When The World Went Dark

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

This new mission is interesting, build my forces… does that mean recruit people? It must also have something to do with this world domination questline. Speaking of, “Hey system, what is this Questline thing?”

System: Questlines are optional events that can only be triggered randomly. By accepting the quest, System gives Host goals, and when Host completes those goals, Host receives rewards that’ll help Host with the next goal or with Hosts’ personal growth. Overall questlines are usually for the benefit of the World, the Host, or both. This specific questline is beneficial to the Host.

System: *Attention* System won’t provide anything that can dangerously tip the world order or balance. How far the Host goes in this world will depend on Hosts’ luck, intelligence, and determination. 

“Wow! System this is the most I’ve ever heard you speak. What side of the bed did you wake up on?”

System: …

*cough* So basically what the system is saying is that certain things have to happen in a specific order randomly in order to trigger a questline. Also questlines aren’t always beneficial to the person doing them, however they do provide rewards that make completing the quests easier. Most importantly no reward will ever be a busted or an OP cheat that makes me invincible. The rewards will only ever be aids, and depending on how I use them they can be considered OP or not. 

“Ok system I accept the questline mission!” I said in my head

“So it seems you’ve finally accepted your position.” said the Chief “In that case no need to tie you up.” He said while cutting the ropes. “You will be a slave, but I won't mistreat you. As long as you serve the family well, regaining your freedom isn’t out of the question.” He continued enticingly. “My name is Laten, from now on you will serve me, or more specifically my daughter as her guard. you will address me as Lord or Master, and my daughter as Young Miss. Do you understand?” 

“Yes Lat… Master.” I responded, integrating into his household isn’t a bad idea. If I had to try to find subordinates out here in the wilds, I’d probably die before I found anyone. Hell, I still don’t know where we are!”

“Good!” Laten said smilingly, “You learn fast, and I’m sure you’ll serve well. My daughter is about the same age as you, just a few years older. Be sure to get along with her, but don’t get any ideas, or else I’ll be sure to feed your heart to the wild dogs.”

“YES MASTER!” I yelled in fright. What the fu*k is up with these guys and murder?!?! 

Laten laughed heartily before saying, “ Good, very good! You’ll have to learn Hoa, which is our native language, as well as learn how to fight and shoot. I will turn you into a great guard.” 

“YES MASTER!” I yelled again, this is so fu*king humiliating. I’m a grown man godd*mnit! Why the hell do I have to be subjected to this treatment? Yes master, yes master, what type of bullshi-, breathe… breathe… 

System: 4 New Missions Acquired!

System: Mission 1: Learn Hoa

System: Mission 2: Learn How To Fight

System: Mission 3: Learn How To Shoot

System: Mission 4: Become A Great Bodyguard

System: Because missions connect to the main questline which host has already accepted, all missions have been auto-accepted.

“What the hell??” I said to the system. “I can’t choose to decline these missions what type of bullsh*t is that?!?!”

System: …

“Right, right, right, all business with you. Okay since there’s no other options then I’ll just work hard to complete these missions and receive the rewards. By the way, system, what is the reward for completing the first mission of the World Domination Questline?”

System: Car Manufacturing Technology

“Cars?? How the hell is that going to help me when nature has retaken much of the infrastructure that humanity built so long ago?!?!”

System: …

*sigh* “No help at all,” I sobbed inwardly.

The trip after that was pretty smooth. We were travelling through The Confederacy towards Zeland, or The Land of Zealots. The Confederacy is a country built by the KKK and other extremist, and racist groups such as the Neo-N*zis and the Woods. 

When the world went dark, they swiftly took that chance to take over large swathes of territory spanning Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. They swiftly implemented slavery, and the dehumanisation of people of color all across their territory. Causing many POCs as well as any white people who hated their rule to flee towards Kinshi, Zeland, Anabap, The Old US, or even the further unclaimed land and Salvationist territory. 

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The only saving grace was that there was a group of people, of all races and religions, who banned together in order to fight The Confederacy. They took up the iconic name of, The Underground Railroad, and actively participated in freeing slaves within The Confederacy, as well as obstructing The Confederacy in any way they possibly could. 

