Who is the Monarch

Chapter 17: Chapter 15 New Beginning

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It was a quiet morning at the Schwartz house, Roy and his mother Reyna were having breakfast while the TV was on, when the news suddenly breaks out. "The activities of the Varmond school are suspended due to the incident that occurred a few days ago, we do not know the reason for the situation. The parents of the students should speak with the teachers to fix the academic situation" The images of the totally destroyed institution came out into birth while Roy's mother looked on in amazement. on the other hand, Roy did his best to avoid eye contact with his mother looking nervously at his plate of food.

- It seems like you know something about this Roy. – Reyna said looking at Roy with a fierce stare.

- No! How can I possibly know why? – Roy answered with a cracked voice.

Roy's mother slaps the table and at Roy's sight, a giant malevolent aura came out of her as she asked him

- Are you sure?

- Well if you put it that way maybe…

Roy was about to say everything when someone knocked on the door.

- When I return, you better tell me everything. I am going! Hold a sec. – She yelled.

All Reyna's gloomy aura disappeared and she was heading for the door, when she opened it the first thing she saw was a gun pointed at her face. A shot is heard and Roy immediately goes to the door to see what is going on, when he arrives he sees that his mother has two men on the ground immobile.

- Now this is serious, we are going to have a long conversation of this Roy. I will need to call a friend to help me with this.

- “I knew my mother was scary, but immobilizing two armed men is something else.” – Roy thought

As hours pass, two cars arrive and men in suits come out and knock on the door. Reyna opens the door and receives a cordial greeting from an old friend. A tall, stocky man with frivolous blue eyes, a gruff voice, and dark red hair.

- Good morning Captain Reyna time without hearing from you.

- I am no longer the captain Stainslov Striviakov. But is nice to see you too. I called you because I’ve been attacked by these two with the intention of killing. I've been out of operations for almost 20 years so there shouldn't be these kinds of problems I need you to help me find out what they came for. I would also like you to hear what my son has to say.

While Stainslov's men arranged everything and took the suspects away for questioning, they stayed in the room and Roy explained everything to Stainslov. How the director had a secret base hidden in his office where he conducted experiments on people and created monsters. Roy tried to hide Alice's identity at all costs so he made up the excuse that they went to save Rainer from a kidnapping along with Scarlett and Kat, revealing that everyone knew about the aura.

- That explains a lot, why didn't you tell me that you can use aura? you could all have died there. I knew this moment could come but I didn't want to accept it. – Reyna said worried.

- I admire the heroism of going to save a comrade, but taking my daughter and Miss Katherine was reckless. Captain Reyna, I think the best decision would be to take them to the Alianz Academy. That way they will be protected and learn to defend themselves as well as how to use the aura correctly.

- You are right, it is a shame but it is necessary, it seems that I will have to return to the Global Aura Alliance

- So I will have to study all over again… I was so close to graduate.

- Yes, I expect good grades Roy. I will miss you, but I will pass by sometimes since I will be working nearby. Everything is set, we should get going. – Reyna said while standing.

Stainslov lent Reyna a car to get to campus while he went to tell the D'Lavalliere house about what happened, then went to tell Scarlett to get ready to go. Far from the city Reyna and Roy were arriving at the campus, it was a gigantic place, it seemed like an entire city. Arriving at the entrance they were greeted by several guards who put a seal on them so they could enter. The site was covered by a barrier where only those authorized could pass. Standing in front of the entrance, Reyna looks at Roy with a sad and worried look, grabs Roy's shoulders and gives him a hug.

- Even though I can drop by whenever I want, I feel like I'm going to be away from you for a long time. I wish this never happened. – Reyna said while crying.

- Calm down mom, you have to let things happen that's how life works. I'll be fine, I'm your son after all. Also, you will come to visit it's not like it's a farewell.

Reyna separated from him and dismissed him waving her hands while saying.

- Remember visit the counselor to show you your room. Love you Roy.

- I will. Love you too mom, see ya.

Roy was walking inside the long corridor while the classmates who saw him bothered him saying while laughing.

- Love you mom. I pee the bed mom help. They are bothering me mom.

Roy ignored them and went to the counselor who showed him his room and left all his belongings there. He explained to him that he should take classes starting tomorrow, that he would have enough time to make up for the few weeks he missed since they started the year recently. It was already late and Roy was feeling tired from all the laps he had to do with the counselor to get to know the campus, so he went to bed early. what he didn't know is that in the short time he was on campus he had made enemies who were not comfortable with his presence. Three guys went to his room to beat him up, but instead of finding Roy they found a similar guy with white hair and a scary look.

- Who are you? What are you doing in this room? – One of the guys asked frightened

- Me? I am just a student of this prestigious school. – Yor said with a disturbing smile.

