White Fang

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

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Elik smirked and said "Yes, now show me the boy"

The person sitting up on the tree left out a big sigh

"Now, now let's not rush. We have lots of time after all"

Elik gritted his teeth in anger as he demanded to know where his soon to be prized possession was

"Show me that Ambrose boy and I won't ask ask again!"

"Or what will be the end result"

The tension in the air was thick with Elik and his men getting more visibly annoyed and the person sitting up in the tree enjoying themself.

"I have no time or patience for this. Take the Ambrose boy by force and kill the seller.

He then snapped his fingers


Both men drew their swords, ready to strike down the person in the tree.

"Sigh I wanted to try things diplomatically"

*Rustle Rustle*

A few more green leaves gently floated to the ground.

"Huh?" said the armed men in unison as they felt the presence of a person standing in-between the two of them.

Nero stood there in silence. He then spun around, connecting with a swift kick to one of the men


The man's neck snapped as the kick connected and his body went limp as he hit the hard ground.

The other man swung his blade in a rage at his fellow worker's death

*Swish Swish*

Nero effortless dodged the messy swings. The man used a horizontal slash but Nero ducked under and  picked the man up in a fireman's carry before slamming him into the ground.

The man's groan of pain was cut short as Nero impaled him in his throat with his own blade.


The man's mouth filled with bloody red bubbles as he reached out towards his boss who stepped backwards in horror.

Nero then twisted the blade which was still in the man's windpipe. A bit of bright red blood splattered on the left side of Nero's face as the man's out stretched hand fell to the ground.

He was finally deceased as Nero pulled out the sword which was covered in blood then swung it in the direction of Elik causing some to splatter on the clothes and left hand of the slave trader.

"It's so hard to find loyal workers these days and it's equally unfortunate that his blood is on your hands now"

Nero walked closer to Elik while dragging the sword on the ground causing a slightly bloody trail

Elik Rupaul pressed his back against the same tree that Nero sat in and whimpered in fear 

"You're that Ambrose boy"

"That I am so let's have a chat"

"A C-HAT?!" Elik stammered out

"You killed my men because you wanted to have a chat?"

Nero lodged the blade into the ground

"Weren't you planning on killing me first? Isn't do onto others as you would have them do onto you a golden rule of this world? You were happy to order my death but outraged because I delivered theirs instead?"

Nero then chuckled a bit

"That's a bit hypocritical you don't say?"

Elik smashed his fist into the tree bark

"So you don't feel a thing about taking a life, those men had a family"

Nero stared at him with his emotionless and cold dark purple eyes

"When an Ambrose awakens, their emotions are almost entirely suppressed so killing makes me neither happy nor sad. Also those men had a family? What about the slaves you keep and sell?"

Elik spat on the floor

"Slaves are slaves"

Nero laughed and leaned on the blade that he lodged into the ground earlier.

"I respect that you still hold onto your beliefs even in this situation" 

Both men started laughing then Nero's face turned serious 

Elik's laughed stopped when he noticed

"What do you want?"

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"Oh it's about Alura the slave girl"

Elik shrugged his shoulders

"I have a lot of female slaves so try to sprinkle a little more details in there"

"Oh my bad, let me rephase the answer to your question and say it in your language. I want the pitiful slave girl from the Iron Warrior Tribe"

Elik smirked and rubbed his hands together

"Oh so you're a potential valued customer?"

Nero sighed then pulled the blade out of the ground.

"The practice of buying and selling slaves leaves a bad taste in my mouth so let's say you'll donate her to me"

"You must be mad if you think that I'll hand her over to you for free. She's worth at least twenty gold"

Nero whistled when he heard the amount

"That's a hefty price for one little lady"

Elik raised his left eyebrow as a thought crept into his mind

"Hmm is it a sex slave you seek? It's a shame that she is used goods"

Nero twirled the sword in his hand

"A sex slave isn't on my mind but I do have an interest in her"

"An interest you say? Let's shave it down to nineteen gold"

Nero impaled the tree bark next to Elik's face who let out a girlish shriek

"I mean I can always kill you and take her for myself but let's keep this civil"

"Why only her? If you kill me the rest of the slaves will be freed"

Nero slightly tilted his head to the right

"Then what? Even if they are physically free, they will still have that same slave mindset which will lead them to being captured by another slave trader"

A bead of sweat ran down Elik's face as he breath a sigh of relief 

"I thought you wanted to free all the slaves"

Nero walked closer to him

"When did I ever imply that? My only interest is that girl I mentioned"

"The answer is still no"

Nero began to chuckle to himself then pulled out some rope which was in his pants pocket.

"Maybe you need a timeout to reflect on your answers"

He then overpowered Elik and tied him to the same tree he was leaning against.

Nero then placed a gag on his mouth.

*Muffled cries for help*

Elik struggled against the rope

Nero now in a crouching position, gave the man a slight nick on his cheek causing him to bleed, He then pulled the bottle of clear liquid he purchased early from the old man and collected Elik's blood. The red blood trickled into the small two inch bottle and made contact with the clear liquid inside. There was a slight orange glow then it became clear again.

"Unbinding potion. Something you slave traders use to undo your slave brandings when slaves are bought. All it needs is a drop of your blood and it's all set, that's pretty convenient right? Let me tell you it's a pain to get. You got to know somebody who knows somebody that knows somebody that knows people"

Elik still struggled with his rope.

Nero placed his finger on his own lips and said "Shh you don't want to attract monsters here right?"

He then reached into the man's pocket and pulled out his coin bag

*Clink Clink*

The coins clinked together as Nero thew the bag up in the air and caught it 

"Wow I was worth that much to you? I am flattered. By the way if you tell anybody about what happened here. I will kill you, like actually end your existence and you know I am very much serious. Well that's if you make it out of the dungeon alive"

Nero then walked away from frightened man and waved

"I'll be rooting for you"





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