Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 19: CH 19

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Some of the emotions that had been hazy, at this moment, all sprouted at the sound of the heartbeat.

Meanwhile, several of the other guests were meeting friends.

Hu Ying met up with his best friend, an online celebrity sister called Bunny.

Bunny is a beauty blogger who has become popular in the last couple of years, but recently she has been carrying goods and her popularity has dropped slightly. Hu Ying was kind enough to invite her to the show.

For those of them who are self-publishers, the more exposure they get, the better.

“What’s up? You’ve been recording for two days now, how are the guests and do you like any of them?”

Hu Ying couldn’t hold back his laughter for a while.

The rabbit had actually watched the live broadcast and knew exactly what the guests were like and whether they were his type. As soon as they met, Rabbit asked, “Do Pei Xu and Yan Zhi make you scream like a groundhog?”

Sisters can talk to each other with such gusto that if it weren’t for the cameras at the moment, they would be talking about the 18th century.

The rabbits asked these questions, all of which were just explained to them by the show’s crew, and it was a bit of an act, but this is the process for romance variety, it’s impossible to really talk to a good friend about what’s really going on inside, and ordinary people wouldn’t dare to tell the truth, let alone go on camera, even if they dare to go on camera.

Hu Ying steadied his emotions and said, “Actually, we have some very good guests here, four from the blue side, and I like them all.”

“So is there a favourite?” Bunny asked.

Hu Ying nods and smiles, “Yes.”

He wanted to create contrast, so he acted shyly, smoothed his hair and smiled down a little, looking innocent.

Rabbit can’t stand it a bit, holding back a laugh, “If you like it, go on ah …… and chase it. You participate in the love variety, is not to find a boyfriend?”

Then she began to recite the draft she had prepared long ago: “It’s been so many years, others don’t know you, but I still don’t know you. You look wild, but inside you’re so innocent, you just want to fall in love every day. If the guests are good this time, you can really take the initiative, they are all boys.”

“But as you know from the romance roundup, sometimes CP fans have already chosen their CP, and they pick someone other than you, and you come up to them, or take a slight initiative, and they call you out.”

“On the love variety not actively put in the workplace that is no professional ethics problem ah.” Rabbit said, “As long as the show is not over and people have not established a relationship, they have the right to take the initiative to pursue ah. Don’t be afraid, when you meet someone you like you just have to take the initiative, this is the modern attitude that men and women should have in love.”

Hu Ying nods, this chat is positive enough, right?

He turned to the staff and asked, “Is this enough material?”

The staff also held back a little and said, “That’s about right.”

Originally this bridge would have been played for about a minute or two.

“So why don’t you all go and have a drink next door, my treat, and let me have a nice chat with my good sister.”

As soon as the staff left, Bunny slumped into a chair, “OMG, I’m exhausted.”

Hu Ying said, “I’m so mad at you, you look so good today, you’re totally crushing me!”

Bunny laughed and said, “I’m hot because of my face, I can crush you even when I’m plain.”

“First you take off your exaggerated-to-the-bone false eyelashes!”

Bunny laughed twice, “Okay, come on, let’s get down to business, I’m dying of curiosity after not being able to contact you for the past two days. What’s your situation now, why haven’t you received a single text message? Are the four male guests on the blue side blind?”

“Right, I’m so beautiful!” Hu Ying sat up straight, “I can’t believe I got zero votes.”

Pissed off, it’s still time for some serious analysis with my good sister.

” Pei Xu, you know, he’s just like that, I don’t see him liking anyone, it doesn’t matter who he sends it to, it’s just a walk in the park anyway. I quickly PASSED him too. I can take the initiative, but never backwards!

Yan Zhi …… I’m very active with him, you know me, it’s always someone else chasing me, when have I ever been active, last time we both played together as a team, I think it’s quite awkward too. He’s too much of a gentleman to be as dismissive as Pei Xu, but I’ll have to wait and see if he’s really interested in me at all, or if I find out he’s obviously attracted to someone, I’ll pull out. I’m not going to lose that guy, even though there are often guests in romance who are unilaterally pursued by wishful thinking.

As for Huo Cheng , I feel like he likes Di Xingchen ……”

” Isn’t Di Xingchen a guest of the blue side?”

“Yeah, it’s logical that the two of them can’t be, but it’s not like you don’t know about homosexuality, it’s not like there’s no internal solution.”

“And what is that Di Xingchen’s attitude?”

Hu Ying laughs, “He likes Duan Yihua, the oldest one of us.”

Bunny then said “Wow”, “That’s my point, I love the wolfdogs under the year.”

“He’s not a coyote, he’s a tit.”

