When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess

Chương 127: Volume 8 : Chapter 18 – PROMISE (2)

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Chapter 18




From the artifact cube lock that I had stol…, ⸺I mean confiscated from Lord Hobbo, prince Kevin was easily able to crack it open.

It revealed to us a map of the Jade province with the location of the hidden mines marked out in red.

After resting for a bit, the prince found a healer in the city to heal my wounds in the middle of all the chaos and destruction caused by that golem. It was a shame neither of us could use light or healing magic.

Also, we were relieved to hear that the people had somehow evacuated in time and only the Lord’s mansion was destroyed in the onslaught. Even though the people mostly thanked me for defeating that golem, in truth it was the prince who actually took that gigantic thing down all on his own.

I decided not to object, otherwise, it would reveal the prince’s secret.

Even though the burns and injury I had sustained could not be completely healed that quickly. But I asserted the fact that the people still stuck inside the mines would need our help and we should go to help them right away.

“I have been in much bad shape than this. I can handle it. We should get to the mines first.” I said in my most cheerful voice.

Also, the people who till now had to keep their mouths shut had finally started voicing their concerns. They all were threatened and their family members were taken away to the mines to work.

“Fine, let’s get them back as soon as possible.” The prince finally agreed to it.

We quickly made our way to the spots marked over the map and reached the outskirts of the Jade province. It was a half-day’s journey on foot from the main city.

The sun had already started to set over the rugged rocky landscape.

“What kind of place is this? Could there really be an ore mine here?” I worriedly asked wondering that we might have come to the wrong place. We were standing over a long running rocky unfertile land with some old pillars still standing, most probably remnants of some old village.

The prince then noticed an entrance to a blocked hidden cave. It was the only thing that looked clean and without a dust coating in the entire place, so we became suspicious of it. It was marked by a massive stone archway and was adorned with shimmering green stones that glowed with a diffused light.

Suddenly the cube which the prince held started to glow deeply as well and in response the green stones began to flicker.

To us what appeared only a blocked path, suddenly started rumbling and the wall moved on its own. I took a step back seeing the ground shake.

The movement of that large wall was enough to cause small tremors around us.

Being responsible to guard the prince I stepped forward and approached the archway to check for any danger. I suddenly felt a tingling sensation in the air, as if the very magic that infused the mine was reaching out to touch me.

The prince stepped through the archway as well, and together we were met with a breath-taking sight. The mine's interior was a vast, subterranean chamber. It should have been dark enough to even consume the incoming light reaching from the opening.  

But it was illuminated by luminescent crystals that adorned the walls and ceiling. These crystals emitted a soft, radiant green glow, casting intricate patterns of light and our shadow across the walls.

Navigating further into the mine, the two of us sensed some people across the next turning.

“Who are you?” A man dressed in one of the uniforms which the guards of Hobbo wore stopped at the corner.

“Where’s Lord Hobbo?” Another guard quickly unsheathed his sword, not seeing their master but only the prince standing there.

“Lord Hobbo has fallen and now this mine is free. It will be easy if you turn in yourself now.” The prince said.

“Stop spouting nonsense. No one can learn the secret of this mine.” Just when the guard was about to pounce on the prince to attack him.

I who was hiding in the corner taking advantage of the dimly lighted environment hit the man with the hilt of my sword and knocked him down.

The other surprised guard was just about to run back realizing he was outnumbered but I threw a rock and took him out as well.

“Now sleep well.” I happily looked at the prince since I protected him.

“At least she didn’t kill them this time.” The prince said with a tone of relief. “Now they can answer whatever we ask them when they wake up.” The prince was still worried about questioning them to learn more about this place.

The good news was that I found some keys fallen on the ground where the guards lay unconscious and picked them up out of courtesy.

The deeper we went into the mines we discovered newly built prison bars blocking the way and beyond which many townsfolk were working to mine the green ores.

These townsfolks were completely baffled when they saw two new people who were not guards. Once I told them we were there to rescue them and opened the doors with the help of the keys they jumped in joy.

The prince did not seem keen on talking to the masses and stood aside. While I explained the situation to these people and how the town was now free from Lord Hobbo’s rule.

As per the prince’s orders, I asked them to take those two guards back to the town with them after tying them up properly.

The prince and I now waited outside, while I did not know the purpose of doing so.

“Are we going sightseeing at this place?” I asked in an amused voice. I knew I lacked patience, so I decided to ask anyway.

Isn’t it the part where we enjoy ourselves after completing the mission?


“Ehhh… who laughed?” I got alarmed.

After all, it was a voice other than mine or the prince.

“How long are you going to make me wait here?” The prince sounded agitated.

