When The Flowers Falls, I’ll See You Again

Chapter 3: 3

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Chapter 3

Seeking Roots in Ancient Temples 


Hong Ning raised her eyes and saw that he was referring to the circular stone seal on the cliff, immediately smiled and said: "I already saw that when I was young, not sure who was the one who carved it."


Wen Xin shook his head and said: "That place is at least 10 feet above the ground, who would carve something so high up for no reason? I don't think it was carved on, but a mark left behind by something hitting it."


Hit it? Hong Ning felt it was strange, looked at it carefully and said: "What thing would hit up there?"


Wen Xin looked at the stone seal and said nothing.


Hong Ning's heart moved: "Could it be related to that evil dragon?"


Wen Xin nodded and sat down, crossing his legs.


Knowing what he wants to do, Hong Ning is worried: "Since it is a divine object, whether it can be found depends on chance, it depends on heaven's secret, hastily making calculations will definitely consume a lot of energy, maybe..."


天机 (tiānjī):

Mysteries of nature only known to heaven


Wen Xin said: "I'll give it a try." After speaking, he closed his eyes to concentrate and pinched his figures.


Hong Ning couldn't stop him and walked over to help protect his formation. Looking at the bluish green dark pond water, she thought back about the incident with the evil dragon, and then thought about the ground with camelias everywhere and the mysterious Jin Xiu, feeling unexpectedly uneasy.


Half a day passed, Wen Xin's face gradually turned pale with beads of sweat forming on his forehead.


There was no results after so long, indicating that things were certainly not simple. Hong Ning noticed that something was wrong and was secretly anxious. Just as she was thinking of a way to call Bai Ling back to help, Wen Xin reopened his eyes.


Hong Ning breathed a sigh of relief: "How is it?"


Wen Xin shook his head and smiled: "Relying on mediocre Taoism to try and peek into heaven's secret without permission, it is indeed a futile attempt."


Hong Ning said: "There's really no other way, let's just collect it like this."


Wen Xin said: "Although I can't calculate what this it is, but this thing is indeed related to that demon dragon." He got up and looked at the marks on the stone wall. "Since this thing hit it, it must have fallen into the pond and was obtained by that scaly dragon, borrowing its aura to cultivate into a dragon."


Hong Ning said: "The shape of that thing should not be small and it could hit such a high cliff, could it have flown here midair?"


Wen Xin nodded: "It is a divine object, but it is also unknown."


Hong Ning said: "Where did it fly from?"


The two were stunned and looked back at the same time.


In the distance, the trees were lush and among them, an ancient temple was looming with its spire towering high in the wind.


Hong Ning said: "Could it be..." Before she could finish her sentence, she heard a 'huo la' sound from the pond.  Thinking it was the dragon again, she turned her face back in shock. Turns out it was Bai Ling who has returned.


Bai Ling's expression wasn't good: "There are many forks in that cave, one of which leads to a well 10 miles away. I don't know who put a Taoist talisman on it, I wasn't careful just now and was almost caught by it."


Hong Ning smiled and said: "Yes, it must have been doing evil there over the past few years, using human souls to cultivate soul beads. Recently, some unknown expert cast a spell to lock the road there, with nothing to eat, it could only come back here."


Bai Ling scornfully said: "That talisman may not be brilliant, that person's magic power is clearly not strong enough. He could only take such expedient measures, which I'm afraid will not last long."


Wen Xin nodded: "Not sure where else this hole leads, if you use a talisman to control here, I'm afraid it will go to other places to do evil. Why don't I set up a formation so that it can't go far. You two go and report, let the nearby commoners know not to come near here."


In this era, Buddhism and Taoism is revered. Master and disciples have been living in the mountains for many years and they are deeply loved and respected by the surrounding commoners. Upon hearing that there was an accident at the Evil Dragon Pond, several respected elders in the village were startled and hurriedly sent people to spread the word to the villagers, thanking them again and again.


On the way back, Hong Ning told Bai Ling about the circular marks on the stone wall.


Bai Ling said: "How about you stay?"


Hong Ning probed: "Why don't we go to the temple to have a look first?"


Bai Ling did not object, used the sound transmission amulet to inform Wen Xin, and took her on the road.


Hong Ning does not know the Earth Shrinking technique. Although Bai Ling can do it, he can't carry a mortal body like hers. Therefore, the two walked to the temple. It was already evening and the sun was setting in the west, the rays of the sun shining. Walking up the clean stone steps with lush green trees and the mountain stream gurgled. The two of them climbed to the mountain top in a short time. The gate of the temple was tall and solemn, with three big words "Shen Zhong Temple" written on it, in an imposing manner. Inside, the evening bell rang accompanied by Buddhist chants. It really is a pure and treasured land of Buddhism.


