Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 110: CH 110

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When Di Xingchen had finished all the dishes, everyone realized why his dish was called an all-vegetarian meat feast.

When all the dishes were put on the table, even Guo Bing and the others came over to see what was going on.

Everyone gathered around the table to take pictures, and Guo Bing said, "You make it so cute, do they still want to eat it?"

Hu Ying said, "Director, why don't you have a taste first?"

Guo Bing said, "I'd really like to try it, I think that little fat pig is good."

On hearing this, Di Xingchen served one to Guo Bing.

Guo Bing said, "Don't panic, let them finish the photo shoot first."

The camera next to him said, "We've just finished filming it all."

"Finished filming? Xiao Liu, hurry up and tweet about it."

Everyone just laughed.

Guo Bing took a bite and realised that the fatty pig looked like a radish on the outside but had tofu mixed inside.

You obviously didn't use meat, but it tasted like meat!

Guo Bing was full of praise and gave it a thumbs up.

Xiao Liu, who is in charge of the official microblogging service, immediately sent out a tweet with the following message: "Guess which one of the guests is doing this?"

Nowadays, whenever Red and Blue tweets, there are hundreds of comments in less than a second, and within a minute, there are more than a thousand comments.

I don't even know how these fans are swiped so quickly.

[Who else's cooking could this be? It's the only one of the red and blue guests who can cook!

[My Brother Zhai, this is an amazing craft!

[Where can you find a sweet girl who can go down to the kitchen, who is good-looking and has a sunny personality?

[Ahem, but it could be a little sweet 0.]

The official microblogging site of Red and Blue usually sends out materials, and on the day of the broadcast, it always sends out a trailer, but today it did not send out a trailer, but a food picture.

[This is made by Di Xingchen? Crap, it's awesome.]

[Di Xingchen is not a dance student? So good at cooking?

The first time I saw the show, I was the chef of the season.

[So Di Xingchen didn't just dance and become a hit, he's also a good cook?

[And that's not all, Di Xingchen plays the piano and skis like a champ, for God's sake, did the show really stumble upon him, why do I feel like this is a treasure they've gone to all this trouble to find?

I don't know if the show's team took the trouble to find him, but there's no doubt that Di Xingchen is a treasure, right?

[Hahahahahaha, you're talking about that marketing number, Big Mouth Fish Le. I saw him trolling too, laughing his ass off. Guess he's too ugly to understand how sought-after handsome girls are in real life.]

[My Xingchen will be dancing tonight, let's wait for my Xingchen to explode!

[When I think of a bunch of such outstanding top rich kids liking him, this young girl's teenage heart starts to flood!

[I'd like to make a side note, does anyone like Yan Zhi? His hands are so beautiful and long, white and sinewy, it's rare to see such beautiful and manly hands, even the knuckles are so sexy!

The hands of Yan Zhi and the waist of Di Xingchen are both famous this season. Speaking of which, did you guys see the famous line from the Meteor cohort, "When will these hands hold Di Xingchen's waist? The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on Di Xingchen's waist.

[Di Xingchen's waist is amazing, so thin, with abs, and so white!

[Di Xingchen is really white powdered.]

[lsp blushes and asks, "Is it really pink?"]

The first episode of Di Xingchen was about taking off your clothes at the beach, and he and Huo Cheng were playing water sports together, and their clothes were all over the place.

[Di Xingchen's creamy skin is the best, right, and people still question why so many people love him!

[Red fans expect him to be a 1, blue fans expect him to be a 0, and we are just people watching!

The last vegetable soup was also served.

"Take your seats, everyone." Di Xingchen said, " Where is Wen Nuo?"

" He's not feeling well, he's resting in room 2." Yan Zhi said, "I think he's got a cold."

Di Xingchen unties the apron around his waist at the word.

Pei Xu took it and hung it on the wall: "I'll check it out. "

Pei Xu's words startled Lin Qingning and the others.

Because I didn't expect Pei Xu to say such things.

Pei Xu This is too much of a change.