Bunny thought for a moment, “So if the blue team can work it out internally, the red team should be able to too, right? As far as I know, you don’t seem to be stuck that dead either, do you? Didn’t you come across cute ones that could too?”

Hu Ying leaned back in his chair, “Let me tell you something very weird …… For a moment, I felt Di Xingchen as if I could ……”

Bunny rested his chin and stared in disbelief.

“Do you want to fuck him or do you want to be fucked by him?”

That’s how good sisters talk to each other with tiger and wolf words constantly.

“Here comes the weird part,” Hu Ying said, “I seem to be …… all right.”


The rabbit said, “You’re just a bully, a face dog and a sea king, I’m looking forward to having someone in there to take you in and save you from wreaking havoc on the earth.”

Di Xingchen sneezes.

Yan Zhi immediately looked back at him, “Cold? There’s a jacket in the car.”

“It’s okay.” Di Xingchen said.

“What kind of dance did you just do?” Yan Zhi asked.

“King Lanling?” Pei Xu opened, “Guess.”

Yan Zhi smiles and asks, “Is it because of the mask?”

Di Xingchen nodded and said, “It’s King Lanling, we’re doing ‘King Lanling Enters the Battle’.”

“It’s nice to look at.” Yan Zhi said.

“Our dance is a classic masterpiece from classical dance.”

“Mostly you’re a good dancer.” Yan Zhi said, “You’re just a good dancer. The first time I saw you, you danced ‘Flying’ on stage and it just blew me away.”

Actually, it’s fascinating.

Di Xingchen is a godsend, his body is so beautiful.

Dance is really an amazing thing that magnifies the beauty of the parts. Just like they don’t really look at how good Di Xingchen’s feet look, they don’t really look at how special his hands are. But both feet and hands are extremely important parts of a dancer’s body, and the depth of a dancer’s skills is reflected in the curvature of the back of his feet and the expressiveness of his fingers. His feet were also so beautiful that when they were tensed, they showed a smooth and graceful curve, which made it impossible to look at them and think about them.

The three of them arrived at the restaurant they had booked first.

“The restaurant is the most expensive restaurant next to the Central Dance Academy. Don’t look at the simple name and the expensive and exquisite dishes, but the business is particularly good, and the students can’t afford to spend money. It’s basically full every day.

They went up to the fourth floor, just overlooking the entire Central Dance Academy campus.

The crew had set up cameras in the private room they had booked, a small room with a total of seven or eight cameras, so it was possible to shoot from 360 degrees. But Di Xingchen is used to them, and treats them as if they don’t exist.

“How can I sit?” Yan Zhi said, “Sit anywhere you like.”

Saying that he would sit anywhere, he was half a beat slower to check on Di Xingchen.

“We can sit however we want, it’s mainly you.” Di Xingchen said, “You have to take care of the girls. You have to sit next to your cousin, right? We’ll sit opposite her, so we can talk and it’s less awkward.”

Yan Zhi : “……”

It didn’t seem to be a good day for him and things were not going well.

But he can sit across from Di Xingchen.

Just as well.

Pei Xu is sitting next to Di Xingchen.

The rain has stopped, and the lush campus is filled with water mist when you look out of the window. Di Xingchen asked the programme team to give Hu Ying a call.

Their mobile phones were returned, but they did not add any contact details to each other and had to rely on the programme team to pass on messages.

Hu Ying said he would be right there.

“My cousin will be here soon, too.” Yan Zhi said.

The three of them sat there dry for a while before Di Xingchen pulled out his mobile phone, intending to get on the internet for a while.

He hadn’t been online for a while and he hadn’t had much time to look at his phone all afternoon today. Taking advantage of the fact that it was in his hand and he had access to the internet, he immediately went and searched for information about their show.

“Have you all read the comments online?” Di Xingchen laughed as he searched. Di Xingchen laughed as he searched: “It’s hilarious, I heard from my classmates that a lot of them are actually talking about Huo Cheng and me.”

As soon as he said this, Yan Zhi and Pei Xu immediately looked towards him.

Yan Zhi lifted his cup of tea and took a sip, his lenses glowing with a cold light as he asked, “Is it …… I don’t know.”

It’s a touchy subject, because if Di Xingchen says he likes Huo Cheng too, he’s out of luck.

But he was also curious to know what Di Xingchen thought.

Di Xingchen looks over at them with a smile, “So don’t you think it’s funny, how they’re so stoned, me and Brother Huo, we’re best buddies. Brother Huo is a real person, he doesn’t like anyone yet, so he uses me as a shield and a tool.”

He said and shook his head again.

