Who is the Monarch

Chapter 12: Chapter 10 This was not all

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After an arduous training, the night came, adorned with beautiful stars and a resplendent moon. They all went to rest; but there was someone who was not comfortable. Alice looked for a place to reflect that had happened lately far from where they had the tents was a lake and she was sitting on a large rock that was on the shore of the, lost in her thoughts looking at the lake with her hands on a large stone on which she was sitting.

- Huhm… being here makes me a little uncomfortable. I don't know anything about this world and as if that weren't enough I'm the only vampire here, at least in my world I knew two more...

Suddenly Alice's hands were pierced by two spears and left her motionless on the rock. She, with a tired sigh without getting up, said

- *sigh* I've always been careless, in my world there were rational people and they didn't mess with me, but here there are always problems.

- You're too calm to be in danger. But I just need your head.

Among the trees a silhouette was emerging, it was a man with a large metal necklace around his neck, long hair and on his wrists he had metal bracelets that had a very heavy appearance.

- This is no way to treat a little lady. May I know why I deserve such treatment?

- Shut up, I just need your head

Alice pulled her hands from the stone in which she was trapped croaking her hands and leaving the spears embedded in the rock, she stood up looking at him and without thinking twice she pounced on the stranger to attack him. The stranger dodged her and materialized a spear in his palm, he made a push with the palm of his hand aimed at her neck, but Alice quickly ducked out of sight hiding in the shadow created by the moonlight. The confused man searched everywhere without being able to find anything. Then, in the shadow that emanated from the rock, she came out.

- You have the guts to attack me, although I am sorry to tell you that a thrust to the neck will not kill me.

- Hmm…

The man was on guard and slowly approached and when he was close enough, he started a series of attacks with his spear that Alice was dodging. He forcefully threw the spear to the ground kicking up rocks from the ground and hurled them at her. Dodging the rocks was not a problem for the girl, however from so many rocks that were thrown at her a little dust got in her eyes and when she lost her vision for a moment the man attacked the girl's neck with his spear. before he completely pierced her, she backed away leaving only a wound on her neck.

- Uuuf… that was close, you left me a big wound, it hurts you know… - Alice said panting

The great noise that had caused the commotion of the battle had caught the attention of Roy who went to check what was happening, seeing someone unknown without hesitation he attacked him

- I was sleeping very peacefully, I hate being woken up. – Roy said annoyed.

- I have no choice... - The stranger thought after dodging the previous attack

The man had decided to retreat throwing a flash grenade to the ground. Alice believing it was the same as the previous one grabs it before it hits the ground, however the grenade detonated right in front of her eyes blinding her and giving her excruciating pain. Taking advantage of the commotion, the man with his spear cut off Alice's hand and fled. The only thing that was heard was cries of pain, when Roy opened his eyes he saw Alice lying on the ground trying to cover her eyes.

“She is defenseless is the perfect opportunity to kill her, she will leave us in peace and we will not have to find a way to return her.” – A strange voice sounded in Roy’s head.

Roy paused to think for a moment and then he came over to her and as he helped her sit up he said.

- “That's not how I do things.” Are you alright? Is there anything I can do to help?

- Of course I am not alright you idiot! I can’t see anything and I feel my hand was cut off!

- “I should have let him kill her...” Anyway how can I help?

- Just give me a little bit of blood.

Roy reached down and gently grabbed Alice and directed her towards his neck. Little by little the girl was sucking Roy's blood and when it was enough she removed her fangs from her neck saying.

- That feel much better. It was delicious, this blood is marvelous.

Roy noticed that not all of her wounds had healed, the wound on her neck and hand did not heal at all.

- Are you sure that is enough? Your neck and hand are still injured.

Alice looked at her hand and touched her neck and realized that he was right, although she had consumed blood, it was not cured at all. "This is weird. It should be healed with that amount of blood" she thought.

- If I keep sucking your blood you might die so let's leave it this way. I think we need to return to the camp I might have some questions to ask to that man.

- Come on then, i'm sleepy. – Roy said while yawning

- Carry me.

- Uuh… no.

- I am injured, carry me.

- You don’t even feel it! Besides your legs are just fine.

- Carry me or I will make the same wounds in you.

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Roy was silent and with an annoyed face he carried the girl on his back. while they were walking back to the camps. Since it was a bit far away, Roy wanted to talk about something so it wouldn't be so awkward.

- Hey Alice, if you bite a zombie, the zombie becomes a vampire or you become a zombie?

