White Fang

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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The white light that engulfed Nero subsided and he found himself in a large room that was empty apart from the adventurers who were in there

There was some murmuring amongst the adventurers when they noticed him

"Who invited that angel of death here?" said one adventurer

Nero ignored them and observed the room

"Floor one seems to be a safe floor" he thought to himself while reaching into the side bag he received from Emi earlier.

After a few seconds of rummaging, Nero pulled out a green crystal the size of a strawberry. He then touched the cold stone ground with the palm of his hand then removed it, leaving a faint crimson red light on the spot which disappeared after three seconds. Gently clenching the green crystal in his other hand, he gently poured mana into it.

"Ok, the escape crystal is set so let's get this over with"

After finding the stairs to the second floor. Nero quietly descended them, his hand gripping on the hilt of the short sword.

Taking a deep breath, he entered the second floor. It was no different from the first floor apart from the torches that were mounted on the stone wall or so he assumed.

A screeching sound pierced the air, followed by the flapping of wings.

*Flap Flap*

Nero quickly spun around and saw a swarm of bats the size of baseball gloves angrily flying towards him.

He instinctively ducked down as the swarm flew right past him. His moment of relief quickly ended when he noticed that the swarm made a U-turn and was heading straight at him again.

"Damn it!"

Nero got up and quickly drew the short sword that was in the brown scabbard on his lower back with his right hand.

The blade of the sword being approximating twenty inches in length. Nero then exhaled then swung the sword vertically, cutting one of the bats in half along with one of the other bats' wings. The one winged bat struggled to maintain altitude and landed on the floor.

Nero raised his foot  and stomped on the wounded creature, it's green blood splattering everywhere.

"Ew that's gross"

He then charged towards the rest of the swarm.

Vertical slash, horizontal, thrusting. He rained a fury of those attacks on the swarm until they were extinct.

The green blood of the bats dropping off the blade which he held tightly. Nero then wiped it on the left leg of his pants then returned it back to the scabbard.

"I guess Emi's blade is sharper than I assumed"

Nero then pushed deeper into the floor, noticing several bat corpses on the ground that he didn't kill.

"The rest of the swarm broke off to avoid being slaughtered and headed my way. To think none of them dropped a creature stone"

Creature stones were drops from monsters that can be sold at a good price with the market value being around two silver coins for one decent sized stone. They aren't rare to say but it's still a pain to get. Most adventurers who hunt monsters aim for stone drops .

A little over of five minutes of walking without running into another hostiles had Nero relaxed. He approached the stairs leading down to the third floor.

Nero slowly crept down the stairs. The third floor was dark so he decided to take one of the torches from the walls on the second floor.

"If anybody hits their shin in this area of darkness, I apologize in advance"

After securing the torch in his left hand, he held it in front of himself but the light from the fire only illuminated the area around his feet.

Slowly marching forward, being ever so aware of his surroundings. He continued to journey

*Rustle sounds*

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Nero paused and held his breath in order to hear what it was properly 

The noise stopped as well

Nero continued walking

*Rustle noises resuming"

Quickly drawing his blade, he took a defensive stance, his eyes following the sound that appeared closer than before

The darkness shrouding the area so we was unable to see properly.

"Ok what I won't give for some fire magic right now"

Nero began to slow walk again, this time with the noise following him, tightly gripping the hilt of his blade.

Nero paused once again with the noise coming from multiple directions now.

"Is it multiple enemies or just one?" he asked himself

Taking a deep breath again, translucent crimson red aura began to surround his body. He activated his skill 'Mana Enhancement'

The skill allowed him to enhance his entire body with mana but the downside was the limited use due to it burning through the user's mana at a rapid rate.

Using it for over a minute can deplete a person's mana pool to critical levels which can kill them. The skill only being in the Ambrose family.

Nero could pinpoint the source of the noise confidently now, due to mana enhancement rushed towards it. He precisely slashed the area and his blade cut through something.

Shrieking noises followed soon after then there was a thud, Nero held the torch towards the ground and revealed a three foot black spider that had been cut in half.

After examining it further by crouching down 

"Scrawlers. I heard about these, they wait in the darkness for an opening then attack their attacks, one bite from this can paralyze your respiratory system. Pretty sick for it to be on the third floor"

Before he got up, something shiny caught his eye in the scrawler's body. Nero poked around with his blade and heard a clinking sound

*Clink Clink*

"Huh what's this?"

Reaching into the scrawler's body, he pulled out a small gold stone that illuminated with a faint trace of mana

"Well I'll be damned it's a monster stone"

Nero placed it in his bag and went in search of the stairs that led to the fourth floor.

Luckily for him it was right there. It turns out that the third floor was a rather short trip aside from the scrawlers

Now onto the fourth floor.





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