Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 18: CH 18

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Di Xingchen was the first one to get up, and when he did, he checked the time and got ready for lunch.

It was still raining outside and everyone was getting up one by one.

“I thought it was all over the clouds and rain, but I didn’t expect it to go down so well.” Hu Ying yawned and sipped his water as he walked over to Nakajima: “What are we having for lunch today?”

“I didn’t finish the vegetables I bought yesterday, so I just made some.”

“You can just make something and it will be delicious.” Hu Ying says.

Hu Ying said, and then pinched a piece of fried pork and put it in his mouth. When he saw Pei Xu coming out, he smiled and shouted, “Brother Pei is up.”

Pei Xu “hmms”, still looking a little haggard.

“Did you know you drank too much yesterday?” Hu Ying asks with a smile.

Pei Xu says: “I accidentally failed to control the cup.”

“Feeling better?” Di Xingchen asked, “Would you like some porridge first, it’s already cooked.”

Pei Xu nodded and Di Xingchen went to serve him the porridge.

He feels he is now a bit motherly …… no, fatherly towards Pei Xu.

“Do you know what you look like when you’re drunk?” Hu Ying asked.

Pei Xu then turned his head to look at him.

“You said so many things that shocked our whole room!”

When Hu Ying tried to tease him, Di Xingchen pursed his lips and handed the porridge to Pei Xu. Pei Xu took the congee to the table and sat down, saying, “You can’t swindle me, I’m very honest when I’m drunk.”

Hu Ying smiled and sat down next to his, “Well, seriously, it’s the first time I’ve ever seen someone so honest when they’re drunk, not only are you quiet when you’re drunk, but you’re also quiet when you’re drunk.

Pei Xu then looked back at Di Xingchen for a moment.

Di Xingchen took out a small plate, poured a bag of squash into it and placed it on the table, “If you don’t like the taste of white porridge, you can order this to eat.”


When he heard Pei Xu say thank you, Di Xingchen burst out laughing, remembering Pei Xu, who had been apologising so nicely last night.

Pei Xu looked up at him, “What are you laughing at?”

Di Xingchen smiled and shook his head, “It’s nothing.”

Perhaps Di Xingchen’s smile was too nice, like a spring breeze wrapped in nectar leaping into Pei Xu’s heart, and it actually smelled a bit nourishing.

Di Xingchen asked, “Morning and afternoon? I have to go to school in the afternoon and I have to have dinner with Yan Zhi in the evening.”

Hu Ying, who was next to his, immediately asked, “You want to eat with Yan Zhi?”

“He has a sister who goes to the same school as me, and his sister wanted to meet me and said he wanted to have dinner with me.” Di Xingchen said.

Hu Ying gave an “oh”.

It was probably because the last time we went to the supermarket together, we found out how good Di Xingchen was, and Hu Ying was suddenly a bit jealous.

He was jealous of both Di Xingchen and Yan Zhi, and felt that they were both so good together that it was not good for him.

Pei Xu bored with his porridge.

Di Xingchen looks to Pei Xu: “What’s up with you?”

Pei Xu said, “Just asking around.”

Di Xingchen then asked, “What do you all have planned for today?”

“There are no arrangements.” Pei Xu said.

Hu Ying said, “I’m going to meet a friend.”

There were many people there today, including Lin Qingning, Hu Ying, Duan Yihua, Wen Nuo, Huo Cheng and Di Xingchen himself.

Meeting friends, exchanging information about their situation in the romance hut, expressing who they like, who likes them, their troubles and sweetness, is a necessary and fake to the point of being a bit awkward bridge for the romance hut.

Pei Xu is the only one who has nothing to do.

Does this man really not have a single friend in his life?

Di Xingchen offers his deepest sympathy.

After lunch, everyone started to leave one by one.

Di Xingchen asked Huo Cheng to give Wen Nuo a lift.

“Where are you going to eat?” Hu Ying suddenly asked Yan Zhi. Hu Ying suddenly asked Yan Zhi.

Yan Zhi froze for a moment.