“I am not surprised you knew I was here. It’s good to see you are doing well Prince Kevin.” The unknown voice continued to speak.

A young man then suddenly materialized in front of us.

“⸺A….a, a ghost?” I found myself quickly hiding behind the prince. No one can fight the supernatural after all.

“That’s the first time someone has called me that? But I would take that as a compliment since we are meeting for the first time.”

“So, why are you here?” Prince Kevin asked.

“The lady still seems to be scared of me. So let me introduce myself first. My name is Magnus and just like you I am also a knight of the empire.” The man brought his hand forward to shake. He had striking yellow eyes and head of a blond hair. He embodied the features of a soldier's physique, being a man in his late twenties.

“Oh! I am Elsie and I am one of the prince’s personal guards.” I said while shaking hands.

“I didn’t know the prince had any guards before. You must be something special to have caught his attention. I would really love to know how you saved all those people back in the town.” The man asked intrigued.

“I know I am amazing, right! We saved all the people from that unlawful lord and I alone fought a bunch of his men and bandits. But the prince is even more amazing and he also took down…”

“That will be enough. You don’t need to tease her anymore. You still have not answered my question. You have been following us this whole time and yet you didn’t come to help us a single time as is your duty.” The prince seemed more on edge than usual.

Right, there was something odd about this the whole time. If this man has been following us the whole time just as the prince said. Why I could not notice him or sense his presence at all. Even the magic he radiates is so strong to not just belong to any normal knight ranking.

Also, the important fact was that his knight’s dress looked more exquisite and royal than mine. Even his sword looked more intimidating. I looked at the prince maybe he knew something since the two were familiar.

“He is one of the Emperor’s hero knights, Magnus Archon.” The prince said to me.

“An Archon…. as in one of the five heroes who serve under the Hero King.” I bit my own tongue, and my voice tinged with awe at the realization of encountering such a legendary figure.

“So, this person in front of me is a hero.” I asked again my eyes as if were just about to pop out.

“Yes.” The man affirmed with a smile.

“Magnus Archon the one infamous for his sword skills, strength, and a commoner who rose up to become a hero.” I repeated what I knew and had heard about him.

“Yes. Right here in the flesh.” 

“And I have also heard about stories of your surprise attacks and assassinations in the enemy camp and how you can creep up to any bed and smother a sleeping man and escape without getting noticed.”

“Yes that might be true to some degree, but that does sound more like what a creep would do and not a hero.”

“Wahhhhh….. So, he is a hero. No one really jokes about something like that. And I got to shake hands with him.”

But how the hell did I end up trying to act superior to someone so strong and dignified? Realizing my foolishness, I knew it would be the end of me.

“So, what kind of death punishment do I get for being so casual with a hero? I am sorry, just let me go back home to my mother.” I said with hollow eyes, all my vigor vanishing.

“Its fine. I don’t think the prince would like something horrible to happen to you with that stubborn face he is making. In fact, you should be proud you saved the town.”

“Yes. That’s right. The town is now free because of both of us.”

”So, who defeated that giant metal thing I saw coming out of the roof of the mansion’s lord?”

“It was her.” The prince quickly pointed his finger at me with an unconcerned expression.

“Me?? Yes, it was all me of course.” The prince’s secret I need to keep it safe from everyone if that’s what he wants me to do.

“I guess I will have to take you at your word.” The hero Magnus laughed.

 “So, where were you all this time?” the prince was the first one to ask a question this time.

“I did want to show up at the mansion to help you both. But at that time, I needed to help the townsfolk escape as well and empty the places that fell in the danger zone. I was sure you would have been able to handle things on your own with miss Elsie on your side. And see everything turned out well.”

I do believe what Mr. Magnus said was true because surprisingly all the townsfolk were safe and all of them believed a supernatural force saved them from this tragedy.

The significance of meeting one of the five hero knights of this kingdom was not lost on me. Just what kind of power does a hero have? If I were a hero, I am sure I could become a general in a breeze, in fact I could have become anything.

“So, why are you here? Did…”

Before the prince could ask next.

“The King is quite concerned with the empty carriage that arrived at the palace and about the safety of his son. So, I am here to take you back home.”

The prince nodded as he agreed to it. We had accomplished our mission and stopped the evil Lod from doing whatever he wanted and found the secret of the mine.

“I guess we have no choice but to travel all the way back like how we came. So, where is your horse hero sir Magnus.” I tried looking around and wondered how he got here around the same time as us. It must have been a very fast horse, one worthy of a hero.

“A horse?” Magnus looked puzzled and then he passed a smile at me.

“There’s no need for a horse. We will be there in no time.”

