White Fang

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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The birds chirped as they flew through the blue sky as Nero laid on the roof of a house with his right hand stretched towards the sky.

He said to himself “Don’t forget the reason why you came to this city in the first place”

A voice called out to him.

“Hey Nero stop daydreaming and get back to work”

It was the voice of his boss. A gentle but stern older woman

After moving to the city of Asterisk six months ago, he had done nothing but keep his head down and worked.

Quickly snapping out of his mid-morning daze, he jumped down from the roof and began the task which was assigned to him.

That task was transferring boxes of fresh fruit and vegetables to the various vendor stalls.

Stall by stall, he assisted in stocking each of them. It was a tedious task but to him, it beat exploring the dungeon and running into a quick death.

He had plans of a long life. Well, that’s what he hoped for anyway.

After finally unloading the last apple, the stall owner who was a male in his mid 50’s spoke to him

“Thank you for your assistance young man”

“My pleasure”

He then gave one of the apples that would have sold today as a reward for Nero’s hard work.

After suspiciously accepting the fruit that was red in colour and around 5-7 cm in diameter and giving a half smile. He then thoroughly inspected the new received gift before biting into it.

“Ok looks safe”

The vendor laughed a hearty laugh

“I’m not going to poison you”

Nero has been on guard ever since he arrived at Asterisk because of the way he had been treated priorly. The city folk were not hostile, but he could still see their reactions mainly the adventurers.

They labelled him an angel of death; it was more like his entire family. That was the main reason why he wasn’t allowed to join any adventuring parties.

Nero knew deep in his heart why and ever once try to clear up the true misconceptions surround his family name.

As he stood there munching on the apple. The sounds chains clanking, and horse hoofs filled the air.

A loud and harsh male voice followed shortly after

“I said walk in an orderly manner”

Then the crack of a whip followed instantly

Nero instinctively turned his head to the source of the noise. A disappointed look set on his usually expressionless face as he noticed what it was.

A slaver trader, a taboo but profitable business. Many people publicly strayed away from the idea of slavery but never outright rejected it. It was in some human’s nature to be in control of another being.

The short and stubby man, dismounted from the large brown horse he rode on when he spotted Nero.

“White hair and violet eyes with pale fair skin, could this be?”

Nero with the apple still in his mouth, glared at the man with an intensity so great that the slave trader could burst into flames.

The stranger walked past Nero and approached the stall vendor that gave the apple away.

“Good day my name is Elik Rupaul and how much will you accept to part from that boy?”

A confused look crept up on the vendor’s face

“I’m not sure what you mean but that young man isn’t a slave”

Those words shocked Elik Rupaul

“Whattttt? Do you know how valuable he is? The Ambrose family tree is dead, and that boy is most likely the last member of them”

Upon hearing that statement, Nero reached for the blade that was usually kept on the left side of his body but all he felt was air

“Huh?” He thought to himself “I forgot that I don’t carry around weapons anymore”

Elik noticed Nero and laughed then got back on his horse

“Calm down boy, it’s your lucky day”


That was the yell of the man, signalling the horse to move forward once again

As the animal slowly trotted along, his slaves followed behind him.

Most of them looking malnourished, exhausted and dead on the inside.

One slave in particular caught Nero’s eyes. A female that looked roughly the same age as him with long unkept dark blue hair that was waist length and black eyes while sporting a petite frame.

Something about her drew him in but he couldn't place a finger on it.

After Elik the slave trader left, his boss approached him

“Hopefully that wasn’t any trouble”

Nero shook his head

“Here’s your pay for the day”

She then handed him two silver coins which had an outline of a bird engraved on both sides of it

The job he currently had wasn’t a stable one so that meant he would only get paid once every week. He couldn’t say that it was the ideal employment, but money was money to Nero.

The coins clinking together in the palm of his left hand would be his survival funds for the rest of the week.

“I could avoid spending money on an inn if I slept outside again” he thought to himself.

Another thought crept up in his mind.

“Oh Crap! I told Emi that I would meet her after her shift at the guild office”

Slightly jogging towards the office. He cut through the code of people, expertly avoiding physical contact with anybody in a manner that resembled a cat.