Yan Zhi, relieved, laughed and said, “That’s how it is with all the romance groups, they’re all just getting high, and maybe someone else is getting high on us.”

Meaningful and to the point.

Di Xingchen said, “Yeah, I’ve watched all three previous seasons of Red and Blue Signals before, and they did get stoned in the beginning, and then the CP line became clear later on.”

“So what do you think of Brother Huo?” Pei Xu suddenly asked.

Yan Zhi looked at Pei Xu for a moment, then at Di Xingchen , pursed his lips, leaned back slightly and leaned back in his chair.

“Brother Huo is very nice, I don’t think his charisma has been fully revealed yet, I was on a team with him last time and we went flyboarding together. I don’t know if you’ve seen the live video on the internet, but he was really cool …… I’m going to show Hu Ying when he gets here.”

Hu Ying looks so lustful, he would like this kind of hormonal model too, right?

“Also, last night I had a lot to drink and Brother Huo came to my room and we had a long chat.” Di Xingchen continued as he searched the video, “Brother Huo is a really nice guy, very good. If I were the red side guest, I would definitely give him a chance.”

“So you don’t like him, mainly because you’re also a blue guest?” Pei Xu asked.

Di Xingchen put the phone down: “It’s not …… mostly just ……”

He said glancing across at the camera, slightly embarrassed, and lowered his voice, “I’m ……”

He held up a finger with a serious, enigmatic look.

“Aren’t you guys?” He asked in surprise.

Yan Zhi coughs softly.

Di Xingchen thought the topic was too bizarre and showed Yan Zhi and Pei Xu a video of him playing with Huo Cheng.

He set his phone down on the table and leaned forward slightly, “Look guys.”

Yan Zhi sat opposite, leaning forward slightly, and Di Xingchen turned his head to look at Pei Xu again: “You’re not looking?”

“Show it to Yan Zhi.” Pei Xu said, “I’ve seen it before.”

“Right, I forgot that you have a mobile phone all the time.” Di Xingchen said and turned the phone directly to Yan Zhi’s side for him to see.

Yan Zhi’s long, white fingers squeezed the phone, his eyes staring at it but his mind not on it.

Di Xingchen can’t help but explain the situation in a fascinating way, oblivious to the psychological activities of the two people next to him.

Yan Zhi’s heart was filled with the feeling that his lips were dying and his teeth were cold.

He was happy that his rival had been passed over, but he was not happy that the reason was because of his incompatible attributes.

Because he might get PASSED for that too.

Alarm bells are ringing in Yan Zhi’s heart.

Pei Xu is more of the same: Oh, so Huo Cheng and Di Xingchen are in love with each other, not with each other.

As a corollary, the same is true of Yan Zhi.

My heart was suddenly lighter and I felt much better.

Di Xingchen went downstairs to pick him up and Yan Zhi came down with him.

Hu Ying and Liu Si arrived almost at the same time and the four of them greeted each other downstairs and came upstairs together.

Liu Si had met Di Xingchen before and she was already used to her looks.

she was mainly amazed by Hu Ying’s beauty.

Because Hu Ying is even more flamboyant than Di Xingchen, with his pillowy hair, fair and tall, androgynous and not at all feminine, with a fresh, male scent, he is a beautiful man that everyone will look at when he walks past the restaurant.

He is like a Chanel on earth, high on luxury and arrogance from the inside out.

This season of Red and Blue Signals really is a top romance variety configuration. No idol show can find such a standout group of people.

When they arrived at the private room, Liu Si met Pei Xu again.

If Hu Ying is a man she admires, Pei Xu is a man she can look at and be intimidated by.

He is tall and cool, fair and noble, with distinguished and imperious features, perhaps not as beautiful as Hu Ying and Di Xingchen, but perfectly suited to her aesthetic point.

This is the kind of temperament and looks that only romance novel heroes have.

It’s a teenage killer!

“Hello, Pei Xu .” The other person said.

Ahhhhhhhh, the bass, so charming.

Di Xingchen looks on coldly.

jjwxc The male lead, indeed, is a female sniper.

Female fictional male protagonists, of course, grow on girls’ aesthetics.

Girls don’t know if it’s better to have a funny man like Huo Cheng or a gentle, hot man like Yan Zhi.

Iceberg attacks are not easy to warm up.

Liu Si became shy all of a sudden and smoothed his hair out of his ears, “Hello, I’m Yan Zhi’s cousin, my name is Liu Si.”

Liu Si was captivated by Pei Xu the whole time and kept her eyes on him if at all, not even noticing that her cousin was in a low mood.

Hu Ying and Di Xingchen were still responsible for the atmosphere, with the two of them and Liu Si doing most of the talking at the dinner.

