When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess

Chương 126: Volume 8 : Chapter 17 – PROMISE (1)

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Chapter 17



I could already hear the whispers behind my back. The townsfolks had started gathering to know about the commotion, while the city guards formed a tight perimeter, poised to apprehend us at the behest of the head servant’s command.

I went from being a stealthy shadow in the background to the star of the show in the blink of an eye. All because this girl couldn't quite grasp the concept of closing her mouth.

“Do you really think I would believe whatever nonsense you spout, girl?” Obviously, the head servant of Hobbo would treat Elsie’s claim of me being the prince as a joke.

I told you he is the prince.” Elise did not back down. Maybe I should have known by now how stubborn she could be.

“Why would the prince of the empire visit this backwater town in the first place? I can have you just arrested on the pretext of falsifying and pretending to be a royal.” The house servant grew increasingly wary of us.

“Why don’t we start with our introductions again? If you say you are really the head servant of the house of Hobbo you must be at least acquainted with this insignia.” I took off my hood covering my head and presented him with a brochure from underneath my jacket.

All royals and nobles in the empire carry their house’s insignia. Also, being a common practice in other kingdoms as well, engraved with their own family’s special crest. While mine was labeled with an iron fortress, the Nova Royal Family’s crest. Also known as the Ironclad Stronghold based on its origin. The origin of the Nova Empire dates back to being a simple stronghold in the cold North to becoming the biggest country in the entire human continent.

All these crests because of special magic casting and forging, no duplicates could be created. Just forging a mere duplicate or replica was forbidden and seen as an act of treason.

Usually, head servants were trained to recognize these insignias and inform the lords they served. So that would in turn ascertain his identity as well.

At first, the head servant only gave a glance at the insignia thinking it was just a miniature, but then the shining coating caught his eyes. And the iron fortress marked on it made him bend his knee.

He ran forward surprising everyone and reached closer to my insignia inspecting it thoroughly by putting his eyes as close as possible to it.

“It’s the real thing.” The head servant hushed with an unbelievable face that could have been impossible to replicate.

“I told you he is the prince.” Why does Elsie look so smug like she was the rightful winner of this contest!?

We just narrowly escaped from being thrown into prison. Was she planning to fight all these knights all by herself? Maybe it’s better I don’t ask her that question.

Our identity is now exposed, but it doesn’t matter anymore.

I took a quick glance around and at its people and knowing how deplorable this place had become.

I think I have already seen enough.

“Are you certain now?” Saying that I put the crest back.

“…Yes… yes, my prince.” The head servant now spoke with a different tone altogether. The harsh infidelity voice was replaced with courtesy and a spice of surprise.

“I am the fifth prince of the Nova Empire, Kevin Nova. So, will you now take us to meet the governor of this place?”

“Unn…prince… the problem is…things like this might need some time and preparation. May I know the real reason for your visit?” The head servant was not sure how to proceed next. The people now watched in awe at me knowing that I was the prince.

“Are you refusing me an audience with your Lord?” I hated any kind of delay at this point.

“Yes, lord Hobo is in the mansion. He will see you as soon as possible. Please follow me.” At my forewarning, the head servant quickly agreed knowing the position we held in this case.

The head servant directed the soldiers at his command to safely take us to the Hobbo estate. But before that, Elsie was adamant on getting all those goons into the jail for harassing the people there. Now that the guards knew she was the real deal and my escort. They obediently listened to her and did what she said.

The head servant suddenly made an excuse of the estate lacking horses and carts. And that it would take time to bring horses from the main house. But I volunteered to travel simply on foot.

He must have felt frustrated with my decision and at the same time, I saw him signaling one of his underlings to quickly leave for the Hobbo’s estate before us.

We soon started to walk towards our destination the Hobbo mansion. It was supposed to be at the other end of the town. At several points, the head servant tried to stop us or enquiring the reason of our visit. Regardless of their attempts, I had already made up my mind about what would happen next.

