Who is the Monarch

Chapter 16: Chapter 14 My belonging

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In a long and dark hall a humming voice was heard, a girl happily walking with no idea where to go. Although she had a mission, to recover her hand. Minutes passed and she had no luck, when suddenly she heard a voice approaching, without a doubt she hid in the dark and waited for the foes to appear.

- I'm starting to doubt the information the old man gives us when he sends us on this mission. He said it would be very well guarded and that we should be careful not to be detected. But there is no one! - Kein said angrily.

- Certainly, but before coming we looked at many bodies lying outside. It means that someone came forward. Anyway, we need to find that hand. – Hanna said with a serious face.

- (Ohh… so they're looking for my hand too, lucky me.) - Alice thought with a smile

Suddenly, Kein felt that someone jumped on his back and he, confused, begins to spin around trying to take it off.

- Hello, what a coincidence to meet you again. You missed me? - Alice said with a mocking face.

- Get off me, little brat!

Kein tried to get the girl off of him by hitting the wall, jumping and flailing, but nothing could separate her. After trying everything, he gave up and they continued walking, the girl sat on his shoulders and they started talking.

- I heard that you are looking for my hand, the news spreads very fast, I just lost it yesterday. Your source of information is incredible, who does it? – Alice said sitting on Kein's shoulders

The two ignored her and kept walking.

- Eeeehh… Well, why do they occupy my hand?

- Just shut up and get lost. - Kein said with an annoyed face

Alice got angry and took out her claws pointing directly towards Kein's neck and suddenly Hanna and Kein stopped.

- If you don't answer what I ask you, I will cut your throat...

- Okay, don't fail. It will still heal later. – Hanna said with a cold voice.

- Huh?! Hey I know it's true… but it hurts. I hate neck injuries more than anything. - Kein said worried

- Huhm… then I'll change the target.

Alice jumped from Kein's shoulders and stand infront of Hanna pointing her claws to her neck.

- You don't heal so answer or I'll cut your throat. – Alice said with a piercing gaze.

- Fine. Go ahead. – Hanna said with a emotionless face.

- Stop! – Kein said as he tried to grab Alice's arm

With her other hand, Alice grabbed Kein's neck and began to squeeze

- *grunt* I'll tell you. - Kein said with difficulty

Just when he said it, the wall to the side broke and from there a monster came out, it had black wings like a bat, horns, a height of 2 meters and its eyes were red. With no time to lose, the monster attacked them. Alice used Kein as a shield and then threw him back.

- I'm not in a good mood right now…  – Alice said with an annoyed look.

Alice cut the monster in two and turned around to continue the questioning. But immediately the monster was completely healed and charged throwing her on the ground. Alice grabbed the ground and rushed towards the monster reaching her hand through the monster in the stomach and she immediately noticed.

- What? This thing has no organs - She said surprised

Alice withdrew her hand from his abdomen and jumped straight at the head by impaling it with her hand.

- You don't have a brain either? How he thinks? Could it be like the eccentricities of my world?

The monster grabbed Alice and slammed her to the ground. But instead of crushing she went into the shadow to escape. The monster started looking for her but couldn't find her. So he decided to change targets, the next ones in his sights were Hanna and Kein.

- Kein, he has his sights on us, that things heals faster than you so you will have to take it out. – Hanna said

- Ugh… I don’t like to use it

Kein put his hand in his chest and from there a scythe came out, it was one of the 7 mythical weapons "Soul Eater" by filling the sphere that it has on its blade, the weapon will absorb the soul of the person it is attacking.

- I distract, you attack. – Hanna said as she went on the attack

Hanna ran around the monster grabbing its attention and it started attacking her, she was very fast so she dodged everything, meanwhile Kein attacked from another point cutting the monster's flesh, however, it kept regenerating almost instantly making it almost impossible to knock it down. Alice had gone out a while ago to observe something that could help her decipher all her doubts.

- Could it be that this thing is made based on the hand? That would mean that technically it is an eccentricity like me, so the only way to end it is by eating it completely. "We vampires are the head of the food chain of eccentricities."

Alice waited for the monster to weaken taking advantage of the fact that it was fighting Hanna and Kein. Meanwhile Kein and Hanna were fighting formidable, they covered each other, leaving a perfect defense and simultaneous attacks. They were a perfect duo. Hanna could create very fine threads of aura that she could move as she pleased. She used them to tie the beast down and immobilize it, when she did; Hanna noticed that Alice was out so she thought of using her to escape.