After roughly about 10 minutes of jogging, Nero came into view of the guild building.

A two-story structure that was the central network for anything adventurer related in the city of Asterisk. That included keeping track of parties, levelling and quests. The guild works acted like advisors to rookie and veteran adventurers to avoid unnecessary deaths, but it was still expected in this line of work.

Emi stood outside the building, visibly annoyed in her work uniform with consisted of a black long pants which complimented her thick thighs and a green shirt which was stuffed because of her large bosom.

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Nero carefully approached her as if he was creeping up on a wild animal

“Heyyyy Emi”

She ignored his initial greeting

“I said Heyyy Emi. Are you really going to make me repeat myself?” Nero complained.

“Oh, it’s just the stupid person with chronic lateness”

Taking a deep breath, Nero reached into the bag which was held in his right hand

“Ok here goes nothing”

He then pulled out a sweet bun he picked up along the way because he foresaw her reaction

Emi’s annoyed expression turned cheerly and she accepted it.

“All is forgiven”

Nero said to him “When in doubt just stuff her mouth, that saved me from countless arguments with her” then sighed

Emi was the first person he ever spoke to when he came to Asterisk. She was like an older sister to Nero with her being 23 which was 4 years older than him. She acted the part of well by scolding him whenever he did something stupid in her eyes.

She then motioned Nero with her hand to follow her towards the direction of her house.

“So, what’s the important thing you have to discuss with me Emi?”

“It’s concerning the dungeon” she replied in a manner which was befitting a delicate situation

“The dungeon….”

“It’s nothing too major and you’ll get paid decently for it”

Nero paused in his tracks then turned to her

“It’s not about the money Emi”

“You should try to focus on that as well because when last did you sleep in a proper bed?”

She had him beat there. Nero had been parsimonious with his money. So, he would avoid buying food and paying for lodging when he had the option.

“For your information, I had a wonderful bed last night” Nero offered as a rebuttal.

Emi put her right hand on his shoulder then softly said “Nero you slept on the roof of my house last night like a cat”

A look of defeat crept up on the face of Nero, a look that Emi knew too well thanks to all their conversations.

“Fine you win”

“Ok good so the task at hand is to collect the toxic from a Daimon Back Vapor”

Nero looked a bit sceptical

“Daimon Back Vapours normally appear on the seventh floor, right?”

“Yes, but anything beyond the tenth floor is considered dangerous so you should be fine”

Emi knew about Nero’s skill and trusted him to come back alive.

“I don’t even have a weapon anymore” Nero replied nervously

Emi gave herself a face palm then asked

“Did you sell the sword you came here with?”

Nero scratched the back of his head

“I was a bit strapped for cash back then”

She placed both of her hands around his throat to strangle him then paused. After taking a deep breath and storming into her house.

“You wait right there”

After a few minutes inside, she stuck her head out of the window then tossed an object at Nero who wasn’t paying any attention.

The object sailed through the air at Nero who caught it at a moment’s notice with even looking up

Still hanging her head out of the window, Emi had a smile on her face

“Oh, good your reflexes aren’t rusty”

Nero examined the object in his hand and saw that it was a sword.

He slowly pulled the blade from its scabbard then examined it even further.

“Hmm not a bad short sword you have there Emi, in fact I am surprised that you own one”

Emi replied “Well a person needs at least one weapon these days, right?

Nero now looking up at her who still stood by the open window.

“Let me guess you intercepted this task before it was posted on the boards huh?”

She winked then said “Now don’t let me down”

Nero smiled at her

“You’re unbelievable you know that?”

Emi thought as Nero as a sibling as well, so she was willing to go the extra mile for him.

Before closing the window, she reminded Nero

“Don’t forget why you came here”

Nero’s smile quickly faded when he heard those words.

“I haven’t forgotten”

The other reason consisted of him exploring the dungeon as deep as possible in hopes of finding his older sister that went missing in there. That was his main reason for coming to Asterisk but it’s not like he didn’t want to do it, but he just felt hesitant about even stepping foot in there.

He then looked up at the full moon in the sky which illuminated its gentle light on his face.

“So, tomorrow’s the day huh? The day I finally step foot in there”

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