Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 127: CH 127

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They arrived at a place called Rizo, south of the Western Town, which is surrounded by low, flat hills and a golden air strip, making it a paraglider's paradise thanks to its natural conditions.

As soon as he got out of the car, Hu Ying recognised the place.

He's been here three times!

This is great, he's going to show off!

Gliding is his best sport, he doesn't even need a coach! He can take others!

For example, Di Xingchen!

This time there was no need to choose a house. The crew had a small two-storey building, with the crew living downstairs and their guests living upstairs.

Hu Ying saw all their luggage piled up downstairs.

"What does that mean?" He asked the programme team.

"Carry your own luggage." Guo Bing said with a smile.

"So much!" Hu Ying wailed.

"Come on, let's all join in." Duan Yihua was very positive.

This time they each brought at least two suitcases, plus Huo Cheng and Yan Zhi's advance luggage, adding up to nearly twenty. Pei Xu went over and carried the big suitcases one by one, and finally picked two of them. Hu Ying saw that he had the heaviest one and shouted, "My suitcase is heavy!"

"You take it easy." Di Xingchen said.

"I know." Pei Xu said and went upstairs with his suitcase.

Hu Ying looked up, "He's so strong."

See it once and be amazed.

Pei Xu is really the ultimate in 1, with an amazing arm.

This time the red guests didn't want to give in and tried to show their "manhood". Wen Nuo also carried two boxes, but with all his strength, he only made it two steps before he dropped them with a bang.

Di Xingchen said with a smile, "We can carry them one by one, it's okay, we have to run a few times anyway, don't strain yourself."

With that he took it from Wen Nuo and went up with two suitcases.

Wen Nuo couldn't help but exclaim: "Xingchen is also very strong."

Good 1, Boing Boing.

The two suitcases Di Xingchen was carrying were smaller than the ones Pei Xu was carrying, but they were also very heavy. He went up some stairs to take a break, and just as he reached the corner, he saw Pei Xu coming down, he tilted his head and looked at Pei Xu with a smile.

Pei Xu was as strong and fast as the five of them, but he was so tired that his face and neck were red and his whole body was sweat-soaked, he simply took off his jacket to reveal his black T-shirt, the back of which was soaked through and stuck to his backside.

Di Xingchen thought, "How tempting is this, but unfortunately none of the Red guests were interested in Pei Xu.

Di Xingchen took a tissue out of his backpack and handed it to Pei Xu, who wiped his face, picked up his luggage and went back upstairs. Di Xingchen hurriedly followed him and helped him carry it: "Be careful."

Pei Xu said, "I know."

When they went up to the first floor, they realised that they were actually in bunk beds this time.

One bedroom with four bunk beds for exactly eight people.

Hu Ying said, "I finally got to experience what it's like to be in a bunk bed."

"Didn't you ever sleep in a bunk bed when you were at school?" Lin Qingning asked. Lin Qingning asked.

"I've always lived off campus, I've never lived on campus." Hu Ying said.

"How does everyone choose?" Wen Nuo asked. Wen Nuo asked, "Should we wait for Brother Huo and Yan Zhi to come?"

"No need, right?" Hu Ying said, "First come, first served."

Guo Bing said, "It's all in one room, so it doesn't make any difference where you sleep, right? You can choose yourselves."

He looked to Pei Xu and said, "Put your jacket on, the sun will set here and the temperature will come down."

Lin Qingning suddenly asked Di Xingchen at this time, " Xingchen, where are you sleeping, we are sleeping in the bunk bed."

Hu Ying and Duan Yihua, they both froze for a moment.

Di Xingchen smiled and said, "Yes."

"Let's sleep in this one, then." Lin Qingning picked the one on the right closest to the door.

The difference between sleeping on the top and bottom bunk is not that big, so Lin Qingning said so, so the others couldn't grab it from him, so Pei Xu put his bag on the top bunk next door.

Keeps quiet but moves faster than anyone, hehe!

Hu Ying then put something in his bunk.

In the end, Wen Nuo and Duan Yihua chose the left bed, leaving a bunk bed for Yan Zhi and Huo Cheng.

Lin Qingning went to the bathroom and when he came out of the next room, he smiled and said, "You guys go check out the bathroom next door and really dream about school life for a second."

Hearing him say this, Hu Ying and the others immediately went next door to have a look.

The toilet and bathroom next door are two separate rooms, one to the left and one to the right, the toilet is cubicle style and the bathroom next to it, actually, is also cubicle style, four cubicles in a row, the front doors are flaps that only reach below the chest and above the calves.

"As soon as I saw the baffle, it was added later by the programme team, I don't think there was even a baffle before." Duan Yihua said.

Di Xingchen said, "It's okay to take a shower during the day, but at night, I don't know if it will be cold."

Just as he finished, he saw Pei Xu come in with his toiletries.

