made in the Great War was again crumbling. The recent news collected by the guild from all over the world included conflicts, massacre, monster stampede, appearances of new monsters and the most recent and problematic situation of all was ⸻the gathering of the demon lords in one place in the demon continent.

“We must absolutely have her on our side to keep the future safe.”



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You can find story with these keywords: When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess, Read When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess, When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess novel, When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess book, When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess story, When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess full, When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess Latest Chapter

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