In half an hour we were at the gates of the Hobbo mansion. A rusted iron gate was opened by the guards after they saw the head servant beckon to them. The inside of the mansion was first a garden. But the wilting leaves and overgrown grasses showed that they were little cared for.

The mansion from the outside did not look that special, but the interior spoke of an entirely different world altogether. Beautiful tiled plates adorned the wall, and lavish decorations and statues spoke much of the eccentric taste of the lord of this estate.

No one would have believed if they saw this and still say that the city could have been that miserable. Elsie too was mesmerized by the wealth this place displayed.

“Welcome to the Jade province. Your highness, the fifth prince, Kevin Nova.” The man himself finally showed up as he climbed down the stairs.

“I am sorry you had to see some chaos on the street, but don’t worry I will make a special example out of them.” The Lord of Hobbo was now standing right in front of us.

He wore a lavish suit, his hands adorned with gold rings, and his tall stature spoke of his high confidence in himself. So, he was not fazed to see me here at all.

“Is that your way of being considerate of us?” I said in a rhetorical voice.

“Maybe if you would have put your guards to better use, then pathetic thugs like those would stop endangering the citizens here.” Elsie still looked angry with what had happened before.

“I am sorry, but I did not catch who you are. Don’t you know it is rude to speak when two big people are talking.”

“I am Elsie, the prince’s guard.”

“I see, it’s an honor to meet you miss Elsie. My name is Henderly Hobbo. I don’t see any other escort for the prince besides yourself. You must be pretty strong for escorting the prince here alone all by yourself.”

“Yes…” Even Elsie was taken aback by that cheap compliment. At least she seems to understand what is going on inside this man’s mind.

Knowing that Elsie and I are alone, he must think that we will be weak and vulnerable.

“You must have been pretty tired. Why don’t you come to our guest house? We will make sure that we give you the best hospitality you deserve.” Governor Hobbo made his offer.

“No, that won’t be necessary.” I said.

“I see that’s too bad. Is the Emperor well? So, does he have a special command for me?”

“Father is well. You need not concern yourself with his wishes. I have a special reason of my own for coming here.”

“And what would that be? You see not many nobles come here and it has been a few decades since  a royal visited.” Suddenly the tone of Mr. Gobbo changed and he pushed all his attention to me with a piqued eye. He must have been really working hard trying to figure out my intentions for coming here.

“So, I will get down straight to business. Governor of the Jade province, Henderly Hobbo. I want you to accept all your crimes.” I said in a straightforward manner.

For a moment, silence ensued through the halls. Elsie too did not see any of this coming.

“You have a very bad sense of joke. The journey must have tired you after all nobody ever comes to visit this region.” The governor laughed it off.

“Does this pretty stone look familiar to you, lord Hobbo?” From my pocket, I flashed a shining green crystal. I found this rock in one of the minister’s chambers who was colluding with him back in the castle to forge all reports of this region.

“Where did you find those? So, what kind of stone would that be?”

“I found these with a new acquaintance I made back in the palace, who is currently being held in my room after I tied him to my chair and got all the information out of him.”

“I don’t know who you might be talking about?” the man still tried to play the fool.

“Just as I said before I know of all of your crimes you have committed. Of how you have forced half of your people into mining this illegally in your region and synthesized them into producing and selling mindless drugs to sell in the capital.”

“That’s so unfortunate. But I assure you what you are saying is a mistake. You are free to look round the town and ask anyone.”

“So, tell me why didn’t I see any young man in the city? There were only little kids, women, and old people in the town.”

“Now that the prince says it, I felt the same.” Elsie doubled my claim.

“So, do you have anything to say about that and the impossible condition of the town? Would you mind if I reported this back at the main palace?”

“What is this I won’t let a prick like you accuse me for something I have not done?” Lord Hobbo suddenly took a step back as if he had run out of options or did not feel hiding anything anymore from here on will be necessary.

“Now don’t be a pain anymore and just come clean.” It's not like saying this would make this thing easier, but at least I still wanted to give him a chance.

