Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 128: CH 128

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The two of them were returning from the mountains and had not yet reached their accommodation when they ran into Hu Ying.

Hu Ying comes out of the shower and realises that Pei Xu and Di Xingchen have gone out.

This Pei Xu is so good at exploiting loopholes!

And Duan Yihua and Wen Nuo, who said that they had seen Pei Xu chasing after them, did not go back.

Get in there, sister! Fear not!

He could vaguely guess what Duan Yihua and Hu Nuo were thinking. They thought that since Pei Xu had already passed, it would be useless for them to stick together, and that it would be useless for them to be together, but sisters, in this situation, the important thing was not whether it was useful for them to stick together, but not to give Pei Xu a chance to be alone!

Hate irony, Duan Yihua and Wen Nuo, still too thin-skinned!

Hu Ying surreptitiously observed Di Xingchen and Pei Xu's expressions, both of whom looked as normal.

He smiled and asked, "Where have you two been?"

"We were going to go to the gliding base, but we took a wrong turn and came back around in the depression." Di Xingchen said.

The sun has set and Duan Yihua has set up a barbecue in the open space in front of the building.

"Do you want to have a barbecue today?" Di Xingchen asked.

"Yeah, for a barbecue, and we got a case of beer from the show." Hu Ying said.

Di Xingchen walked over and asked, "Do you know how to barbecue?"

Lin Qingning looked at him and Pei Xu with a smile and said, "It's so easy, of course it is, you're off today, wait for the ready-made food, we'll serve you too." Di Xingchen smiled and said, "That's fine, I'll go back and have a shower first."

Di Xingchen went back to the shower, and was just halfway through when he heard Pei Xu calling out to him. He turned off the shower and answered, but Pei Xu didn't come in and just said at the door of the bathroom, "Brother Huo and Yan Zhi are here, they're downstairs, they'll probably come up later, so hurry up and wash."

Di Xingchen answered, rinsed hastily and hadn't even finished dressing when he heard Huo Cheng's voice asking, "Is Xingchen in the shower?"

Di Xingchen hurriedly put on his clothes and came out. When Huo Cheng saw him, his tired eyes immediately lit up and he smiled and called out, "Di Xingchen!"

He screamed with such joy.

Huo Cheng's mood was easily infected by the others, as Di Xingchen wiped his hair with a towel, smiled and greeted, " Brother Huo, Brother Yan ."

Yan Zhi, wearing only suit trousers, a white shirt and a long coat on his arm, smiled gently and said, "It's been a long time."

It really had been a long time since he had seen them this time, so much so that he suddenly looked at them both and felt a little strange. He thought Huo Cheng and Yan Zhi both looked a bit tired.

Downstairs Hu Ying was already shouting at them, and Huo Cheng said, "Let's go down and eat first, then we'll clean up afterwards."

"You guys go down first, I have to wash up, I haven't had a shower all day." Yan Zhi said.

Everyone knew about his cleanliness, so Huo Cheng said, "Let's go first then."

Pei Xu asked Di Xingchen: "Have you finished with the bathroom stuff?"

Di Xingchen then went back to the bathroom and took out his toiletries and the clothes he had taken off.

Huo Cheng thought Pei Xu's reminder was a bit odd, but couldn't put his finger on what was odd, so he asked Di Xingchen, "Do you want your hair blown out?"

"It's not cold, it'll dry out in a minute." Di Xingchen said.

The three of them came downstairs first and Hu Ying and the others had already baked more food. Hu Ying unscrewed a bottle of beer and handed it to Huo Cheng, who took it, sat down on a small bench and took a couple of sips from the bottle, very bravely.

Hu Ying asked Pei Xu: "Do you want it?"

Pei Xu gave a nod: "Have a bottle."

Hu Ying then handed him a bottle.

The sky was still bright blue, and it reminded Di Xingchen of the time when Pei Xu took him up to the mountains to set off fireworks, and it was such a clear, deep blue night sky.

Di Xingchen tilted his head and said, "It's a beautiful day over here."