Hu Ying said, “Aren’t you going to meet a little sister with Xingchen?”

Yan Zhi gave a “hmmm” and said, “Just near the Central Dance Academy.”

“What a coincidence, I’m going there too!” Hu Ying said. Hu Ying said, “Can I come to your place for dinner after I’ve met my friends? I’d like to meet some friends too.”

How could Di Xingchen not be aware of his little thoughts and laugh?

Hu Ying looked at him, “Is that okay?”

Di Xingchen says: “You’ll have to ask Yan Zhi about that.”

“Is that okay?” Hu Ying made a pitiful face.

Who can stand a gorgeous man playing the poor man, not Di Xingchen anyway: “Ask your cousin.”

A girl’s opinion is most important.

Yan Zhi pursed his lips, but in front of the camera, he couldn’t show his reluctance, so he gave a “hmm”.

“Then when you ask her, just say there are two more friends and see if she wants to meet them.” Di Xingchen then told Pei Xu about the situation.

“Yes, it’s a good idea, there’s a lot of people.” Hu Ying said immediately.

Three 1s to keep him company, he’s begging for it.

What is this if not the Queen’s treatment?

Yan Zhi was riding a tiger for a while.

He couldn’t really refuse. It seemed a stretch to say that his cousin didn’t want to for the same reason.

After all, the reason for his invitation was for ordinary friends to meet and get to know each other, not a blind date.

Yan Zhi and Huo Cheng share the same view that everyone in the hut is a threat, but the least threatening is Pei Xu.

The man seems to have written “I’m not in love with anyone”.

But not Hu Ying.

Hu Ying is very mobile.

If you really want to take Hu Ying with you, you might as well take Pei Xu with you.

“I’m just not going to go.” Pei Xu said.

Di Xingchen said, “Don’t you have nothing better to do?”

Pei Xu said, “I think you should ask Yan Zhi again to see if he wants me to follow or not.”

Di Xingchen said, “It’s not just you, it’s also Hu Ying. We’re all in this together.

He feels that Pei Xu is too out of touch. At this rate, when will he be able to hold the beautiful man? It’s time to get on the show while it’s just starting and everyone is on the same page, or else the flowers will be cold.

You know romance variety is cruel, and CP fans are even crueler, basically three issues set the ending.

He reached straight for Pei Xu: “Don’t keep lying down, get up and do as you’re told.”

Pei Xu’s heart twisted at the word “obedient”: “Who are you calling obedient?”

Di Xingchen just laughed.

He smiled so beautifully, Pei Xu had never seen anyone with such a sweet, bright smile, and Di Xingchen was so close to him that he almost leaned over him when he pulled him in. He smelt Di Xingchen’s faintly milky scent, a mixture of shower and shampoo, a scent only available to school boys, plain and bland, but surprisingly seductive. His heart heats up and he is pulled up by Di Xingchen.

Hu Ying simply doesn’t drive his own car anymore.

When the four of them went out together, it was still raining outside, so Hu Ying jumped under Yan Zhi’s umbrella.

Yan Zhi is really lost.

He really didn’t think that the ‘date’ he had been looking forward to all night would turn into a party of many. He walked to the garage with Hu Ying in silence, holding his umbrella, not listening to what Hu Ying had to say, only the sound of the rain ringing around him, the moisture wetting his cool, tidy coat.

Pei Xu opens the umbrella and looks back at Di Xingchen.

Di Xingchen walked under his umbrella and grabbed Pei Xu’s arm in the process.

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Pei Xu rarely gets this close to people, and when Di Xingchen just scratched him, he suddenly felt a strange emotion, pursing his thin lips and making his features even more serious. The two men holding an umbrella were a bit too big to fit, so Di Xingchen put his right arm around Pei Xu’s back and squeezed him in.

It was only twenty or thirty paces, but for Pei Xu it was inexplicably long. Many memories of last night’s drunkenness suddenly came back to him, and his head was still a little dazed, and his heart was heavy, as if it had been wet by the rain, but the blood flowing in his heart was hot, warming up the heavy rain as well.

