Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 132: CH 132

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At the end of the competition, the results were all in.

Di Xingchen and Hu Ying tied for first place, Yan Zhi was third, Pei Xu fourth, Huo Cheng fifth, Duan Yihua sixth, Lin Qingning seventh and Wen Nuo was automatically placed eighth.

Hu Ying asked excitedly, "Director, is our ranking related to the date?"

They hadn't even started a proper date at West Side Station yet.

Guo Bing smiled and said, "It does matter, but there's no hurry. The rest of the day is free for you. It's not easy to come here, so let's have a good time."

Guo Bing said and rolled onto his horse himself. Hu Ying clapped his hands to create a mood: "The director is so handsome!"

They applauded along, and when they saw Guo Bing, he rode off on his horse.

Also a master!

Several members of the team were eager to try out, and Wen Nuo was impressed.

But he didn't let any of the guests take him this time, for fear of slowing them down, and he got a trainer to take him around the horse track.

Duan Yihua, Lin Qingning was exhausted, Pei Xu had a bruised hand and was not interested in riding, while Yan Zhi, because of his cleanliness, stayed behind and watched Di Xingchen and Hu Ying ride their horses across the grassland.

Huo Cheng, who is tall and sturdy, Hu Ying, who is flamboyant, and Di Xingchen, who is brighter than the sun, are the most lively and cheerful of the three, and it's a hilarious scene when they ride together. Duan Yihua looks on with his hand shading his face from the sun, and the smile on his face never stops.

At the moment, Di Xingchen is soaring with youth.

Lin Qingning turned his head to see that all four of them had smiles on their faces, Pei Xu and Yan Zhi's eyes were all so focused and joyful.

Today Di Xingchen has once again conquered many people.


Lin Qingning found Di Xingchen more charming than the rest of them, perhaps because he always surprised them. While the image of Di Xingchen in everyone's heart and that of the red guests is becoming more and more fitting, he suddenly gallops on the grassland, so cool and handsome with his youthful look, and his body can be described as athletic.

They stayed at the racecourse for about two hours before heading back, and had dinner at a small restaurant on the way back to their place of residence, where it was already dark. Hu Ying was so impatient that as soon as he got out of the car he ran to Guo Bing and asked, "Director, what are the rules for tomorrow's date?"

Guo Bing got out of the car and said with a smile, "The date is all tomorrow, and if I tell you now, one of you is bound to cheat. Tomorrow morning, let's talk in the morning."

Duan Yihua smiles and says, "It looks like there's something new this time." Di Xingchen says, "It wouldn't be Director Guo if he didn't do something."

As the eight of them spat and came upstairs, Di Xingchen noticed Pei Xu walking up to him and took a look at his hand.

Pei Xu's hand has been replaced with a new band-aid. The two men's arms rubbed together and Di Xingchen took a step up and was one step ahead of Pei Xu.

After a long day of running around, they all went to bed after washing up, and before they went to bed, the eight of them had a little chat.

At nine o'clock, people started to fall asleep. At around 9:30, the lights in the room went out and Huo Cheng's snoring could be heard in the darkness, then they suddenly heard Hu Ying shouting, "Xingchen, wait for me!

Di Xingchen's face was hot and he glanced down at the bunk, but it was so dark that he couldn't see anything, and because of their laughter, Huo Cheng's snoring stopped.

Fearing that Pei Xu would reach out again, he hid himself under the covers, his head almost covered. As he lay facing outwards, his mind was in turmoil, as if he had some kind of worry and some kind of expectation.

Di Xingchen's heart sank completely and he covered his head.

The night was a blur of sleep and they were called up early the next morning by the programme team.

"Everyone get up, we're going to hide something." Guo Bing shouted.

Hu Ying got up under the covers, "What are you hiding?"

"Something to do with dating!" Guo Bing says.


Hu Ying immediately perked up, lifted the covers and got out of bed.