缩地之法 (Suō dì zhī fǎ):

Literally translates to Earth shrinking technique, it is a teleportation technique.


神钟寺 (Shén zhōng sì):

Literally god/deity/divine bell temple


Bai Ling paused in his steps.


Hong Ning understood: "You wait for me outside."


Bai Ling hummed softly and continued forward: "It's just a small temple, what's there to not go."


Actually, there's nothing scary about ordinary temples, it's just that this kind of ancient temples has a history of more than 100 years, strong incense and strict discipline. In addition, there are eminent monks chanting sutras. After a long time, the Buddha's light will bless them. Ordinary demons can't stand it and will be intimidated just by looking from a distance. Fortunately, Bai Ling has a cultivation of nearly 400 years. It's ok to go in but he won't be able to use any spells.


There were two monks standing in front of the gates talking. Suddenly seeing a 17 or 18 year  old youth bringing along a little girl, quickly stopped their mouths and saluted: "Is this donor offering incense or thanking the gods for answering prayers?"


Bai Ling didn't answer.


Hong Ning had no choice but to step forward: "We are here to offer incense in the pagoda."


The two monks let them in.


Hong Ning deliberately slowed down and carefully examined the surroundings while making a strange appearance to idle chat: "Shen Zhong Temple...Shi Fu (master), this temple's name is very interesting."


Seeing that she was young, clever and lovable, the two monks didn't blame her for being curious. Both smiled and said, "Little donor doesn't know, our temple was originally called Xia Yin Temple and I heard that it was renamed 50 years ago."


Hong Ning said: "Is there a divine bell here?


The two monks shook their heads: "No."


Hong Ning smiled and said: "Then why is it called Shen Zhong Temple again?"


The young monk couldn't answer: "This..."


The older one laughed and said: "Little donor doesn't know, the temple almost ushered in a divine bell 50 years ago. Who knew that the gatekeeper made a mistake."


Hong Ning hurriedly asked: "What happened?"


As the monk walked, he said: "This poor monk also heard this from my Shi Bo (senior uncle). 50 years ago, the presiding elder Hai Kong was very famous. At that time, there were not many people in this temple. One night, the elder suddenly had a dream. He woke up and said that someone had come to him, claiming to be the golden boy, the time governor of the Southern Heavenly Gate. Because he felt that our temple had beautiful scenery, he wanted to descend to the mortal world to live here for a long period. He wanted the elder to open the temple gate to let him in on the 15th during the full moon at Zishi (11pm - 1am).


Hong Ning said: "He really came?"


She listened interestingly and the monk spoke with vigour: "The elder was overjoyed and had no doubts about this matter. He specially instructed the whole temple to bathe and read the scriptures, preparing to welcome the immortal."


Hong Ning said: "Just based on a dream? He's not afraid it might be fake?"


The monk shook his head: "This matter sounds like a lie, the rest of the monks in the temple are like little donor, unwilling to believe it, only the elder took the dream seriously. On the night of the 15th, the elder originally planned to set up an incense table and lead a group of monks to greet him. However, he was afraid that the scene would be too big and would startle the immortal. Therefore, after thinking about it, he still let everyone rest as usual, and only told the Shi Bo to keep an eye on the gate. He himself returned to his room to meditate. "


Hong Ning said: "Something must have happened!"


The monk said: "Waiting until night, seeing that it is about to be Zishi but there was still no movement outside, the Shi Bo guarding the gate complained in his heart and skived, thinking that it'll be fine just telling a lie the next day."

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Hong Ning couldn't help but say: "What a pity!"


"Isn't it," The monk sighed: "As soon as we closed the door, a "bang" was heard, everyone in the temple was startled. That gate was originally thick and strong, but a hole was knocked out of it. Shi Bo knew in his heart that he spoiled things, hurriedly opened the gate to look, but there was no trace of that thing. The elder immediately scolded him severely, and immediately went out to set up the incense table and chanted scriptures to make amends. Who knew that the divine bell saw that the gate not open and was unhappy. It had already flown to another place and never came again. This is the end of the matter. The elder just sighed that the temple had no fate to keep the treasure, so the name of the temple was changed. "


Hong Ning said: "How did you now it was a divine bell?"


Bai Ling couldn't help sneering: "Really stupid."


The monk smiled: "Little donor, it claims to be the time governor of the Southern Heavenly Gate, and it is also the golden boy, doesn't it make a 'bell' when combined!"


