Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 133: CH 133

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Huo Cheng suddenly tensed up, staring ahead.

A programme car was parked at the junction ahead, and a man was vaguely seen standing by it.

Huo Cheng's heart was in his throat as he thought, "Not Pei Xu, not Yan Zhi, not Pei Xu, not Yan Zhi ......"

Then he saw Yan Zhi.

Yan Zhi, dressed in a long coat, wearing gold-rimmed spectacles and with neat, spare hair, stands by the roadside.

Huo Cheng turns his head to look at Di Xingchen beside him and sees that Di Xingchen also looks a little dismayed.

"Fuck." Huo Cheng couldn't help but lament.

Di Xingchen then laughed softly.

His laugh was muted, and when the car stopped, Di Xingchen got out first, his face already beaming.

" Brother Yan ."

Yan Zhi smiles and looks at Di Xingchen, then at Huo Cheng.

Huo Cheng said through the car window, "I'll just stay out of the car."

Yan Zhi nodded his head. Huo Cheng pursed his lips and looked at Yan Zhi for a moment before Yan Zhi said to Di Xingchen, "Let's go."

Di Xingchen waved back at Huo Cheng, who smiled and waved, and the smile disappeared when Di Xingchen got into Yan Zhi's car.

When Yan Zhi drove Di Xingchen far away, Huo Cheng got out of the car and stood by the roadside to smoke a cigarette.

The sun was shining at noon and it was hard to keep one's eyes open. He thought, "It's good that it's not Pei Xu. Maybe if Pei Xu and Yan Zhi fight, he'll be able to reap the benefits in the end.

Yan Zhi's car was lightly scented, he must have been wearing perfume, or the one he was given.

This fragrance, like Mantua, has a very strong personal imprint.

"Is your gift a perfume?" Di Xingchen asked.

Yan Zhi was a little nervous, "You've seen it?"

"No. I heard Brother Huo say there was perfume, so I guessed it could be you. "

Yan Zhi just loosened up, laughed and said, "I actually don't remember myself saying perfume at all, and when I turned up later I thought it was possible that I had chosen it."

Di Xingchen laughed: "But I didn't expect you to choose the bracelet, I thought there would be no one else to choose from and it was left for Wen Nuo."

Yan Zhi smiled and said, "Do you know how I found out?"

Di Xingchen then looked at him.

Yan Zhi smiled and said, "Before I came to participate in Red and Blue Signals, I was having dinner with my family and my cousin and I were talking about gifts for love affairs. I saw that bracelet and thought it could be you. But I still hesitated when I saw the bracelet that the show had prepared."

Di Xingchen said, "The bracelet they prepared was so delicate, the bracelet I'm talking about was not like this, it was one of those red or black strings strung together with transit beads, but they ended up getting it in platinum or silver."

Yan Zhi smiled and said, "Luckily, the bet was right."

Pei Xu's choice is the scarf.

He found the five - ring, wallet, perfume, mug and scarf - and when he saw the ring he remembered that he seemed to be talking about the ring in the first place ...... of course a couple should get a ring, that was his previous perception of a relationship.

All relationships and marriages are about giving rings.

Since the ring was his own, the wallet and the perfume were not gifts that Di Xingchen would have given him.

He thought a scarf would be the most like a gift Di Xingchen would choose, so he chose a scarf.

So when he saw that the owner of the scarf was Wen Nuo at the morning appointment, he knew that he was not going to have a chance with Di Xingchen today.

As Di Xingchen chose before him, he was the fourth, and his ring was still there when he chose it, that means that Di Xingchen did not choose the ring.

The winner of the ring is Duan Yihua.

Duan Yihua got out of the car, smiled and asked, "Were you disappointed to see me?"

Anyway, he was there to disappoint.

On the way here, Duan Yihua was expecting the ring to be owned by Di Xingchen.

Although he himself thought it unlikely that Di Xingchen would send a ring.

The word ring is kind of an expensive-sounding gift, although the programme team prepared a silver ring, which is not worth a few dollars.

However, the first gift Pei Xu wanted to give was a ring, which Duan Yihua found unexpected and justifiable.

Rings are quite common between lovers and, like roses, are one of those gifts that come to mind without much thought.