Pei Xu is someone who has never loved anyone, emotionally and physically a blank sheet of paper.

He grew up as a loner, a loner, friendless and not very close to people.

He is not as emotional as Huo Cheng and Hu Ying, nor as introspective but perceptive as Yan Zhi, who can immediately sense his own feelings and give them immediate action.

Even though Di Xingchen had caught his eye the first time they met, he was still a little confused: if caring was a sign of fondness, then why did caring for someone bring not joy but an inexplicable emotion that annoyed him?

For someone as emotionally indifferent as he is, there has to be a triggering event that happens.

Deep, sharp, impactful things that penetrate his heart in order to provoke his erotic switch.

Four people don’t have to drive two cars either.

Yan Zhi drove the car and Hu Ying sat directly on the passenger side.

Di Xingchen and Pei Xu are seated at the back.

On the way Di Xingchen and Hu Ying kept talking, but Pei Xu and Yan Zhi were silent, Yan Zhi looking at the road ahead and Pei Xu looking out of the window at the rain.

“Actually, I used to go to the university town a lot.” Hu Ying said. Hu Ying said, “There are so many young people over there, and I think a new food court has opened recently?”

“Yeah, there’s really a lot of good food over there, and it’s good value for money. If you come here sometime in the future, I can take you to eat all over the university city.” Di Xingchen said.

“Yeah, but I can’t go these days, so let’s wait until this show is over and I’ll come and play with you when it’s over.”

“Wow, I thought when this show was over, we’d all go our separate ways and no one would contact anyone.” Di Xingchen jokes.

“How can that be, am I that kind of person? I only make friends based on whether my personality is compatible, and I kinda like you.”

Di Xingchen said, “Like me, then you can send me the text next time.”

Hu Ying said, “Why don’t you send me …… Oh yeah, you like Brother Duan.”

Di Xingchen burst into a blush.

Pei Xu, however, turned his head towards Di Xingchen and glanced at him.

“Did you text it to Brother Duan?”

Di Xingchen blushed even more: “The programme rules say that we can’t discuss this, right?”

Pei Xu was surprised and glanced at Yan Zhi in front of him.

Yan Zhi had been driving and looking at them in the rear view mirror.

“Who did you hear that from?” Di Xingchen asked Hu Ying.

Hu Ying smiled smugly, “I didn’t need to hear from anyone, I guessed it in a few words. I even know who sent it to you.”

The atmosphere in the car became eerie, but Hu Ying didn’t even notice: “Wen Nuo, right?”

Di Xingchen plays dead: “I don’t know. …… It’s not like the text messages have names on them.”

“Pissed me off, I ……” Hu Ying suddenly felt he would look like he was dropping the ball by saying he hadn’t received a single text message in front of the three 1s, and swallowed back half of his words.

Di Xingchen opens the window a crack and blows the wind.

He’s a bit hot.

When they arrived near the TV station, Hu Ying got out of the car. When he left, the car was quiet.

Next stop was the Central Dance Academy, where Di Xingchen had to go first.

Pei Xu is going to follow Yan Zhi to their station to play.

They had arranged to meet at 6 o’clock at the “Maiden’s Guest” restaurant next to the Central Dance Academy.

Di Xingchen is mainly here for rehearsals today.

Next Wednesday, they have their final performance and it’s his first time to take the lead and dance.

As soon as he entered the rehearsal hall, everyone started to say, “The big star is here.”

Di Xingchen’s participation in the Love Variety is something that many students know about. The Central Dance Academy has produced many big stars, so participating in the Love Variety is nothing new, but for most students, being on TV is still something to envy.

“Why didn’t you tell us you were going to Red and Blue Signal? That’s not enough, is it?”

Although Di Xingchen kept it quiet, he knew his classmates would find out sooner or later.

But when he heard that they were all high on him and Huo Cheng, he really cried and laughed.

“Me? And Huo Cheng?”

“You two look so good together on the water board! You both have a CP name you know? Martian CP!”