钟 (Trad.: 鍾, 鐘)(zhōng): Bell/clock

金童 (Jīn tóng): Golden boy/child

Basically when the words golden boy are combined, it forms the word 'bell' in its traditional form 鐘


She just asked casually before and I didn't think about it at all. Now that she understands it, Hong Ning is also a little embarrassed. After a few perfunctory words, she hurriedly went to the temple with Bai Ling to offer incense, gave a few pennies and then said goodbye and left.


After leaving the temple gate, Hong Ning smiled and said: "This matches just right, the stone mark on the cliff, the size and shape, is clearly left after getting hit by the bell's mouth. The monk didn't open the door, the bell ran away in anger. With nowhere to go, it flew around randomly, accidentally hitting the stone wall and fell into the pool. It was then obtained by the scaly dragon, that's why it cultivated into a dragon so quickly."


Bai Ling said, "It's getting late."


Hong Ning quickened her pace and walked towards the road down the mountain: "Find a carriage, I can't walk anymore."


The sky was dim and it just so happens that a carriage was parked on the road. The driver was an old man in green clothes with a hookah in his hand. When he saw the two of them, he immediately smiled and said, "It's so late, are you two thinking of going on foot, why don't you come up and take the carriage?"


Hong Ning was overjoyed, nodded and wanted to climb into the carriage, but who knew that Bai Ling would suddenly reach out and pulled her behind him.


He stared at the old man: "What are you doing here?"


Hong Ning was puzzled, but she saw the old man in front of her transform into a woman dressed in white, with a beautiful small face and cherry lips, but her hair was as white as snow. She looked at Bai Ling and said angrily: "I said why did you suddenly disappeared, turns out you followed the Taoist to cultivate immortality."


Originally thinking it was another female demon who covets Bai Ling's beauty, but hearing the meaning behind the words, the two of them basically knew each other. Hong Ning felt curious and turned to look at Bai Ling. When she was picked up by Wen Xin as a child, this Shi Xiong was already around, but she has never heard of him mentioning his past.


Bai Ling raised his eyes slightly, and unceremoniously spat out a word: "Get lost."


The woman in white was dejected, and softly said, "I thought you were collected by the Taoist  and wanted to save you. It took a long time to find out that you were here, yet you refuse to be nice to me?"


Bai Ling beautiful face tensed and pulled Hong Ning away.


Seeing that the relationship between the two of them is unusual, the girl was humbled herself, but what she got in exchange was this treatment, which is rare. Hong Ning couldn't help but frown. Although she felt it was inappropriate, she thought she was young anyway, she should be insignificant in the eyes of others. Hence, she remained calm and let him hold her hand. Anyway, "when I was young" I was often like this.


After only taking two steps, the woman in white stood in front of them and stopped the two of them, looking jealous: "Who is this child?"


Bai Ling didn't answer: "Move."


Do you also get jealous over a child? Hong Ning didn't want to cause trouble, she had an idea. Raising her face and blinking innocently at him, holding back her disgust and shook his arm, pretending to be tender: "Shi Xiong, who is she?"


"It's your Shi Mei (junior sister)?" Seeing that she was really ignorant, the woman in white expectedly softened her tone, and said in a low voice, "You still blame me? But that was because I just want to be with you..."


Before she could finish speaking, an extremely cold wind suddenly blew up.


The complexion of the woman in white changed drastically and she disappeared abruptly. Hong Ning was frightened and looked around in a hurry, only to see that she was already standing two feet away, with an unbelieving expression on her face: "Bai Ling, you... attacked me?"


Bai Ling turned to face her, and the way he leisurely raised his eyes was captivating, but his voice was as cold as ice: "If you continue to pester, I will teach you what it's like to have your soul dissipated."


The woman in white hatefully said: "If you weren't always so heartless, why would I attack Xiao Ke. You will regret it!" She waved her sleeves and disappeared.


It's a fact that Bai Ling was born beautiful, and his temper is not very good, but it's not that he can't control himself. Ordinary demons often stirred trouble for him, at most he'd teach them a small lesson by freezing them into ice, never seeing him handing such a heavy hand before. Hong Ning thought it was strange at first, but after hearing these words, She guessed the reason. This woman must have hurt someone, and this someone must be very important to him.


Of course, it was inconvenient for her to ask more questions. After all, it is regarding the privacy of others, and it might seem gossipy to question. Hence, she calmly retracted her hand and smiled, urging him to leave.


Under the stage, the clouds and tides are vast and the fairy fog is seething.


On the stage, there is a chessboard. Two people sat upright, concentrating on the game.


The person on the left holding the black piece is a real person in his 30s or 40s, in a cloud robe and a crown, white face and a black beard showing a little majesty. A golden boy and jade girl stood not far behind him, each holding a magic weapon; the one on the right is much younger, with a brocade robe and embroidered belt, Bright, handsome and cheerful, a slight smile on the corner of his lips. It is Jin Xiu. Not far behind him, there are two beautiful women with flowers in their hands, charming and cool elegance, each with its own merits.


