Who is the Monarch

Chapter 15: Chapter 13 Titan fall

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- Scarlett we have been walking for a long time and we only find more rooms equal to the previous one. – Roy said frustrated

- Yes, but we must follow the noise from a while ago. It came from this direction and it could be Kat and Rainer. They might need our help so we have to hurry. - She said agitated

- They are fine, they can take care of themselves, you know that Kat is not someone weak, you know her better than anyone. Also, she is with Rainer, if she is in trouble she will help her.

While they were running the wall on the side of the large room was rammed and from there came a great beast of about 4 meters with the appearance of a bull, it stood on two legs, it had hands and two iron tails.

- Finally something interesting.

The two were on guard and before attacking the beast, Savannah came out on top of his shoulders while staring at Scarlett.

- Okay Kai'lister, go get the boy and kill him then help me capture the red hair girl, okay? Remember she must be alive.

Savannah jumps off the beast's shoulder and attacks Scarlett, separating her from Roy.

- Well, take care of her Scarlett I will go against the beast. – Roy said enthusiastically

The beast approached Roy, the difference in size was colossal.

- Come animal, hands are going to miss you - He said presumptuously.

Kai'lister attacked Roy directly with his fist, but he blocked it with his hands causing him to back up. The beast got angry and kept throwing random punches, Roy uses the beast arm to jump right to his face hitting him and leaving him on the ground. The beast gets up and uncontrollably hits the ground raising a layer of dust. The beast could see Roy clearly through the dust and took the opportunity to attack him, but to the beast's surprise, Roy easily dodged the blow.

- Too bad for you, I don't need to see to be able to dodge, I can hear the wind you cause when you attack me.

The beast charged him directly again but this time before impacting it collided its two tails making a noise that Roy found unbearable; thus, Roy took the hit and went flying, colliding with the wall.

Scarlett who was having her fight with Savannah sees him and wanted to help him, but she immediately gets a seizure and preventing her from going.

- You are with me Striviakov. - Savannah said as he approached her quickly

Scarlett blocked the first attack with her hand and with her other hand she grabbed Savannah’s arm and pulled her back. Roy was thrown near where Scarlett was, he instantly got up and headed back to his battle. But he was interrupted by Scarlett.

- Roy wait, you are at a disadvantage, that sound bothered you right so the best choice is to change opponents it will be easier for both of us.

- Nope, I started against him and I'll finish with him, go with the other one and wait for me, I'll be there right away.

Roy ran towards where the beast was, it attacked him but Roy slipping on the ground slipped between his legs, being behind his back he jumped and grabbed the horns of the beast, while he balanced on his head he kicked both eyes causing it to go back.

The beast got up and with his tails he made a louder sound than the previous focused just on Roy one affecting him again. He covered his ears with his hands but the noise kept bothering him. The beast took advantage and grabbed him with both hands, squeezing him little by little. Roy tried to free himself, but he couldn't as the noise continued to affect him.

- Roy! – Scarlett said worried

As she continued to fighting Scarlett tried to go and help but again Savannah wouldn't let her go and this time Savannah used her water against Scarlett enclosing her and absorbing her Aura. Scarlett was hitting around her but it was useless, she was in the water.

- At your knees! – Scarlett shouted activating her power

Savannah was struggling to her feet, but the pressure of Scarlett's Empress Law wouldn't let her, relenting and freeing her from the Water prison. Scarlett quickly, in the blink of an eye, arrived right in front of the beast's eyes and with one blow she sent him flying, freeing Roy from her hands.

- I told you to change, that was dangerous - Scarlett said worried

- Next time I won't fall, I'm about to beat him.

The beast that was lying on the ground with its injured eyes and various wounds on its body began to heal from the aura that Savannah stole from Scarlett.

- Damn with what it cost me to do all that damage, how annoying it is to fight against someone who can heal. Now I have to do it again...

- No, this time you will fight against the girl I will take care of the beast.

- I can't leave things incomplete...


Roy was surprised by the shout and although he didn't want to he had to obey since the order was given with Empress Law.

- You have mastered your skill already... in such a short time I don't even know how mine works... That “training” we receive was nothing more than bullshit. He just teach us how Aura flows around us.

The beast rose and roared loudly, instantly growing scales and thorns on its back. He hit his chest with his fists and started the attack. He threw continuous punches directed at Scarlett and she was matching them just as there were shock waves with each blow and again a curtain of dust was rising. When this happened, the beast used its tail to hit Scarlett who, unlike Roy, could not hear the wind caused by the blows. She took a direct hit on the side of her torso, the blow was so strong that it dispelled the dust, yet Scarlett hadn't even moved. They both stayed rooted for a bit and Scarlett looked up with a smile saying.

- Lets finish this already, I have to  find my friends

- “Eeeeh??? The director was right, this girl is a monster.” - Savannah thought surprised.

While she was distracted, Roy attacked Savannah, but she backed away in time.

- What was that idiot at least let me know! – Savannah said angrily.

- Warn you? It is a combat. You have to be aware no matter if you are a man, a woman, an old man or a child. I won't be nice just because you are a girl. – Roy said

- It seems you're not popular with girls. They must hate you.

- I do not care. Being "popular" sounds tiring, I don't have the energy or desire to deal with it. Now shut up and let's move on.

Roy ran towards her trying to land a blow, but every time he tried he was blocked by a wave of water that absorbed all the impact. He tried different methods, but none of them worked.

- “Now I see why Scarlett had a hard time fighting her, it's almost impossible to land a hit. What do I do…” – Roy thought.

Roy kept trying, but this time he managed to sneak behind her and took off his shoe in the meantime. When she turned around Roy threw it at her and it hit her in the face. Then Roy ducks from her and with a sweep of her he knocks her off her and hits her in the stomach. Annoyed Savannah attacks with the water to drive them away and stands up.