"The environment in Xicheng is one of the best in China, with over 300 days a year of excellent air quality." Lin Qingning said, "What about Yan Zhi?"

"He went to take a shower." Di Xingchen said.

"I knew the first thing he'd do when he got here was to take a shower." Hu Ying said.

"Did you two come together?" Duan Yihua asked Huo Cheng. Duan Yihua asked Huo Cheng.

Huo Cheng said, "No, I arrived at the West Side first, waited for him at the airport for a while and then came together in a car."

It was about half an hour before Yan Zhi came down fully dressed, knowing that he was slow in the shower and would have to clean up afterwards. He was wearing a black shirt and trousers, and his glasses had been replaced with thin black frames, which made him look even fairer and more beautiful. He also had a faint scent on him and his whole body was clean as a whistle.

Huo Cheng handed him a bottle of beer, "Now that we're all together, come on, let's drink to our West Side Station and to our Yan Da Shen."

Hu Ying immediately asked, " Did Yan Zhi win again?"

Di Xingchen raised an eyebrow and looked at Yan Zhi.

"You seem to be well-informed too. Yan Zhi has won another championship, although we don't know exactly what it is, but it should be pretty good," said Huo Cheng, who doesn't play games, "Come on, let's drink to him!"

Everyone then stood up, both with bottles and glasses, and toasted together.

Di Xingchen searched on his mobile phone and found out that Yan Zhi was the winner this time, the overall champion of Absolute Top China.

The competition didn't make it into the hot seat, but a casual search online showed that fans in the ring were going wild, and looking at their excitement, it was clear that the title carried a lot of weight.

Most of them don't play video games, especially Huo Cheng and Pei Xu, who had never even heard of Absolute Top before coming to the show, but Wen Nuo and Hu Ying, who love playing games and know how to do it, gave them a tour of Yan Zhi's record.

If you don't hear it, you won't know it!

With the inclusion of esports in the Olympic Games, more and more people are playing esports and the culture is gradually becoming more and more popular, but the esports scene, like the entertainment scene, is a world of difference. People who don't play games may not know a single gaming god, and still feel that gaming is very far away from them. Di Xingchen and his team know that Yan Zhi is a gaming god, very powerful and very popular, but this knowledge is very superficial, without the genuine excitement and admiration of the gaming fans.

Listen to Hu Ying and his team to find out just how hot Jedi's Top is and how hard it is to play professionally!

"I'm really a total non-gamer," Huo Cheng says, "and I didn't really know it was such a hit."

Pei Xu knew even less. He always thought that playing games was a waste of time and was not interested in video games as a child.

To date, China has not won a global championship in Jedi Summit, and the closest they have come was the year before when Yan Zhi's club broke into the final three for the first time, only to lose out and end up in third place, and last year was a low point for their club, not even making it to the final eight.

And just yesterday, their club once again won the China championship and made it to the global line-up.

Yan Zhi himself has won the Spring/Summer League, the Intercontinental Championship, the Asian Games, the All-Star Championship and many more titles in his short four-year career.

Properly the purple star of the sky, the first person in domestic e-sports!

"Wow." Di Xingchen turned his head to look at Yan Zhi, his eyes glowing.

Pei Xu was also shocked.

He could only say that he had underestimated Yan Zhi. He didn't know Yan Zhi was so powerful.

He took one look at Di Xingchen and his heart set alarm bells ringing.

I was worried that Di Xingchen would fall in love with the game. Gaming is very appealing to young students these days.

Huo Cheng just laughed when he heard it and didn't say anything.

Fuck, one by one, they all want to go to heaven, don't they.

Even if they are more handsome than him, their professions are more stylish than each other!

But Yan Zhi is still humble, and his black colour makes him look even more serene. His hands squeeze the bottle, so nice to look at, and knowing the battles they have won, it is more than clear why countless people are crazy about him.

His CV is as good as that face of his!

Di Xingchen had drunk a lot of beer and went back upstairs to go to the toilet, but just as he got up, Huo Cheng got up too.

