When The Flowers Falls, I’ll See You Again

Chapter 4: 4

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Chapter 4



On the fifteenth, the moon rises in the east and hangs on the top of the mountain, as though a jade wheel, its clear light everywhere, making the mountains appear more quiet and deserted.


A cold moon and clear sky were reflected in the Evil Dragon Pond, as if there was a different world below. The two sat cross-legged on the bank and talked, only Bai Ling was lying on his back in the water looking at the moon, not known what he was thinking.


"If there is no accident tonight, it will come out to absorb the moon's essence."


"What if it doesn't come out?"


"Then lure it out," Wen Xin said, "Since the bell is in this pool, I think it was hidden by it, and Bai Ling has already found its lair. As long as we lure it out, Bai Ling can take the opportunity to find it."


Hong Ning smiled bitterly in her heart and sighed: "Shi Xiong has a mission and Shi Fu's magic power will only scare it away. We won't be able to buy much time so let me be the bait."


Other than that, there is no other way. You can’t just grab someone to be the bait. Wen Xin comforted: “The evil dragon feeds on people, so it can feel life energy the most. Later, you will go into the water to lure it up, point the mirror at it, and recite the spell. If you can hold on for a while, I will hide until Bai Ling finds the bell. If there is no accident, I won't expose myself."


Hong Ning looked down at the mirror in her hand. It was a magic mirror made by Wen Xin. She had used it before and was no stranger to it, so she nodded, "I know."


Wen Xin got up: "It's getting late, Bai Ling has to put away his magic power to avoid being noticed by the evil dragon."


Bai Ling responded, his body gradually became transparent and disappeared into the water.


Hong Ning had a bitter face.


Wen Xin laughed and pulled her up: "Don't be afraid, although I'm hiding, I will still be paying attention to you."


Hong Ning patted her clothes and smiled, "Shi Fu you prepare to go, it's not like it's the first time."


Seeing her relaxed expression, Wen Xin was relieved and waved his sleeves to hide his figure.


In the weather in May, there was a faint chill in the pond. Hong Ning slowly descended into the water, not knowing how many times she has seen them collect demons with her own eyes, but at most they just are fighting. Strictly speaking, this is her first time in the main position. After all, she had no bottom in her heart, and the last incident at the bottom of the pool was too thrilling. She was already nervous, the appearance of the evil dragon was always lingering in her mind. When she entered the water again, she couldn't help shivering, almost choking.


A soft wave of water rippled and gently supported her.


"What are you afraid of?" The voice was light, but much gentler than usual.


Probably because he was by her side, Hong Ning felt warm and no longer thought about it, and she became more courageous: "I'm fine, you should hide it. When it comes out, hurry up and look for the clock."


Silence for a moment.


"It's coming, be careful." The water wave gave her a push and disappeared. She couldn't feel it again.


Coming? Hong Ning brought her mind back and focused on the task, staring at the water surface.


Gradually, the center of the pond really started to ripple, sparkling under the moon. Water bubbles soon started to appear, accompanied by a "gudu" sound, even a rookie like her could clearly perceive the strong demonic aura.


"One, two, three!" She counted silently in her heart, feeling that it was almost time, Hong Ning jumped up quickly. This time she was in shallow water, so she quickly jumped ashore.


With a sound of "splashing", a black shadow emerged from the water, bringing up countless splashes, and the long body swept straight towards this side.


Hong Ning was already prepared, she rolled on the spot, avoided it. Grabbing the demon mirror placed on the shore, she held it in front of her chest.


The evil dragon straightened up, as if about to jump.


Hong Ning knelt down on one knee, clasped the mirror in her arms tightly with both hands, just waiting for it to come ashore. Turning the mirror to look face it, she then recited the Marshal spell. This type of evildoers is most afraid of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, because the Divine Thunder is able to disperse their spirit, it is a heavenly punishment for them. Although she can't summon the Thunder Marshal with her measly magic power, it is still possible to call thunder to deter it.


However, the evil dragon looked down at her for a moment, and then slowly retreated into the water.


Hong Ning was surprised.


It turned out that the evil dragon recognised her, having suffered a great loss previously, it didn't know if the person who rescued her last time was still there. Hence, he didn't dare to go ashore rashly, half sinking and half floating in the water, eyes flickering, as if it was peeping.


One man and one dragon face off.