Liu Si found Pei Xu to be a very quiet and aloof person, even a bit out of place.

But this type of man is just as attractive as he is high and cold.

Boing Boing. she so likes the high strung offensive ones.

Four men and one woman opened a jug of the shop’s homemade tipple, with only Pei Xu having not touched a drop of wine.

“He just got drunk yesterday, so we won’t let him drink today.”

Di Xingchen feels that he is becoming more and more of a doting father to Pei Xu.

He finds that Pei Xu, who looks aloof, is in some ways like an uneducated child.

Hu Ying also said, “You serve tea instead of wine.”

“Did you have a drink yesterday?” Liu Si asks.

“There are eight of us, how much wine did we drink, two bottles must be there?” Di Xingchen asked.

“More than that, you forget we even opened a bottle of wine.”

“You mix it up,” says Liu Si, “I’ve heard it’s particularly easy to get drunk that way.”

“Guess who can drink the best out of the eight of us?” Hu Ying asks with a smile.

Liu Si pointed out, “You?”

Hu Ying said, “Do I look like a good drinker? But I’m not the best drinker among us, it’s someone you wouldn’t expect.”

“It’s definitely not my brother, my brother is an average drinker, not good or bad.” Liu Si said.

Yan Zhi just smiled a little.

“It’s Xingchen, isn’t it?” Pei Xu says quietly.

He rarely speaks, and when he does, his voice is not too loud, bass, very suave and quiet, which makes Liu Si look at him again.

“I thought you were drunk yesterday and didn’t know anything.” Hu Ying said.

“I see he’s had a lot to drink.” Pei Xu said.

Last night when we were chatting together, Di Xingchen was responsible for pouring the wine at first, and when they saw that one bottle was not enough and opened a second one, Di Xingchen poured all the leftovers from the first screen into his own glass bit by bit.

He thought at first that Di Xingchen didn’t drink because he was so well behaved and, in a sense, not yet fully grown.

“Is that so?” Liu Si covered his mouth and looked at Di Xingchen with a smile.

Di Xingchen laughs: “It might have something to do with genes, I’ve always been a good drinker.”

“Can you finish this jug if I give it all to you?” Hu Ying asked.

He was just joking, but Di Xingchen actually picked up the jug of wine and weighed it: “It’s more than a pound, I don’t think I can drink it, but most of it will do.”

“People really can’t be seen.” Hu Ying exclaims.

Di Xingchen looks a bit more offensive in this moment, carrying his wine and looking very manly and relaxed.

He likes a man who can drink and a man who can smoke, two habits that most people can’t accept, but he can accept them both.

” Does Xingchen smoke?” He asked.

Di Xingchen shook his head: “No, my family won’t let me smoke either.”

” What about Pei Xu?” Liu Si asks.

Pei Xu says: “Occasionally.”

Everyone looked at Yan Zhi, who said, “I smoke when I’m in a bad mood.”

“There are not many men who don’t smoke nowadays, and it’s not good to quit. Liu Si said.

Hu Ying was going to say that he was a smoker and smoked afterthoughts, but then swallowed the words when he heard them.

With a girl around, it was better for him to restrain himself.

He likes to smoke a cigarette while sitting on top of each other, slowly tilting his head up and exhaling, comfortable inside and out. Or maybe after it’s over, leaning over the bed for a smoke and drifting off.

None of this can be broadcast by saying it, can it?

He was probably the worst man of them all.

One queen, three pure and ascetic attacks.

This is his home turf.

Liu Si This bulb does not count.

He was very satisfied with the meal today.

As they were leaving, the rain came back down, twilight came up, and the streetlights on the campus were almost covered with leaves and water spray, making it look extremely bleak.

“Shall I take you back?” Yan Zhi asked Liu Si.

Liu Si shook her head and said, “I have to go back to school first, no need to see me off.”

Liu Si finally sort of remembered her mission and looked over at Di Xingchen with a smile.

“Nice to meet you, Zhai students.”

“Me too. Let’s make a date later at school.” Di Xingchen said.

“If you run into me at school, just don’t pretend you don’t know me.” Liu Si smiled and said, “We can have dinner together later, and call my cousin too. By the way, I live in Changping Village.”

While they were eating, Liu Si said that he had met him by chance on the way from school.

Di Xingchen smiled and nodded, “I’d like to invite you to my home sometime.”

Liu Si crossed the road with his umbrella and went straight into the south gate of the Central Dance Academy, his back curling in the rain.

After seeing Liu Si off, the four of them stand in front of the restaurant.

“Let’s get a chauffeur.” Hu Ying said.

” Pei Xu is not drinking today.” Di Xingchen said.