Hu Ying looked back and saw Huo Cheng catching up with Di Xingchen. Hu Ying's lips were shiny from eating, so he wiped his mouth with a paper and was about to get up and join in, but when he turned his head, he saw Pei Xu looking at Di Xingchen and Huo Cheng's backs.

It's time to give Pei Xu a taste of what they just did!

Di Xingchen noticed someone following him and turned around to see Huo Cheng and his heart tightened.

Huo Cheng said, "Have you moved?"

Di Xingchen froze for a moment and asked, "You went?"

"It's a punt." Huo Cheng said.

Di Xingchen said, "My parents moved to a hotel a long time ago and I went back this time and we moved to a new home."

Huo Cheng said, "Aren't you going back to Changping Village?"

"Won't be going back anytime soon, is there anyone else guarding my neighborhood while you're there?"

Huo Cheng said, "Yes, there were quite a lot of them. I didn't even dare to get out of the car, I asked my assistant to have a look."

Di Xingchen went in and closed the door behind his, hearing Huo Cheng ask from next door, "Have you shared your bed?"

"I'm with Brother Lin." Di Xingchen said.

Huo Cheng just laughed a little.

He was happy with this allocation.

When they both came out of the bathroom, Di Xingchen showed him the distribution of the beds. Huo Cheng said with some pressure, "I share a bed with Yan Zhi."

Of the eight guests, he is the roughest and has to share a bed with Yan Zhi, who is the most clean.

Di Xingchen smiled and said, "Then you can sleep on the bottom bunk. Let Brother Yan sleep on the top." Huo Cheng sat down on the bottom bunk and took a look around the bedroom, realising that Pei Xu and Di Xingchen were sleeping head to head.

"Come on, let's go down." Di Xingchen said.

"Wait, I've brought you a little something on this trip abroad." Huo Cheng said and brought his backpack over to him, pulling out a small box from inside.

The box wasn't exactly elaborate, and you could tell it was indeed a trinket.

When Huo Cheng opened the box, Di Xingchen saw that there was a small rooster inside.

Di Xingchen: "...... lovely."

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Huo Cheng smiled and said, "This is a very famous souvenir in Portugal, I heard that many people who go there will buy this, don't underestimate this chicken, it can also predict the weather, the colour will be different in different weather. You can see that it is blue now, but when it rains, it will turn light red."

Di Xingchen says: "It's lovely."

"Did you not think of another word for polite?" Huo Cheng asks with a smile.

Di Xingchen laughs: "No, it's really cute. It's funny."

Huo Cheng smiled at him, his eyes gentle and eager, his expression still weary from his business trip: "As long as you like it, it's just a little thing."

It was his friend who gave him the idea. What he was originally going to give away was actually quite expensive.

He can't even hold it without it being more expensive.

He was told by his friend that since he and Di Xingchen had a special relationship, it was not appropriate to give him anything too expensive, but something small and interesting, preferably a souvenir of the place he was travelling to, so that he could make a better excuse when he gave it to him. Di Xingchen would not refuse.

"I also saw it when I was shopping with a friend and thought it was cute." Huo Cheng says with a smile.

Pei Xu and Hu Ying were a bit worried as Huo Cheng and Di Xingchen had not come down for so long since they had gone upstairs, and the atmosphere had cooled down without Huo Cheng and Di Xingchen. Hu Ying couldn't sit still any longer and wanted to go upstairs to have a look, but when he stood up, he saw Huo Cheng and Di Xingchen coming down from upstairs.

Hu Ying then sat back down again.

Di Xingchen had just sat down when Pei Xu brought over the apple he had just cut up: "Want some?"

Di Xingchen then inserted a piece with a bamboo stick.

"You two take so long to go to the toilet." Hu Ying asked with a smile.

"Had a little chat." Huo Cheng said.

Pei Xu is suddenly struck by smoke and turns his back and coughs.

Di Xingchen turned his head to look at him and reached for his fan to block it for Pei Xu.