Pei Xu said and put on his duvet and went out.

When Pei Xu arrived in room two, he saw Wen Nuo sitting on the bed, sneezing all the time and using a bunch of toilet paper.

"Catching a cold?"

When Wen Nuo looked back, he saw that it was Pei Xu and froze for a moment.

He never made it to Room 1 and actually pulled a little stunt.

He waited for Di Xingchen to come and see him.

He felt that if anyone came to see him, it would be Di Xingchen.

I didn't expect it to be Pei Xu!

He was instantly formal, and a little vague and embarrassed, and said, "A little."

"Have you taken your medication?" Pei Xu asked.

Wen Nuo says, "Not yet. I rarely take medicine for colds."

"It's not like South City over here, so take a little care and it's best to take some medicine." Pei Xu said, "The food is ready, do you want to go over and eat, or should I bring it to you?"

Wen Nuo said, "I'll go and eat later, I keep sneezing now, I won't go over."

Pei Xu nods a little, his features are handsome but expressionless, and he looks a little serious. Wen Nuo was too shy to look at him. Pei Xu reaches out and touches the fire wall in their room, then goes out.

Wen Nuo took a long breath and followed it up with a sneeze.

It was not Di Xingchen who came to see him, nor Duan Yihua or Lin Qingning, but Pei Xu.

Pei Xu came back to Room 1 and went straight to the kitchen.

" Wen Nuo didn't come?" Duan Yihua asked.

"He's been sneezing and is probably a bit embarrassed to come over, so I'll serve him some food and leave him alone."

Di Xingchen got up immediately at that and asked, "Is it important?"

"It doesn't matter, it's a small cold." Pei Xu said.

Di Xingchen then picked three or four of the dishes on the table and put them on a plate.

"It's cold when you send it over like that, right?" Huo Cheng says.

Pei Xu knelt down and opened the cupboard to have a look. Huo Cheng said, "Use the crockpot, put the plates inside and wrap the outside with another layer."

Di Xingchen cleans up the food and Pei Xu carries it away.

Everyone looked at Pei Xu as he went out, looking a bit mixed up.

Pei Xu has certainly not suddenly become so down-to-earth; he is sharing Di Xingchen's role and building up a good image in the process.

They also wanted to do a good deed, but unfortunately they were not as responsive as Pei Xu, and now it's not easy to rob them.

About ten minutes later, Pei Xu returned.

Huo Cheng said, "Let's eat, it will get cold if we wait any longer."

Pei Xu saw that everyone was seated, except for Huo Cheng and Duan Yihua, who had an empty seat.

Di Xingchen's cooking was as good as ever, and not only did everyone's tummies warm up after eating it, but also their hearts.

Di Xingchen is just perfect.

How can there be such a good boy!

Hu Ying eagerly sneaks a peek at Di Xingchen as he eats his apple and hawthorn cheese, he's a hothead, and when lust strikes, he immediately boils up, as if he can't hold back for a moment.

Let's finish the North City stop quickly and start the next one soon!

He's going to live with Di Xingchen, so let's see if he doesn't pull out all the stops when the time comes.

He can be the attacker or the attacker!

Or hurry up and start the next date, give him a chance!

Hu Ying couldn't help but glance out of the window and saw Guo Bing and the others coming over again.

"The programme team is at it again." Hu Ying said.

Everyone glanced out of the window and Guo Bing, who was standing outside talking, did not come in.

"I think there's a new assignment." Duan Yihua said.

But Guo Bing and the others kept standing outside, glancing in now and then, presumably until they had finished their meal.

Hu Ying ran straight out and said, "Director, why don't you guys come in?"

Guo Bing then came in with a smile and said, "Have you all finished eating? Let's wait until you have finished eating."

"Is there a new date scheduled?" Lin Qingning asks with a smile.

Yan Zhi and Pei Xu both put down their chopsticks and looked at Guo Bing.

Guo Bing saw that everyone was a bit impatient and said, "I know everyone is looking forward to their chance to have a date, we've only had one full date before and the next ones were all eight people fighting for a date ......"