Pei Xu nodded a little and said, “Then I’ll drive.”

Yan Zhi gave the car keys to Pei Xu, who went to drive the car, and the three of them waited at the door, waiting for Pei Xu to drive the car over, and Di Xingchen opened the passenger door and got in.

Yan Zhi : “……”

Pei Xu turns his head towards Di Xingchen and glances at him.

I probably didn’t expect Di Xingchen to take the initiative and sit in the passenger seat.

“Seat belt.” He warned softly.

Di Xingchen shouted to Hu Ying and Yan Zhi as he fastened his seatbelt, “Get in.”

Hu Ying pursed his lips for a moment and couldn’t help but smile.

“Let’s go. Get in.” He said to Yan Zhi.

Yan Zhi has had the most wine today and his face is red. He is still wearing a white shirt, and probably because of his drinking, he has actually unbuttoned his collar.

You are reading story Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That at novel35.com

It also reeked of alcohol and was sexy.

Di Xingchen and Hu Ying were both very quiet and the atmosphere in the car was a bit too quiet, so Di Xingchen asked, “How do I turn on this music? ”

Pei Xu then turned the music on for him.

The resulting song came out to be a song that has been very popular on short videos recently called ‘Monica’.

“Ah, Liu Shuang’s songs, I’ve been loving his lately.” Di Xingchen says.

Di Xingchen swayed his body to the intro and sang along, [Black gives you eyes, black gives you light, black gives you long hair and a black heart].

Pei Xu turned his head to look at him and saw that Di Xingchen had also turned his head to smile at him, his eyes suddenly dodged and he pursed his lips, staring at the traffic in front of him.

It was as if everything had changed and he could no longer look Di Xingchen in the eye.

That beautiful, Xingchen-eyed look.

Hu Ying is an internet celebrity, so he is naturally more familiar with these internet hits. he plops down behind Di Xingchen, holds the back of his chair and sings along with Di Xingchen: [You have torn my jumper and taken my heart, you are stupid and smart, you are clumsy and sensitive, you have forgotten my last name and my first name!

The atmosphere in the car is immediately lively, except for Yan Zhi, who lies in the darkness, staring at Di Xingchen, who is very lively, talking to Hu Ying, vivid and lively, as if he has an endless life force.

The light is as bright.

He reached out and ran his hand down his neck and pulled another button off his shirt, running it so hard that the knot of his throat was red.

A cold rain blanketed the whole of the southern city and a black Audi R8 was parked in front of the flower shop, two kilometres away from the Red and Blue Lodge.

Huo Cheng entered the shop, he was so tall that the door of the flower shop was a bit short, he bent down slightly and was greeted by a room full of flowers.

“Hello, sir, would you like to buy some flowers?” The female shop assistant greeted his with a smile.

Huo Cheng nodded a little.

He is not as romantic as Yan Zhi, he has no romantic bone in his body.

But it doesn’t matter, one of his greatest strengths is that he is a good learner.

Yan Zhi sends flowers, he can send them too.

“I’ll buy a bunch of flowers.” Huo Cheng said, “Three bouquets.”

One bunch more than Yan Zhi.

“What will you give to the person?”

Huo Cheng says: “Like the guys, boys.”

The shopgirl froze for a moment, then he smiled and said, “How about a blue rose?”

“No roses.” Huo Cheng says, “Not the ones with too obvious a meaning, but the ones that look good, above friendship and before love.”

He thought for a moment, “Pink, red, something festive.”

For one thing, it’s a good way to distinguish Yan Zhi from his, and for another, he feels that flowers should be pink or red, which is cheesy, but that’s the way love should be.

“Then you see this pink lily, which has a very good meaning, and this pink tulip ……”

“What kind of flower is this one?” Huo Cheng pointed to the one closest to him.

“The flower also has a nice symbolism, it’s a forget-me-not.”

Don’t forget me.

It’s a great flower, and the name is very affectionate at first.

“Then you can give me one of these three all the same, in a bigger packet.”

The clerk said with a smile, “Yes no problem.”

After the flowers were wrapped, the clerk even delivered them to his car himself, “Sir, I wish you roses for the person you like soon and I look forward to seeing you again.”

Huo Cheng was delighted to hear this and thought the shop assistant was too good at talking. He gave him a big tip and went home with three big bouquets of flowers.

Coincidentally, he had just arrived outside the Red and Blue Hut when he saw Di Xingchen, who had probably just returned, and Lin Qingning and Wen Nuo had come to meet them with their umbrellas.

Huo Cheng got out of the car, without an umbrella, and opened the trunk in the rain: ” Di Xingchen, help me with the flowers!”