There were so many of them that it took nearly an hour to go to the toilet, wash up and get dressed all together. Unlike yesterday's casual outfit, everyone was dressed in a more sophisticated way today. Pei Xu was the only one still in a sweatshirt and baseball cap, dressed in a sporty style, and wondering where he wanted to go on his date today.

At eight o'clock in the morning, they met downstairs.

Several staff members went up to the first floor carrying white paper boxes.

I wonder what the show is up to and everyone is curious.

"Are these the boxes we'll be looking for later?" Lin Qingning asked.

"What's inside?" Hu Ying asked.

Guo Bing laughs and says, "I don't know if you remember, but when you were going to record this show, we asked you a question."

"You asked a lot of questions in the first place," Hu Ying says. Hu Ying said.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Yan Zhi said.

"We asked everyone, if you had just fallen in love and wanted to give each other a gift limited to less than $1,000, what would you give." Guo Bing smiled and said, "Right now, the first floor where you are is hiding these eight gifts, and everyone will go in in order of our horse race, and everyone will have five minutes to find these gifts, and everyone can choose one of the gifts they find, and whoever they pick will go out with them!"


Yan Zhi and Pei Xu both laughed bitterly.

When Di Xingchen saw such a smile on Pei Xu's face, he smiled and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I seemed to have said a random one at the time, and I don't remember what I said." Pei Xu says with chagrin.


"Did I answer that question? I don't even remember it myself." Yan Zhi said.

Hu Ying got even more excited and turned to the two of them and said, "Look what happened to the king of tugging."

Guo Bing also said, "Who told you to ignore our show in the first place!"

Think of that uncaring face when they first started recording the show!


"I remember what I said about gifts at the time anyway." Hu Ying said.

"I remember that too." Wen Nuo said.

"I seem to have said something very common." Huo Cheng said.

"What I said was pretty ordinary too." Duan Yihua says, "It's not that it's limited to under a thousand, I'm giving away maybe three figures."

"Shut up, you guys, no cheating for me here." Guo Bing said with a smile.

"That one shouldn't really be guessed, should it?" Lin Qingning said.

Guo Bing said with a smile, "It's mostly luck, it's probably not what you think anyway, we've had over 20 staff members guess and we've only got about 20% correct. Some of the gifts are very similar to the person, and some are very different from the person. And they're all very common gifts."

If anyone can still guess this time, he'll be convinced.

Within minutes the staff came down from upstairs.

Hu Ying asked, "You're not going to hide the presents in the toilet, are you?"


"It could be anywhere, oh." The staff said with a smile.

Guo Bing looked to Hu Ying: "Who is first, you or Xingchen?"

Hu Ying immediately ran out with his hands up.

"The gifts chosen are to be kept secret and no heads are to be held back to the others when they are taken down. Are you ready? Ready, set, go!"

Guo Bing pressed the timer and Hu Ying immediately ran to the first floor.

Everyone waited downstairs, looking a little nervous, and Guo Bing shouted upstairs every minute, and with each shout, Hu Ying screamed, to the delight of the seven of them.

It didn't take long to arrive in five minutes.

"Time's up!" Guo Bing shouted.

Hu Ying came down with a box in his arms, sweat all over his face, "Fuck, that was hard to find, someone really hid it in the toilet tank! I just turned over your bed, sorry."

Hu Ying stops behind Guo Bing with the box in his arms.

Di Xingchen asks, "How many boxes did you find?"

"Three." Hu Ying says, "All I can say is that what the director said is true; the three things are so extraordinarily similar that you can't really tell who is who."

He had thought that each person would give a gift with a distinctive personal touch, but they didn't. He wondered if it was because the programme had stipulated that the gifts chosen could only be under a thousand dollars in the first place. The three boxes he found contained, in order, pens, scarves and mugs.

He thinks each one could be Di Xingchen's! Such can only be bet on luck.

He ended up choosing the pen, which kinda looks like something from the student union.


"The second, Di Xingchen." Guo Bing said.

