Who is the Monarch

Chapter 13: Chapter 11 True Intentions

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Across town in an office a person sat in his desk chair who was very upset about a recent event. He called out to two of his subordinates. They were standing firmly in front of him.

- So… you tell me that they let one of the subjects for the experiment escape?

- Yes, we have no idea how, only a young man infiltrated, there were 21 test subjects when there had to be 20. When we realized it, two had left. These are the characteristics of the suspect.

- Tch… useless. Tell me who the missing guy was.

-Rainer Kokeston.

The director who was sitting down quickly stood up banging his desk hard, his frightened subordinates were avoiding eye contact.

- You could lose others! Why him! It was hard to catch him. Everything was settled! And you come to me with the excuse?! Come here.

When his subordinate approached the director grabbed his head and smashed it on the desk. Leaving blood on the desk along with a dent. While one covers his face because of the pain, the other responds.

- My most sincere apologies sir we will look for it tirelessly.

- I hope so, or you'll regret it.

The two retired and began the search for the boy, without any luck for them the day was going to be over, Alice hurried everyone at the camp to start looking for her hand, guiding them with her nose.

- Alice, can you smell which way your hand is?

- Sure, it smells delicious after all. I will make signs with your shadow to guide them.

- Do you plan to go just like that? Without any plan Roy? – Scarlett said

- Uuuh. Yes, we are 4 and we have the teacher, besides everyone here knows how to fight.

- The teacher is sleeping... – Kat said disappointed

- sigh * useless old man. Well, however he would catch us later “I guess”, let’s go.

The four began to search following the indications that Alice made with the shadow, they walked until they reached a destination that everyone knew, the school. Roy didn't look very sure that the place where Alice was leading them was the right one, since the place was the school.

- The school? Are you sure this is Alice?

- Of course, I couldn't be wrong.

- Huhm… well, I know the school very well. I've never seen anything out of the ordinary, so there must be something hidden, let's split up to search and we'll meet on the football court in 30 minutes. – Scarlett said

They all looked in different places without finding anything, and just before the 30 minutes were up Roy thought of going to the director's room. The door was closed so he decided to kick it open.

- Ha, I always wanted to do that. Let's see, hardly anyone comes here so it's a bit suspicious. huh? Is that blood?

Roy approach to the desk and touched the blood, suddenly he heard a voice in his head saying. - Do I help you? And his vision turned blurred, his eyes turned red with a strange symbol in the pupil and his hair turned partially white. He was suddenly looking at something, he was in an unknown place and he heard people talking.

- We're done here, we should do the other preparations.

Roy heard a door open between the bookcase that was hidden in the office and then they saw him.

- What are you doing here?! – The man said exalted

- Well, I'm going to assume that I shouldn't be here and I'm going to assume that you're mad for seeing me, so come on, let's see who wins.

The two men who came out of the door ran towards Roy to attack him, Roy without much thought throws a chair at one of them and fights with the other, they quickly exchanged blows and Roy kicked him in the stomach sending him against the wall. The one who had been hit by the chair gets up and attacks him by surprise, knocking Roy to the floor. The man took the opportunity to pull out a knife and attack him. Roy dodged one attack, but another grazed his arm. Roy then grabs his wrist and twists it to pull the knife out, throws it away and stands up.

- With a knife? Seriously? Don't be a fag

After 30 minutes the others had already arrived on the field and were waiting for Roy.

- Did you find anything? – Rainer said

- Absolutely nothing, and where is Roy? – Scarlett asked

While they were arguing on the soccer field, the window of the second floor of the building that was nearby breaks, Scarlett Kat and Rainer, surprised, turn to see and notice Roy falling along with two other guys.

- Guys, I think I found it! – Roy said while falling

after saying it, he hits the ground hitting himself hard

- Haha, brutal - Rainer said with a smile.

After a while, reinforcements arrived and they were surrounded by 8 against 4.

- Well, the teacher was right when he said that it would be a training - Rainer said.

- You said that but I am asking myself from where these guys come from. – Kat asked

Rainer took out small spheres of channeled rage from his hands and threw them at two of them causing an explosion rising a thick layer of dust and separating him from the rest.

- Scarlett, can you get his attention? I can take them down if you give me the chance.

- Of course Kat, leave it to me.

Scarlett threw a rock at the four of them, angering them and getting their attention. She led them to the back of the school and stopped.

- You're very good at escaping girl, but I see you gave up.

- Oh no I am in trouble who is going to rescue me. – She said with a sarcastic tone.

- Huhm, stop acting so cocky girl

All four of them attacked her at once, but Scarlett dodged each of their attacks leaving them prone to an attack from behind. However, she did not attack and said.

- First win for me, I could have finished it. But this is supposed to be a training, COME ON! With everything!

The four attackers grew angrier and threw more ferocious blows. However, it was still useless, Scarlett took the opportunity to attack his weak points and left them on the ground, except for one, she decided to grab him with a key to interrogate him.

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- Well, it's my victory; Now tell me what you were doing in the director's room and what you plan to do with Alice's hand.

- I have no idea who Alice is, but fuck you!

The guy grabbed dirt with his spare hand and threw it at Scarlett's eyes, who let go by reflex and received a strong blow to the face, then the others got up and grabbed her arms leaving her at the mercy of any attack.