In the end, the dragon seemed to lose interest in her. It lowered its head and submerged into the water.


Hong Ning exhaled lightly, but then became anxious again. Bai Ling went to its old nest to find the precious bell. If it goes back now, it might collide with him. Even if Bai Ling is not afraid of it, tonight's action will be in vain. It will know that the three of them have ideas on the divine bell and it will be even more difficult to lure it out of the seal again.


Before she could think about it, she immediately got up and walked over.


The pool is calm and traceless, with a round white jade wall.


It really went back? Hong Ning leaned over to look at the pool of water, hesitating whether she should go down and lure it again. However, the moment she was distracted, she suddenly heard a "splash" sound, a column of water came pouring in, drenching her all over her face and body.


This evil dragon can even play tricks!


Hong Ning was shocked, her eyes were confused by the water. However, she knew in her heart that something wasn't right, falling to the ground and rolling over to avoid it.


The evil dragon had already determined that there was no one around. It had no fear and flew straight out of the water and landed on the shore. But seeing it was two or three meters long, its scales and claws brightly reflecting by the moonlight and there was a faint black air lingering around it. It didn't wait for Hong Ning to breathe and pounced with its claws, and after a few missed hits, it simply curled up its body, circling her in the middle, smugly wrapping its body.


The dragon's body was as thick as a bucket, its scales quivering. Hong Ning could see goose bumps appearing and she immediately raised the mirror to her chest and began to chant.


Above, there was a faint sound of muffled thunder in the clear sky.


In the distance, Wen Xin saw this scene and slowly put away his sword.


Hearing the thunder in the sky, the dragon was really frightened. It subconsciously threw Hong Ning aside, quickly bowed its head, curled its body into a pile, and did not dare to advance again.


Hong Ning didn't have time to wipe off the cold sweat and focused her mind to recite the spell.


Cultivating the spirit bead with the human spirit can increase a lot of Taoism. The dragon was reluctant to retreat and he was about to go forward to do evil, but it was afraid that she would really call divine thunder, it hesitated for a while.


After half a day, Hong Ning finally ran out of magic power and the sound of thunder weakened.


Realising that the thunder did not pose any harm, the evil dragon gradually grew bolder and approached her.


Hong Ning shook her hand.


The golden light flashed, but it reflected on the demon mirror.


The dragon stopped in fright.


Bailing has been gone for so long, has he found the bell? Hong Ning's face was calm, but she was a little anxious in her heart. She stared at it closely, not daring to relax at all. Fortunately, with the demon mirror in hand, it didn't dare to mess around and the situation should be locked in stalemate for a while.


She thought to herself, but the dragon on the opposite side became impatient and suddenly shook its head from side to side.


A soft golden light lit up at the dragon's left horn.


What it that thing? Hong Ning noticed the abnormality and was doubtful.


The golden light was small at first, flickering like a firefly for about ten times. It suddenly exploded several times, rays of light radiant and dazzling, making the surroundings look like daytime.


At the same time, the demon mirror was overshadowed.


Using the light to see the thing on the dragon's horn, Hong Ning's expression turned pale, and she shouted, "The divine bell! The divine bell is on the horn!"


This divine bell was originally a divine artefact, it can be big or small. Now it has been shrunk by the evil dragon and placed on the dragon's horn. No wonder Bai Ling has not returned, because the treasure is not in the cave at all, but on its body!


Wen Xin in the distance didn't expect such an accident. In his shock, he didn't care about anything else. He immediately withdrew the magic circle, recited the spell and drove the sword towards the evil dragon.


The sword flew into the air but it seemed to hit an invisible wall and bounced to the ground.


The dragon beard shook, and the scarlet tongue was in front of her.


An inexplicable time-travel, in the end becoming dragon food, Hong Ning smiled bitterly, seeing that she couldn't avoid it, she simply closed her eyes.


The moment she closed her eyes, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded in her ears, making her dizzy. She could even clearly feel the trembling of the ground beneath her feet.


What was that sound? Before Hong Ning could react, the surrounding already returned to silence.


It was eerily quiet.

You are reading story When The Flowers Falls, I’ll See You Again at novel35.com


After a long while, someone called her softly: "Hong Ning? Hong Ning?"


Didn't she get eaten by the dragon? Hearing the familiar voice, Hong Ning opened her eyes frightened and found that she was still standing there with Wen Xin next to her looking at her, sweat on her forehead.


