Who is the Monarch

Chapter 18: Chapter 16 For more AP

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Classes were over and the duel between Scarlett and the aggressor Phillip would begin. Next to the great battle arena there was a dirt field with white lines marked on the ground with the shape of a square making an area of 10 meters, this field was used for unofficial combat; In the center was the soul referee an almost unbreakable crystal sphere with a blue flame with a black center that was the most common color of aura.

- Opponents please give 50% of their aura to the crystal. – The crystal sphere said.

- That shit just spoke! WTF!

- You have a vampire loli over 7.5 billion years old hiding in your shadow, and that surprises you? – Kat said with an unexpressed face

Phillip and Scarlett embed their aura into the crystal and the flame begins to stir, a barrier rises inside the sphere dividing two aura flames, on one side there was Scarlett's red flame and on the other Phillip's blue flame, when the preparations were finished the sphere says.

(Registered participants, please enter the field. No weapons are allowed in this match, only things produced by the user's aura. It is not allowed to use defensive equipment or help from anyone else who is not on the field. The fight will end until one of the two surrenders, falls unconscious, or the aura flame runs out. The time limit is of 15 minutes.)

- I think I don’t need to say this but if you two intervene in this fight, It will not be the only fight that will occur today. – Roy said to Phillips friends

The fight begins with a frontal attack from Phillip who begins with punches aimed at her face, when they all fail, he sweeps her legs trying to throw her to the ground, but Scarlett jumps and stands on his shoulders using them to jump away.

- That is the only thing you know? Dodge? – Phillip said turning around.

- I didn't see the threat of your blows therefore it wasn't necessary to attack. – Scarlett said with a smile.

Phillip got angry and took out a flame from the palm of his hand throwing it towards her as he ran towards her throwing punches with his hands that were covered in fire. Scarlett was dodging them as she moved backwards.

- It is not a combat if only one attacks. – Phillip said throwing punches at her.

- Understood. – Scarlett responds.

Just as he responds Scarlett uses her arm to fend off Phillip's blows exposing him, then she kicks Phillip's knee on the side, causing him to kneeled.

- Done? – Scarlett said standing firm in front of him.

Phillip got even angrier and fired a blast of fire separating them. When he was far enough away Phillip shot a thin wall of fire that came towards Scarlett and as he moved from side to side on the curtain he charged a small sphere of fire which he shot when close enough causing a large light blinding Scarlett. She instinctively went to dodge even without vision but to her surprise she couldn't move. Her ankle was trapped underground. Kat managed to dodge it in time and when she returned her gaze, she was surprised to see that Scarlett was trapped. Then Kat notice that it was Phillip’s friends who were doing the trick.

- Referee, they are intervening in the battle! – Kat said angry.

- I don't feel any abnormality. – The referee said.

Kat got angry and grabbed a rock with the size of her hand throwing it at one of them with all her might. The stone was going straight but just before arriving, the stone suddenly went down through the ground and then a scream was heard on the field. It was Scarlett, a stone had come out of the ground that hit her knee directly, causing her to kneel.

- That stone… is the one I threw at him. – Kat said surprised.

- Don't say I didn't warn you. – Roy said while shooting a black aura flame towards them.

The other guy got in the middle of the shot and yelled (Phill!) while throwing the flame on the ground. On the court, Phillip had his open hand pointing to the ground and Roy's shot reached the palm of his hand, when it arrived, he threw it directly at Scarlett causing great damage, but she was still conscious. Phillip's aura sphere was almost half empty and Scarlett's was completely full since she didn't use any technique

 - You monster. I will admit that your strength is enormous but this ends here. – Phillip said as he charges a punch at Scarlett’s face with all his might.

- At you knees! – Scarlett shouts and a 15-meter radius dark-pink auralike sphere was created causing everyone in to suddenly kneel.

Scarlett stands up and was about to give the last blow but suddenly she got interrupted by the referee.

- The fight is over; Phillips is the winner.

She suddenly stopped just before hitting him creating a gust of wind in front of him. Kat and Roy were shocked to hear this and looked up at the aura sphere to see Scarlett's part go from 100 to 0 in less than 0.5 seconds.

- It’s a shame you win. – Scarlett said

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From Scarlett's right arm where the school shield is, some golden numbers came out that changed from 50 to 25. In the same way on Phillip's arm the numbers changed from 65 to 90 and then the barrier that covered the court was lowered.

- 25 AP from a single fight!?!? What is this bullshit!? I thought that only 5 AP had been bet, explain this stupid sphere. – Kat said really pissed

- Phillip got assist from 4 people so the assist count as 5 each plus Phillip is 5 people so is 25 in total. – The sphere said as it was leaving.

- The fuck you mean assist faulty-ass disco ball, get back here! – Kat yelled

- The match is over and the best man won, we retired thanks for the AP. – Phillip said while walking away with his friends.

- Best man won my balls get over here coward fucker. – Roy shouted angrily

- Stop it guys, come and help me please. I receive more damage from you two than from him. – Scarlett said smiling

They both calmed down and go to take Scarlett to the infirmary carrying her from her shoulders.

- This is so frustrating why are you smiling. – Kat said

- If I loose in an unfair fight it just means that I wasn’t strong enough. So, I can still improve myself and that make me happy. – Scarlett responds.

- But you loose 25 AP in just one day, what are you going to do tomorrow. – Roy said.

- I will leave that to the me from the future. – Scarlett responds

As they walked Alice poked her head out of the shadow and said to Scarlett

- That knee injury must hurt, want me to heal it?

- No thanks Alice, I’ll pass on this one, I want to feel the pain of my loss.

- Huh? Are you a masochist princess?

- Look who says it…

They all laugh and their anger over Scarlett's defeat in battle calmed down, then many doubts came to their heads. Why did the aura in Scarlett's sphere disappear out of nowhere? Was it cheating too? What good was the barrier if it counted the assists in a 1v1? How did the 4 assists come to be counted?

- Allow me to explain.

Welcome to Kitty Kat Klasses. (KKK)

Lets start with a little fact about the aura sphere, if you have one big bottle and a small bottle and you take out 50% of the liquid in both, the 50% of the big bottle will have more amount of liquid right? That is obvious. So even though they both put 50% of their aura into the sphere, Scarlett's 50% was much higher than Phillip's. So in these fights, the one with the most aura has the most advantage.

Scarlett's aura dropped so suddenly because Her command was given with more force and her range was greater. So it was not cheating.

The attack that Roy and I did, didn’t pass through the barrier, it passed below of it so it wasn’t blocked, that is how it works but I don’t think that is fair.

But I have no Idea why it counted as assist.

I know why. – Scarlett said. when he asked us to fill the sphere with aura, I felt something was wrong. In theory, the sphere shouldn't have any trace of aura, it has to be totally clean, but that one had some leftovers of something weird. So I came to the conclusion that the referee was sabotaged to take away my points even though they had cheated.

This is all for now. Have a nice day or night everyone.  

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