Before Guo Bing had even finished speaking, Duan Yihua, who had been leaning back in his chair, sat up straight and looked serious, his eyes glowing.

"So this dating arrangement is really very fair, whether it's red-red, blue-blue, or red-blue, everyone has an equal chance." Guo Bing said, "It's well known ......"

"It's well known again." Hu Ying laughs.

Guo Bing also smiled and said, "As we all know, North City is a very famous tourist city with unique and rich northern scenery, such as the Ice City visited by Hu Ying and Yan Zhi, the Old Street just visited by Pei Xu and Di Xingchen, as well as the Elk Park, Bai Yushan, the Cliff Temple and so on and so forth. I have eight cards in my hand, each of which contains eight famous tourist attractions, including places you have been to, as well as many places you have not yet visited. We will send a car to take you one by one to the place you want to go. The rules for our date this time are called If There's a Fate."

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Di Xingchen lowers his head and takes a sip of cheese.

He really admired the show for these little gimmicks.

I can't believe it doesn't repeat itself every time!

Lin Qingning said, "I see, it means that if two people pick the same place, they can go on a date together, right?"

"That's right."

"So if I'm the only one who chooses a certain place, will I be the only one all day?" Hu Ying asks.

Guo Bing nods.

"And what if all three choose the same place?"

"All together then."

All together?

Di Xingchen's goosebumps are going to rise just from the sound of it.

Seriously, one on one he can take it, like now, with everyone in one piece, he can take it, but if it's three people together ...... daaa!

That's awful too!

He stubbed his toe on the ground at the thought.

As he thought about it, he saw Guo Bing giving him a meaningful glance.

Hu Ying is already pumping his fist: "When do we start, now?"

"But Wen Nuo wasn't there." Duan Yihua said.

"Our staff has gone to room two. It doesn't matter if he's there or not." Guo Bing said and smiled, asking, "Should we wait until everyone has finished eating before choosing?"

Hu Ying reached out straight away and, as the internet buzzword goes, "Give it to me."

Guo Bing just smiled and handed out all the cards.

Di Xingchen glanced at the card, which showed eight of the more famous local attractions, including Ice City, with each place name followed by an iconic picture of the place.

He looked up at the others and saw Hu Ying looking at him with eager eyes.

"To be fair, there's no discussion or eye-rolling." Guo Bing said.

Hu Ying then smiled and looked down at the card he was holding.

Guo Bing adds fuel to the fire: "Think about it, don't rush to tick the boxes. Think about where you would most like to go. Where is your favourite person likely to go?"

Di Xingchen seems to be covering Guo Bing's mouth as he looks on.

Di Xingchen took a good look at the eight places.

Of these eight locations, only Ice City has been visited by Yan Zhi and Hu Ying before, while the remaining seven are seven local attractions, most of which are in the city.

He looked around and the one he was most interested in was Ice City.

It would be a waste of time to visit North City without seeing the world of ice sculptures.

But Yan Zhi and Hu Ying have been to this site before, and they both came back with glowing reviews. When they talk, Duan Yihua has said that they would like to go there once in a while.

The probability of Yan Zhi and Hu Ying choosing this attraction again is estimated at 30-40%, leaving 60-70%, so the odds are that it won't be repeated, right?

It's hard to say though, maybe they thought they would pick this attraction?

He felt that this attraction should be the most popular.

He looked at the rest of the site, the North City Museum, built on top of the ruins of the ancient city of Moksha, is full of cultural and historical heritage, surrounded by atmospheric scenery and dense with attractions.

The North City Museum of Art, with its refined literary approach, is one of the country's leading art museums and regularly hosts exhibitions.

In addition to this, there is the Snowy Mountain Chill Spa, the North City Pleasure Valley, a tourist train, the North City Sculpture Park and one more is the Time Cafe.

He will pick a place where others are least likely to go.

This gives him a thirty to forty percent chance of going out with one person, leaving sixty to seventy percent that it's just him.

Ice City is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the North City and there is no doubt that it is the most popular.

