Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 109: CH 109

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Because of this incident, Pei Xu and Di Xingchen went back to the house as they had come, barely speaking to each other.

Pei Xu drives carefully, the backs of his hands showing the lines of sinew and veins, the black dial on his wrist with the grey, barely perceptible Xingchen pattern.

Pei Xu didn't find the silence awkward, but rather his heart pounded as he felt the subtle aura of the car.

He had no experience in love, but the ability to detect this subtle aura seemed to be an innate human instinct. Even an indifferent person like him becomes sensitive and delicate when he falls in love.

His heart felt like it was on a rollercoaster, high and low, fast and slow, he was nervous, cautious, yet indescribably excited, he wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say, and he was somehow pleased with himself.

He pursed his lips for a moment, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

He thought, before he left here, he would send Di Xingchen a real bouquet of roses.

While Pei Xu and Di Xingchen were at the market, the four Red Square guests were shooting a commercial on the shores of Baiyu Lake.

And the writing and directing teams are meeting.

"So far, only Hu Ying, Pei Xu, Huo Cheng and Di Xingchen have dated, but no one else has."

"Only Pei Xu, Yan Zhi and Di Xingchen have lived together, no one else has yet."

"I think we can give Yan Zhi a date."

" Pei Xu's dates are already so romantic, Yan Zhi should be hard to top."

" Yan Zhi has a full-blown star base, so it can't be far behind. It may not be more romantic than fireworks, but it certainly has Yan Zhi's distinctive personality. His date is something I'm really looking forward to."

"Actually, for accommodation, I think we can arrange for Huo Cheng to stay with Di Xingchen. The two of them living together should be a great spark."

"That Brother Huo's mouth could go up to the sky, right? Hahahahaha."

"Giving Yan Zhi a chance to date and Huo Cheng a chance to live with his was the highlight for me. This is a crucial moment, and the Shura has got to be on!"

"There are actually a lot of red and blue CP fans, after all, we have the first three seasons of red and blue CP to build on. Duan Yihua, Wen Nuo, they don't have any highlight moments until now."

"What to do, I can't wait for everyone to let them have a bit with Di Xingchen."

There was a lot of laughter.

Guo Bing says: "The problem now is that we can't artificially specify who goes on a date with who or who lives with who. If we set the rules of the game, things may not turn out the way we expect them to.

"What about we get a little less fancy and go through the usual romance variety process? For example, if it's a date day, ask each guest to initiate an invitation to the guest they like. That way everyone gets a date."

"But we don't have at least two or more couples this season, unlike the previous three seasons, so if we do that, we'll end up with everyone inviting Di Xingchen, right? He's running six or seven dates by himself? You can't run them all in one day, right?"

We have discussed and discussed, but there is one thing in common.

That's when the days come to a head and the schedule has to be rushed.

"Why don't we have a three-day date?" Writer Liu suddenly said.

Everyone looked to her.

Writer Liu held up her glasses, she was bland looking and looked a bit like a nerd, but her eyes were shining brightly and radiated wisdom: "Three days of dating in a row, three days, times uncounted, to fire up Shura completely! And for Xingchen to read the hearts of all the guests before making her own choices."

her last comment inexplicably poked a small screenwriter in the eye as she clutched her glass of water and said sadly, "Ah, I start to get sad when I think that most of them end up empty."

But what can be done about it? Di Xingchen has only one.

It's actually been the same with past romance roundups, there's always someone to hold onto and someone to end up with regrets. It's just that this season everyone is so good that it seems all the more regrettable.

Everyone was silent for a while, and scriptwriter Liu said, "You can't think of it that way either. I don't know if you've ever heard of a quote I read online that I think is particularly appropriate for a love roundup. The quote roughly means, [I know he is like the moon in the sky, not destined to belong to me. But for a little while, the moonlight had shone on me too. When I think about it, I think that's enough. I was reading it and I thought, "Isn't that what every season of our Love Variety guests have been saying?"

