When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess

Chương 128: Volume 8 : Chapter 19 – ALL ENCOMPASSING

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Chapter 19



In the age before the Great War, the Demon Continent and the Human Continent were once entwined, their lands fused together to create a vast and magnificent expanse. Also called the mainland. But as of now, the two continents stand further apart, with the vast ocean between them like two shards of a broken plate drifting away from each other.

While rumors of this historical truth still circulate amongst the wise and long-living races, the common young folk dismiss such tales as mere legend and myth. Always believing that the two continents had always been separated, ignorant of the sacrifices that had shaped this world they live upon.

It was during the cataclysmic era of the Great War, an unknown and unaccounted existence emerged, as a result of the war, with enough power to split the landmasses just by its awakening, creating a formidable chasm that now separated the realms.

It was the True Hero and the Gods who buried this abomination back from where it came and brought the war to its final end with it.

And it was also that moment when the world lost its True Hero and the True Demon Lord —vanishing from the world without a trace.

“And with that let’s begin our demon lord’s conclave!” The non-human entity said in an unaffected tone.

“How many times will it be I am going to hear that sick story.” An infuriated voice interrupts the pin drop silence in a large stone cave hall.

“But no one knows whether our lord Ashborn, the True Demon Lord was able to overpower the True Hero Caroline or not?” Another entity sitting on a table could not hide his intrigue.

Asmodeus the demon lord general who narrated the story did not care about the interruption made by the demon lord of giants, Thrym. But suddenly he had a seething look in his eyes when the demon lord general Mephisto questioned the victory of his lord the True Demon Lord.

“Tusk, I did not come here to your Demon Lord Conclave after a century just to be bored by listening to these funny children's stories.” Thrym looks at the demon lord of high orcs.

“This is not funny, because that is our history. One we should all be ashamed of.” Finally, a giant body, with a pinkish-black skin tone and horns coming out of its nose strikes the table with a fist.

Tusk, was the newly evolved high orc with the title of the Demon Lord after the previous holder of the title died of old age.

“Might I as well introduce myself; I am the newest demon lord of the high orc tribe. And I have called this demon lord conclave not just to make introductions but a very important decision I want you all to make.”

“Nice. Nice. Finally, we have a new young blood among us demon lords. Until now it was just some old senile fools who couldn’t let go of what the previous master said.” Mephisto continued to gaze at Asmodeus, as if he found his expression to be quite satisfying.

“Don’t be so careless with what you speak here if you do not want to disrespect your master.” Asmodeus even though plagued with infinite anger, knew well to calm the fire within him.

“Tch… I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s because you never say what happened to my Lord because you were the last person he met before dying.” Mephisto puts his leg on the table and pretends to not care anymore.

“The humans have started crawling into our territory. They have even acted so brazenly to establish trade between the continents after they attacked us in the North and burned our homes only a year ago. I am here to state my choice and I would ask you to do the same.”

“You are a new passionate demon lord, Tusk. But taking quick decisions will not return what is lost.” Asmodeus knowing full well what was about to come wanted to stop it.

“You say as if you don’t care Asmodeus even when you are the demon lord general and the closest servant of our Lord. I had always heard stories about his magical prowess but even he couldn’t bring glory to the demons in his era. If no one is willing to then I will do it.”

Every other demon lord who was in attendance. The demon lord of demi-humans ⸺Arion. Demon Lord of ogres ⸺Volgar. Demon Lord of giants ⸺Thrym. The two Demon Lord Generals Mephisto and Asmodeus and others in attendance watched the Demon Lord of high orcs –Tusk with great attention.

“I declare war against the humans.”

No one in the hall felt moved. No one was surprised either. They just felt there was no need to respond but wait.

But a young heart would always fail to understand the passivity of an old one until they themselves lose something and learn to be careful.

“Why you look so confident that if you enter war with the humans you will win? Can you even cross the sea?” Volgar the demon lord of ogres asked. He was the closest to the previous demon lord of high orcs and did not want the newly evolved one to make a regretful decision.

“We had been lucky in finding the unused ships of the pirates who suddenly went missing from the oceans. With them out of the way and the new ships with us we can make it. Also, my army is hard at work to make hundreds of new ones. It’s just a matter of time before I get my hands on them as well.” Tusk explained his plan.

“Then as you want all of us demon lords can make their stand. No other demon lord has the right to hold the other demon lord in disdain that could lead to future internal conflict for the decision they make at this conclave. That is the rule.” Asmodeus described the rules of the demon lord conclave.

“I am ready. Choose well for the fate of us demons rest on it.” Tusk once again tried appealing to the others.

“First we will go with the elves.”

On one of the chairs sat the representative of the elves who had come all the way from the Ascalon Kingdom in the North.