The hot springs are too ambiguous for two people, but if there are more than two people, the situation is not too awkward when they are all naked together in the hot springs.

The most banal thing here is actually the cafe.

By all accounts this one was probably not even chosen.

But he thought of the previous inside pitch.

The fact that the result of that internal vote was so surprising shows that people are more complex in their minds, and he thinks it's likely that many guests did the opposite, as they did last time, and instead ended up picking the least interesting cafe the most.

Shall we all sit together for coffee?


Di Xingchen thought about it and finally set his sights on the art museum and the sculpture park.

These two are the most modest.

The second is the museum.

He thought for a moment, and suddenly felt the stares around him.

Several of the guests seemed to be ogling him.

He pursed up his lips and chose the sculpture park.

How long can you visit a park?

It's still so cold.

It might be back in an hour or two.

Once he had ticked the sculpture park, he handed in his card.

He also paid special attention to Guo Bing's expression, but Guo Bing looked away with little expression.

Probably fearing that the other guests might see something coming, his expression was very restrained.

It wasn't long before the others handed in their cards too.

When it was handed in, everyone asked Guo Bing.

Guo Bing looks at all the cards in his hand with a honeyed smile on his lips.

Di Xingchen looked at Guo Bing and his heart beat faster.

That smile looks sinister!

" What did Wen Nuo choose?"

Guo Bing asks the staff member next to him.

The staff member then came up to him and whispered in his ear.

Hu Ying was so nervous that he couldn't wait any longer: "Hurry up and announce it, director!"

Guo Bing looked at the time, "It's half past twelve, let's continue eating and we'll meet outside at one o'clock."

Duan Yihua asked in amazement, "Are you going today?

"I thought it was tomorrow." Lin Qingning said.

"If we're going to have fun, let's make it exciting." Guo Bing said. Guo Bing said, "It saves you time to spy on each other. There's enough time for a whole afternoon, so if you're having fun, it's okay to come back later."

The atmosphere is suddenly tense, with Yan Zhi and Huo Cheng glancing at Pei Xu from time to time.

When they finished eating, the table was cleared and the team's car was waiting for them outside. Wen Nuo was already standing outside, but he had stopped sneezing, but his nose was not clear and it was a bit uncomfortable.

I'm going even if I feel bad!

He wasn't going to let this opportunity go!

Di Xingchen asked him, "Are you better?"

"I've taken my medicine." Wen Nuo whispered.

He was fully armed, spoke in a nasal voice and looked even more endearing with his nose red from blowing it.

"Everyone doesn't have to come out all together and go one by one. It's colder outside, so it's better to go back inside." Guo Bing said.

"I'll go first." Lin Qingning said.

He is the only one who didn't bother to consider Di Xingchen when choosing.

As a high intellectual, he chose the North City Museum.

After about ten minutes or so, Guo Bing asked at the door, "Who's next?"

"I'll do it." Wen Nuo volunteered and stood up.

Wen Nuo was followed by Huo Cheng, and Di Xingchen was the fourth to go.

Di Xingchen started nodding off as soon as he got in the car, as he had just eaten and the heater was on.

The drive from the Little North Pole to downtown North City takes an hour and a half, and after half an hour he is asleep.

When he woke up, he was already at the south gate of the sculpture park in the city centre.

He glanced out of the car window with sleepy eyes and saw the entrance to the sculpture park full of colourful balloons and a huge crowd of people at the entrance.

With a jolt, he came to his senses completely.

"Is this the sculpture park?" He asked his followers who were filming like the young guard.

The little guard said, "There's a North Side Music Festival going on here today."

Di Xingchen was surprised.

At that moment, a man suddenly leapt over the side and knocked twice on the other side of the car window.

Di Xingchen turned his head and saw Huo Cheng smiling like a flower.

" Di Xingchen!!!" Huo Cheng shouted.

Huo Cheng was like a hydrogen balloon next to him at that moment, floating a little bit more and then he would have floated into the sky.

He bet on the right !!!!

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