Yan Zhi took a quiet look and said, "Let's all move over, don't sit down in the wind."

"It's been moved three or four times, this side is all demon wind, right, one direction at a time." Hu Ying said and lifted his buttocks and moved to the side.

Everyone redirected and Yan Zhi said, "Stop baking, am I almost full, too?"

"Give the rest to the director and them to eat." Duan Yihua said.

Guo Bing said, "Everyone, if you've all finished eating, go home early and get some rest, we're going to the gliding base tomorrow at six o'clock to catch the sunrise. You don't need to pack your things, we'll pack them ourselves after we've eaten."

It was their first time living in a group home and the room was particularly lively, like a university dormitory. Guo Bing looked at the monitor from downstairs and said, "It's nice to live together."

No one has to cover the camera either.

Di Xingchen washed up and crawled to the top bunk. Pei Xu had already been lying across the room and when he came up, he turned over and looked at him from his stomach.

Li, Yan Zhi had gone to the bathroom to change, Wen Nuo was brushing his teeth in the mirror, the room was a mess, Di Xingchen had just taken off his trousers on the top bunk, showing off his long white legs, when he saw Pei Xu throwing over a pair of black shorts.

It was the same kind of large trousers that he had worn almost to his knees that he had been lent back in the North City.

"I'll change my pajama trousers." He whispered.

Pei Xu says: "It doesn't hurt to wear one more."

Di Xingchen thought about it and put the shorts on, and since he was wearing it, he p; He then folded his pajama trousers and put them on the bed, fished up the covers and laid down.

Just as he lay down, he saw Yan Zhi come out of the bathroom and pat him on the bed: "Xingchen."

Di Xingchen sits up, Pei Xu lies next to him and looks coldly towards Yan Zhi.

Yan Zhi said, "Would you like to come out for a moment?"

Di Xingchen nods.

"Then I'll wait for you outside." Yan Zhi said.

Yan Zhi went to get his glasses and put them on, then put on his coat and went out.

Hu Ying and the others also heard Yan Zhi's words and stopped talking, looking towards Di Xingchen.

Di Xingchen climbs out of bed, grabs his coat and heads out the door.

"It's starting it's starting." The staff said.

Guo Bing looked at the camera under the porch and saw that Di Xingchen had already put his coat on, and I don't know what Yan Zhi said to him before they came downstairs.

"Where's the camera, hurry over." Guo Bing said busily.

Yan Zhi has actually been very anxious these past two days.

As he's been working these past few days, he reckons Huo Cheng and the others will probably take advantage of the break in recording to go to Di Xingchen's house. With the short duration of the show, half a day alone is rare, and meeting offline has the advantage that there are no cameras around, making it easier for people to build a sense of intimacy.

It's his fault that he wasn't interested in the show "Red and Blue Signals" in the first place, so a lot of work was pre-scheduled to clash with the recording of the show, and he has put off a lot of it now, otherwise he would have been absent from this stop for at least three days.

Three days and the cassowaries are cold.

Now he was feeling a little cold.

It was obvious to him that Di Xingchen and Pei Xu were getting to know each other much better than before. This was an extremely dangerous sign and he struggled in the bathroom for a while before finally deciding to ask Di Xingchen out.

Anything can be risked, love cannot.

The two of them were soon followed by the camera. Di Xingchen asked Yan Zhi: " Brother Yan, what's up?"

Yan Zhi said, "No, I wanted to ask you out for a walk."

Di Xingchen buttoned up his jacket and Yan Zhi looked at his exposed calf and asked, "Are you cold like this, do you want to go back and change your clothes?"

Di Xingchen shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's not cold."

Yan Zhi still dresses with the same rigour, his fragrance is subtle, and every time Di Xingchen is with Yan Zhi, he is impressed by his refinement and handsomeness, Yan Zhi is like a work of art in a window that makes people stop and admire, his whole body exudes a light that is not part of the mundane world.

The building was surrounded by mountains and wilderness, with only a few homes in the distance, and no street lights on the road, just the faint light of the moon. Di Xingchen broke the slightly awkward silence by saying, "Congratulations again on winning another championship."