While two of them were looking at Yor they got scared and wanted to leave but the one that remained was being controlled and closed the door leaving them with no way out.

- Leaving so soon? I thought they came with a mission in mind, why don't you fulfill it?

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Trembling and with doubt one of the guys charged towards Yor aiming for his head, but the guy was thrown to the ground while his hand was held behind his back, little by little his arm began to crack, the sound of his bones was heard accompanied by his screams. The other guy looked paralyzed by fear and Yor got up leaving the guy on the ground with his broken arm.

- Leave and don’t come back, I have things to think. – Yor said while sitting on his bed.

The two guys grabbed the injured man and left the room with the idea of ​​never returning. After that night, the rumor of a monster with white hair and red eyes went around the whole school. The next day everyone was going to class and Roy had arrived late, he stayed outside waiting until the teacher opened the door for him.

- Late on your first day, I hope it doesn't happen again, come in now Class, we will have another new student. – The teacher said.

- Another one? we don't need more in class. – Everyone in the class said at once with disrelish.

Roy walked in and the first thing he noticed was that Scarlett and Kat were also in the same room. As she walked to her seat that was near the two of them, Kat told him

- Looks like we'll be classmates again, good thing. Now hurry and sit down, the class is about to start. – Kat said with a smile

The class had started, the teacher was explaining, but all the classmates were looking at the three newcomers with contempt, as if they had done something bad to them, Scarlett noticed but concentrated on the class, Kat didn't even notice them, she was totally focused in the class. Roy wasn't paying attention to his classmates or the class. After three hours of theoretical classes the classes ended and it was time for recess, as usual Roy, Scarlett and Kat stayed there for lunch.

- Good thing you don’t have to do student council work now we have more time together. – Roy said while eating.

- Right, it feels a bit strange not doing anything. – Scarlett said.

- Well, you finally have free time, you should take it. – Kat added.

While they were eating peacefully, one of the classmates came up behind them and one of them grabbed Scarlett's head and smashed it against the table. Kat was surprised and got up, Roy turned around and instinctively was going to strike the attacker's face, however he was stopped by Scarlett.

- Why are you stopping me? Let me hit him! Roy said angrily.

- No, if he did this to me it's because there's something bothering him, I have to take care of it. – Scarlett said as she got up while her nose was bleeding.

- Of course you bother me, from the moment you introduced yourself I didn't like you. You are one of those people who think they are superior to everyone and who think they can do everything on their own.

- I don't think I'm superior to everyone, there's always something in which someone is better than me, but it's up to me if I exceed that limit or not. But I can be sure of one thing, I'm better than you. – Scarlett said smiling

- Oh really, then you wouldn’t mind having a 1v1 on me for 5 AP right? – The guy said with faith in himself.

- 5 AP?! We are only aloud to fight for 1 at a fight. – Kat said surprised

- The Hell is AP. – Roy said confused

- You didn't listen at all to what the counselor told you yesterday, right? Aura Points (AP) are used in this schools as status, it gives us specials privileges like having first class food, access to a library with ancient books first class rooms and other stuffs. Almost nobody can reach them since you need more than 100, It is said that the only ones that exceed 100 points is the student council

- Indeed, I just need 30 AP to reach 100. The 1v1 will be at the coliseum when classes are over with the respective soul referee so you don’t have to worry for infractions.

- I agree, if I win you would never bother us and you will also apologize. – Scarlett said to the aggressor.

The assailant smiled, lowered his cap covering his eyes and turned around and left the classroom. As Roy left, Scarlett and Kat relaxed and sat back down, however they noticed Scarlett's food on the floor. At the moment Scarlett's stomach growls and she groans saying.

- I barely touch my food! And I don’t have money to buy more.

- Don’t worry you can have ours, if we both give you it should be enough to satisfy yourself. – Roy said while offering from his plate.

- Yeah, we still have plenty and I am not that hungry. – Kat said while giving her a bite.

- You can have my leg if you want, I assure you that it taste delicious. – Alice said stepping out of Roy's shadow.

- Better not – Scarlett said with an awkward smile

- I hope that nobody notices you Alice, everyone will panic if they know of the existence of a vampire. – Roy said.

- Its fine, in these moments I can only be seen by you three and the school seal I have is the same as Roy since they put it while I was in Roy’s shadow.

The time they spent together was the same as always, they enjoyed it more than anything and this time they had someone else. Alice felt comfortable in the environment she was in despite not knowing them for so long, barely a week had passed since she arrived in that strange world where eccentricities did not exist. She was starting to think that maybe she should stay in that world since she hadn't felt that way in a while. However, she did not know that in that school she would find a memory of the past that would affect everyone who was there and also, those she was beginning to consider as.


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