Before I could understand or speak up my thoughts. Magnus caught hold of the Prince’s hand and mine at the same time. It happened so fast even before I could react.

My voice fades. My body begins to feel light and everything around me including the prince looked hazy.

For a moment, the light vanished, and the three of us disappeared from the outskirts of the Jade Province.




“Wha….” I almost held my throat on the first word feeling like I was about to puke. To only end up croaking for a short while.

“You held good. Otherwise, people would usually spill their guts out when they transfer.” Magnus looked at me with a satisfied look.

“Maybe you should try warning them first before doing something yourself.”

“I will keep that in mind.” He only ends up nodding. So, that’s how it feels when people don’t listen.

“But what really happened just now?” I made sure the prince was with us and he looked completely fine after what just happened.

“I think I forgot to mention that as a hero I specialize in Space magic and that was my transfer spell. Right now, we are standing inside the Empire’s palace.”

I do remember hearing once how the Hero Magnus moved an entire army to the borders to protect it from invaders. Now I understand how he did it.

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“So, why am I brought here?” The prince asked.

“The King merely wishes to see his son and applaud him for his accomplishment. You will now present yourself in front of the king.”

“That’s amazing prince. I will be waiting for you outside.” I was just about to walk out when Mr. Hero caught me by the ribbon at the back of my cloth.

“Miss Elsie you are to attend the meeting as well since you are now prince Kevin’s personal guard.” Magnus told me.

My worst fears came true when I turned around hoping he would say it was just a joke. It was the first day of my job and I already have an audience with the King of the Empire. Isn’t he considered the most noble and the most feared person in the Empire, maybe even in the entire world as the strongest hero.

“Don’t worry, if you are scared I can accompany you along.” Hero Magnus offered to tag along.

“I will settle it myself. Elsie let’s go.” Prince Kevin refused his offer and started walking and I followed right behind him. Only for once to look back and notice Mr. Magnus disappearing with a smile on his face waving at me.

For, some reason walking behind the prince and seeing his long strides told me that he was already prepared to meet the King. As if it had been a small step of his plan all along. And yet he hated it and wanted to finish it as quickly as possible.

This was also my first time in the palace so it was actually hard to focus on all the important things going around me.

The roof was so high, and the walls looked sturdy. Paintings, statues, galleries of swords, and shields were around everywhere and added an otherworldly charm to this place.

Till now I had only heard about it from my father when he was at home, but seeing it with my own eyes made me realize words alone did not do it justice.

Also, this place is the prince’s home. And yet he looked so restless. Even I started feeling suffocated as if there were eyes everywhere around me watching all my movements closely.

“We are here.” It was the prince’s voice that broke my tension.

One guard was standing outside the gate as he places his hand over a gem crystal and the gates opened.

“Fifth prince of the Empire, Kevin Nova will now meet the supreme, the eternal, Hero King of the Empire.” The guard announced at the top of his voice.

As the gates magically open I slowly get a glimpse of a large court and audience.

Prince Kevin continued walking once the gates stopped moving and I followed behind him.

Maybe it was a better decision to just repeat what the prince did and not get him or myself embarrassed because of any of my silly actions.

Bright light from the giant-colored glass wall behind the iron throne for a moment blurred my vision.

⸺And then everything turned silent.

In the opulent court, adorned with glistening chandeliers and draped in rich velvet. Whether it was the high-ranking ministers and knights standing all around the room, or the eyes that were still watching us from shadows. All of that stopped mattering.

Amidst this awe-inspiring setting, a man appeared, and a wave of notice swept through the gathering. And somehow I knew this man was the Hero King ⸺the Emperor of the Nova Empire. Clad in resplendent armor his majestic presence commanded respect and reverence. Tall and imposing, he moved with an effortless grace, every step seeming to resonate with power and purpose.

Eyes that sparkled like polished sapphires, golden sparkling hair. His face was marked with the wisdom of battles won and countless challenges faced.

The Emperor finally took his seat and everything came back in motion.

Every step the prince took I followed; my heart pounding with both awe and trepidation.

The prince sat on one knee and I did the same making sure not to make eye contact with the emperor.

“I am here to present myself, Father.” Prince Kevin spoke. His words sounded deliberate and measured.

It almost seemed like a different kind of interaction than I usually used to have with my father, like there was an invisible barrier.

Beside the King, I spot a familiar face, Magnus. Most likely he had already reported everything to the Emperor. I wonder whether I could get to see the other four hero knights as well.

“Raise your head. I have heard everything about your ordeal with the Lord of the Jade province and you have done well in revealing all his evil doings.”

“Thank you, father.”

“Also your personal guard took down the ancient golem. Seems like you have found a diamond in the rough.”