Yan Zhi smiled and said, "When I win the global championship, I'll treat you to dinner."

Di Xingchen just laughed and said, "Sure. When you play, when the finals are on, I'll definitely watch. Although I don't always get to watch it."

"You'd better not look at it, I'm afraid I'll get nervous." Yan Zhi said with a smile.

Di Xingchen laughed and thought to himself, as a male lead, his qi is bursting at the seams, and now that the male lead is so badly in-rolled, Yan Zhi can still be a male lead if he doesn't win a global championship?

The championship is in his hands!

He was genuinely happy for Yan Zhi and said, "You're going to win the Grand Slam."

Yan Zhi laughed lightly twice, and he became more animated and talkative.

Yan Zhi actually wanted to tell Di Xingchen that he played particularly well this time, because of the recording of the Love Variety, he was actually a bit worried about his state at first, but he played particularly well this time, because he had a strong energy in his heart, he thought that nowadays the competition is so fierce, he has to be better, even better, to win the championship, to be in the hot spot, when the whole country is praising him, Di Xingchen, who is not playing games, might be able to feel his excellence from the life around him, and look at him more. Xingchen might be able to feel his excellence from the life around him and look at him more.

If he can get Di Xingchen's heart and take the Grand Slam, he'll have a perfect retirement year next year.

If they were together, he might have made a grand confession to Di Xingchen when he won the championship and let the world know that he was his boyfriend.

This is his biggest vision for the new year.

One by one, everyone washed up and, with the exception of Duan Yihua, went to bed.

The room was silent and there was no one to talk to.

By the time Duan Yihua had finished his work, they had not yet returned.

"Should I turn off the lights?" Duan Yihua, coming out of the bathroom, asks the group.

"Turn it off." Hu Ying said.

The tone was less than happy.

Duan Yihua turned off the lights, leaving only a small light on the table for Yan Zhi and Di Xingchen.

After the room was darkened, Hu Ying got up again to go to the toilet and by the time he returned from the toilet, the room was completely silent. Huo Cheng was very tired, but he stayed awake. His company had some problems and he was very tired and stressed these days, but he didn't want anyone to know.

He sighed and glanced towards the others, and in the hazy light he saw Pei Xu and the others lying still on the bed, and then he heard the door of the room slam. He immediately straightened up and looked to see Di Xingchen and Yan Zhi returning.

Pei Xu towards/> Di Xingchen went to the toilet, took a sip of water and quietly climbed into bed. Lin Qingning, lying on the bottom bunk, watched Di Xingchen climb up in the darkness and heard Yan Zhi whisper, "I'm turning off the light."

Di Xingchen gave a "hmm" and a "snap" and the room was plunged into total darkness.

Di Xingchen climbed into bed, got under the covers and looked across at Pei Xu.

It's too dark to see anything.

He then lay back down and took a long breath.

He was lying down when he suddenly became aware of a hand reaching out and pinching his ear.

The warmth of the touch startles him and he rolls over to look across the room to see Pei Xu withdrawing his hand. In the darkness Pei Xu did not move.

He was so pinched, but he couldn't sleep, and his earlobe kept remembering the warm touch. He snapped, and there was a slight feeling of weakness.

He had clearly done nothing wrong.

Then Yan Zhi called him, how could he not go out?

He is not in a relationship with Pei Xu.

Soothing himself with this, he suddenly wanted to reach out and give Pei Xu a hand. He thought about it, but refrained, thinking that Pei Xu's ears were so sensitive that if he touched them back, there was no telling how much noise Pei Xu would make.

Kind of funny.

He pursed his lips and couldn't resist reaching up and touching his earlobe.

He didn't feel anything when he touched himself. Di Xingchen's heart was pounding so hard that it was about to jump out of his throat, and he felt it all at once. He grabbed Pei Xu's hand before Pei Xu let go of him.

Di Xingchen turned over and covered his feverish face with the blanket.

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