“You have no evidence to prove that I have done anything wrong. Answer me do you have anything legitimate against me or just some rubble stones you picked from the seaside.” Hobbo started laughing viciously without holding back.

“So, you want evidence?”

“That’s right kid. The world doesn’t revolve around you and that people will follow whatever you say even if you are the prince. I am the one in control of this place and no one can defy me here.”

“Hahaaa….So, you think you are the one in control. Haaaaa…” Even I couldn’t stop myself from laughing after he made such a foolish claim for himself.




What’s wrong with the prince? Why is he laughing? Even that man called Hobbo was surprised by the prince’s behavior.

Wasn’t our plan supposed to first find some clues in the city itself and then expose this man’s all-dirty work? Isn’t it too early for this conversation?

“Elsie…” the prince called out to me.

“Yes, prince.” I ended up answering in a stiff voice, being called out so suddenly.

“You asked me how I was going to resolve this problem.”

“Now... Did I …” I tried remembering scratching my cheeks. I might have asked something like that but would have probably not given much thought to it myself.

“Seems like there was never the need to lay out an elaborate plan or trap. I will just make him say it.”

Saying that the prince rushed and pulled out a punch on the governor Hobbo’s face throwing him several meters away flat on the ground. It was one serious punch.

“I suppose we will just sort this problem for once your way.” The prince cast a glance my way, his charming smile filled with a hint of danger. He almost looked refreshed after punching that rude man.

I knew it he still must think I am some kind of brute or psycho. Maybe instead of spending all my childhood years in the forest, I should have learned some social skills too.

“But… I like it.” I said to myself.

“What is the meaning of this? You dare to punch me in my own domain. Do you really think you can walk away with that?” Gobbo barely tries to stand up after losing his footing from that punch. Maybe the gold chain on his neck was getting too heavy for him to carry.

“Right, you asked for the evidence.” The prince then rolled out all the scroll of documents he had me read in the carriage.

“These are all the papers you and your accomplice in the ministry forged and tried to pull out huge amounts from the treasury.”

Hobbo was surprised to learn that prince Kevin already had evidence enough to put him in detention and requested the ministry to have a thorough check on him.

“But I think I would like to take things further without this.” The prince then himself tear those papers and threw them at Hobbo. “I will have you accept your crimes without this.”

“Wahhh….” For a moment Hobbo felt despair and ran backward holding his cheeks where it hurt him the most. Most probably he had lost some teeth and swallowed them in fear.

But I think it’s my turn to shine again and this time properly conduct myself in a fight and use this stunning sword that I was given. I had already been prepared for this and saw a fight coming.

Since we entered this mansion, I could feel the presence of many people watching us from hidden spots. People surrounding this place and holding weapons, their gasped breathing. I could sense them right from here. Either they are too confident in their numbers or just lousy fools. Even monsters and animals are better than them at hiding their presence.

Most probably the prince saw this happening from the start as well and decided there was no need to take the long route.

“You think I will just let you leave here after what you did to me? You are much foolish that I thought to just walk inside here with only a single girl guard. No one will ever come to know what happened to you after I bury you in a wasteland.”

“So, you finally show your true colors. Now that you have actually threatened a royal. I can take any appropriate action to protect myself.” Prince Nova smirked at him.

“Damn it. Everyone make sure no one leaves here alive.” On one command of their Lord, the building was flooded from everywhere with people carrying weapons. These people included the knights and I could have recognised some of the thugs who attacked us back then.

….ehhhhh! I felt somewhat nervous as my legs shivered. How am I supposed to handle all of this on my own? And I remembered the prince was without any weapons.

Unsheathing my shining sword, I stood in front of the prince to protect him. That was my job, but seeing how relaxed he looked made me worried.

But if I am not able to handle such a simple situation how can I even hope to achieve to become a general like father.

In our closest proximity, bandits six in total, stepped out from the window at the back. They carried an assortment of weapons—swords, knives, and steel clubs. Their leader, a burly brute with a scarred face, stepped forward with a wicked grin.

"Well, well, we meet again missy!" the bandit sneered.

