When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess

Chương 121: Volume 8 : CHAPTER – Chapter 12 : A PRINCESS’S DREAM

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Chapter 12




Arya was taken aback when we informed her about the events at the guild. The news of me becoming the leader of an adventurer clan, comprising only two other members, Regis and Hana, left her astonished.

“That’s so wonderful. I wish I could also be a part of that adventurer clan as well.” Arya said with a sigh, but she already knew her royal status and duties prohibited her to do so.

She asked me about my plans and how I was going to expand and recruit other members. But I had no definite reply for those except having some vague ideas myself.

It would have been so easy if it was just a game and recruiting for my clan just by seeing their game plays and score stats. But now dealing with real people, I had to be extra careful.

Fortunately, in the palace, I could see through the documents and records of how other top guilds work and how they take their jobs.

In the morning we were enjoying tea and some cake with Arya in the garden. Hana was playing chasing butterflies in the huge garden and would be repeating that activity for quite a while from how happy she looked doing it. Arya would also tell me how the annulment of slavery in the kingdom was proceeding and the results. The information was a bit concerning as many rose in revolt, especially the slave traders.

But the new reforms were widely accepted. Perhaps it would still take time for the whole system to amalgamate into society. It's not like I was hoping for a smooth transition, there was sure to be resistance. But seems like Arya was handling it all well. All  I wanted for her was not to get hurt or overworked in the process even if I was the one who asked her to do so.

Regis would sometime steal glances at Arya still looking for an opportunity to tell her about her princess identity. Looks like the guild master’s words had too great an effect on her.

I too was guilty of not telling Arya that I was planning of leaving soon or why I came to this Continent in the first place.

Arya was a diligent girl and she had always proved her bravery whether it was during the pirate’s attack on the ship or when she stood up to her uncle. And even knowing that she could handle herself on her own, I would be worried.

Out of the blue, an idea came to my mind, I asked, "Arya, would you like to try something?"

The suddenness of my question surprised everyone, as I had not mentioned anything about it before.

From my dimensional storage, I took out a pair of magical guns. It was something I had built with my father back in the dungeon house. It was one of the perfect weapons for myself where I could deal with the enemy from afar. But unfortunately, I was never able to use it because the swords won’t let me.

⸻Aren’t they just too conscious about themselves!?

Once the guns were out in the open for everyone to see, a collective exclamation of "What is this?" echoed in unison.

“It’s a gun. Don’t they have this here?”

“I can’t say anything about the demon continent but the term does sound familiar to an ongoing weapon research I had heard in the dwarf kingdom.” Arya said trying to jog through her memory.

While listening to Arya, a thought crossed my mind—perhaps one of my reincarnated classmates was working on creating a gun.

“So did they succeed?” I asked eagerly. I couldn’t help but think I had won by completing the gun first to keep my pride intact as a magical genius.

“You see recently the Dwarf Kingdom vanished from the map so there has been no further news.”

“Wait! An entire kingdom just vanished in one night?” Regis was confused.

“That’s still a mystery for all of the other nations who lost contact with them and we were also one of them who had to suffer dire losses in trade.” Arya was exasperated to remember the numbers she lost. She was truly the princess of the Kingdom known for its trade ventures.

“Arya I want you to try it. Will you?” I asked.

"But I'm not quite familiar with its operation," Arya confessed. Yet, her eyes gleamed with a mesmerizing curiosity,  similar to a child eagerly eyeing their favorite toy on a store shelf.

“I will teach you.” I also wanted my work to be used by someone.

The guns back in earth were easy to use with just a trigger and bullets loaded in it. Not that I had ever got the chance to use one in my previous life. But this magical gun had much more advanced features and used bullets manifested by concentrating magic precisely into shape. The only drawback was that it needed a lot of concertation and magical analysis skill to operate the gun to aim with precision.

If a person with no talent attempted, there could be a chance that the magical bullet would blast inside the barrel of the gun itself, in case of a magic overload. Even if it was fired properly, an unstable bullet would dissipate its magic power before actually hitting the target.

But Arya with her mystic eyes and talent to analyze and understand magic was the perfect candidate. Within a few seconds Arya’s butler, Alfred had prepared a ground for our practice and cleared the place. Arya quickly understood the working process with the explanation I gave to her. At first, she had decided to use a single gun alone for testing purposes.

Arya began infusing magic inside the gun. The magical gun then in response emanated a faint, ethereal glow.