“When are you going to ask Mr. Huo to come to our school? I admire him so much, and I’m using that short video app he created!”

“How far have you and him gotten now? Everyone’s curious to know how you guys are doing live for a while, it doesn’t smell good to have a 24-hour live stream!”

Di Xingchen was at a loss as to which one to reply to, as he was surrounded by so many questions.

“Huo Cheng and I are good friends, we’re both Blue guests, we’re The Red and Blue Signal, Red and Blue is the official match. It was so short, you didn’t see the full picture, he and I are really just good friends. And we have so many great guests, I don’t even rank in there.”

Di Xingchen is a bit vain.

A good friend, if you will.

It’s not really possible to say whether these big, rich people will meet him again after the variety show taping is over.

They are not even from the same world.

Di Xingchen suddenly woke up from a big dream, having spent the last two days together so well, living with a group of highly qualified and talented guests, that he seemed to have forgotten that he was just an outsider.

Not only is he an outsider in this game of love, but even on the level of life and the world, he is an outsider.

Now he has come back to the world.

This group of people is his junior partner.

Once the teacher arrived, the group began to rehearse intensely, with many eyes focused on Di Xingchen, who couldn’t move.

Di Xingchen is not the most outstanding student at the North Dance, but he is the most dazzling one, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist, a slender and supple body, and a face that cannot be faulted.

But he is as bright as a star in the sky, not destined to belong to them.

Perhaps he belongs to the rich and handsome men of Red and Blue Signals whose faces and abilities coexist, a bright and shining star that only they can pluck into their arms.

” Di Xingchen , watch your expression, yes, up, tuck your legs, back flip, nice, keep going, watch the rhythm of the music and listen to the drums ……”

When Yan Zhi and Pei Xu came to pick him up, the rehearsal room was in full swing, and it was so cold, but it was so hot inside.

They watched for a long time but didn’t see Di Xingchen, the stage was too crowded, the music was a bit chaotic and the dance teacher kept shouting with his loudspeaker.

He wore a thin, gradient-coloured robe and a mask on his head, and twirled around the stage, his thin robe swirling and his red belt rustling, which made his slender waist even more shapely, and he easily flipped over in a cloud of air, his body like a flowing cloud, so light it almost floated. The music was getting more and more urgent, the flute and drums were sounding in unison, the dance teacher kept shouting, “Be safe, watch your expression, posture, posture, hang on, very good …… Di Xingchen !”

The masked boy spun around, lifting his right leg in a flying spin and holding it high above his head, both legs almost in a vertical line as he stood on one leg, spinning rapidly, his coat flowing like a flower in full bloom.

He then fell straight to the ground, rose again, dived forward, reached out, stepped back and turned around in such a coherent and fluid manner that both Pei Xu and Yan Zhi were stunned.

His waist is tough and soft, his movements light and strong.

Di Xingchen stood in the centre, lifting his mask to reveal his jade-like face, his arms slowly stretched out, his toes taut, his hands as beautiful as they were, his body as if it could speak, tilting, tilting, tilting, and when the music stopped, his body lurched and settled on the stage at forty-five degrees, a beam of golden light shone on him, turning his white robe all dyed gold.

It was as if the Milky Way had fallen on him all day.

He is glowing.

If you’ve seen him dance, there’s no way you can’t fall in love with him.

The follow up camera captured all the subtle expressions of the two men.

The moment one is entranced, the moment one’s heart moves, one forgets everything; the eyes are real, the expression is real.

The director who watched them was delighted.

“There there there there!”

“Especially Pei Xu, look at his eyes! His fingers are curled up slightly and he’s shaking them!”

“Hahahahahahahahahaha, look at that!”

Guo Bing: “I think we could have cut in a few of our guests’ pre-picks from the previews and played them again at the beginning of the first episode.”

What about “I’m just here to return a favour” or “I’m a slow learner”?

Punch in the face True Scent YYDS!

Di Xingchen Go for it, it’s best to make them cry, the moment when their tears fall is also the moment when Red and Blue Signal climaxes

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