“Are you out here for revenge after getting a new toy; I will show you that the result will be the same.” It was one of the thugs I knocked down back in the streets.

“Everyone attack her at once.”

“Inferno Saber.”

Before the men could have realized what happened and charged, I slice their swords in two. When they saw my sword spewing fire and their own cut-down swords. Their legs froze.

I simply kicked them and threw them from the same window they came from.

The door in front, the stairs, the windows, and even from the ceiling, men came pouring out from everywhere to attack us. We were now surrounded from every side.

 Regardless the prince stood there motionless. I had a feeling, either he was not interested or had left everything on me.

It’s not like it was the first time I was in a pinch. Back during my training in the forest, there were several times when I was careless and got myself surrounded by monsters. I was alone. I was tired and sometimes badly hurt.

And yet I always made it back alive. I can’t just allow myself to disappear before achieving anything.

At that time, when my mind feels clouded and angry. I am sometimes able to tap into strong magical energy residing deep inside me. Whether it’s my future potential that I might be able to reach one day or my soul power.

In one single burst, I release a tremendous amount of magical energy that surrounds me. My eyes blaze with crimson light as I concentrate deeper and let my emotions flow.

Burst of fire surrounds the place, and the gang tasked to take us down suddenly stopped moving. Giant flames erupt from my sword its edges wreathed in flickering orange and red hues.

The bandits recoiled, their eyes widening in both fear and awe.

With a mighty swing of my sword, the flames burnt through my enemies and everything in my view was consumed in fire.



Hobbo’s Mansion

“What’s happening... who is really that girl? Do something and kill her?” Seeing his mansion burn Hobbo went almost mad with rage.

“So, do you accept all your crimes and come back to the Nova Castle and bend your knee.” The prince offered again.

“Never. Never. It’s all you royals who are at fault. You all say you care. But where was your support when this land was dying.”

“What are you talking about?”

Since Elsie had lost all control of her magic she was now like a killing machine and started taking out all the attackers in groups. So, Kevin thought he could have some time and get to the depth of things.

“This used to be a thriving mining city. But five years back it turned into a wasteland after the mines dried up. So, many times I sought for help from the capital only to get monetary budgets to make my city barely get by after importing all our goods from far away cities. Production was dying and food resources were scant. But money alone isn’t enough to solve all problems. Its population knew nothing else except mining. We needed resources, skilled people to make this place grow, or a way to convert it into fertile land.”

You are reading story When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess at novel35.com

“But it just so happened recently that a new mine was discovered with a new ore you had never seen before.” The prince tried to put the information piece by piece.

“Exactly, and this time I wanted to take back my revenge from the capital. But we still lacked the knowledge and technology to process this ore.” Hobbo putting his hands on his face tightly, tried to remember the day he swore vengeance.

“So, you thought to save some money and capture the citizen here to mine that ore free for you and keep their mouth shut? I don’t understand what was your reason to become a drug supplier in all of this?”

“I say why not? Because it made me lots of money. The people of this city did not believe in me and did not want to give up on mining ores whenever I made a proposal to adopt a job change. And so, I made them just do that. That’s when those people appeared and showed me an easy method to convert them into drugs.”

“Who are they?” Suddenly the prince was alarmed realizing the involvement of an outside force.

“If you are so informed about my business you must know the existence of the organization that calls itself the Hive.”

“So, the Hive is involved in all of this mess too.” Kevin already knew of an anti-imperialist faction that wanted to undermine the king’s growing influence. But at the core of it from their actions, it was clear that they were a group of violent terrorists. Arsonism, kidnapping, genocide, drug selling, meaninglessly burning cities, and attacking borders was their daily business. And they did it all under the false banner of justice and freedom.

“I see that’s how it is... its much better than I thought. Now I have nothing to hold myself back. I will make sure I finish you right in this place.” Kevin looked determined.

“You are the fifth prince, right? I have heard about you being only a half noble and how your commoner mother was killed by the Hive to make an example out of her. You must hate them a lot. I will make sure I make a gift of your head to those people. They would be surely overjoyed and certainly reward me.”

