When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess

Chương 122: Volume 8 : CHAPTER – Chapter 13 – COINCIDENCE (1)

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Chapter 13



After revealing the true intention behind the simultaneous production of healing potions and manufacturing new weapons, everyone seemed frozen in place, as if struck by a paralysis spell.

Was my idea of bringing peace by eliminating both the fighting parties really that strange to them?

Caige and Arya, in particular, eventually regained their composure but appeared restless, which was unlike their usual calm demeanor.

Arya summoned her butler, Alfred, and instructed him to set up tables and chairs outdoors and bring food from the party.

And that’s how the banquet party turned into a delightful open-air dinner under the night sky in the palace. I wondered if I had ever dreamt of doing something so special in my previous life.

I should thank Arya for making this all possible. Since I had already told her about my reason for coming to the human continent. She then volunteered to help me in my journey.

But unfortunately, with my limited knowledge, Arya too had little to speak.

“You don’t have her name and a face that only you remember. Limited information like this will make the search difficult.” Arya was trying to hide her surprise at how absurd my request sounded.

“I told you it’s almost impossible to find them with what little we know. It's as if you would have to search through every single person on the entire continent just to locate her.” Regis said jokingly.

“That’s it…” Arya’s sudden consent over Regis’s idea confused everyone. Arya continued to explain, “There is one person who is known to have the strongest spy network that spreads across the entire continent. If you take your request to them, then they might be able to track down the individual you are finding.”

“But will they help us?” Caige raised a valid point. It’s one thing if they want only money, and we pay them for their assistance. But what if they wouldn’t want to bother themselves to use their spy network for someone else?

“That I can’t be sure of. But I am ready to write a request for assistance letter, then they might help you out. but you wouldn’t know unless you try.” Arya was trying to be helpful in all ways possible. Even if it meant her family asks for help from another kingdom and being in their debt.

“So, who is it we are really talking about here?” Regis couldn’t bear the suspense of it.

“It’s the first princess of the Hart Kingdom, Alice Hart.”

On listening to the name, Regis and I made startled faces and looked at each other. I thought it was now best to tell her what Galen told me back in the dungeon. The coincidence couldn’t have been more delightful. Even if the princess did not turn out to be Athena, we could still ask for her help.

“I have never had the chance to meet princess Alice in person, but she is farsighted and is very famous. Not only because of her strong network, but she was the first person to admonish slavery in her kingdom. So, many new economic and social reforms she has introduced that were so effective that many other kingdoms decided to follow them.”

“Every time I hear about her she really turns out to be a more amazing person.” Regis thought to herself loudly.

“It’s following her example that we too wanted to remove slavery in the Stark Kingdom to open more opportunities in this kingdom for everyone and make this a free land safe for all. Even if we see some retaliation and setback, it’s a small price to pay to get to a prosperous future ahead. And that’s when Alicia made the same request to us. I think you two could get along and ask for her help after all.” Arya spoke as if she really idealized the person herself.

Every time I hear about this person it makes me feel warm and happy like I already know her!? I too can’t wait to meet them.

It wouldn’t have been easy to just barge into the Hart Kingdom’s castle and try to meet the princess. But with Arya’s influence, we could get an easy entry and fix a meeting with the princess.

We then continued enjoying the food while talking and laughing. Hana had slept early on her seat, and to make her feel comfortable I made her head lie down on my lap.

After that, we discussed about our trip to Hart Kingdom. Arya told that that the Hart Kingdom was directly to the South of the Stark Kingdom. In order to get there, we had to cross through the borders of the Lativan Kingdom which would take around three to four days. Arya also told that she would prepare the fastest horses and the best driver for us to get there and passes at every checkpoint.

“Thank you Arya for everything.”

“I told you I am your ally and I also want to be part of everything you do. So let me do at least this much. What more scares me is what would have happened if we wouldn’t have met on the ship that day.”

It almost felt like she was playing the role of our tour organizer and we had been depending too much on her.

“The banquet is over, maybe we should go to sleep as well.” Arya said remembering the bulk of tasks she had to do tomorrow morning.

The moment Arya tried to get off her seat, I tightly clutched Arya’s hand and pulled her towards the table.

“Hold on Arya, I just remembered something very important. I got to learn from the guild master about a certain individual hailed as the White Queen who saved the ship from the pirates. And it just so happens that Regis and Hana told me everything. So, if you can explain.” I put on a straight-lipped smile, attempting to conceal my displeasure as much as possible.

Arya uncomfortably looked at Regis for help.

“I know, I will carry Hana back to her bad. Goodnight everyone.” Regis took Hana from me and quickly left.

“Maia and I should probably leave too. A moment later and I might start tumbling on the ground because of the fine wine I got to drink.”

“Nighty night, guys!” Caige and Maia too made a wise decision to leave.

Left all alone, Arya had no choice but to be chewed out by me.




As I strolled through the market of the Stark capital city alone, I couldn't help but regret my decision to engage in a fight with Regis this morning. "Why did I have to go and open my big mouth?" I asked myself while sighing.

