Who is the Monarch

Chapter 11: Chapter 9 This… Is Your Master?

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The holidays arrived and the boys were free from school activities. Rainer, Scarlett, Kat and Roy took a bus to the outskirts of the city, leaving them at a stop where there was a dirt path that led to the depths of the forest, after a good walk you could see a very nice wooden cabin that had the lights on and following Rainer they entered. The two boys entered and saw a man of approximately 27 years old lying on the furniture with a magazine on his face snoring without any concern.

- Uuuh… Is it him? – Roy said with a strange look

- Yes, he spends almost all the time sleeping.

Roy walked over, grabbed the magazine and hit him in the face with it.

- Hey mister wake up

The man jumped exalted and seeing the strange face that everybody was making, he stood up straight and said as if nothing had happened.

- Until you finally arrived, it took a long time, did something good happen?

- Are you going to act like we haven't seen anything? how old are you? – Roy said

The man approached Roy seeing him closely from all sides, raising his arms, checking his muscles and when he was going to lift his shirt he received a blow to his head falling to the ground

- This is how you greet your visitors. Got to say that I'm regretting having brought them with us.

Kat and Scarlett who had gone to see the surroundings of the cabin entered elegantly leaving the 3 stunned. After entering, they formally introduced themselves to the teacher that Rainer had mentioned to them. When they spoke to him, he instantly transformed his appearance into that of a responsible and trustworthy adult.

- My name is Scarlett Striviakov, I'm sorry to come unannounced, I'll compensate for any trouble I may cause you, and I'd appreciate it if you could help me with aura training.

- Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Katherine D'Lavalliere, I heard that you have vast knowledge in the area of ​​the aura and I would appreciate it if you could provide me with the necessary knowledge to understand it.

- Of course I will give all my effort to teach you in the best way to know everything about the subject. – The man said with his hand on his chest while bowing.

- I've never seen such a sudden personality change. – Roy said surprised

- Okay, okay, to begin with, take these crystal cubes, it gives us a general amount of what his aura could have and are designed to absorb a portion of your aura even if you don't know how to transmit it, that will make it easier for me to know what kind of training I can put in each one of you. Grab one you too Rainer to show them what it will be like.

Rainer grabs a glass cube and a fairly large red flame forms inside it.

- This was necessary?

- Yes, to give the example

- But you could give it

- Haha these cubes can't contain my aura, they have very little capacity, that's why I asked you. Well, now that you know, let's start in order, first the lady in red, then the little one and finally Roy.

Scarlett grabbed the crystal cube and a red flame a little bigger than Rainer's was formed.

- Oooh, who would say, Miss Scarlett has more aura than Rainer, I find it impressive, I didn't think she could have so much, I was surprised. Now Kate.

Kat grabbed the crystal cube hoping to be on the same level as her friend, but a silver flame smaller than Scarlett's erupted. Just as she saw it she thought, “why do I always have to be lower than you”.

- Eh, silver? How unusual, I had seen white and grey, but never silver, this will be interesting to see. Good going Roy.

Roy with a carefree face grabbed the crystal cube and a small very dark red flame came out. "Huh... it's the smallest of all, how unfortunate." – Roy thought

- A…. Seriously? So small? I sincerely hoped, well I think not all of us are lucky, but don't be discouraged, even if it's little we can all use it, you just have to think about it, since with a single use you could finish it.

- Hahahaha Roy has it small, envy Roy? Mine is the biggest of all lol.

- Shut up Rainer I don't care; I just have to think about what to use it for, that's all. I can still fight hand to hand and I'm sure I'd beat you.

- What did you say idiot! You want to try?

- Could you shut up I want to sleep...

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Alice says while getting out of Roy's shadow while rubbing her eyes. The frightened teacher hid behind Scarlett and Kat and said.

- WHAT!? Where did that blonde loli come from!!!

- Don't worry, master is coming with Roy.

Rainer was curious what kind of Aura he could see in Alice, so he tried to convince her to grab the cube to try. He grabbed the cube and put it in front of Alice expecting her to grab it, but she answered.

- Aura? I don't have that, I come from another world, we only have spectral energy there.

- Come on, just try, you don't lose anything.

- *sigh* well how do I do it?

- Just gently grab this cube and a flame will come out inside it.

- Huhm… I see then I'll do it.

Alice grabbed the crystal cube and as soon as she touch it the cube exploded and a large amount of black flame came out of it uncontrollably throughout the cabin. However, the owner quickly ushered everyone out of the room not including the little girl. And he thought "what's all that aura, it's supposed that those who exceed the limit just don't absorb aura; So why did the cube absorb to the point of exploding?”

- Are you guys all right? Don't die, I don't want to be responsible for premature deaths, it would be a nuisance. – The master said

Everyone who had come out without any injuries were on the ground lying on top of each other.

- He does not seem serious at all but he is very skilled. – Everyone thought at once

- We're fine, but tell me, what kind of trick did you use to save us all at once? – Roy said

- Uh, it's my signature, "Esperanza", I can split myself to make any kind of decision, so I can make the decision that suits me best and if any of my copies get the wrong decision it just comes back to me and gives me the knowledge of that failed. Luckily the decisions of each of my copies was correct and I was able to make take you all out safe.

The little girl came out of the rubble totally confused about what happened.

- Huh… that's new, so that's aura. But… why do I have it if I come from a place where it doesn't exist. Hey you old man in sunglasses, do you know why this happened?

- Oooh, so you don't know, that was dangerous miss you shouldn't do it again.

- Well, I wouldn't want to use something that I don't know how to use so lightly, so I'll learn first. You will have to teach me too.

- Well miss we will have a problem with that. How do I know you won't use your powers against us once you learn it?

- Well, the fact that everyone here is still alive is proof enough that I have no bad intentions, so stop being a bother and teach me once and for all. – Alice said while wrinkling her forehead looking at the teacher

The man with sunglasses used “Esperanza” creating as many copies of himself and each one with different strategies to immobilize the girl; however, they all failed, none of the copies could even get close to the girl.

- "What? It's impossible. 200 decisions were wrong? Who is she, she is more dangerous than I expected. I guess the best decision in this case would be to do nothing.” Well well little girl you don't understand and neither do I and since you don’t kill me I can assume that what you are telling me is true so I’ll teach you

- Oh. 200 different strategies and finally you make the right decision, I was getting desperate and the truth is if you had attacked at least one more time, I would have killed you. So tell me your name human

- Ohh right, I haven't introduced myself, my name is Zack Rivera. And who do I have the pleasure with? – The man said as if he hadn't attacked her

- That would have been better from the start, was it so hard to be respectful? I am Ravenous-Melancholia Alice Grimoire-Heart.

- Why does the name is so large? Does it have any meaning?

- That is none of your business. – Alice said while looking away

- I would like to say that we start training, but my house was destroyed so I will have to find a solution or we will spend the night homeless. – The said exhausted

The man went out to buy tents while the boys cleaned up the mess. Thanks to Scarlett they finished quickly and had free time, so she asked Rainer to teach her the basics of the Aura. In the short time they had, they learned to control it and shape it, however they lacked the most important aspect, which was their signature. An ability that is special in each person, Rainer did not know how to explain it so he chose to wait for the teacher to tell them. When the teacher arrived they started to set up the tents and light the fire to make food to finally rest from the training.

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