“Prince I am done.” Suddenly Elsie walked in front of Kevin dragging her sword. The new fresh knight clothes she was so proud of looked tattered and in most places burnt and covered in blood.

“How dare you say all that to the prince?” Elsie’s menacing face and appearance were too intimidating for Hobbo.

Elsie instead of stopping kept on dragging the sword to the place where Hobbo stood. Her sword still gave out flames while her magical energy was almost exhausted. But she knew she could not just lie down or take a rest before the job is done.

“Why are you still alive, where is everyone?” Hobbo looked around only to find most of his people burnt alive or few who could escape the hellfire running away. His mansion was completely charred and Elsie fought to the point it could fall at any moment.

“I will not let you get away with this. After I have killed both of you I will just build this again.”

Somehow Hobbo was still not scared after what Elsie pulled off and even though he had no one to help him anymore. That’s when he took out an orb from his pocket and it flashed a light blinding everyone.




“I have to protect the prince before anything bad happens.”

I had already noticed Hobbo moving his hand to get hold of something that has kept his confidence intact. My legs moved even before I could think seeing the grin on his face.

My hands tried to reach only able to push him far and the shining orb falls from his hands and broke. Both Hobbo and I land hitting ourselves on the ground.

“Hobbo quickly stood up realising the consequences. The prince and I were still confused about what was to entail.

“What have you done stupid girl? It was the only way to control that thing and now it's broken and you have set free. It will be all on you.” Hobbo’s disoriented face still did not give any idea to us.

"If you are going to ask me money from me for breaking it. I will let you know I do not have a single penny right now on me." After all, they were still in that carriage which should by now have reached the capital of the Empire.

We only watched him worriedly looking around as if finding a spot to hide his skin. But what was there to really hide from?


It was when the vase behind me fell and the trembling ground set the broken pieces into a frenzy. The walls started cracking only to stop for a second.

“It stopped….”

“Elsie get back.” The prince shout at me and I quickly felt the surge of energy coming from below.

 As I leaped backward. The earth started splitting right where the pieces of the orb lay scattered. Flames erupted as if the magma from below was about to burst, but instead, a huge hand crept out.

Producing a cackling sound unlike a human being something was trying to climb up from the depths of the earth at full speed.

“It’s coming and this entire city will perish now and no one will be able to stop it. It was when we were mining the ore we found this ancient relic of the Great Wars. In the records that were found alongside it. They called it the Vulcanos- the Fiery Earth Guardian.” Hobbo looked at the creeping hand with amazement, his eyes almost popping out.

The temperature of our surroundings was rising at an unbelievable speed. The cacophony of blasting steel with explosion and all that shaking was only the beginning of the chaos. We could only imagine and still fail to predict the size of that thing.

Until both its hands now held the edge of the crack. And with a leap its entire body jumped out of the crack.

“The strongest golem Vulcanos, I am the one who freed you and your owner. Be grateful and obey me.” Hobbo with open arms make a strong declaration, hoping he would succeed without that control orb.

A giant golem stood in front of me. Its head almost peeking out of the roof. Fire and hot pressurized gas spewed everywhere from its body. Old brown and rusted steel covered its entire body like armor. Its head was shaped like a dome and a red laser eye flashed from inside it. Its belly was a steel hearth with a limitless supply of fire.

I could hear the panic from the city folks as the ash coming from its belly almost colored the sky dirty brown.

“What have you done? How could you do this to your own people?” I sneered with a disgusting look at Hobbo.

He turn to me, his eyes filled with satisfaction, “You are the one who broke the orb. If you two hadn’t come here no one would have to get hurt.”

“That’s just an excuse to cover your own crimes. I will never let this pass. I will stop that giant thing myself.”

I needed to protect the prince and if I didn’t stop that thing it might go to crush the entire city.

Finally, the golem after flashing red light over the entire area as if getting a scan of this place, finally moved its leg. Its movements were slow but once its foot touched the ground, an explosion turned the floor into a big crater.