Duan Yihua had thought of their date in the car: "Let's go to the zoo, there's a safari park here."

Pei Xu said, "OK."

"Who was your last date with?" Duan Yihua asks.

" Wen Nuo ."

Duan Yihua then smiled and said, "I was with Hu Ying."

Hu Ying purses his lips.

He was already dying of anger.

He only thought that North City Station and he were not compatible, but he never thought that he would have such bad luck with West City Station, the station he had the most confidence in!

He was in a calm mood when he met Duan Yihua in the morning, after all he was looking forward to the afternoon session, but when he saw the owner of the pen, his heart dropped straight into a hole in the ice.

Lin Qingning was the one who sent the pen!

It was only after he saw Lin Qingning in person that he realised this.

Lin Qingning is a university teacher, so it makes sense to give him a pen!

Good fountain pens are not cheap, they are delicate, expensive and bookish.

He had forgotten that Di Xingchen had said he was a dud and that his handwriting was ugly, and he had seen it!

Kam, he's so stupid, he's a horse racing white winner!

The pens are really one of the few gifts they give that are close to their profession.

So Lin Qingning was shocked to see Hu Ying.

"Weren't you the first one to choose? Why did you pick a pen when you had such a wide choice?"

Hu Ying is going to sulk to death.

Lin Qingning kept laughing and reassuring him, but he could not calm Hu Ying's frustration.

They got off at the entrance of the zoo and Lin Qingning smiled and said, "Don't be angry, let's go see the animals, I heard the West Side Safari Park is the best in the country!"

Hu Ying said, "I'm sorry, did I affect your mood?"

Lin Qingning smiled and said, "It's okay, I can understand you."

Hu Ying said, "It's better for you to be like this, don't go near love, it will become unfortunate."

Lin Qingning took Hu Ying by the shoulders and went to buy the tickets.

Hu Ying put his mask back on and saw another car from their crew in the car park.

He immediately got excited.

Has his good fortune finally arrived!

"Looks like we're not the only ones who came to the zoo!" He said to Lin Qingning.

Is it possible that the scene at the sculpture park is happening again?

Will he meet Di Xingchen?

In his heart he secretly took back all his displeasure with God and apologised again and again in his mind.

After they bought their tickets, Hu Ying didn't even look at the monkeys or the birds of prey, he just ran around and finally saw a man with a video camera in the elephant pavilion, so he rushed closer.

They are Pei Xu and Duan Yihua.

Hu Ying sat on his buttocks on the bench and did not move.

Duan Yihua also saw him and immediately smiled and waved a little.

Duan Yihua was delighted to see Hu Ying and Lin Qingning.

He and Pei Xu had to at least go through the process because they had to record the show, and the zoo was so big that he was actually embarrassed that they barely communicated with each other the whole time.

Now Hu Ying and Lin Qingning are here.

But the moment Pei Xu saw Lin Qingning, his heart sank another notch.

Because, using the method of elimination, it is Yan Zhi who is now dating Di Xingchen.

Di Xingchen had no idea that Yan Zhi's plan for a date would be to take him on the Red River Line.

The Red River Line is a scenic tourist route developed by Western City seven or eight years ago at a cost of several billion dollars, with a total length of 200 kilometres and a reputation as the "most beautiful road in the world".

But Yan Zhi didn't take him to the most famous zoo in the West Side, or to the world-famous old town. He avoided all the many, famous sights, and a car would go and stop as it went, sometimes coming off the road, just to see a small village with no fame, where they ate at the most ordinary roadside restaurants and saw tiny lakes off the beaten track.

Yan Zhi exclaims, "If you take your time, you can walk around for a month."

"Have you been here before?" Di Xingchen asked.

Yan Zhi stood by the lake and said, "This is the fourth time I've been here, and I've been alone before."

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There is no better city than Xicheng for a solo driving trip, with its mountains and water, as well as the Gobi desert and deserted no man's land.

Today he will take Di Xingchen to see the lonely smoke of the desert and the setting sun of the Yangtze River.

Di Xingchen took a picture of the lake in front of his with his mobile phone and turned his head to see Yan Zhi holding a red leaf and looking at it.

"What are you doing collecting leaves?" he asked Yan Zhi. He asked Yan Zhi.