After a long while, the man with the crown threw down a piece and said with a smile: "Zun Shen is distracted today. I think it is because a happy event is approaching, but this chess is about to be lost."


尊神 (Zūn shén):

Revered/respected god/deity

* I did not explain in the 1st chapter but Jin Xiu is referred to as 神尊 and I translated it as deity lord cos god lord sounds stupid lol. Tbh idk how to translate 尊 but 魔尊 (Mó zūn) is commonly translated as Demon lord? so I used that as a reference.


Jin Xiu smiled: "Xing Jun laughed at me."


星君 (Xīng jūn):

Star Lord (again this kinda sounds weird so I left it as Xing Jun)

There are many different types of Xing Juns, a common one is Si Ming Xing Jun (also known as star of life or lord of dipper of south) is in charge of life and fate of the human realm. 


The crowned man turned serious, cupping his hands in congratulations: "I heard Zun Shen's cultivation is successful, your re-ascension is just around the corner, which is indeed a thousand joys. "


Jin Xiu sighed lightly: "When heaven's secret was leaked back then, it almost brought disaster to the heavenly court. Shi Fu originally wanted to punish me heavily, but it was Di Jun who interceded, so he only cut down on my 30,000-year Taoism and demoted me to a high god. Now I that I have been in charge of the affairs of my clan for 10,000 years, I never thought of returning to my position."


帝君 (Dì Jūn):

Emperor lord


The crowned man smiled and said: "That's not surprising, fellow disciple brothers, Di Jun has high expectations for Zun Shen. Zun Shen was demoted to take charge of flower affairs, Central Heavens has been unguarded, and I hope you return to your position sooner."


Jin Xiu changed the subject: "Does Xing Jun still remember the Hong Ning I mentioned? I came back from the South Sea the day before yesterday and saw her being held by the evil dragon. Her spirit was absorbed, so I saved her life."


The crowned man was surprised: "You are still bothering?"


Jin Xiu said: "When she was transferred from the future, her fate changed and now I can't even predict it. If something goes wrong, isn't my sin? I should take care of her."


The crowned man said, "Does she already understand?"


Jin Xiu picked up a white seed from the bowl next to him: "Moving from the future life to the past life, I just want her to understand that everything in the mortal world is changing, and years can be reversed. The past life and the future life are not absolute. Only immortality is forever, her body is extremely spiritual, but she has never been able to understand this truth.”


The crowned man said: "Using the eyes of the future life to look at the past life, it is really the painstaking effort of Zun Shen."


A white fell onto the chessboard, Jin Xiu raised his eyes, turned his face to the clouds below the stage, and sighed: "Due of the physical limitations of this clan, it is not easy to cultivate, causing the disciples to wither away. Since I am in my position, it is also a merit to be able to save one more. It all depends on her good fortune"


The crowned man casually dropped a piece: "Immortals, demons and mortals are different races and cannot be united in wedlock. At first, she insisted on entering the mortal world to repay a kindness, and she almost suffered divine retribution. Fortunately, Zun Shen obtained Yao pond water to help her reincarnate, and she retained her spirit. Now she is no longer of the clan of Zun Shen. "


Jin Xiu said, "She fell into the mortal world because of me."


"Taking on a tribulation in the mortal realm, will allow one to be included in the registry of immortals, this is the rule of heaven. If she is not reluctant to part with the mortal realm, it will not like this. Everything is a fixed number, Zun Shen should be clearer than me on this logic. No wonder Di Jun always said that you are too affectionate," The crowned man said with a smile and pinched his fingers, "Since she has passed ten lives and repaid her kindness, it is not impossible to cultivate immortality with the body of a mortal. Zun Shen is about to step down, to regain the Central Heavenly Palace, you can transform her as soon as possible, don't miss the big event."


Jin Xiu nodded: "I just want to settle this matter before I leave office."


"Whether you can be ascend to immortality depends on chance and heaven's will, it can't force," the crowned man shook his head, "Is Zun Shen too persistent, Di Jun mentioned you the other day, and he seems extremely worried..."


Jin Xiu was stunned: "What?"


The crowned man said, "I don't know about this. Apart from Di Jun, who else can know about the matter of Zun Shen, why don't you ask?"


Jin Xiu regained his calm and smiled: "I can guess about others, yet I can't guess about myself, not only you and me, but also Di Jun. Heaven's secret cannot be leaked. As for me, whether I know or don't know, it does not matter. Everything depends on heaven's will."


The crowned man solemnly: "As expected, I am confused."

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