- This happens to you for playing fair.

The guy punched her stomach leaving her breathless.

- In fights you play to win girl, you understand.

After hitting multiple times he grabs her cheeks tightly and says

- Let's get this over with.

Scarlett heard a voice in her mind saying (empr…)

- Empress Law! – She shouted as hard as she can

The four attackers suddenly found it very difficult to stay on their feet and knelt on the ground unable to move.

Meanwhile Kat was trying to use her knowledge gained in her train with Zack but she couldn’t get it.

(I told Scarlett to distract them, but I'm not 100% sure I can, come on Kat you can focus, you have to do it. The old weirdo taught you enough yesterday). – Kat thought worried.

She felt a lot of pressure forcing herself to do something she had never done. And she heard vaguely in her head, Exped…

- REGLEMENT BLANC! (white regulation in French)

Kat with great speed attacked the four at once knocking them unconscious in one blow, the shock wave was so strong that it even sent Scarlett flying crashing into the school wall.

- Scarlett, are you okay?! Sorry it was impossible to control.

- *cof cough* don't worry, I'm very resistant, I'm not the president for nothing. I'm impresed how much damage you were able to do.

Meanwhile. Roy, who had fallen from the second floor of the school, still had to face the remaining two.

- I fall from the second floor of the school... and the only thing that stupid Rainer says is brutal... Whatever lets just finish this.

Roy gets up cracking his back and doing a little stretch when he was ready he started the fight, the others hadn't gotten up yet, but when they saw the boy approaching them they got up and started fighting, during the exchange of blows some of Roy's blood falls on one of the attackers face and suddenly he stopped moving.

- What's happening? Why can't I move?

- Are you tired already? We just traded blows for a bit.

- What did you do to me? – he said tiredly.

- Huh? I didn't do anything to you, stop making excuses.

The one who was still unharmed continues with the fight and in a few minutes he lost the vision of one eye just like Roy, but that was not the case, Roy looked at what the attacker looked at; it's like he's stolen his point of view.

- What is this? Is it my ability? I don't find it very useful.

- “Parasite eyes” that’s the name of the skill you are really useless, didn’t you learn a thing from that “teacher”. Let me handle this. – A voice in Roy’s head said.

Roy's hair turned white and his eyes turned red, the attacker had no idea what was happening, because out of nowhere he started talking to himself, because his appearance changed. Those questions distracted him.

- Hey, don't get distracted in the middle of the fight.

The individual tried to dodge the attack, but measuring distances with only one eye is very misleading and he was hit directly. He fell to the ground and just as he was about to receive the final impact he stopped.

- Do not get involved in the fight of others, I did not ask for your help, now get out of my body. – Roy said trying to gain control.

Roy's hair returned to its original color and he stood in front of the individual.

- I no longer see the need to fight with you, they left you very injured, you no longer have enough strength so go away.

- What are you doing? Are you going to let him get away? You're an idiot, he can go tell his allies everything and you'll be in trouble you idiot. – The voice in his head complained.

- Maybe, but it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't interfered.

While the individual was escaping a shadow that came out of Roy chased after him and grabbed his leg throwing him on the floor and dragging him towards Roy’s shadow, sucking him until there was nothing left of him.

- Were you going to let him get away? You are stupid? You know what we're looking for, right? We can't let them know about us. – Alice said as she came out of Roy's shadow

- Hah, we just have to defeat them all, it's not a big deal. Besides what are you doing out, there is still a little bit of sun.

- Do you think you can defeat them all by yourself? Don't be naive. Oh, I have this shadow in my head so its fine.

- Of course I don't think I'll do it alone; Scarlett and Kat are with me and although I don't trust Rainer much, he's also with me. Now that we know how the Aura works it will be easier.

- You can’t even control this Aura good enough but if you think you can do everything, do what you want, but don't say I didn't warn you.

After the conversation Roy thought about the voice he heard before and how he lost total control of his body. His thoughts were interrupted by Scarlett and Kat who had finished the fight and joined him. Rainer arrived a moment later and they all discussed what they had found, as they thought it obvious that they had found something. Roy who was lost in thought remembered that hidden room he found in the director's room and led everyone there. They all followed Roy into the director's room. When they arrived, Roy stood in front of the bookcase and forced the door open. Scarlett was the most surprised of the three since she has always been in the room and she had never noticed such a thing.

- So this is where they came from, it is very likely that this is the place where they have Alice's hand - Rainer said while he had his arms crossed.

- We should go to Master Zack first and inform him first, it may be more dangerous than we think. Kat added worried.

- Nah, if those inside have the same level as those who attacked us, we'll be fine, follow me, we'll go, but in silence and once we've gathered enough information, we'll attack them by surprise. – Roy said enthusiastically.

- For once I agree with him, we have the element of surprise, we have an advantage. – Rainer added.

- Fine… but if it gets dangerous, we'll all run away no matter what, do you understand? We will not risk more. Scarlett said.

Guided by curiosity, they entered the door wondering what kind of things could be in that hidden room in their school. Alice just stayed hidden waiting for something interesting to happen, when she found something related to her hand she would come out otherwise she would remain a spectator.

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