In front of her, there was already a bronze bell about one person tall, quaint shape, oozing auspiciousness aura and golden light.


There is still a person standing on the bronze bell.


The dragon has disappeared! .


Seeing that she was safe and sound, Wen Xin was relieved and turned around to salute the person on the bell: "Fortunately, I was rescued by immortal's arrival, may I know this immortal's name?"


The man was very young, wearing a wide yellow robe, handsome in appearance, but his eyes were always fully opened, looking a little listless, as if he had not yet woken up: "Don't dare, this little immortal is only the time governor of the Southern Heavenly Gate, because I fell asleep for a while, I forgot to report the time and missed the important event of Di Jun, so I was demoted to the lower realm and put in charge of the land and mountain gods here."


It turned out to be an immortal who slumbered and demoted, Hong Ning thought to herself and asked, "Where's that dragon?"


Zhong Xian sighed: "I just slept, who would have thought that this evil beast would come out to do evil, but luckily I woke up in time." After finishing speaking, he flew up with the ancient bell, and a small black snake immediately appeared below, coiling in a circle. The group, with their heads hidden in the middle, dare not see anyone.


Hong Ning said: "How long has Zun Jia slept?"


The bell immortal said: "I just slept, who would have thought that this evil beast would come out to do evil, luckily I woke up in time. After finishing speaking, he flew up with the ancient bell and a small black snake immediately appeared below, coiling in a circle. Its heads hidden in the middle, not daring to see anyone.


Hong Ning said: "How long has your respected self slept?"


The bell immortal replied: "I took a nap, but forty or fifty years passed."


Hong Ning was stunned: "Thank you high immortal for your rescue."


The bell immortal's complexion was not good: "I haven't cultivated to become a high immortal yet."


Hong Ning knew she had misspoke and did not dare to say any more.


The bell immortal suddenly felt bored, yawned, and scolded the little snake with his head down, "Evil beast! Back then, I saw that you were pitiful so I wanted to help you. I didn't think you would dare to come out and do evil, I must call heavenly thunder to beat you!"


The little snake shuddered when it heard those words, slowly slithered to Hong Ning, looked at her and nodded, looking very pitiful.


Wen Xin shook his head.


The original choice of using this dangerous method was to seal it, not wanting to ruin its cultivation, but now seeing this little thing taking the initiative to plead for mercy, Hong Ning suddenly felt sympathetic and sighed: "You forcibly confine the souls of those people to cultivate the spirit bead, are you willing to let them go?"


The little snake incessantly nodded.


Hong Ning turned to the bell immortal: "Cultivation is also not easy, if you can seal it up, it would be enough for it not to come out and harm others."


"Never mind," Zhong Xian raised his hand to put the snake in his sleeve and yawned again, "I'm going back to sleep but I hope I can see you again when I wake up next time."


It's been forty or fifty years after taking a short nap, next time you'll have to go to the King of Hell to find the person. The immortals are also negligent in their duties, Hong Ning can't help crying and laughing: "Won't you go back to the temple? Those monks are looking forward to you."


The bell immortal said: "It's still quietest here."


Quiet and good to sleep? Hong Ning herself does not for the immortal way and is not afraid of his anger: "Since your respected self is here to manage the land and mountain gods, it is better to sleep less, so as not to miss a major event."


"If I can don't sleep, I would have already been a high immortal," Zhong Xian didn't mind her blunt words, and turned to Wen Xin, "Your cultivation heart is sincere, although you may not be able to ascend in the flesh body, but if you continue to cultivate like this, in future you will be entered in to the immortal registry."


Wen Xin hurriedly said, "Thank you immortal for your guidance."


The bell immortal nodded, flew back to the water in the middle of the pond slowly with the bell. As if remembering something again, turned to look at Hong Ning: "I will see Zhong Tian Wang in the future, and I will greet little immortal on his behalf."


中天王 (Zhōng Tiān Wáng):

King of Central Heavens, 中天 = Central Heavens, 王 = king or prince


Hong Ning wondered: "Zhong Tian Wang?"


Zhong Xian smiled: "Zhong Tian Shen Wang, didn't you follow him to the meeting back then, I almost didn't recognise you just now." Maybe he was too sleepy, without waiting for Hong Ning to ask more, he sank with the bell. The pond water automatically parted in all directions, then closed.