Although it didn't come to fruition, it was nice to have walked with him on this part of his life's journey and made a memory.

"That's ......" Guo Bing laughed and said, "It sounds like it's even more poignant. It's just a pity that Di Xingchen only has one and can't give all the guests a home!"

When everyone heard this, they all laughed.

After the meeting, Guo Bing received another call from the TV station.

The ratings came out yesterday and they're almost tying the highest rating record of the previous season, and with the third episode airing tonight, the buzz is unprecedented, breaking the record is already a sure thing.

" Little Guo Ah, get it right, the latter must be steady, not asking for the latter to be more exciting, just that you can be steady!"

Guo Bing was full of enthusiasm: "Don't worry, Director, the best is yet to come!"

"Well, well," the old director couldn't stop smiling, "Gee, I'd like to ask, that Di Xingchen, who does he really like?"

Guo Bing asked, "You follow our show too?"

"My granddaughter is after my ass every day asking questions, saying she's afraid she's high on the wrong CP and asking me to ask around, so you tell me and I'll be absolutely drama-free."

Guo Bing just laughed.

Guo Bing comes out of the inn and goes down to the lake to watch Hu Ying and the others shoot a commercial. Not far from where he was standing, he glanced behind him every now and then, wearing a hat and gloves, not dressed to impress, and if he hadn't been so tall, he would have looked like a crew member of the show.

They were shooting a menswear campaign, mainly coats and suits, and Hu Ying was shivering in the freezing cold, so the crew rushed to bring up hot water and down jackets as soon as the shoot was over.

Even in the starry-eyed world of showbiz, they may not be so eye-catching.

When scriptwriter Liu arrived and stood behind him, he looked at Duan Yihua and said, "Look at these handsome men, isn't it a pity that they don't fall in love."

Guo Bing then laughed when he suddenly saw a car coming from a distance and said, "Back."

Writer Liu turned his head and saw Pei Xu and Di Xingchen's car.

she was a little surprised, "Back so early."

Not only was she surprised, but Hu Ying and the others were too.

Huo Cheng was still at the lake watching the Red Square guests shoot their commercial when he saw Pei Xu and Di Xingchen's car and immediately ran towards them.

Pei Xu and Di Xingchen lived together, went out shopping together and only God knows how anxious Huo Cheng was.

Guo Bing spat, "He's been staring down that road, hasn't he, or how else would he have spotted it so promptly."

Huo Cheng ran to the entrance of the Little North Pole just as Pei Xu's car pulled up and he glanced into the car and saw Di Xingchen sitting in the passenger seat through the glass, as if the sun was suddenly shining on him, Huo Cheng smiled and said, "Back so soon."

Pei Xu glanced towards the lake: "Why are there so many people, what are they doing?"

" Hu Ying and the others are doing commercials," says Huo Cheng. Huo Cheng said.

Di Xingchen then pushed the door open and got down.

Pei Xu pulled the car over to the side of the road and got down too, following the group to the lake. There were a lot of local people gathered around to see what was going on. Duan Yihua and the others were huddled in their hot water bags, but when they saw Di Xingchen coming back, they stood up straight.

Hu Ying, in particular, has been in a really bad mood lately, and after freezing for so long in the morning, he was about to lose his temper, but as soon as he saw Di Xingchen, he immediately took off his ugly, bulky black down jacket.

He wore a coffee-coloured tweed coat that matched his chestnut hair, and when he stood in the snow, the sun shone on him, making him glow. Wen Nuo stroked his hair, probably because he was freezing so hard that his heart was cold.

Pei Xu and Huo Cheng were standing behind Di Xingchen, one left and one right, one fair and handsome with a noble air, the other tall and handsome with a cold air, Di Xingchen stood between them, pure and beautiful, his face glowing white, so heart-warming. Wen Nuo, in the shivering cold, suddenly developed a courage he would not normally have.