Their efforts are the reason why The Confederacy couldn’t further spread across Anricha. They are supported financially and with both firearms and supplies by the surrounding countries, which allows them to continue their guerilla operations to this day.

The reason I know all this is because in the last 10 days I’ve been receiving both education and training from Laten. (the Chief, remember) He’s very knowledgeable, and his teachings over these last few days have allowed me to have a deeper understanding of this world. As for who he is personally, I’m still in the dark. However I’m sure that when I reach Armageddon, which is the capital city of Zeland, and also where Laten resides, I’ll better understand the situation.

“Munshuka, Muu-nshuu-kahh. That’s how you pronounce it, now try it one more time, and if you can’t understand it don’t even think about eating tonight!” Laten yelled

“Muu-nshuu-kahh” I repeated with a few tears in my eyes. I’ve already lost track of the amount of times my head has been smacked by this child ab*ser. At first I could bear with it, but as everyone began parting ways as they reached one destination or another it slowly wore down my mind. When Sebas tearfully departed, promising to meet me again one day, I almost found a river to drown myself in. 

“Perfect!” Laten said, “Now was that so hard?”

“No Master! Of course not! With your teaching style everything is clear and easy to understand.”

Laten looked at his subordinates one by one slowly, before saying proudly, “Take notes little ones… this is how a real man trains his subordinates!” After that he sighed, looked at the sky and walked off. 

Raiders: …

Toska: …

System: …

As Laten walked away, looking up, his face broke into a wide smile. “This kid really isn’t half bad, it’s only taken a little over a week for him to all but master Hoa. On top of that he’s showing potential when it comes to fighting, as for shooting I’ll have to wait until we reach Armageddon, out here in the wilds it’s dangerous to waste ammo.”

Just at that time…

System: Congratulations On Completing Mission: Learn Hoa

System: Reward: Hyperpolyglot (Gives host the ability to learn and use languages very quickly) Accept? Y/N


System: Command Received. Hyperpolyglot transferred.

Immediately after I heard the System notification a warm energy entered my brain. It felt as if warm water was slowly making its way through my hair, it was a tickling and satisfying sensation. During this process many things about Hoa began to make sense, certain pronunciations, words that were hard to understand and even conversational Hoa began to make sense to me. By the time the warm feeling had passed, the unrefined and rough understanding that I had of Hoa turned into a shined and polished fluency I never thought possible.

I excitedly ran towards Borris, although he was one of my captors, we were similar in age and over the trip we’d developed a form of friendship. When I got close enough I instantly started a conversion in fluent Hoa to his great surprise. We trudged forward as we spoke and I slowly got used to Hoa in actual practical conversation. 

Suddenly Borris got serious and with a bit of a worried look in his eye said, “Listen Toska, I like you and see you as a sort of younger brother. So I’ll give you some advice. In about an hour we will reach Armageddon, the city isn’t owned by any one power, instead it’s jointly run by multiple religions. Including but not limited to the Christians, Muslims, Buddhist, Plaugist, us Hoas, and a plethora of other large and small religions and cults. Each and everyone of them fight for power and benefits, and the battles are vicious and merciless. Laten is the head of a small clan under The Hoa (House of Anguish) and you are his subordinate, so it won’t be long before you're thrown into that world of violence and betrayal. The city isn’t a safe place so keep your wits about you and don’t be fooled, I’d hate to see you die.”

After that there was a bout of silence between us, I was processing what I’d been told, and he was letting me. I thought I’d only sunk into my thoughts for a few moments, but then I felt a strong hand on my shoulder, “We’re here,” said Laten as he looked me in my eyes, before making a sweeping motion behind him. “Welcome to Armageddon!”  

Message To Readers: To be honest I didn’t know how popular this series would be. I’m extremely grateful to everyone who’s supported or offered input to me. Pretty soon I’ll set up a discord and link it if you guys want that. When we reach chapter 10, I’ll go all out and push out an additional 2 chapters the next day/week/whenever. As always I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please, PLEASE, PLEASE leave a comment/like/review/whatever, it really helps. Ok bye. 

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