神 (shén):



The light disappeared, and the Evil Dragon Pool returned to its original state, calm without waves, with a full moon.


"Let's go back." Not sure when, Bai Ling was already standing on the shore.


"Fortunately, it's all right," Wen Xin let out a long sigh and looked at Hong Ning, "Do you recognise this immortal?"


Hong Ning shook her head blankly and was puzzled in her heart. After listening to the bell immortals's words, they actually knew each other, but she didn't have any impression of this immortal in her memories, when did she follow what Zhong Tian Wang to meet him?


The high platform of the Golden Palace, the Jade Pavilion of Qiong Lou, the waves of immortal music, the fragrant mist lingered around. On the Yu Ye Pond next to it, several lotus flowers stood, shining brightly.


玉液 (Yù Yè):

Jade liquid


In the distant sky, an auspicious cloud flew over.


There was a young man stood on the cloud. His splendid clothes and belt danced in the wind, very handsome. At a closer look, his eyebrows were smooth and his phoenix eyes were affectionate. Two adolescent girls stood behind him on his left and right, both with flower-like appearance.


When the Yu Ye pond settled down, he instructed the two girls to stay behind and walked up the curved bridge alone.


Several immortals formed a circle on the platform in the center of the water center. Among them, there were two old men playing chess. When they saw him, they stood up hurriedly and saluted: "Di Jun has been reading for a long time, and the Zhong Tian Wang has also finally come."


Jin Xiu smiled slightly: "Your words are serious, Jin Xiu's sinful body is no longer a Zhong Tian Wang."


The white-haired old man threw his chess piece, shook his head and smiled: "Zun Shen is successful in cultivating, it is only a matter of time before you regain control of the Central Heavens, why be so humble."


Jin Xiu didn't say more: "There are some things in Qing Jun Palace, why don't you go back earlier."


Hearing the words, the white-haired old man was stunned for a moment. He hurriedly lowered his head and pinched his fingers to count and his face turned pale in shock: "Only greedy for chess, I almost got into a big disaster. Fortunately, I was reminded Zun Shen!" Saying "goodbye" to the crowd of immortals, he brought the child and hurriedly rode away on a cloud.


This child he is referring to is probably his attendant.


Jin Xiu asked the immortals, "Is Di Jun here?"


All the immortals were still feeling inexplicable about the matter just now and before they could answer, there were several people walking over. The first was a burly old man with a red robe and jade belt, with a mighty appearance, when they saw Jin Xiu, he laughed: "I was thinking who is it? It turned out to be Zhong Tian Wang."


Jin Xiu also smiled and said, "I'm just a sinner, the Bei Jie Wang, hope that you are well."


北界王 (Běi Jiè Wáng):

King of the Northern Realm

别来无恙 (Bié Lái Wú Yàng):

An idiom, usually used as a greeting to someone you have not seen in a while. Something like long time no see but closer to the meaning of asking after someone's wellbeing.


Bei Jie Wang said, "Did Di Jun summon you?"


Jin Xiu nodded.


"Di Jun is in the Tian Shu Pavilion and he mentioned Zun Shen just now, hurry over." The voice was very pleasant. The woman behind Bei Jie Wang spoke. She was dressed in snow-white clothes, beautiful in appearance, and her beauty faintly revealed a three-point natural charm.


天书 (Tiān Shū):

Heavenly books, so Tian Shu Pavillion is a library/study


Jin Xiu smiled: "Thanks Tian Nu for the guidance."


天女 (Tiān Nü):

Heavenly maiden


Tian Nu pursed her lips and smiled, turning her face away. It was obviously an inadvertent action, but when she did it, it was very charming.


Bidding farewell to the immortals, Jin Xiu flicked his embroidered robe and walked towards the Tian Shu Pavilion.


T/N: Once again, sorry for the inconsistencies in the translation. Previously translated as King of Central Heavens, I have decided to stick to the Chinese name; Zhong Tian Wang. I have also updated on all previous posts and in future, all names and titles will be kept in Chinese with a note if necessary. I have also created a glossary you can refer to if you need a reminder on the names/titles.


On another note, super sorry for the delay of this chapter. I have been super busy with my job lately and I also have an exam coming up next week. Once this busy period is over, I will try my best to update at least once a week.

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