“Because of certain issues in the Ascalon Empire. King Ereg Ascalon could not be here even when he wishes to. But I assure you his decision is final and that we elves will not get involved.”

“How very elves like. You’re all so arrogant and self-serving.” Unfortunately, Tusk knew well he wouldn’t have any luck here.

Every other eye went to the next empty chair close to the elves.

“Seems like Carmilla is still not awake. She has been sleeping from the time the Great War ended. How carefree of the Countess? At least they could do the courtesy of sending some representatives” the demon lord of giants Thrym taunted.

“From what I have heard the vampires especially the nobles are having a fallout and some infighting. Maybe they just don’t want their spoilt milk to be spilled out in front of everyone. You know how notoriously possessive they can be in showing themselves in their high borne statuses.” Mephisto had already talked so the whole point of hiding the conflict failed.

Before they could move to see who the next person to vote was a small man with a heavily built muscular body and a long beard up to his oval stomach stood up to show himself to everyone.

“I Horhin am already out. We dwarves already have a deal with the humans. So, we will be actually moving out of the continent.”

“But didn’t the dwarf settlement go missing in the human continent or at least that’s what I have heard.” Mephisto was again the one to ask as if he had been keeping an eye on each of the races.

“Yes that’s the thing it’s not missing but now has become a paradise of us dwarf’s dreams and we are going to live in it.” Horhin one of the most brilliant craftsmen on the demon continent explained.

“But won’t it be the same as abandoning your homeland and stepping into human territory? Can’t you see it’s their scheme to try to divide us?” Tusk was unable to understand the dwarf’s logic in siding with the humans. He felt furious enough to bash the foolish dwarf’s head into the table and end the dwarf’s life.

“Young one your enemies are not necessarily my enemies. Rest assured I will maintain the confidentiality of what we talk here today on my magi hammer.” Horhin quietly sat down back at his place crossing his arms.

“Next we move further with, the turn of dragons. As it turns out the black dragon has refused to listen to the summon as long as it is not from our master. So, Thrym it’s your turn now.”

Tusk looked dejected on hearing that the black dragon did not choose to come. He knew if he had the aerial support of the dragons it would have been a big advantage for the demons in war.

“We won’t be a part of it either. It’s too dangerous. Us giants are getting fewer in numbers as the years pass by. By bringing war I do not want to push them to the brink of destruction.” Thrym too made his choice.

“Demon Lord of demi-humans – Arion. Your decision.” Asmodeus called out.

“If you lose the battle all I can promise is that, whatever of your kind is left they will always have a place in my kingdom.”

Demon Lord Arion’s decision surprised Tusk the most. Arion refused to speak any further and closed his eyes while feeling the hair of his lion’s mane down the chin.

“I think, I will take you up on that offer.” Tusk accepted Arion’s proposal.

“I guess it’s my turn now.” Mephisto the second demon lord general stands up and walks next to Tusk.

“Tell me don’t you fear that you will be blamed for unnecessary massacre if you go further with this war.”

“My actions may be considered sinful, but I am determined to safeguard my kin and get them the home they deserve. I will secure a sanctuary, even if it means leaving a trail of bodies in my wake. I'll bear the burden alone, so my hands will be stained, and I'll carry that responsibility to my grave. As I said I have made my choice and I am not turning back.”

“Ohh! How noble of you, young piglet. So, your final goal is to get yourself a home and stay pretty inside it while no one disturbs you.” Mephisto speaks in a sweet voice, his eyes looking favorably at Tusk.

“You use funny words lord, Mephisto.” For the first time, Tusk felt that he finally might have a chance to get another demon lord’s support.

“You know what, maybe this time I will go with these oldies. Your goals are too plain and simple. But I wish you all the best in your endeavors.” An evil smile creeps on Mephisto’s face as he watched a shocked demon lord. Mephisto had a body and face that was akin to a young boy but a malevolent heart.

“But… We do have a winning shot here.”

“We are not besties you know. It's really just a matter of taste. And yours is just too bland.” Mephisto laughs right in Tusk’s face and the moment he felt a big machete heading towards him. He then suddenly reappears at his seat looking happy after riling up demon lord Tusk.

“You should be careful with that heavy thing. What if I ended up losing my memory?” Mephisto chides Tusk as everyone looked surprised by Mephisto’s magical skills.

Mephisto was the only demon lord who one day suddenly appeared without any ancestor or a title passed down to him. All on his own will and power he had obtained the title of a demon lord but lost all of his previous memories. Also, no one really knew of his magical skills or powers.

Tusk now finally looks at the one entity, he would have truly wanted on his side. The strongest demon in the room and the first demon lord general ⸺Asmodeus.

“It’s finally my turn now.” Asmodeus sighs as if he didn’t want to make this decision only wishing he would still have his lord by his side at this hour.