"Do you want to take a shower?" He asked Pei Xu.

Pei Xu gave a "hmmm" and said, "I'm sweating."

Hu Ying said, "I want to wash it too."

"It's not like there are four cubicles." Lin Qingning said with a smile.

"I'm going to wait until he's finished and he's warmed up the bathroom before I wash." Hu Ying said.

The beds were all made and the bedding was all new, so everyone went back to their bedrooms and started unpacking.

Di Xingchen was arranging a pillowcase on the top bunk when he saw him coming back, so he looked down and froze when he saw Pei Xu.

Pei Xu is wearing a t-shirt on top and black trousers underneath.

He used to come out of the shower with a pair of boxer shorts on the bottom half of his body and at most a pair of big trousers on the outside, but nowadays he is probably embarrassed by the crowd.

"Is it cold?" Di Xingchen asked.

"It's OK, but the water pressure is unstable, it's hot and cold, so you have to keep adjusting it."

Pei Xu put his things on the table and climbed up to the top bunk. His pillow was on the side of the wall, but he came up and took it and put it on the side next to Di Xingchen.

Sleep with him against his head.

Hu Ying peeked up from the lower bunk.

Di Xingchen was supposed to sleep on the bottom bunk, but Lin Qingning switched with him.

However, Lin Qingning's sleeping on the bottom bunk was understandable, as he probably didn't want to share the top bunk with Pei Xu for fear of embarrassment.

By mistake, Pei Xu gets a little closer to Di Xingchen again, and gasps.

But the good thing is that they are bunk beds and they can't whisper much. They were all in the same room, so it really didn't make much difference which bed they slept in. Hu Ying took the toiletries and went into the bathroom.

"Anyone want to wash with me?" He also turned back to ask.

Lin Qingning then followed with the toiletries.

"Is it not convenient to wash clothes here?" Di Xingchen asked Pei Xu.

He saw Pei Xu carrying out all the clothes he had taken off in a bag. There is only one sink here, and it is a communal one, so the conditions are very basic and there is no place to put the clothes after washing them.

Pei Xu gave a "hmm".

"I brought disposable underwear." Di Xingchen said, "Do you want them?"

Pei Xu nods.

Wen Nuo and Duan Yihua in br />

Pei Xu said, "No."

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Duan Yihua was surprised.

They are not many people who can do their own laundry, so when they come out to record the show, they wear disposable underwear, which is convenient, saves time and is clean.

Even if Di Xingchen and Wen Nuo didn't remember to bring them, Pei Xu didn't either.

Di Xingchen went down and took a bag of disposable underwear out of his suitcase.

He was a bit prescient. When he heard that he would be living in a group home this time, he went and bought two bags of disposable underwear, which came in handy.

"I don't know if you wear small or not." Di Xingchen said.

I said it with a blush on my face, feeling the ambiguity of the statement.

But when he looked at the others, it was clear that he had overthought it, and Duan Yihua and Wen Nuo were not thinking in the wrong direction.

Well, I don't think any of them knew about Pei Xu.

Huo Cheng is known as Huo DaBao and Yan Zhi, not to mention Pei Xu, who is well hidden.

Of course, when he says size, he's not referring to that, he's simply talking about sizing.

Pei Xu holds up his clothes better than he does.

Eh, how does that sound even stranger.

He put on his shoes and came down the stairs. The sun was setting outside, there were a bunch of people downstairs, and the crew was still bringing supplies and equipment this way. I don't know who was playing a song on the big stereo, but it was The Escape Plan's The Brightest Star in the Night Sky.

Di Xingchen ran over to help, but Guo Bing stopped him: "Go and hang out with the other guests when you have time, we have a beautiful view here, don't waste it."

Guo Bing said and turned his head to ask, "Where is Little Li?"

Little Li came running over with the camera in his arms.

"Is it just you?" Guo Bing asked.

He looked at Di Xingchen and thought that although Di Xingchen was dressed very plainly, jeans, white shirt, the pattern on that shirt was very faint and could hardly be seen without looking closely, nay the temperament sunlight, looked very bright and dazzling.

"What are all the other guests doing?" He asked.

As soon as he said that, the person looked at the stairs and smiled, "Here it is." Di Xingchen looked back and saw that it was Pei Xu.

Pei Xu is dressed in a black jumper, back to the way he was when they first met, dressed extremely casually. Pei Xu walked up to him and also asked Guo Bing, "Do you need help?"

"You two are doing us a favour by going out for a stroll."

Pei Xu smiled and looked at Di Xingchen: "Let's go then."

As Pei Xu and Di Xingchen walk away, Guo Bing says to the staff around him, "Stinky Face is smiling now."

"People are in good spirits."

"Classic black and white."

It was dry here, the red sun was shining on the mountains and there were not many people around, except for the grass and trees, and there was only a gliding base in the distance. Di Xingchen said, "It doesn't seem too far away, let's go and have a look at the gliding base."