- You're good at making others angry. – Savannah yelled annoyed

- What can I say, natural talent. It's not that hard once you get used to it - Roy said as he put his arms over his head with a smile.

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As they talked, Savannah put water on the ground heading towards Roy and when it was close she caught him enclosing him in the bubble of water that absorbs aura.

- Well, thanks for being so annoying, that lowered your guard and now I'll use your aura to heal myself.

Once the aura was absorbed, Savannah released Roy and the water containing Roy's aura was drawn into her and the damage that Roy caused her was healed. However, she began to feel strange little by little her limbs stopped obeying her however she was still conscious. Meanwhile Roy got up and put himself on guard. Savannah did exactly the same

- Huh? Why are you copying me? – Roy said confused

- Of course I am not idiot, tell me what you did. Why can't I move? - She ask scared

Roy still confused moved his arms up and down, moved his legs and realized.

- I see so this is my ability, I still don’t know how it works but lets take advantage of this. – Roy said while laughing

He brought his hand to his chest moving up and down and Savannah did the same action.

- What are you doing idiot! Stupid! Pig, idiot! – Said Savannah embarrassed

- Hahahahaha well well, now... what do I do so that you no longer cause problems...

Just when he said that he stopped controlling her, her Aura was gone. Savannah absorbed a lot of his Aura. Meanwhile Scarlett continued to fight face to face against Kai'lister. The beast brought both of her fists together above his head to strike at Scarlett. However, she clasped her arms above her head and parried the attack, which was so strong that upon impact she depressed the ground creating a circle. Scarlett pushed the beast's fists up leaving it exposed and just as she was going to land her final blow she was surrounded by the water bubble trapping her. Roy attempted to free her by attacking Savannah but she blasted him away from her using a stream of water.

- Now Kai'lister give her the coup de grace! – Savannah scream

The beast used the same attack this time without fail hitting Scarlett directly, pinning her to the ground. Leaving her badly hurt.

- Nice. That will be enough to contain her. – Savannah said as she sighed

But the beast was angry with Scarlett, he couldn't do anything to her without help so he decided to take another hit.

- Scarlett!!! - Roy screamed desperately

As he ran towards Scarlett Roy used parasite to control Savannah with the exact amount to made her immobile, in one hit sending her flying away. The beast was going to give Scarlett another blow and just when the hit was about to land her, Roy intervened with his arms crossed over her head blocking the attack. The angry beast continued with attacks that increasingly weakened Roy.

"Scarlett, get up and run away while I distract him," Roy said desperately.

She tried to get up and go away, but the beast with his tails was going to hit Scarlett but Roy quickly intervened but unfortunately, he didn't have much strength anymore so they both were thrown against the wall. The two of them were unable to move, Savannah was walking towards them saying.

- So much effort for nothing. I assume you were looking for your friends, too bad. Maestro killed them, remember the noise before our fight? It was Maestro finishing them off. But don't worry, soon I'll send you with them. – She said provoking them.

-As if I am going to believe that bullshit, you are just trying to scare us. – Roy said as he stood up with difficulty.

- You are very obnoxious...

Savannah walked over to Roy and made the shape of a gun with her hand and fired a high-pressure water bullet that pierced Roy through the stomach.

- “Damn it, I shouldn't have taken this lightly, it turned out to be much more than I expected. We lacked strength and training. I was naive...” – Roy thought frustrated.

- You're finally going to shut up. – She said while she pointed at his head. Goodbye.

When she shoot, blood comes out everywhere covering the wall. Unable to move or speak Scarlett shed tears as she slowly lost consciousness.

- But just look at what you make me do. I leave you alone for a moment and look this mess. It seems that I have to take care of you more. – Alice says that she had come out of Roy's shadow

Roy was still alive, Alice blocked the shot with her body. Savannah was scared, right in front of her hand a little girl came out and she had a hole in her head.

- What's up girl, did the mouse bite your tongue? - Alice said unconcerned

Alice raked her claws across Savannah's chest and Savannah backed away immediately.

- Mmm… your blood tastes very similar to watermelon, is it because your aura is water? Ka Ka, interesting flavor.

- Kai'lister, take care of the rest. – Savannah said with a shiver as she fled.

The beast grabbed Alice and tried to crush her, but Alice cut off his hand easily.

- Mmmm… bleh. These tastes morbid, what a horrible taste you're made of. – She said while sticking out her tongue and spitting.

The beast attacked Alice again with a charge with its entire body.

- I'm not interested, disappear.

And with a single movement of her finger she pierced the beast so hard that he explode.

- Disgusting… well let's go I don't like being here lets continue finding my hand. Huhm? Why aren’t you moving? Stop crying, you've had a bigger hole before

- A… lice help… Scarlett please. – Roy said with difficulty

- *sigh* fine. One moment.

Alice cut off her fingertip and put it in Scarlett’s mouth. Her wounds had healed, but she was unconscious. When she was healed Roy stand up with his stomach hurt by the water bullet and climbed Scarlett on his back to find a way out.

- We have to get out of here, it was a mistake to come without knowing nothing. – Roy said

- Oh nice, seems like you actually learned something, but on the second try, you are a slow learner. Good thing you have your cute guardian vampire to take care of you. – Alice said mockingly.

She was talking but there was no answer and when she turned around she noticed that Roy was on the ground unconscious. After letting out a sigh, Alice cut off her fingertip and put it in Roy's mouth to heal.

- Huhm… he manage to walk quite a lot with that hole in his stomach, so that white haired was telling the truth. Well, carry them both is gonna be a pain, so I will keep them safe inside my shadow. Seems like I will need to find my hand alone and maybe I can find the cat and the other guy.

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