- Close your eyes Kein. - Hanna said quietly.

- Huh? Why?

She then threw a flash grenade, tied Kein up with her strings and escaped through the hole left by the monster.

- Why did you do that! We could keep fighting; it hurts damn it. – Kein said covering his face

-Don’t be stupid, we were just wasting time with that besides we get rid of the girl. – Hanna said as she dragged Kein with her thread

- Dammit! Does everyone has that shit now!? My eyes! – Alice scream rubbing her eyes

The monster had freed itself from Hanna's strings and what it had in front of it was Alice, so it attacked her. With her eyes closed, Alice stood a defense position became defensive as she received the blows from the monster and once she regained her sight, she cut off the limbs of the beast and ate them one by one quickly until only the head remained.

- There is no more regeneration here my dear self, you will not suffer; likewise, you cannot think or feel anything. – She said before taking the last bite

At the end Alice lay down on the floor on her back, she was totally full, it was a lot of food digested at once.

- I feel very full… I will change my shape.

While lying down, her height increased drastically and her appearance changed. Returning to being a tall and voluptuous woman.

- Much better… now I need a dress or something, these clothes are too small and shattered.

Alice went to look somewhere if there was something to cover herself, she searched in all the rooms, she broke the door of the rooms that where closed. After going through many, she found one room in particular that had many stretchers with dead bodies on them that were covered by a white sheet.

- Oh, I can cover myself with that. I'll just do a few tweaks.

Looking more closely, she saw that there were some large glass capsules that had the monster she fought against before, there were several of them, between 20 or 30.

- Wow, so that's why that thing had no organs, it was artificially created right here, very different from the bull. It would certainly be a hassle to deal with all of them… I'm pretty sure they made these based on my hand because their healing was very fast; Still not as much as mine, but I won't risk it.

Alice touched the glass and noticed that none of them reacted, they were all in a vegetative state, as if the only way to wake them up was with a specific signal. So she decided to exterminate them all by cutting the cable that came out of the glass capsules and then she ate them all.

- Finally... I'm very full, but it was the only way to finish them off. Now I will reach for my hand and disintegrate this place. There can be no trace of anything.

She was wildly destroying everything in her path, leaving all the rooms ahead completely in ruins. But in none of those rooms had she found traces of her hand. Until she reached the main room, she opened the two doors strongly while she stood in the center and looked carefully at what was there. It was a laboratory with several computers, information servers, capsules, DNA samples and a giant power source that was in the background. Upon entering she noticed that Hanna and Kein were there, cornering a man in a suit.

- What? We just got here and she already caught up with us. - Kein said surprised

- It delayed her less than I thought. – Hanna said disappointed

- Wh… who are you, what are you doing here. – The scared man said

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Alice didn't say a word and started pacing around the lab.

- This is the only room left… so it has to be here. - Alice said with a penetrating look.

Alice stood still and suddenly vanished on the ground. Appearing behind the man by the wall and whispered in his ear.

- You know where it is, right? You know what I mean

The man stepped away from the wall in fear and thought (I have never seen her why am I so afraid)

- Yes… yes! I'm just an intermediary, I have nothing to do with it, I'll give it to you right away!

Alice moved Kein and Hanna back to make way for the man, then he entered a code into a computer and a capsule containing a liquid came out of the wall and Alice's hand was inside. It was fully preserved. Something that should not have happened since when Alice regenerates all the other extremities are pulverized. He took the capsule out of the place and handed it to the woman. She broke the capsule leaving her hand exposed and slowly pulverized.

- Huhm… interesting. The fact that they could do this means that they have had past experiences, using parts of my body to do disgusting experiments. How repulsive. – Alice said while looking at the man with contempt

Alice grabbed the man's arm and started walking towards the big power source while counting

- Ten… nine…

Hanna caught on instantly, grabbed Kein's arm as she ran and told him.

- We have to get out of here now!

The two started running as fast as they could through the long hall. The man while being dragged by Alice scared and trembling asks

- Why did they run away?! What's going on, what are you going to do?!

Alice didn't say anything and continued counting while looking down with a chilling smile. The man got even more scared and took out a knife from his pocket and started stabbing Alice in the wrist.

- We have to go faster! - Kein said worried not to make it to the end

- Its too far! We are not gonna make it! – Hanna respond screaming

Kein pulled Hanna into his arms to carry her and sprinted forward at an impressive speed. On the other hand, Alice had counted to three and released the man who without a second thought started running towards the exit.