I again created a flaming sword and ran toward its ankles. My sword hit the place before it could even spot me.

But I should have known that all of this would be pointless. A relic from the Great War would be almost impossible to defeat.

My sword only hits the metal and bounces back without leaving a scratch and even my flames got neutralized. A fiery pressurized wind then blows me away. But I was still not ready to give up until I had tried everything.

“It would be tough to get near him from the ground. I wish at times like this I could fly.”

I held my sword tightly, knowing there was still a way for me to make heights equal. Forcing all my magical energy on my leg I could create a forceful burst and launch myself at its head.

Holding my sword tightly I aimed at its head. The heat was too much, but if I enveloped myself in my own magical energy, I should be fine to some degree. Sensing an opportunity, I unleashed a burst of magical energy underneath me, and at points in the air, I tied to maneuver myself and follow the same till I got to the same level as its head.

The red light from its eye followed me almost immediately. I coalesced a ball of fire shot in front of it and attacked its head with it. Exploding on impact and producing a powerful gust of wind. Flames entirely consumed its head and the thing toppled after losing balance.

“I was able to do it.” But it was not time to just relax, I had only slowed it down. What I needed to do now was get out of this place with the prince and somehow also help the city folks get to a safe location.

“What are you doing losing like that you piece of junk.” Hobbo kicked the fallen golem rapidly with his legs only to get hurt in turn.

Suddenly the hand of the golem moved as he caught Hobbo tightly and stood up. Hobbo’s body in a second was crushed around his neck and he died even without knowing what had happened.

With one hand he opens the lid of the furnace around his belly and throws Hobbo inside it and closes it again. Suddenly the amount of fire inside its body pumped up and began to move more actively.

“I need to do that thing again before it goes on a rampage.”

My magical powers were running low by now, but I somehow had to make it happen. Once again I leaped into the air, but this time my thrust speed was slower than the last time.

The golem’s eyes followed me and then a mechanical iron hand appeared in front of me pushing me all the way down to the ground till I was crushed underneath its weight.

I was slowly losing consciousness and in the haziness of the moment, I saw the red eye inside the golem’s head glow as if it was about to release a laser.

I wanted to stand up and fight, but that blow might have caused a fracture in my legs and I was too weak to move any other muscle.

“Your job was to protect me, not fight to the death.” It was the prince’s voice as I saw him walk close to the Golem.

It was difficult to move my head around or speak but I wanted him to go far way and protect himself.

Suddenly, the ground underneath me began to feel soft and cold. The difficult to breath warm air suddenly became cold. When I tried to feel it with my hand I sensed a silver semi-solid metal trying to lift me up as it slowly surrounded me in a spherical shell.

“What’s happening?” I feared the golem was doing something.

“Rest and leave everything to me now.” It was the prince’s voice again.

I knew the prince was strong but I still cannot think someone would be able to defeat that big golem alone.

Through the small spiral gaps which were left for me to breathe in the sphere, I saw the prince walk straight toward the golem.

Cylindrical-shaped metal wires burst out from the prince’s back.

“What kind of magic is that?” I was struck with horror. Just sensing the dark magic associated with the black metal element gave me the chills to move my eyes away from it. But I continued to watch.

The golem tried to attack the approaching prince with the same thrust of his hand. But then the wires enwrapped itself around the golem’s arms and stopped it mid-way.

The prince moved the wires to gain control over the golem’s hand and made it punch himself until it fell down.

The golem in response released the stored energy inside its head in the form of a laser that melted everything. Just as the beam fell on the prince, the wires coalesced into a shield and stopped the fiery red rays.

But the real question was could the prince’s black steel magic cut through the metal armor of the golem? Using the wires as spiring the prince jumped high into the sky almost effortlessly. He casts a magic spell and long metal rods materialise in the sky.

Controlling them at the tip of his finger he uses them as mere pins to make them float and thrust them to pierce the golem to the ground.