The confused vampire without having an answer to the stupid question she just heard, even so, she was lost in her thoughts for a few seconds thinking what would actually happen if that scenario were to happen.

- I don’t know! Maybe since I am stronger the zombie would become a vampire. Or maybe... he wouldn't be a zombie anymore and would be a vampire? Since it would regenerate completely. So, he would regain his consciousness?

Roy laughed that she was actually philosophizing about the question he asked and said.

- Well, you have an eternity to think about that so save it for later.

There was a little silence after that line. Alice looked uncomfortable, as if she wanted to say something and after a small pause she says.

- Hey. Roy, tell me something. what do you want to do with your life, what is your dream?

- Huhm… They really hurt you a lot, you're talking incoherently, I never thought you cared about someone else.

- Shut up! I am just curious of your answer since you humans have a short life span.

Roy looked at the floor while he continued walking and speaking more seriously he answers.

- Well, I don't have any goals or objectives in life. Unlike others who use their lives to fulfill their dreams, I just want to let things happen. One year ago I won some sports competitions at school, but it was because Scarlett and Kat forced me. I will graduate from high school with good grades to enter a good university so that my mother will be happy, since that is what she wants. But it is not something that I want to do, nothing pushes me to want to achieve a goal.

- Oh you're like the walking dead. – Alice said while laughing.

- I was talking seriously there! – Roy shouts angrily

- Ka Ka, sorry it was a joke. But you know, you and I are quite similar, it's been so long since I lost my desire to achieve some goal that I don't even remember who I used to be. The only memory I have is my name.

- You mean Alice and that bunch of nonsense words? – Roy said while laughing.

- I was talking seriously there! Huhm… Well I guess we’re even. I know my name has meaning, but I can't remember what it is. Never mind, back to the topic. Since you don’t have any goal in life, what about you become a vampire, that way I can help you find your dream and you help me find the meaning of my name.

- That sounds really nice actually, I'll be free from having to do things I don't want to do, I'll just do what my mother wants, then I will accompany you to find your name and you will help me find a goal.

The two smiled at each other and continued walking until they reached the campsite where they found Scarlett awake waiting sitting around the fire. When Scarlett saw them coming she got up and ran towards them asking how far they had gone. Roy explained that he went looking for Alice because he heard a noise, Alice peeked out from behind Roy and greeted her with her severed hand and a smile. When Scarlett saw that Alice did not have a hand and had a part of her throat cut, she got scared and screamed, waking everyone up except Zack. Kat came out of her tent and after seeing Alice she screamed and hid behind Scarlett. Rainer came out of his tent complaining about the noise he saw Alice and went to see her severed hand closely saying "this is crazy" with a smirk.

- Can someone wake up the useless master, I think he may know something about this. – Roy said.

Kat went to Zack's tent and dragged him out, however he was still asleep so she threw a rock at his head. When everything calmed down Roy and Alice explained everything then everyone sat around the fire and Zack who had a river of blood running down his face began to speak.

- I think it's because of the cutter executioner. It is one of the 7 mythical weapons, I am not very informed, but a long time ago when wars were very common there was a very skilled blacksmith who created 7 weapons and implanted an aura on them that nobody knows. Since then each weapon has a different ability that can evolve along with its wielder, they were also unbreakable they were the pinnacle of perfection, but no one has seen one in 100 years. I think the ability of the weapon they used on you may be one of short healing, in mere mortals it only causes unbearable pain, but in entities that heal like you it prevents this process from being carried out, or at least during combat I don't know how long the effect lasts.

- But how did they know they had to use that specific weapon against Alice, she has been in this world for a short time and only we know of her existence. - Kat said with a surprised face

- That's not entirely true kitty, the girl with cold eyes and the orange animal also knows about me, they may be the problem. – Alice said

- What intrigues me is that he wanted your head, but when he had the great opportunity he only took your hand. – Rainer added.

- Ooh so Rainer can actually think.

"Rainer looks at Roy with eyes of contempt"

- Perhaps the attacker had another objective and only revealed that to distract you from the real plan. – Scarlett said

- Scarlett is right and if that is the case they may use Alice's hand for some study, I don't know what they will be able to get out of that information or even if they will be able to get anything out of it, but we better not risk it, we should go look for it, it will also be good for your training. – Zack said carelessly

. . .

- You're saying that looking for some maniacs who cut off hands for clandestine biological studies will be training...

- Basically. Well rest, tomorrow will be a long day

Alice went into Roy's shadow to rest and everyone else went to their tents to sleep.

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