“What’s the build-up for? We already know what it is going to be. After all you always end up saying the same thing.” Mephisto shouts at Asmodeus.

Asmodeus ignoring Mephisto’s calls looks at Tusk. Clad in a perfectly tailored black suit, and red horns popping from his head. He appeared to be a sinister blend of sophistication and wickedness. But his black red eyes had a profound mix of harmony in them.

Everyone in the hall feared this entity alone for being the strongest. If someone else’s name in demons came after the True Demon Lord for possessing the strongest magic it was Asmodeus. During the great war, it was said that his magical strength alone was comparable to a kingdom’s mage forces.

“Our lord has always wished for us demons happiness. And my will are his orders. My master has simply asked me to watch. If you so much as wish war to come, whether you live or perish, I will watch only.”

“At least I thought you would have understood lord Asmodeus and I wished you would have been on my side. But why? Why…. After all, this has happened. Weren’t we supposed to help each other? The demon kind united together.” Tusk shouted as if he was throwing a tantrum. But what he was denied was not just an expensive candy but the support from his own countrymen.

“This is not just about you. All things are subject to cause and effect. What you do from here on today, will not only affect you but us as well. This being a peaceful conclave, I will phrase it differently, as the Demon Lord General I advise you to stand down.” Asmodeus’s voice resonates with authority in the hall.

All the others in attendance watched and knew that it was just a child’s mere fantasy growing over Tusk. Each of them too had once wished to conquer the Human lands and prosper.

Tusk might have developed the power of a demon lord but he was still naïve and failed to see what was at stake.

“I would like to hear what is your motivation to go to war with the humans?” Volgar asked.

“⸺Motivation? You demon lords might think of yourselves as honorable kings. But I don’t need motivation to protect my own kind, I think of it as doing my duty and keeping the promise to my kind. If you really do want to know what’s in my heart. Then my heart burns with hatred for those humans.“

“But what have humans really done to you? Because the attack they launched last year was in the free part of the Demon Continent you just cannot base your actions on that?” This time it was Thrym trying to explain Tusk.

“They burned it. We received a report that all high orc settlements were burned down on the human continent. Recently adventurers came to the demon continent and hunted us down as monsters. They all treat us as equal to monsters. And you expect me to be understanding of them. Even the guild ignored such terrorism since they did not find adequate proof. My people deserve a safe home and those humans a staunch lesson. The horrific feeling of being hunted down in their own houses and the walls they build. When my army of eight thousand strong would cross to the other continent the world would definitely hear us.” Tusk declared.

The number was enough to crack up the skulls of all demon lords.

“How did you assemble such a large army and when?” Demon Lord Volgar asked in a hurry.

“I don’t have only the support of orcs but other small demon tribes that have been ostracised by humans. Trolls, Lizardmen, and other unknown tribes you would have never even heard of and are too weak to protect themselves alone. I have united them all. I suppose I won’t really be needing any of you. I have more than enough strength to get what I want. That’s what has always been my war cry as a demon lord and my people will rally behind it.”

”He might have pulled something impressive after all. But without the support of us demon lords can you really hope to do something on your own.” Mephisto spoke suddenly finding interest.

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“Today, I reject the conclusion of this demon lord conclave. Asmodeus you said I was making this agenda personal. But one day all of you will feel the same, the day when those humans will come after you after they have destroyed my ilk. They will treat you all with the same malice. But rest assured I will not let that misfortune befall us. With this war, I will prove myself and take the title of a true demon lord candidate and one day evolve into one as well and bend you all to my will.”

Tusk picks up his machete weapon and decided to walk out.

“And where will you be attacking first, my friend?” Mephisto asks in an intrigued tone before Tusk could leave.

“One of the most fertile and unguarded lands in the southern Human continent and closest to the shore. The Hart Kingdom. And from there we will slowly take down every nation who refuses us those lands.”




“I knew it would be you once I sensed this strong divine presence return back to the divine realm.”

“You finally came to see me.” Goddess Kaya was sitting close to a water fountain gazing at the water's reflection.

With a flick of her hand, she disperses the reflection, and in front of her stood a goddess with long white silver hair. Her eyes still sparkled with the same blue hue she recognized.

“Kaya. It’s good to have you back here.” The sweet feminine voice continued to speak.

“I won’t say it’s all sunshine here, Urza. These gods brand me now as a traitor for fighting against them.” Kaya spoke nonchalantly as if it mattered little to her.

“You cannot completely blame them for feeling that way. But I am sure you will soon make your dominance over them.” Urza said as if she already knew what Kaya planned to do.