Di Xingchen answered and immediately ran over to him. Huo Cheng gave him the handful of forget-me-nots and took the other two handfuls, and they ran down to the veranda in the rain.

Lin Qingning They put the umbrella at the door and said, ” Brother Huo is buying flowers.”

“I’ve bought several, so you can see what you like and pick your own.”

Hu Ying took a handful from his arms and said as he walked inside, “Nice powder Brother Huo.”

Everyone just burst into laughter.

Yan Zhi buys starflowers and chamomile, which suits his personality, and Huo Cheng, a rough guy, buys such pink flowers, which also suits his personality.

At first glance, it looks like he will buy it.

Everyone gathered around the table to gather the three bouquets of flowers, Yan Zhi went straight to his room, while Pei Xu stood by and watched.

Shortly afterwards Duan Yihua also returned.

It was still early and they couldn’t all go to bed so early, so Hu Ying suggested we all play a game.

“What kind of games are being played?”

“How about Truth or Dare?” Hu Ying said.

“Ah, is it such an exciting game to play right off the bat?” Di Xingchen remembered that when he used to watch the romance variety, the heartfelt games were all Shuriken eh, suitable for late play, when the time came, the battle was constant here, the play was only exciting, he could say so, he had never been so tense and excited watching a horror movie!

Lin Qingning said, “How about a word-guessing game, which I think we all know how to play?”

“Can can. This is easy and fun.” Di Xingchen says.

Di Xingchen made two pots of fruit tea and asked, “Where is Yan Zhi?”

“He may have had a bit too much to drink today and went to his room.” Hu Ying said.

“Have you been drinking again today?” Huo Cheng asked.

“Drank a little.” Di Xingchen said, “Then you guys wait, I’ll go ask him if he wants to play.”

It’s not appropriate to leave anyone behind at a moment like this.

He went to Yan Zhi’s room, knocked, and heard Yan Zhi say inside, “Come in.”

He pushed open the door and Yan Zhi was sitting in a chair.

“Uncomfortable?” Di Xingchen asked.

Yan Zhi sat up straight and said, “A little.”

“We’re going to play a game of charades, do you want to play with us?” Di Xingchen said, “If you don’t feel well, you don’t have to go, I’ll talk to them.”

Yan Zhi then stood up and said, “Let’s go.”

When he saw that Di Xingchen was still looking at him, he smiled softly and touched the back of Di Xingchen’s head.

All word guessing games are played in pairs, and to play this game you first have to group up.

To be fair, they chose to draw lots for the group with the same number.

Hu Ying wrote eight slips of paper and drew one for herself after rubbing it in.

Huo Cheng They are drawn in turn.

Pei Xu and Yan Zhi were the last to choose.

“I’m 1.” Di Xingchen smiles meaningfully.

Hu Ying raises his hand: “And who isn’t 1.”

Duan Yihua and Huo Cheng were drawn in a group, Wen Nuo and Lin Qingning were drawn in a group and Pei Xu was actually drawn in a group with Yan Zhi.

“They’re both finished!” Hu Ying immediately shouted.

Di Xingchen laughed out loud, “Looks like the bottom two are the two of them.”

The atmosphere was so good that Yan Zhi and Pei Xu both showed a rare smile.

“Don’t underestimate people.” Pei Xu says.

Yan Zhi rolled up his sleeves and shook hands with Pei Xu.

“You two are so high, so you two should start first.” Huo Cheng said to Di Xingchen and Hu Ying.

Di Xingchen and Hu Ying gave each other a hug and the two liveliest people in the red and blue huts formed a team and the atmosphere was electric as they hit the ground running, and they both had an excellent record, guessing eight out of ten words.

Wen Nuo and Lin Qingning were not so good together, Wen Nuo was shy and Lin Qingning couldn’t let go, so they only guessed five out of ten words.

“Let Pei Xu and Yan Zhi be the last group, I think they’ll look good together.” Hu Ying directs, “Brother Duan Brother Huo, you’re on.”

Their group also did well, mainly Huo Cheng, who was so open, he was like a cow barking or a swallow flying, making everyone laugh.

Finally it was the turn of Pei Xu and Yan Zhi.

He took off his jacket and sat down next to Hu Ying: “The show is about to begin.”

Hu Ying : “Let’s have a bet, how many do you think they can guess?”

“Five, no more.” Huo Cheng said.

“I’m guessing four.” Di Xingchen chimed in.

“I guess 3 then.”

“Two for me, then.” Wen Nuo said.

Hu Ying is bending over and smiling, leaning over Di Xingchen’s shoulder.