I felt bad for getting applauded for an achievement I did not own. But I could see the people around staring, trying to learn about me.

“What’s more important is you have found a new mine ore with crystals of unknown origin. And also, the person involved with the previous Lord of Jade has been captured and is currently being questioned to learn about the Hive.”

I couldn’t believe the King knew so much about the details of the event in so little time. And he had already taken action to handle and resolve all the post-events of the situation.

“What really matters now is that the Jade province has lost its leader and its masses is on the brink of destruction. So, I ask you, Kevin Nova, what would you do if this position was transferred to you?” The Emperor’s voice resounded in the hall.

Followed by an uncertain silence. A piece of land being directly transferred to a prince could have been interpreted in many ways. Whether to see it for educational purposes, land management, or a way to send away the prince from the palace. An exile.

“All I promise is that I will bring the Nova Empire only successes.” The prince firmly replied.

“I see. Henceforth I declare Kevin Nova the Lord of the Jade Province. Also, the rights of the newly discovered belong to you and you may use them for the development of the area.”

“Thank you, father. I will make sure I make you proud.”

“You may leave at any time you see fit. The proceedings for today are adjourned.”

Standing up the King quickly glanced a look at his son and left.

The ministers soon followed behind him and the hall became empty leaving the prince and me alone in it. Or, so I thought.

“Seems like father doesn’t want you around here anymore.” A young boy, a little older than the prince and me came forward. Behind me, he had two magic swordsmen as guards.

“I will do just as father commands me, brother Kurt.” The prince replied.

So, the person standing in front of me was also a prince.

“Glad you know your position as the half-blood royal. You are not good enough to stay here so you can move to the borderlands. And I suppose this is your new pet, the plebian who defeated the ancient weapon.”

Prince Kurt for a while walked around me as if trying to assess me. “I suppose it must have already been broken and the girl took advantage of the moment to finish it off in its final moments. Otherwise, my personal guards could have also done the same.”

From the little I knew, I guess the achievements of the servants become the achievements of their master. And while this guy was trying his best to pick a fight with my prince. Couldn’t he see that prince Kevin did not seem at all interested in him and was just trying to avoid him?

“Are you jealous?” I murmured.

“Huh! How dare you say that? I could have you punished for saying so right now.” Prince Kurt suddenly lifted his hand and the two big guards standing behind him suddenly started unsheathing their swords.

But as if that unpleasant magical energy I had felt radiating from the prince before when he fought back the golem, came back. This time even more powerful and more intimidating.

The hands of the guards almost froze as if the entire blast of magical pressure was directed toward them. Prince Kurt almost fell to the ground with a heavy head.

Just when the pressure was released the guards now tried to tend the fallen prince.

“Let’s go, Elsie. We will be leaving today, go and get your things.” Prince Kevin ordered me.

“Yes, prince.” I said joyfully, knowing what the prince did was so cool and knowing of a new journey ahead of me.




Walking down the hallway, the hero king, Emperor slowed down his pace.

Magnus, one of his esteemed hero knights stopped, knowing what the Emperor wanted to ask him.

“So, were you able to confirm the powers of the youngest prince?”

“Not quite sir. I was late to reach the spot and the ancient weapon that was excavated by Lord Hobbo was destroyed in a blink of an eye. I saw the defeated golem, and the traces on it were clear that it was not a sword, nor any kind of magic I have seen before.”

“And that girl, his personal guard. Is she whom I think it is?”

“Yes, she is the daughter of General Lyod whom we lost in the battle at the demon continent. She does truly fit the description of a daughter, like father.”

“That was an unfortunate loss of a good strategian. I did what you wanted me to and gave that land to prince Kevin as your last wish and now as you promised you will now entirely devote yourself to my cause.”

“Yes, sire. And for that, I will be forever grateful to you.” Magnus bowed his head.

“Tell me do you still blame yourself because you couldn’t save the prince’s mother from the Hive.”

The King’s question almost took the color away from Magnus’s face. His bright smile cut down to a state of straight closed lips.

“It was not just a mistake but my failure as a knight. And for that, I can never be forgiven by prince Kevin or by ⸺you.”

The King paused as well.

“What I want has still not changed. To acquire the power of the True Hero for myself.”

“But how are you going to accomplish that? Since the disappearance of the previous True Hero, no one else has been chosen.”

“The difference between a hero and a True Hero is subtle but that small gap alone is unfathomable. A single unique skill that is capable of bending the laws of the world.”

“But is the source that provided you with this information reliable.” Magnus again expressed his concern.

“It’s not just information but a revelation from the gods themselves. If I cannot become the chosen one, then I will just take away a unique skill for myself and evolve into a True Hero.”



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