As soon as the clock started, Di Xingchen immediately sprinted up to the first floor.

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There were three rooms on the first floor, and since he only had five minutes to search them, he was very specific in his aim, mainly searching the bedrooms where they lived, and when he went in, he saw that their folded beds had all been turned over by Hu Ying.

Fuck. He hurriedly rummaged through his bunk again and pulled a paper box out from under the bed, which he opened to reveal his wallet.

He immediately closed it and put it back, rushed to search the others' beds and finally found a box on Yan Zhi's bed, which he opened to reveal a scarf.

"Two minutes!"

Di Xingchen laughed nervously as he successively rummaged through the wardrobe to find a box of roses, a box from their pile of luggage that he opened to reveal a ring and, at the last minute, the small cupboard in the bathroom cubicle to find the bracelet he had chosen.

"There's still thirty seconds left, so stop looking and pick one." Guo Bing in; Di Xingchen's heart was pounding, Hu Ying was right, just by looking at the gifts, you couldn't really tell who they were from.

Wallets, scarves, roses, rings.

He came running down with the box of roses in his arms.

The presents were all wrapped identically and there was no difference in weight. He stood beside Hu Ying with the box in his arms and Hu Ying asked nervously, "How many did you search?"

"Five." Di Xingchen said.

"Wow." Hu Ying said, "Curious which one you picked."

Di Xingchen smiles and strokes his hair.

His forehead was covered in sweat.


Yan Zhi went up immediately afterwards, and when he came down Yan Zhi was still walking with ease, Hu Ying said, "I wonder if he was as calm and graceful upstairs."

Pei Xu and Huo Cheng both looked at Yan Zhi nervously, but Yan Zhi had no expression at this point. Only his slightly tousled forehead and breathing revealed the urgency of his search upstairs.

Di Xingchen glanced towards Yan Zhi's hands. In fact, because of rummaging, several boxes had different degrees of dents or scratches, but unfortunately he was too pressed for time to remember them.

Pei Xu then went up and Di Xingchen saw Pei Xu flying out like an arrow and couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

He feels that Pei Xu has changed a lot. When Pei Xu first arrived, he was a little bit like Yan Zhi, a little bit of a standoffish, unhurried and cool in everything he did. Now Yan Zhi is still elegant, but Pei Xu has become more and more aggressive.

Pei Xu glanced at him as he came down with the box in his arms and didn't say anything.

Such public eye contact often makes Di Xingchen's heart beat faster. Di Xingchen glances across at the camera, then grins a little and drops his eyes.

Half an hour later, all the presents had been chosen. The eight of them were completely separated by the programme team and went off in their respective cars.

The show was set up to be romantic, with eight people in different cars and the two people on the date would meet on the road.

Guo Bing went back and watched the replay, and after seeing the gifts chosen by the guests, Guo Bing smiled and asked, "Is it so wrong?"

The crew arranged the order of their respective dates and were going to split them into two sessions, morning and afternoon, to cross over.

Di Xingchen took the roses out of the box and held them in his arms as requested by the programme team and stood by the side of the road waiting for the owner of the roses.

"The gift you choose is not from the person who chose your gift." The staff said to Di Xingchen, "So you have two appointments today, one in the morning and one in the afternoon."

The result was not really surprising, really, the bracelet he chose was not personal to him and it was not unusual for people not to guess. When the programme crew first interviewed him about what he would give, it was around Christmas time and couples at school were giving gifts, he saw that some of his classmates were giving their boyfriends a bracelet of transit beads, one or two hundred each, and he thought the price was reasonable and the symbolism was good, so he said bracelet.

I wonder who chose the bracelet.


What about the roses he chose?

"Who do you think the roses could have been from?" The staff member asked him.

Di Xingchen looks at the camera awkwardly and then laughs awkwardly. He felt that it didn't seem good to answer the question, and it would be embarrassing for the other guests to know about it.