Yan Zhi smiled as he held up the red leaf he had just picked up and said, "I like to collect a leaf as a souvenir when I visit a place."

"And if you collect more, can you remember which leaf was picked up from which place?"

Yan Zhi says, "I may not remember the old ones, but I'm sure I remember the ones I picked up today."

Di Xingchen froze for a moment, snapped and blushed.

Yan Zhi then smiled and tilted his head up to look at the huge tree in front of his.

The scenery is so beautiful, with the red trees and blue lake, and Yan Zhi's exquisite and handsome appearance, Di Xingchen thinks idol shows are just like this.

"How can I get closer to you? Di Xingchen ." Yan Zhi said, looking at the big tree.

The eight guests would not return until the evening, and Guo Bing was downstairs cutting the film when the staff informed him that the guests were coming back one by one as it was getting dark.

Huo Cheng and Wen Nuo came back first, followed by Hu Ying and the four of them. Huo Cheng looked around and asked, "So is Yan Zhi dating Xingchen now?"

Lin Qingning let out a "hmmm", "They're both still not back yet?"


"He must be very late." Hu Ying said slyly.

Whenever Di Xingchen goes out on a date with someone, they always come back late.

If it wasn't for the rules of the show, they would hate to spend the night outside, right?

Hu Ying went straight upstairs and flopped onto the bed.

He was lost.

Huo Cheng and the others sat downstairs and chatted. They stayed downstairs for half an hour or so, but when Di Xingchen and Yan Zhi did not return, they went upstairs to wash up.

But after ten o'clock, they both still had not returned.

The room is unusually quiet, with no one to talk to, and Hu Ying is asleep in his clothes.

"They're on their way," Guo Bing said. Guo Bing said, "Because it's dark and it's dangerous on this side of the mountain, maybe they're driving slowly."

Huo Cheng came out of the programme room and saw Pei Xu standing at the junction wearing a sweatshirt hat.

It was dark all around, just their little building lit up, and after a moment's hesitation, he walked towards Pei Xu, who heard his footsteps and looked back. "The director says they're on their way." Huo Cheng says.

Pei Xu gave a "hmm".

Huo Cheng glanced at Pei Xu, from whose face he could see no scowl either, and there were several cameras tied to the tree right next to them, spinning and pointing at them. "A walk?" Huo Cheng said, "Have a cigarette with me."

Huo Cheng takes a cigarette and a lighter out of his pocket and Pei Xu takes one and holds it in his mouth, Huo Cheng puts the lighter on the ground and Pei Xu reaches out to block the wind and lights the cigarette in his mouth.

Huo Cheng himself lit one, and threw the lighter on with a snap, the light from the cigarette flickering on and off in the darkness, scarlet red. "

Pei Xu walked in silence with his cigarette in his hand, and Huo Cheng asked, "You like him a lot, don't you?"

Pei Xu then said "hmmm".

Huo Cheng took another drag and exhaled slowly. They stand still at the curb and watch br /> are going to be anxious, jealous, jealous.

Even if it's only when they're having an affair, they're not yet the other person's boyfriend and don't yet have a legitimate right to be jealous and jealous.

Or maybe it's because it's easier to be jealous and jealous when you feel ambiguous and feel closer instead.

It is uncontrolled, animal instinct.

How did those former guests of the Love Variety hold back their anxiety, apprehension and jealousy when the person they liked was dating someone else and would go on to date someone else?

Was it not edited out, or were those guests more gentlemanly and greater than him.

Pei Xu bites the cigarette in his mouth and meets the wind in the dark.

What is Di Xingchen thinking at the moment?

Not to be known.

"What would you do if Di Xingchen didn't choose you in the end?" Huo Cheng suddenly spoke up and asked.

Pei Xu says: "I haven't thought about it."

Huo Cheng froze for a moment, "Never thought of that?"

"I don't think about it, I don't want to think about it." Pei Xu says.

Huo Cheng then laughed softly and said, "You're an ostrich policy."

Or just being too confident and assuming you will get it.

"I'm not going to lie, I've thought about it, and I've been thinking about it a lot in the past two days." Huo Cheng says, "I can't help it, you and Yan Zhi are both too good."

"What about after you've thought about it?" Pei Xu asks.