The golem continuously launches his laser beam but none of them was able to get through the prince’s barrier.

“You are a problem in my plan so I will have you disappear.” The prince spoke to himself.

The wire around him starts converging to a single point, revolving until it becomes a massive pointy arrow.

“Septentrione Cycle.”

The revolving spike was aimed directly at the golem’s belly which could have also been considered its powerhouse and packed its explosive power.

The spike directly landed on its layered armor and started piercing through it.

Just the sound of it churning was deafening to my ears. The giant sparks almost set the entire house on fire. I was still protected by this sphere and was fine.

From when did the fight become so one-sided? I was sure the golem was strong enough that even an entire militia camp wouldn’t be enough to stall its advance. But the prince’s magic was beyond my comprehension.

It happened much sooner than I imagined but the metal spike had already impaled the golem, penetrating halfway through its colossal form. Suddenly, a tremendous explosion reverberated through the air as the released natural gases erupted in a single, devastating blast.

Finally, when the dust and smoke cleared, the sphere around me uncurled and disappeared. I was somehow able to keep on standing after taking this small break.

The prince then appeared and took a quick look at me. I wanted to run away not wanting to show myself in such an unsightly state.

The golem was gone and not even a shred of its metal scrap remained.


“It's fine, we have won. But it’s a shame we couldn’t get a location of the ore mine of that man and he died without giving out any useful evidence I could present in the palace. But first, maybe we need to get to a healer in the city.” The prince sighed ahs he looked at my unsightly state.

I had so many questions about this adventure. But maybe the prince wanted to avoid all of them and even hide his immeasurable power. I also wanted to know what happened in the prince’s past about which Hobbo talked.

Suddenly remembering that thing I was now holding in my pocket.

“Right when I jumped at Hobbo to stop him from using the orb. He was desperately trying to hide this cube in his pocket. I thought it could be important but I really don’t know what to do with it.”  I chided myself for doing something so foolish even in danger.

But the prince quickly took the iron cube in his hand.

“I think it’s also an artifact used to protect things inside it.” The prince then suddenly used magic without any kind of incantation and the cube suddenly twists in all directions and come out part by part only to leave a key and map in hand.

“Maybe this could help us get to the ore mine now. It doesn’t seem to be far away from this place.” The prince murmured glancing at the map.

“You really have got some sticky fingers and keen eyes.”

“Your highness don’t you think I did pretty well on my first mission!?” I knew things just weren’t over yet and we needed to go and save those people who were still trapped in the mining facility. But I really wanted to hear what the prince thought. I needed to know whether I was helpful otherwise all my hard work till now would have been meaningless.

The prince was himself strong enough to take care of the golem without any difficulty, so what was really the point of bringing me along? Maybe he would now just leave me behind and walk away once I was purpose was fulfilled.

“You did put on a good show…”

Just hearing the prince say that I was glad at least he did not think of me as a brute anymore.

“But that was a complete waste of magical energy. In fact, I am disappointed and surprised to see how you survived this far without damaging your body.” The prince kept on muttering.

“So… harsh.” My mind was left utterly ravaged after being pointed out with so many faults.

“Don’t worry or cry maybe I could help you to learn it better, after all, what you use can be developed into aural arts which only the strongest knights in the Empire use. You already have got the feel and just need to do some magical training and study.”

And now he was taking pity on me, but I was happy because it meant that I could be his guard even just for a little longer.



 ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄ SUPPORT ME IN MY WRITING ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄

Everyone who is reading my novel and loves Alicia on her exciting adventures in this new fantasy world.

Thanks a lot for all your support! It really means a lot to me.

Till now I have published from volume one to volume seven for free. And I hope to continue to do so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and then eventually storms in the outside world.

Keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

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I hope that you keep enjoying my work and in knowing the interesting characters which will be constantly introduced to you in the story.

I hope that the next chapter too proves to be to your liking!

You can find story with these keywords: When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess, Read When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess, When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess novel, When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess book, When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess story, When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess full, When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess Latest Chapter

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