“Brother Pei, let’s not fight for buns,” Yan Zhi said to Pei Xu. Yan Zhi said to Pei Xu.

However, the two of them were assigned the wrong roles, with Pei Xu gesticulating and Yan Zhi guessing.

Pei Xu, who is no match for the paddlers, and their half-hearted understanding of each other, ended up living up to their name by guessing four words.

“Let’s give a round of applause to Mr. Pei, Mr. Yan, for living up to expectations and winning last place!” Di Xingchen shouted.

Hu Ying immediately stood up and slapped his hands.

To his surprise, Pei Xu was aroused by the desire to win and said, “This is no fun, let’s play something with intelligence.

“You want to play crossword puzzles, we don’t have anyone to play with.” Hu Ying said.

“How about looking at a picture and guessing the idiom?” Lin Qingning said.

“We can play, but it’s not fun to play, we need to get some punishment and rewards.” Hu Ying said.

“How about whoever loses gets contracted to do the dishes and throw the rubbish and buy the groceries tomorrow?” Di Xingchen said.

“It’s no use asking us, you have to ask Pei Xu and Yan Zhi.” Huo Cheng says with a smile.

“That’s fine.” Yan Zhi said.

“Before anyone says I’m cheating, let me say that I’ve played this game and I’ve done well.” Pei Xu said lightly.

“Hey, look at him hanging.” Hu Ying said.

Di Xingchen touched his arm and Hu Ying turned his head to look at him before he realised he had said the word that needed to be silenced again, so he laughed a little and asked, “Playing?”

“I’m fine with that.” Di Xingchen says.

“I want Yan Zhi and Pei Xu to scrub the pots and wash the dishes!” Hu Ying said with hatred.

These two men do deserve a good beating!

Half an hour later.

The crowd sat on the sofa and stared in disbelief at Pei Xu.

Hu Ying holds the tablet and scratches the screen in a lifeless manner.


Without a pause, Pei Xu replied, “Throwing in the towel.”

“Next Xingchen’s ……1=365.”

Di Xingchen pinched his lower lip like a frosted aubergine, “One equals three, six, five ……”

What kind of idiom is this.

“How does one equal three hundred and sixty-five, one three six five, missing two missing four, hmm …… one, one ……”

Di Xingchen “a” for a long time, but did not answer, turned his head to look at Pei Xu.

Pei Xu had a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was so cute by Di Xingchen’s inability to answer that his voice actually took on the illusion of spoiling, “So I answered?”

Di Xingchen sighs.

Lin Qingning and the others next to him also looked confused.

“What is this idiom ……”

“Guess not ……”

Pei Xu says tersely, “Days are like years.”

“Ohhhhhhhhhh!” Di Xingchen dawned on him.

Why didn’t he think that 1 day is like 365 days!

“Next, 1, 1, 1, 1 .”

Di Xingchen : “Four 1s, four miles of 1s, one to go …… Double 10 …… are 1s …… ”

Hu Ying, seeing that his guesses were getting further and further out of line, turned straight away, ” Pei Xu .”

Pei Xu replied, “Unique.”

Hu Ying looked at Di Xingchen: “There are still four ones, I still have four zeros.”

Di Xingchen’s face is all red.

I can’t help it, in terms of intelligence, Pei Xu beats them all, he’s been a mathematical genius since he was a child!

Pei Xu was just too good, hanging on for dear life and turning the game around.

A man’s intelligence is a real plus, and he felt the crowd look at Pei Xu with a lot more enthusiasm.

“We’ve fallen for it.” Hu Ying said as he mopped the floor, “Why are we two dumb beauties playing intelligence with Pei Xu?”

Di Xingchen sighed: “Next time I play quizbowl, I’ll have to team up with Pei Xu.”

” Xingchen .”

Di Xingchen glanced back to see Yan Zhi in his pyjamas after a shower, charger in hand.

“I’ll go with you to the grocery shopping tomorrow.” Yan Zhi said. “It’s hard enough for you to cook, you can’t do all this work.”

“A good man does what he has to do,” Huo Cheng says with a smile, “you just fill in for him, you go with him and Xingchen still has to work.”

Yan Zhi looked at Huo Cheng for a moment and said, “I don’t know how to buy food.”

“I’ll go,” Di Xingchen says, “I’ll pick it out myself, I like shopping in the supermarket.”

” Hu Ying can go without.” Yan Zhi added, “You can sleep in tomorrow.”

“If you lose, you have to accept the penalty. I’m not going to cheat when we say the loser will work and do the chores.” Hu Ying said.

Di Xingchen, who didn’t know what Hu Ying wanted, said, “Let’s all go together, it’ll be fun.”

