When The World Went Dark

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

System: Mission Complete! Accept Rewards? Y/N


“Yes!” I thought in my head.


System: Command Accepted. Rewards Processing…

System: Acquired Storage Space. Size: 16 Meters Volume!


“16 meters isn’t too bad, it’s about 52 feet. I don’t have much but that’s quite a bit of space for the items I have on me now.” I thought, as I swiftly mentally shoved all of my ill gotten gains into the storage space. After that I continued on with the task at hand, looking for any injured or dead. Since the second wave of leapers approached the raiders have decreased in number from seven to four. With three of the raiders being felled in the still raging battle, and of the ten slaves, only five including Sebas, Laura, Mr. Kicks, and myself remained. 


I swiftly moved to the raiders first, dragging them towards the inner square and looting them of anything of value. I decided not to take their guns this time around. It’d be a bit too suspicious if all the guns went missing. As for ammo and any other things whether small or large, as long as they seemed of value, I pocketed them. 


I then moved onto the dead slaves, I knew they likely didn’t have anything good, however on the off chance they did I pilfered them just as well. Now at this point you may be wondering why the hell i’m not fighting? Well, to answer your question As*holes, this body that I’m in can't be much older than 14 years old. The role of medic that I’m playing now can't be far off from what I’d be expected to do anyway.


It didn’t take too long to move around the deceased and help the injured, and the battle seemed to be dying down. The breaking point was when Chief stood up yelling and charged towards the forest shooting his pistol in the direction we’d heard the commanding shrieks from before. Those actions seemingly scared the Command Leaper, as I’ve decided to call it, and it gave the command to retreat. The surviving raiders and slaves roared loudly, the cry of relief, exhilaration, loss, and the signal of the hard-fought pyrrhic battle ending in victory. 


After the adrenaline and happiness of the moment slowly faded, everyone began to once again realise the situation they were in. The slaves were armed and the raiders were low on ammo. However they’d all just fought with their lives on the line and were exhausted. It truly was any man's game as to who’d win if a battle erupted, and the previously happy atmosphere quickly cooled down and the tension was thick enough to cut with a knife.


Just at that moment an unexpected person spoke up.


“I understand that we are in quite the unique situation right now. How about this, if we were to break off from each other now, our fates are all but determined. The wild beast will pick us off at will, there’s always been strength in numbers for us humans. My proposal is that we operate as equals now that neither side has the ability to completely control or dominate the other, and when we reach a safe area or stronghold we part ways. What say you?” asked Sebas; as he looked back and forth between the raiders and slaves.


For the slaves this was the best scenario, seeing as the raiders had guns it was possible that not a single one of them would see the morning sun tomorrow if the raiders decided to fight it out. However the raiders weren’t as convinced by this proposition, scavenging supplies was worth a few Atums, but people had always been a more profitable commodity. If they were to release all the slaves they’d might as well empty their pockets of every Atum they’d ever earned and toss them into the nearest river. 


The chief spoke, “I can't accept your proposition…” When his words landed in the ears of the slaves they all tensed up, and prepared to put their lives on the line for the hope of a better future. “...However…” He continued, “If I’m allowed to keep one of you behind as a slave then the rest of you may be seen as equals and leave at the proper time. I can promise this on both my honour and The Lord of Misery himself. “ 


Hearing that the slaves calmed down, all except for me, this was quite the vicious move, the classic divide and conquer strategy. Forcing the group of slaves to lose their unity, and force one of us into slavehood in exchange for the others lives. However it’s too soon to object, if things go bad we could all end up dead, and the system doesn't have any busted cheat to avoid death, so the current danger is very apparent and real. 


Sebas hesitated for a bit before deciding to put it to a vote. “All for yes!” he said. Laura, Mr. Kicks, and the other guy who’s name I haven’t learned yet swiftly raised their hands. They were willing to gamble, there was only a 20% chance they’d be chosen as the slave. If their luck was really that bad they could only complain to The Architect when they ascended the steps to meet him. 


Sebas and I made eye-contact before sighing. There wasn’t even a need to take a vote on the Nays'; it was clear that only Sebas and I had a clear head on the matter. “Very well,” Sebas said, “The group has decided to accept your request, now it is up to you to decide whom you wish to keep.” Sebas said somberly.  


“Mmm,” The chief nodded simply, before rubbing his scruffy beard with his large hand as he observed all the former captives. Everyone was tense as the Chief inspected them, all hoping that he’d bypass them and pick another, all except for Toska that is.


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“He’ll definitely choose either Laura or Mr. Kicks. Laura’s looks aren’t too bad and her body is rather nice, even back in the Old World she’d be at least an 8. As for Mr. Kicks, he’s tall and strong, a great source of labour. Worst case scenario he’d choose Gramps for his wisdom, it’d suck but this world is cruel, there’s nothing I’d be able to do. *Sigh* One of the bright sides of being a young boy is that I wouldn’t be a great slave, only an extra mouth to feed. The only way he’d choose me is if he was one of those shady characters with certain hobbies-”


“I choose the boy!” Chief exclaimed




“PERVERT YOUR MOM YOU LITTLE SH*T, I CHOOSE YOU SO ROLL OVER HERE!!” The Chief yelled angrily after being falsely accused. He really wasn’t that type of guy, he just found this kid a little interesting and had decided to train up a guard for his precious daughter. Was that too much to ask?


“Grandpa!” I yelled in indignation, looking at Grandpa Sebas for some kind of support. He looked at me tenderly as he put his hand on my shoulder. I knew I could count on Gramps in a time like this. The world still has a little color, the bonds of family aren’t so easily broken! 


“Toska.. the world is cruel, there’s nothing I’m able to do *sigh* the only good thing about being an old man is that I’m no good as a slave, only an extra mouth to feed.” *tsk*tsk*tsk* “Don’t worry too bad, this chief doesn't seem simple, and I’m sure he won’t mistreat you.




Sebas: …

Laura: …

Chief: …

Mr. Kicks: …

Raiders: …

System: …


*cough* “Well then it’s settled.” Laura said as she came over and tied my hands loosely with some rope. “Don’t feel too bad, there will always be an opportunity to escape in the future.” she whispered. 


I ignored her, I was too busy reading the new quest the system had just offered me.


System: Questline Unlocked: World Domination

System: Mission: Build Your Forces 0/100; Accept Mission? Y/N


“Things are getting interesting.” I thought as a small smirk unconsciously spread its way across my lips.


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Chapter as promised, hope you enjoyed it. Got some valid feedback in the reviews and it'll help to develop the story, thank you for commenting/reviewing. Hope you all enjoy the chapter and please, PLEASE, PLEASE leave a review/like/whatever, it really helps, ok bye.

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