Pei Xu and Huo Cheng, the two blue guests, were able to take the initiative when they fell in love, let alone him.

Next time, if the opportunity arises, he will take it.

He wanted to catch it so badly.

Di Xingchen stood behind the photographer, looking at the four beautiful men in the shot, and couldn't help but sigh once again.

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They're really loving the variety ceiling configuration this season.

Four beautiful men, each with a different style, standing by the lake, reflecting the snowy trees around it, wearing long coats and scarves, making each frame as beautiful as a pictorial.

Guo Bing watched quietly from a distance for a while, then suddenly spoke up and called out.

" Pei Xu ."

Di Xingchen turns around at the sound of his voice.

Guo Bing beckoned, "Come here for a minute."

Pei Xu then walked towards Guo Bing.

Guo Bing asked, "You left the camera in the car on this time, didn't you?"

Pei Xu says: "It's not off, but there's nothing to see."

He and Di Xingchen barely spoke in the car.

Guo Bing now looks at Pei Xu with a sense of affection that the boy has grown up, "You go and do a single pick, it's been a long time since you've picked."

Di Xingchen heard this and asked, "Are we going to do a single pick?"

It does seem like it's been a long time since I've done it.

"You guys don't have to do it yet, let Pei Xu do it first." Guo Bing said with a smile.

Ten minutes later, Pei Xu was sitting in the programme room.

This time both Guo Bing and writer Liu were present, with a dozen crew members gathered behind the camera.

Pei Xu, in his down jacket, still looks the same as when he first arrived, but he gives off a different impression, not quite the same tug as when he first arrived, and a much calmer person.

He was cooperative this time, too, and took an honest seat in the high chair, constantly adjusting his posture and angle according to the staff's instructions.

Most of the love stories are shot outdoors, or indoors in fixed shots, so you can't use a light board everywhere, or shoot a shot several times and pick the best ones. Even Hu Ying, who is always so sophisticated, can't always look bright and shiny. But the show is more about face than drama, and the face of the guests is so important that it can be directly linked to the ratings, so they pay close attention to the camera angles and lighting every time they record a single interview to ensure that each guest looks their best in the shots they interview.

"When we were on air earlier, we interviewed other people and not you, so now you answer that question for us first."

"Do you need to ask that?" says Pei Xu. Pei Xu said, "I think you've already edited a lot of videos of me punching faces, right?"

Everyone burst into laughter. Pei Xu laughed too, and when he did, some of the staff in the room blushed with excitement.

Because Pei Xu smiles like Di Xingchen.

It's beautiful!

"I like Di Xingchen." Pei Xu says, looking directly into the camera.

Guo Bing glanced at the monitor and saw that Pei Xu, with his bright eyebrows and beautiful features, was speaking seriously to the camera.

Di Xingchen stayed at the lake for a while and then went back to Room 1. He's cooking a big meal for lunch.

Huo Cheng walked with him to Room 1, a rare moment of solitude. Huo Cheng was very emotional and said nothing, occasionally turning his head to look at Di Xingchen, his heart overflowing with tenderness.

Pei Xu had already taken the car to Room 1 before he went to record the mono-pick and had unloaded everything and put it in front of Room 1. They had just moved their things in when Pei Xu returned.

"So fast." Huo Cheng said.

"Just asked me a few simple questions." Pei Xu said and took off his duvet.

"How come I don't see Brother Yan?" Di Xingchen asked.

Huo Cheng said, "He said he didn't sleep well last night and went back to catch up on his sleep."

Huo Cheng took a look at what Di Xingchen had bought, and it was all vegetarian, aubergines, cucumbers, tomatoes, purple potatoes, potatoes and so on, basically a little bit of everything. He and Pei Xu helped Di Xingchen wash and peel the vegetables, and Di Xingchen used all the pots and pans available.

Hu Ying was stunned when they came in and saw such a big show.

The crew had already arranged for a number of cameras in the kitchen of Room 1 and saw that a special camera had been sent over.