Yan Zhi, having learned his lesson, did not dare to be too obvious and nodded a little.

He looked back at Huo Cheng and thought to himself, “Huo Cheng is so aggressive, I just wanted to provoke him, but I didn’t know that I had already been PASSED by Di Xingchen.

Alas, the poor love interest.

Huo Cheng has been lying in the living room instead of going to bed, just to spend more time with Di Xingchen.

Di Xingchen and Hu Ying were mopping the floor when he leaned over the back of the sofa and asked, “Did you take all the flowers I bought?”

Hu Ying said, “I took it.”

“I’ll take it later.” Di Xingchen said.

“Let me take them over for you, which of the flowers I bought do you like best?” Huo Cheng got up.

“I like them all. Each has its own beauty.”

Just like these men in their red and blue huts.

“Let’s give you one just the same.” Huo Cheng said.

With that, he took three flowers to the Di Xingchen room.

Di Xingchen already has a narrow white vase on his desk with a bouquet of starflowers bought by Yan Zhi.

Huo Cheng placed the three flowers he had bought and stood for a moment with pursed lips, then suddenly reached out and tapped the starry sky that Yan Zhi had given him.

Like poking one’s love interest.

Men are teenagers until they die, and who is not a primary school chicken when they first enter love.

After cleaning up, Di Xingchen returned to his room and took a shower.

After the shower someone came to him.

It’s Hu Ying.

After today, his relationship with Hu Ying has taken a leap forward.

It’s a good sister.

Being a good brother to the blue guests and a good sister to the red guests, the instrumentalists are the ones who can move to wherever they are needed.

Di Xingchen finds Hu Ying to be a treasure. He seems to be an arrogant beauty, flamboyant and arrogant, not to be messed with, but he is a warm and simple person.

The two of them were very in tune with each other and talked late into the night about all the nonsense.

But the better your friends are, the more they like to talk nonsense.

After the chat Hu Ying was a little bit left wanting more.

He thinks it’s great that he and Di Xingchen are now in a state of 80 per cent friendship.

Even though there was a momentary flirtation, how could he really seek out Di Xingchen if he was really serious about a relationship?

He categorises his instant attraction to Di Xingchen as ‘opposites attract’.

Two people with different attributes, or different genders, always have a subtle aura towards each other when they first meet and their relationship is not yet clear.

None of the other guests on The Red and Blue Signals got on with Di Xingchen as well as he did. Some of them are too nice, some are too serious, some are too dignified, and the rest are all very “sexual”, so naturally they are not friends.

It’s late at night, but the Yan Fan Group is on fire.

Because Yan Zhi plays King of Kings live online.

He has always had a ruthless style and tonight he was killing it. Fierce and furious, he pressed people throughout.

“Holy fuck, Brother Yan is so violent tonight!”

“Boing Boing, Brother Yan looks so sexy when he’s mean, Brother Yan fucks me.”

“Big carved munchkin upstairs, can you put on some trousers before you come out.”

Yan Zhi has a lot of straight and gay fans, the chat is very pornographic, and whenever Yan Zhi does something exciting, there are a bunch of people begging to get on.

Yan Zhi threw his phone away to the cocky shouts of his fans and came straight out of the room.

Without knocking, he went straight into the next suite, but just as he reached the door of Di Xingchen’s room, he heard Di Xingchen and Hu Ying talking inside.

I don’t know what they said, but Hu Ying burst out laughing.

Yan Zhi froze for a moment, then stood outside the door, stood for a moment, then went back in.

When Yan Zhi returned, he was glad that Hu Ying was there, otherwise he might have said something when he met Di Xingchen, given his bloodthirsty attitude.

They say he is a man of great self-control, but only he knows that he dresses so ascetically, usually disguised with gentleness, just to trap the bloodthirsty beast in his heart.

This madness and darkness is enough for him to just take it out in the game.

It will scare Di Xingchen.

Yan Zhi was lying in bed thinking about Di Xingchen, which made his body ache, and he was stroking his neck once and for all, making his throat knot red.

Deep in the night, Pei Xu lies silent in the darkness without a single light on.

The phone plays a song in the dark, singing that

[You must not have boiled over to go crazy in cheesy love.]

Someone in the crew exclaimed, “Ah, it’s ‘The Liberation of West by Chen Yilun’!

“What’s wrong with this song?”

” Liu Shuang’s song, you forget the guys coming back from dinner, Di Xingchen and Hu Ying singing ‘Monica’!”


“It’s all Liu Shuang’s songs, Di Xingchen said at the time that he loved listening to his songs!”

You can find story with these keywords: Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That, Read Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That, Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That novel, Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That book, Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That story, Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That full, Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That Latest Chapter

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