The altercation began right after I woke up when I went to the grand library in the palace first thing in the morning. Our departure was scheduled for the following day, and I was determined to make the most of the time by reading as many books as possible.

As a result, I ended up skipping breakfast with everyone and Regis barged in by smashing through the door.

“Do you know how upset Arya looked since you weren’t there at the table? And it took a lot of explaining to Hana otherwise she wouldn’t take a bite without you. Couldn’t you have borrowed these books or make a copy of them and read them on the trip.” Regis yelled, completely obliterating the sacred law of keeping peace in the library.

“I can and I was already planning on doing that.” Listening to my thoughtless reply Regis agitatedly looked at me.

Seeing that I was not paying much attention to what she said and was totally focused on the book I was reading. Regis snatched the book from my hand and closed it on my face.

“Since you have already got a solution. And all you have been doing is staying indoors why not come with me and explore the city to see what's going on out there?” Regis sounded cheerful as she invited me on a stroll with her.

“I don’t want to, won’t there be too many people.” I grumpily looked away like a kid whose favorite game just now had been confiscated by his parents and was sentenced to study for the entire day to get it back.

“But if you don’t go out, you would never get to know how the world is. Do you really think you will be able to find her if you behaved like this?” Regis retorted.

“⸻You don’t have to worry about me.” Saying that I used my webs and took back the book from Regis’s hands.

“And… and why would I be worried about you. Fine, you can stay here holed up all day by yourself. I am leaving.” As Regis left she, tightly shut the door with a bang.

A couple of books on a nearby shelf to the right of the door fell as well.

Since the storm had now passed, I sat down reading again. But now my focus was all gone. This had never happened before.

When the delinquents tried to bully me back in the school in my previous life, I was always able to get back to my reading right after they left.

But with Regis, it was different, as if her words stayed with me. My gaze would every time go at the shut door. Maybe I was hoping she would come in again and this time hold me by my hand dragging me all the way to the outside.

She does know that I am not very good at exploring new places, it’s just not that easy for everyone. I waited and waited. But there was no response or even a slight movement of someone peeking in through the door.

“Aughhhh!” I shut the book tightly. “Fine, I will go by myself.” I stood up and shrieked at the door.

Still, no response.

“So, you think I can’t go by myself? This time I will be the one leaving.” Like a little frustrated child whose ego had been hurt, I teleported myself to the outside gate. I did not want to disturb anyone or let someone accompany me right now in my tantrum.

I will just show Regis that I can do it all alone and explore the city and get back without using teleportation magic. And I especially don’t need her help.

At the towering gates, I easily escaped the watch guards using shadow magic. I had only started walking a few steps outside when the market began.

Stalls lined the cobblestone streets, bursting with an array of colors, scents, and sounds. The air was filled with the captivating offers of merchants and customers haggling.

Among the bustling stalls, merchants peddled their extraordinary wares - enchanted trinkets, exquisite tapestries, dazzling jewels, potions and magical tools. Another stall guarded by huge men sold weapons. At one point I also saw performers attracting crowds with their measly magical tricks, and one also played multiple musical instruments at the same time.

As I continued walking, watching everything in surprise like a countryside girl suddenly left to roam freely in the city. After all, it had only been around two weeks since I left the labyrinth, this world was as new to me as to a newly born child.

Finally, I chanced upon a line of shops that only dealt with food. Fruits and vegetables of a new kind which I had never seen before, while there were also normal ones.

Then there was also the smell of freshly cooked meat from another store. Remembering that I had missed breakfast, I had already started getting hunger pangs.

I looked at my dimensional storage and gave out a long sigh. I had only big gold coins stored there. If I were to show up in one of the shops with this coin, I would probably be sent away because procuring the change for such a large sum would be ridiculous.

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Until now, all expenses were handled by Regis, but she wasn’t here.

I didn’t want to draw attention to myself, even though the mask and the cape I wore over my dress were already making people suspiciously look at me.

Thinking there was no point to move in the crowded areas, I took a less bustling route.

But now the number of shops had also started dwindling and before I could have noticed their number reached zero.

I looked to my left, my right. It’s still too early for me to be….

“Right, then it must be this way.” My optimism was still high.

It only makes sense that to get back, I only need to travel back and retrace the path I took. So, this time without looking I started walking backwards.

Step. One. Step. Two. Step…


The back of my head hit something hard and I was forced to look at my back.

“Why is there a wall, here?”

With balling eyes, I turned in round circle and in no way this place looked familiar. Am I even in the Stark kingdom or did I walk too far from it?

Realizing I was defeated so soon at my own game, my knees refused to move.

Even they knew I was already lost. For some time, I stood there thinking deeply.

“Big sis, do you need some help?”

I turned to the place from where the voice came. A girl shorter than me around ten years old in a red frock was looking at me with a curious gaze.

“⸻Me?” My eyes still recovering from crying, I pointed a finger at myself to confirm she was talking to me.

