White Fang

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

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Nero sat at his table and sipped his drink

"Hey scrub don't you hear me speaking to you?"

Nero slowly looked up at Draven

"You don't think that's a bit unfair? You're clearly a level 3 and you want to duel with a level 1. Are you planning to use that to stroke your ego?"

Draven slammed his hands on the table causing it to shake

"Well you're a so called Ambrose so it shouldn't be a problem right?"

Nero chuckled a bit before placing the drink down

"Well let's do it! Is that what you wanted me to say? You're clearly a higher level than me so why would I waste time dueling when the outcome is most likely already decided. This isn't fairy tale where the tiny fish kills the shark"

Julia walked over briskly

"Draven cut it out, you're causing a scene"

The entire pub was silent and observing the situation

Julia then turned to Nero

"I am so sorry about this"

Nero slightly turned his head to the left and faced her

"Are you apologizing because you're the leader and he is your subordinate or are you genuinely apologetic?"

Julia paused for a second due to being caught off guard by the question

"I am genuinely sorry about this disturbance caused by my hot headed friend"

"I see"

Nero then got up from seat and walked over to Gale who was stationed at the counter.

"Gale I'll be taking my leave now"

Gale who was dealing with a customer focused her attention on him

"Sorry about that ruckus"

"Eh it's fine"

Gale poked him with her elbow 

"I bet you could have taken him"

Nero thought about it for a moment 

"I am not sure to be honest"

Gale then had a serious look on her face

"So about your payment for that ale"

Nero froze as if he had been turned to stone

He then pointed to his face with both of his index fingers

"Does it look like I have money?"

Gale hung her head and sighed

"I'll put it on your unpaid tab"

Nero smiled and said "Thanks Gale you're the best"

"Also by the way, do you have pen and some paper?"

Gale handed him the items he asked for

Nero penned a letter then folded it and placed the piece of paper in his right pants pocket.

He returned Gale's pen then left the pub in a hurry.

Julia turned to Draven and almost punched him

"Stop embarrassing me in public like that"

Draven gulped down some ale 

"What it's not like I was going to lose in that duel anyway"

Blade gave himself a face palm

"That's not the point, you're too arrogant. One day you'll get a wake up call"

Draven laughed at that statement

"From who? That scrub? I think not"

Julia had a curious look on her face

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"That Ambrose guy is a strange one"

Bane injected "We should be celebrating tonight after our successful boss raid so drink up"

All four of them toasted their mugs together then cheered.

Meanwhile Nero stood at the front door of a house that could have passed for a mansion. 

He looked at the structure which was three stories tall with frosted windows. The light blue paint on the house emanated a calm and serene feeling but the house was far from it. It was a cage for the oppressed and a nightmare for those seeking freedom. It was the house of Slave Trader Elik Rupaul.

"Of course he lives like this due of that type of money but money is money whether dirty or clean to some people, including myself"

He then slipped the note he wrote at the pub under the door and left in the direction of the dungeon.

Nero stopped mid way and headed into a dark back alley only known to a few people

An old man sat on a stool with a large bag on his lap.

"What can I do for you tonight son?"

A smirk crept on Nero's face

"I'll take one unbinding potion"

The old man had a curious look on his winkled face

"Hmm party unbinding or the other one"

"The other one"

"That would be two silver, I make it my duty not to pry into customer reasons so I'll pretend I never saw you"

Nero handed over the money then took the small two inch glass bottle

"Much appreciated"

Back on the path to the dungeon now, he ran into a few city guards doing night patrol.

Nero just waved at them and kept walking

Approaching the teleporter, he stood on the platform and white light swallowed his body. 

The morning came quickly and the sounds of horses galloping filled the air.

Three brown horses raced towards the direction of the dungeon

Elik Rupaul was the rider on one of those horses along with two of his workers

He was in an elated mood.

"I can't believe my lucky break, my chance at a once in a life time item"


He struck his horse in an attempt to make it go faster.

After a few minutes of riding, all three men reached the teleporter and tied their horses up to some posts

"Hey boss, why do we have to go into the dungeon to get this thing?"

"You idiot, that's where they captured the Ambrose boy. I am about to purchase him. Maybe I won't sell him, a slave like that is too rare. Maybe we'll drug and force him to breed then sell the children. There's so much profit to be made"

The three men laughed as they thought about about all the money they were about to make.

Sometime later, they were on the fourth floor and approaching the area where Alura was tied up.

"Hey boss isn't this where, we tied up that Iron Tribe girl. It's a shame that she got away"

Elik chuckled then smacked the man on shoulder.

"She's considered damaged goods so she won't have an easy life plus when people notice the slave branding on her right arm, they will drag her right back to me. Also since the slave branding is there she will not be able to use that technique of hers so she won't make it in the outside world"

They walked passed the tree and deeper into the forested area. After about a few minutes of walking

Elik paused and said "The meeting spot said here"


Some of the green leaves from the tree which stood before them began to fall to the ground.

"Hey boss who's that?" said one of the men as he pointed in an upwards direction which was the upper branches of the tree they were facing.

Both workers drew their blades as Elik asked "Where's the Ambrose boy?"

The person sitting on the branch out of their reach then exhaled

"Do you have the money?"




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