Pei Xu smiled and gave him a look.

Di Xingchen then asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Pei Xu says: "Happy."

Di Xingchen smiled and repeated, "Happy."

The two walked in silence for a while.

"Have you ever paraglided before?" Pei Xu asks.

Di Xingchen says: "No, it's my first time in the West Side. Is paragliding scary?"

"It's easier than bungee jumping or something like that, it's okay, it's not that scary." Pei Xu says, "Just get someone to show you the ropes when you're there."

Di Xingchen said, "The crew will definitely give me someone to take me flying when the time comes."

He is all too aware of the show's set-up.

Pei Xu just said "hmmm" and tucked his hands in his trouser pockets, "I'll try and see if I can get you in then."

Di Xingchen gives a light laugh.

Pei Xu looks over at Di Xingchen with a smile and says, "Really, you're better off with others than with me, I'm better than all of them. I come to Xicheng every year and stayed here for over a month last year to get my flying license. I can fly paragliding with my eyes closed."

Di Xingchen has a vision of Pei Xu flying an aeroplane, wearing a flight suit and glasses.

So Sue, the show's crew won't let go, right?

Maybe he'll get a chance to see it too.

The two of them followed a path up the hill, which became narrower and narrower, and eventually broke off at a depression. Di Xingchen almost fell several times and turned back to the camera and said, "You are in br />

He and Pei Xu climbed to the top and Di Xingchen looked at them and said, "We're going the wrong way, we should take the east road up."

The area was silent and deserted, just the two of them standing far away from the shooting statue. The wind was strong on the mountain, and standing at the highest point looking south, I could just see two paragliders floating away on the wind. The sun was setting over the mountains, and the view was infinite.

It is a very different landscape from the northern town.

The sun was about to set and the wind was getting cold, so they both stood up there for a while and then went down. Pei Xu stepped down on a rock and said, "Give me your hand."

When Di Xingchen wouldn't reach out, Pei Xu repeated it again, only in a lower voice: "Give it to me."

Don't look at the low voice, but the tone is quite overbearing.

Di Xingchen put his hand on Pei Xu's hand and got off. Pei Xu also took it in stride and let go of his hand when he got down, but as soon as he let go, Di Xingchen slipped and ran into Pei Xu's back. He was so shocked that he hugged Pei Xu's waist, so that Pei Xu didn't get knocked down by him. The two of them were able to stabilise themselves as they screamed "careful, careful" to the camera.

Pei Xu didn't say anything, his earlobes were red. Di Xingchen put his hand against Pei Xu's back and walked down, thinking to herself, "Pei Xu's waist is quite thin.

Hard, but nice to snuggle.

The West Side was warm, a little warmer than the South Side, and they all wore thin clothing and had a more pronounced scent. Di Xingchen thought that the mint scent on Pei Xu seemed to be getting lighter but better.

For a moment, he wanted to smell more.

"What perfume do you wear?" He asks Pei Xu.

Pei Xu says: "I don't use perfume."

"It's not working?"

Pei Xu says: "I only wear perfume when I wear a suit for formal occasions." He says as he sniffs his own arm, "I can't smell it myself."

"It's a bit like a mint aroma." Di Xingchen says.

"The shower gel, I think, and the shampoo." Pei Xu says, "I like the smell better, and the toothpaste is also mint."

He turned back to Di Xingchen and asked, "Do you like the taste or don't you like it?"

Di Xingchen scratched his cheek and said, "Like ...... just smells pretty good."

Pei Xu gave a "hmmm" and the corners of his lips puffed up as he turned around and gave Di Xingchen a hand. As he did so, he suddenly laughed at himself, unable to stop himself.

He hasn't laughed as much in the past few years as he has these days.

"Why do I think you're getting silly," Di Xingchen said, "giggling."

Pei Xu says: "Happy."

His joy was wonderful, his heart trembled with happiness, joy was supposed to be a simple psychological feeling within joy and sorrow, but when his heart trembled, there was a slight reaction in his lower body, not strong but everywhere, more like an unconscious reaction of his body. He looks up at Di Xingchen, whose hair is tousled by the mountain breeze, revealing a clean forehead, clear and handsome.

Di Xingchen hardly looks him in the eye anymore.

As they walked down the hill together, Pei Xu laughed silently the whole time.

Xiao Wei suddenly pulled Little Li's arm and whispered, "Let's stay away."

Little Li said, "Any further away these two are probably going to talk."

The little guard then laughed.

"My hand is all healed." Pei Xu reaches out to show Di Xingchen.

Di Xingchen gave a "hmmm", "It's okay."

The sunset was completely blocked by the mountains on either side, and the path was darkened at once. As they rounded the corner, their hands suddenly touched. Di Xingchen was startled for a moment as he tucked his hands into his pockets and pursed his lips.

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