 - Three, two, one.

Alice pierced the power source with her hand and instantly a huge explosion was caused. The fire filled the room quickly and the man who had not even reached the door was roasted, the flames followed the hall with speed and force destroying everything in their path and before reaching Kein and Hanna, Kein thought of the only thing he could and he said

- Hanna cover yourself with your aura thread quickly! Make it a thick layer! – Kein shouted desperately

- I am gonna cover you too. – Hanna said while covering herself

- NO! If you cover me the layer will be too thin, just do what I said!

From the director's room on the outskirts of the corridor came the great explosion, collapsing the entire building. There was a hole at ground level where smoke and flames came out, from there Kein came out covered in burns and fire without losing his way back, without stopping for a second, he took Hanna to Ryan's base.

- Chief Ryan! 04 and 06 arrived from their mission, they are seriously injured.

- Bring them! Fast!

Before the footman leaves the room Kein kicks the door while carrying Hanna, enters and gently sets Hanna on the floor.

- You give us very difficult jobs old man. – Said Kein exhausted

He then fell to the ground exhausted while releasing smoke from the burns he suffered. Ryan looked at the two of them and noted that Hanna's burns were severe, but in the other side Kein had parts of his skin burned so badly that even his bones were exposed.

- (It's impressive that he managed to get here from so far with those burns and carrying someone). Bring stretchers we will start with the treatment now. – Ryan yell.

Elsewhere, in a dark chamber, Kat, Rainer, Scarlett, and Roy were barely regaining consciousness.

- Where am I, what happened? – Roy said as he looked around

- You finally wake up. – Alice said as she floated sitting cross-legged

She snapped her fingers and a strong enough flame illuminated everyone in the room. Roy noted that Scarlett was fine, but Rainer and Kat were injured, especially Kat. And in a fit of rage Roy yelled

- What were you doing! You were supposed to protect her! Bastard!

- Me? I don't see that you did a better job idiot, I bet the president almost died. – Rainer answered.

- You don't know what we had to deal with, it was impossible to come out of it unscathed.

- Does it matters to me? Also, we wouldn't be in this situation if Mr. Hero hadn't decided to come in the first place.

- I don't remember hearing a complaint from you!

- Could both of you shut up, this is not the time, I received a lot of damage in the fight and listening to you guys argue doesn't help at all. – Said Kat lying on Scarlett's legs

They both fell silent and Roy backed away from Rainer, clenching his fist in anger, then lowered it and relaxed. Rainer on the other hand just stood there folding his arms.

- This was my fault for not having intervened with the idea. For a moment I thought we could have done it, but I was immature, I still have a lot to learn, the most important thing is that we are all alive. – Scarlett said.

- (She is right, it was stupid to think that just knowing how aura works we were going to be able to completely master our abilities, I trusted myself too much. I have to get stronger to avoid these things.) - Roy thought with a disappointed face

- Huh, take care of each other, how beautiful, It seems like a novel. Ka Ka. I appreciate you helping me find my hand, which is why I brought you alive. Tell me, do you want me to heal the kitten?

Everyone except Roy wondered who the woman was. But Scarlett had priorities, no matter who it was, she asked her to heal Kat.

- Uuh… who is this? Rainier said.

With a flick of her finger, Alice released a small gust of air that knocked Rainer to the ground.

- How rude, I'm Melancholia, the one who blew up the cabin, remember? The little girl.

Rainer with surprise could not believe it, he thought of many ideas of how it could be possible, but none of them fit him. Alice poked her index finger into her fang and as her finger dripped blood she walked over to Kat and put it in her mouth. Within moments Kat felt as if nothing had happened to her.

- Huh? This is amazing, not a scratch, thanks Melancholia. – Kat said with a calm look

- A pleasure to help a kitten in danger. You Roy. Stop being depressed, you made a bad decision and now you know that it is not a game. If you are alive you can learn from your mistakes and improve yourself.

- Yes, I'm sorry. I will strive.

- Well, since we're all fine what do you think if we get out of here

Alice pulled everyone out of her shadow and out onto a small hill that was near the school. Upon leaving, everyone was shocked to see that more than half of the school had disappeared and that everything was on fire.

- What…

- What

- WHAAAAAAAAT! - They all said with surprise

- Oh, right… oops. - Alice said with embarrassment

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