“I won’t deny that I have my plans. How long has it been ⸺about two hundred years or so they told me! I participate in a war in hopes of killing a friend and stopping her from suffering and following orders. But instead, I lose to her student, the stupid Hero before I could meet her in battle. And then again when she wakes from being sealed away, she is defeated by her friend’s granddaughter. Just think how pathetic I can be?” Kaya tried to explain her situation in a roundabout way with a smile she did not mean.

“⸺Thank you. Kaya. I couldn’t say it that time, so I have come to thank you for what you did.”

Urza had quickly gotten closer to hug Kaya tightly.

“What… what are you doing?” Kaya was completely taken aback by such a warm greeting from Urza. Once again trying to look at her face, she realized the Urza she knew from before had completely changed.

“But I couldn’t save you!” Kaya tried to speak but her throat felt overwhelmed.

“I was saved. You don’t need to beat up yourself over the past. Because I too found something important and irreplaceable after I had lost everything in that war.” Urza spoke of something she truly cherished now.

Something Kaya knew was never a part of her before.

“I do hear about your stay in the mortal plane. So, is that thing you found really dear to you?”

“You won’t believe but I got to learn about loving someone. I once feared that I would have been lying but now I know its the truth, I did truly fall in love. Seems like even someone like I was capable of such a thing.” Urza said in a  passionate voice as she continued speaking, “Even though I don’t understand it fully. The thing I am sure of I did fall in love and I love my family. I wish you could have met him too.”

“I have no desire to mingle with a measly human nor believe in the thoughtless desires of the mortals.”

“Now. Now. I can tell that’s not what you really want.” Urza tries to stroke Kaya’s head as if she missed doing it.

“Don’t treat me like a child even though I have a smaller body, we are of the same age.”

“But I like doing it. You are the only one I can be this close to here.”

Kaya exactly knew what Urza meant. She was just seen as a tool of war, the Goddess that destroys everything she touches. They held her in high regard for her power but always feared her at the same time.

“Tell me are you going to leave again.” Kaya tries to get off from Urza even if she felt good. On the other hand, Urza kept quiet, not wanting to respond.

“I already know what you have been doing in your free time. Traveling to every world…..”

“Yeah, I thought an adventure would be refreshing for me.” Urza tries to change the topic but Kya seemed adamant to know.

“There are more than ten thousand worlds and the number keeps on growing in a blink of an eye. Do you really think you will find those pieces in time and be able to save her from her fate? She cannot run from what has been decided, the same as it was for you. Since you couldn’t completely finish that thing which caused the Great War in the first place.”

That was one of the facts of the Great War which only a few who participated in the war and lived knew.

“She has already got the swords but wields it like a kid not knowing what those are truly meant for. I wonder if she would remain the same after she realizes their true power. Till now it has only been her human part that has kept her own self alive and free from the influence of her bloodline. But once that human part vanishes you know what will happen.” Kaya put her thoughts in front of Urza, trying to figure out her true goals in the process.

“I will find what I seek and not let my granddaughter suffer. I couldn’t do anything for my own daughter. I was too late because I felt staying away was the right choice. But I didn’t know she would have developed her own powers even being born as a human. I promised him that I will protect our family but I failed just like always.”

Kaya knew Urza was incapable of feeling any emotion, but right now she could tell that she was desperate.

“So, aren’t you going to ask about her? She looks exactly like you but she is still timid. I wanted to talk to her more, but in the situation I met her I had no choice but to fight to come back here.” Kaya thought bringing this talk might interest Urza more.

“I am glad she is doing good. But tell me you didn’t go too hard on her. She is still just a kid.” Urza hunched close to Kaya to get an answer.

“Of course, I was at my half-strength and held back at some points.” Suddenly Kaya’s voice became serious, “That aside, I saw you there.”

Urza froze up because she now knew Kaya knew the secret of what she did to Alicia.

“You took away all her memories and sealed her power. I wonder how despaired she would have felt with that empty soul within her.”

“So you knew. But that was the only thing I could do to hide her away from the influence of the divine system or the eyes of other gods who might try to use her.”

“Don’t worry I can’t directly interfere nor I can completely be on her side. But I will make my move and give her an opportunity when the time comes.” Kaya felt like doing a favor.

“You truly are filled with malice.” Urza smiled again just like before.

“What would you expect from a goddess of malice! But I guess that might get you enough time to find all the clues you need.” Kaya had already decided to help Urza and was working on it.

“Don’t you worry, even if she has the same fate destined as mine, I am sure she can be saved just like I was.”




Demon Lords

Asmodeus – Demon Lord General

Mephisto – Demon Lord General

Thrym– Demon Lord of Giants

Volgar – Demon Lord of Ogres

Arion – Demon Lord of Demi-Humans

Carmilla – Demon Lord of Vampires

Tusk – Demon Lord of Orcs

Ereg Ascalon – King of Elves

Horhin – representative of Dwarves

Black Dragon – Lord of all Dragons



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