Huo Cheng looked at the dark, hazy mountains and said, "I can't think of anything, I may not really know until the last day."

The programme's followers came running over like they were humming and Huo Cheng said, "Come on, let's go back."

"You go back first, I'll run for a while." Pei Xu said.

Huo Cheng froze for a moment, and the sadness he felt earlier vanished without a trace: "Running at this late hour?"

"It's been a long time since I ran." Pei Xu said turning his head to Xiao Wei, "You go back with Brother Huo, I'm going to run and you won't be able to keep up."

Xiao Wei then holds up the camera and watches Pei Xu disappear into the hazy night.

Pei Xu is running towards the hill, in the direction of the gliding base.

When Huo Cheng returned to his place and opened the door, Duan Yihua and Wen Nuo both sat up and looked at him, and when they saw it was him, Duan Yihua asked softly, "Still not back?"

Huo Cheng said, "No."

Hu Ying and Lin Qingning have both fallen asleep.

Huo Cheng came back from a trip to the toilet, lying on his bed and swiping his phone, and the fourth installment was already from the North City Station.

Xingchen fans are high as hell.

Perhaps because of the snow and ice in the northern city, the fourth episode is very beautiful, with a winter love song feel and a less urban flavour. He immediately sat up from his bed, went out to look downstairs and saw Yan Zhi and Di Xingchen coming out of their car.

Di Xingchen happened to be looking upstairs and waved at him, " Brother Huo ."

Huo Cheng's heart came back to life, but he felt a special sorrow that is hard to describe. He smiled, didn't say anything, and waited in the corridor while Di Xingchen and Yan Zhi chatted with the programme team and came upstairs.

The yellow light bulbs in the corridor swayed, and Huo Cheng said to Yan Zhi, "Quite the wanderer."

Yan Zhi laughs and says, "Some of the trails we took were not marked correctly on the navigation and broke off as we went along."

"Is everyone asleep?" Di Xingchen asked.

"Half asleep." Huo Cheng said towards putting a hand on Di Xingchen's shoulder and giving it a pat.

The three of them went in and Duan Yihua and Wen Nuo were both sitting on the bed, "Back."

Di Xingchen smiled, looked up at Pei Xu's top bunk, saw no one there, and went to the toilet first.

There was no one in the toilet either.

" Where's Pei Xu?" He asked.

"He went for a run." Huo Cheng said.

"It's time to run." Di Xingchen laughed dryly and pursed his lips as he took off his jacket.

When he and Yan Zhi had finished washing up and were in bed, Pei Xu still had not returned.

After a long day of running today, which was particularly tiring as Hu Ying and Lin Qingning had both fallen asleep and there was no chatting, Yan Zhi asked in a whisper, "Should I leave a light on for Pei Xu?"

"Leave a little light on for him." Di Xingchen said.

Huo Cheng rests his arms and closes his eyes.

Di Xingchen rolled over inwards and looked at his phone, not knowing how long he had been lying there, it was probably late at night, and he was dazed when he heard the light shining on his red, sweaty neck, his jumper all off, slung over his shoulders, his t-shirt soaked against his long, strong back.

After another long wait, he saw Pei Xu climb into the next bed. He got up slightly and glanced across the room. Pei Xu had turned off the small light in the room, and the room was so dark that he could not see anything but Pei Xu lying down.

Di Xingchen lay down flat and pulled the covers down, wondering if Pei Xu would pinch his ears this time.

The last time he and Yan Zhi went out to talk, he pinched his ear.

He actually knew why he pinched him.

But Pei Xu didn't reach over.

Pei Xu is so perverse that Di Xingchen is uncomfortable.

Di Xingchen glares into the darkness with his eyes open, then rolls over inwards and lies upright again for a moment. He lifted the covers completely off the bed, hot and sleepy as the heat dissipated from his body.

He rolled over again.

Pei Xu's sour heart is redeemed by the sound of that slight turning over.

He reached out to pinch Di Xingchen's ear, but instead he touched his warm face, his fingers curling slightly as Di Xingchen lay motionless, his mind going blank, unable to think about whether it was appropriate or not.

Pei Xu withdraws his hand and rolls over onto his face, the corners of his lips lifting slightly as he smiles.

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