Its frame was crafted from magitite ore, to enhance its magic absorbing capacity. The barrel of the gun slowly charges with a swirling blue mist that glows with a vibrant, pulsating light. The mist within the barrels dances and changes colors, reflecting Arya’s magical energy being channeled through it.

When Arya thought the barrel was full she beckoned to us that she was going to fire. Pressing the trigger slightly, emanated a thin blue ray but when it hit the tree target. A huge center hole was perfectly burnt into it.

“⸻Was that me?” Arya couldn’t help but be baffled. Despite possessing such delicate magic control, her magical powers were too less to cast a strong combat magic spell.

Regis as an archer was taken aback by the power of the magical guns.

You are reading story When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess at novel35.com

“That’s nothing, my arrows could have taken out that entire tree and everything behind it in an instant?” Regis said proudly.

But isn’t that just barbaric? The point of having a gun is to deal precise damage and not overdo it. I was sure of it by looking at Arya’s fascination for the gun. She was happy with the results as well.

It was almost like I could see Regis biting her whole finger in jealousy.

“Don’t worry. I was planning to make a special weapon for you and Han as well once I found time.”

“Really!” It was rare for Regis to not hide her excitement.

“But, I am so glad the gun worked properly on the first try. The experiment was a success.” I cheered.

“What you haven’t tested it before... What if some kind of accident would have happened?” Regis asked me with a brisk face. Did she soon forget that I have to make her weapon as well?

“I would have easily healed Arya if she got hurt.” I tried dodging the question but Regis won’t stop giving me a stern look.

“Alicia, this magical device is amazing. I can’t believe you can also make magical weapons like these.”

It was a big moment for me, being praised by the princess of a kingdom even if she was my friend now.

“I would be worried about your safety when I would have left. So, I want you to keep it.” The words almost came out of my mouth while celebrating the success.

“⸻Are you leaving?” Arya asked in oneness. Her demeanor became stiff and her face lost all color.


Regis nodded when Arya looked at her.

“And when would be that?”

“As soon as we are ready to depart.” I did not wanted to delay without any important reason and so it was best to be honest.

“I see.” Arya could not meet her eye to us. And as if quickly trying to cover and pick herself, she collects her voice. “Thank you for the gun, and I will make sure to master it. Now why don’t we continue with our tea. The things I would like to talk about had suddenly grown so much that I would hate wasting any time.” Arya apparently made herself look back to normal.

Unfortunately for Arya, she had to leave us soon since she was in charge of tonight’s banquet. Also, the entire palace looked in a rush to throw a big banquet tonight.

All the nobles of the Stark Kingdom would have been attending to celebrate the King’s recovery and it would work to relieve the tension of everyone by showing that everything is fine in the palace now.

Ultimately we had decided to leave the palace in the afternoon and not get in anyone’s way. Our next agenda included for this afternoon was to receive Caige and Hana at the seaport.

How did I know about their arrival? It was through the magic storage bag I gave to Caige. Even though I trusted her with all of that money as her employer I needed to keep a good eye on all the transactions. And Caige already knew about this and had no arguments about it.

The bag also had a tracking feature and could only be primarily used by Caige and Maia. So, once Al told me about the movement of the bag’s location, I knew Caige would be arriving today. The sea routes were now safe for her to get here since I had taken care of all the pirates.

Having already informed Arya about their arrival, she was ready to welcome them too in the palace as her guests. Arya also seemed interested in Caige’s skills since they had already met before at the auction.

“I would give a surprise welcome to Maia and I will play a lot with her today.” Hana looked forward to meeting with them as well and I was glad she could think like that for herself.

Within a few minutes, the port was clogged with boats and huge ships and from the top of one ship, a shadow appeared right above us.

Maia dropped in like lightning using her beast powers beside Hana and lifted her while hugging her. Caige too was waving at us from up and quickly got down from the ship the normal way.

“Maia, how can you not be tired even after exploring the entire ship and watching the sea the whole day?” Caige seemed to be a bit dizzy from the sea travels. It almost seemed like she didn’t like ships or had a previous bad experience with them.

“Caige, it's good to see you came. Did everything go alright?” I asked.

“Yes, the sales were so high that the amount people were ready to spend almost sounds dreamy, just to get their hands on your healing potions. And thanks for taking care of the pirates, and I got to hear a lot about it including the stuff about someone being referred to as the White Queen.” Caige teased.

I was too embarrassed to say anything. Was the news this far spread that it reached the shores of the demon continent?

“⸻But I am really glad you made the sea trip safe for me.” It was really rare for Caige to show such warmth.

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