"We're definitely all pretty far back with this broadcast." The staff said with a laugh.

Di Xingchen smiled again and said, " Brother Huo ...... Brother Yan ...... or Pei Xu, I think."


Di Xingchen holds the rose and smiles: "Feelings."

Yan Zhi is a florist, although he now sends flowers, but before the show starts, he will send roses, after all, roses are the most common.

Huo Cheng also looks like someone who would give roses, a straight male aesthetic.

It goes without saying that Pei Xu is the first person he thinks of when he thinks of roses now.

"And which of the three of them would you like to come later?" The staff member asked again.

Di Xingchen smiled and said, "Give me a break, I'm happy with whoever comes."

The staff then laughed, "That's all the director told me to ask."

No sooner had she said that than she saw a car drive up.

Di Xingchen pursed his lips, looked inquisitively and nervously towards the car, and smiled a little when he saw who was inside.


It's Huo Cheng.

Huo Cheng gets out of the car and looks over at him with a smile. The sun shines on his brightly smiling face.

Both men were smiling and Huo Cheng said, "Grateful, grateful."

Di Xingchen smiled and said, "Did you think it was me?"

"I didn't dare to think." Huo Cheng, eyes blazing, asks, "Did you think it was me?"

"There's the thought that it could be you." Di Xingchen said.

Huo Cheng smiled and looked at him for a moment.

The staff said, "Then Brother Huo, we'll leave Xingchen to you."

The staff got into another car and just handed them the handheld camera. Huo Cheng said, "Come on, get in."

Di Xingchen sits in the car, he licks the corner of his mouth and puts on his seatbelt.

"Where are we going?" He asked Huo Cheng.

"Just follow me." Huo Cheng said.

Di Xingchen nodded, "Okay."

Huo Cheng started the car and kept smiling, clearly surprised by the result.

He smiled and said, "Is it cheesy for me to choose roses?"


"No. Aren't roses the most common gift for a relationship?"

Huo Cheng said, "What is your gift?"

"The bracelet. Have you seen it?"

Huo Cheng says: "I haven't really seen it."

He hadn't seen it, so it may have been chosen before, or he may not have found it.

He prefers the latter, as he is preceded by Yan Zhi and Pei Xu.

"What did you choose?" Di Xingchen asks with a smile.

"A wallet!" Huo Cheng said, "I thought you were going to give me a wallet. When I was in school, wallets were popular in my class. But I was a bit behind and had a limited selection, so I just got a wallet and a perfume."

Di Xingchen just laughed: "I think the perfume is Brother Yan, right?"

"Isn't it? I had a feeling it was him too, so I'm glad I didn't choose!" Huo Cheng said.

Huo Cheng took Di Xingchen on a hot air balloon ride.

Hot air ballooning is also a famous tourist attraction in Westside. Huo Cheng finds hot air balloon rides both romantic and exciting. Whether on the road or in the balloon, there is time to talk and chat, so it is the best date option.

Huo Cheng is the perfect person to travel with, he likes to take care of everything, he likes to play with him, he likes to take care of people, plus he is cheerful, it is not awkward to be with him, time passes, when we get down from the hot air balloon, Huo Cheng received a call from the staff, told him to drive to a certain junction and hand over Di Xingchen to the next guest. The next guest.

"Hand it over personally?" Huo Cheng almost thought he had heard wrong.

The staff laughed rather sinisterly, "Since we're after excitement, let's pursue it to the end."


Not only was Di Xingchen nervous, but Huo Cheng was too: "I wonder who chose the bracelet."

Di Xingchen laughed and said, "Who knows."

Huo Cheng didn't speak for a long time because he was apprehensive and just concentrated on driving.

One step outside the window, the scenery is beautiful, with low green hills stretching out. Di Xingchen turned his head and in that moment suddenly had in mind the person he hoped to see next. The roses placed in front of him were so flamboyant, swaying slightly as they drove. His heart surged with complexity at that moment.

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