“Are you lost?” the girl answered my question with another one of hers. So, she was definitely asking me.

How does this little kid even know of my situation, is it really that obvious? Did she see me pathetically walking backward and hitting the wall?

“Don’t cry, big sis. I will help you. Tell me where you want to go and I will take you.”

“Really?” I timidly asked. She didn’t look reserved because of my mask. Maybe it was the mask itself that really caught her fascination and she kept staring at it.

But isn’t helping a lost child to get back to their parents the game event I should be getting in a fantasy world and not the other way around. Why do I have to be the one playing the victim?

“Yes, my name is Stella and I know every place in this city. Just leave everything to me and I will get you back home.” And yet she sounds like the hero character of this game.

Against my better judgment and the desperate pleas of my self-respect, I reluctantly surrendered to her relentless offer of assistance. Oh, the shame of it! But, desperate times call for desperate measures, and I still have to show Regis that I can do this on my own.

I can’t tell her I am from the palace. I tried looking high, hoping to catch a glimpse of the castle but the place was enclosed by houses.

“My name is Alicia. And I don’t know how to get back to my place, I am new here. If you would take me someplace high, then I should be able to point it out to you.” I wonder how she would now respond to my difficult request.

“Then I just know the perfect place. There’s the church tower’s bell and also the city walls where you can get the whole view of the city.” Stella said spreading her hands as if to show how huge the walls really are.

“I see Stella, really knows everything.” I cheered Stella and wanted to appreciate her for her help.

“Of course, it’s because this city is my home.” Stella said puffing her chest proudly.

Her home, I am sure when I meet Athena I could too call that place my home.

“⸻Okay big sis Alicia. To the church then.” Stella began marching pointing her hand forward and putting out her other hand to me.

I took her offer and we started walking while holding hands. Is she that worried about me getting lost again?

Seeing her funny posture like a mascot in a walking parade, I couldn’t help but giggle. I bet for her it’s really just a game even if she is helping me out, I guess I have no choice but to play along.

We walk through several lanes and side walls of building blocks. It was weird how Sella was open in the start but eventually became too quiet and kept walking in front of me. Maybe she really just wanted to help me but was really shy to talk to strangers.

“Is this really the way?” I asked just to confirm once from Stella who kept walking forward without looking back.

“Yes. Just a little bit more.”

From there I should be able to ask Stella to take me to the nearest place to the palace and then I can get back to the palace myself, probably.

Just as Stella said a towering church bell came into view. Just the next turn and I am sure I will be back on the main road.

But then Al sends me the signal of two presence hiding in the background in front of us. Without making Stella worry, just in case I walked ahead of her.

And the men in response, disclosed themselves by stepping outside.

“Look what we have here. Fresh commodity walking right to us. It must have been your unluckiest day to cross paths with us.” With a gruffly voice the man began staring at us.

“A young girl and a small child, right in our hands.” The other man smirkingly looked at us.

Not the ruffian act again. Aren’t they too much into the hoodlum act with their pointy beard and ragged dressing sense? Wouldn’t it make more sense to put on a disguise and then do their dealings to decrease the chance of being caught?

Fine, I will just teleport them outside the city in the forest with monsters. For explanation, I will just tell Stella that it was a magic trick and they were doing their part.

Just when I was about to cast my magic.

One of them brandished their weapon and got behind me. Maybe they were wary that we would try to run, even though there never was a need for me to.

“Isn’t this our tenth catch today? The cart will be almost full by these two. Let’s end this here today.” The second ruffian spoke nonchalantly without having any inkling that I was going to make them disappear.

⸻So, there are more.

I quickly held back my magic and noticed Stella’s grip on my hands getting tighter.

I could have protected only her. But now I needed to act carefully so that no one gets hurt.

“What do you want to do with us?” I asked trying to act scared, my performance was perfect as if I was meant to play the role.

“Don’t blame us, but since slavery is banished in this kingdom now, all the slave traders need to leave. So, we are only just doing their bidding.” The first ruffian spoke.

“Just keeping a slave is illegal now. So, you will be just added as part of their collection to make extra profit and sold in another kingdom. Because you two are girls they just might take good care of you till you get your master.”

“Now be good kids and follow us if you don’t want to get hurt.”

Why do all the villains have to act and sound the same?

At that time, Stella snuck close to me, hiding her face in my dress. Maybe she did not want me to see her cry.

But because the abolishment of slavery was done at my request, I needed to investigate who was going against the law. Most probably they were in a hurry to get out of the town and nab as many people as they could to use as their slaves.

If I defeat them now, the other members of their organization might become wary and leave the kingdom with the victim slaves.

But if they take me to their base, I will then just get rid of them and save everyone. Maybe then Stella won’t consider me a useless adult for getting so easily lost in the town.

It was not like I secretly intended to brag to Regis about how I saved everyone from the dirty hands of the slave traders when I get back while she was playing inside the palace. I needed to do things right and not let anyone get hurt because of me.


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