" Xingchen is really going to zoom in today." Duan Yihua said, rubbing his hands together.

"I've made snow pear soup for you." Di Xingchen said.

Pei Xu and Huo Cheng both turned to the cupboard to get their bowls at the same time, but Huo Cheng was a little further away and was a step behind.

Pei Xu brought over some bowls and gave Hu Ying a bowl for each of them.

After two hours of shooting outside, they were all shivering, and Wen Nuo was sneezing so hard that he went back to his second room, probably embarrassed. When he got into room two, he saw Yan Zhi sleeping and sneezed, so he rushed out again.

Yan Zhi was still awakened by the sneeze. After sitting up, he had a splitting headache and sat against the bed for a while. As soon as he went out, he saw Wen Nuo standing in the doorway sneezing.

"Catching a cold?" Yan Zhi asked.

Wen Nuo says, "A little bit, sneezing all the time."

Yan Zhi asked, "Do you have any medicine?"

"No medicine for now, maybe in a while, I'll rest a bit. Xingchen and Brother Pei are back and are cooking." Wen Nuo said.

Yan Zhi went to Room 1 and saw Pei Xu and Huo Cheng standing left and right next to Di Xingchen, both with their hands free, Pei Xu clumsily pressing a knife to cut a cucumber and Huo Cheng with his cuffs rolled up, peeling a tomato.

Lin Qingning and Hu Ying are standing opposite watching Di Xingchen cook.

The camera crew held up the camera in their hands and pointed it at Di Xingchen's hand.

The light hits Di Xingchen's hands, his lily-white fingers flushed pink as he squeezes a very thin knife and carves a white radish.

Hu Ying was the first to see Yan Zhi: "Brother Yan, look, Xingchen's knife work." Although I knew that Di Xingchen was a good cutter, I had always seen him cutting and slicing before, but this time Di Xingchen really took the plunge and carved a life-like rabbit out of a white jade radish.

Yan Zhi looked at the side and there was already a plate of turtles, a plate of little fat pigs and, most conspicuously, a large plate next to it, in the middle of which was a large peony flower, I don't know what it was carved out of, white on top and red on the bottom.

Yan Zhi took out his mobile phone and photographed the small animals Di Xingchen had made, then the camera panned up slightly and Di Xingchen's face appeared in his shot.

Di Xingchen is most serious when he is doing two things, one is when he is dancing and the other is when he is cooking. He is so focused on cooking that when he gets to the most difficult part of the carving, he purses his lips and frowns slightly, his long eyelashes leaving a dense silhouette.

Pei Xu spotted Yan Zhi filming Di Xingchen and looked up at him.

Yan Zhi also glanced towards Pei Xu and the two men locked eyes, neither of them looking at the other with much expression.

Yan Zhi simply pretended that Pei Xu didn't exist, instead dropping his eyes expressionlessly and continuing to shoot.

Pei Xu looks somewhat indifferent.

Now is the most crucial time, one step forward is a different world, one step back is an abyss of ten thousand feet.

Di Xingchen's side has just shown signs of relenting, so if someone else takes advantage of the situation, it would really be a case of the former planting the tree and the latter taking advantage of the situation.

Having exploited loopholes before, he knows all the more how terrible the consequences of doing so can be.

We can't do it for others now.

He looked at Yan Zhi and then at Huo Cheng and Hu Ying next to him.

Hu Ying is probably a beauty lover and is still wearing his coat after the commercial. Duan Yihua has the most sophisticated haircut, with his hair slicked back and his forehead exposed, making him look more dignified and stable. Huo Cheng's eyes are actually more naked. He purses his lips, a man who usually looks so big, but now he looks like a young boy in love, his eyes are full of adoration.

He recalled what Guo Bing had said to him at the end of the monopoly.

Guo Bing looked at him with a big smile and said, "We have three days of intensive dating ahead of us, so I hope your luck continues. Brother Pei, come on."

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