Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 31: CH 31

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Di Xingchen and Hu Ying walked a long way, and it was the cameraman behind them who couldn’t follow them before they went back.

The crew were happy with these two, and the date was a mix of pink bubbles playing games together and heartfelt chats on the beach.

From a couple’s point of view, or from a friend’s, it is comfortable and romantic.

Guo Bing couldn’t help but exclaim, “If only every guest was as cooperative and positive as these two.”

They also look like a great couple. The two top faces in this season’s guest list may not have as much sexual tension, but they look great together.

They are also very comfortable together, the most comfortable of all the red and blue couples so far.

Although many netizens were high on Blue and Blue beforehand, they knew that the show was all about the red and blue pairing.

[I didn’t expect Di Xingchen and Hu Ying to be a good match. At first I thought Di Xingchen was a bit weak for a milk 1.

[Because Hu Ying is so gorgeous and has long hair, he’s a clear-cut attacker and attacker with anyone he stands next to!

[This face dog only looks at faces, please lock them both up!

[Did someone give them a CP name, Sink Lake CP?

[God, that’s so sad. Star Lake CP, how nice!

The name “Star Lake” is so perfect, and it matches them both, it has a brightness of the lake and the stars! Hu Ying is obviously Yan Zhi’s! Salt Lake CP is not convinced!

Before the official broadcast is even out, Red and Blue CP fans are already arguing about it.

But it ended with a comprehensive victory for Yan Zhi.

Di Xingchen was overshadowed by their CP fan who put Yan Zhi’s battle watch on top.

“Rich kid, East Side Yan family, any need to know? The country’s most popular e-sports player, the winner of the championship need to be listed? Di Xingchen What’s the point, he’s just a bit good looking …… Okay, okay, I admit, he’s not a bit good looking, he’s very good looking! But what’s the use of a good-looking man? The most important thing is, is he as big as Brother Six?

Other than that, the last shameful entry rubbed Di Xingchen hard on the ground.

Di Xingchen and Hu Ying did not return to the red and blue hut until 9.30 pm, when they smelled the smell of burning as soon as they entered.

Hu Ying frowned: “Is there a fire?”

Di Xingchen changed his shoes and rushed to the kitchen to have a look around, and saw a bunch of people in the kitchen and the crew of the show there, and the scene was a mess.

The black smoke from the kitchen had not yet dissipated, all the windows around the area that could be opened were open, and the smokers kept buzzing.

“What’s that smell?” Hu Ying shouted.

Wen Nuo says: ” Brother Huo They’re cooking dinner ……”

The three men see Di Xingchen coming and all three of them look a little shy, Di Xingchen glances past them at the pot, a layer of burnt paste. The wine and soy sauce next to it had fallen over, spilling everywhere and dripping down.

“What did you do?” Di Xingchen asked.

“It’s just …… fish.” Huo Cheng said, “I’ll just do the fish.”

He learnt a hard dish from the chef today.

Because he didn’t think little dishes like scrambled tomatoes and eggs were powerful enough!

” Brother Huo saw the frying pan burning up and poured water directly over it.” Yan Zhi said, “A hot frying pan.” Huo Cheng felt that this was a sarcastic attempt to tarnish him, so he immediately shot back, “I didn’t knock over this pile of stuff either.”

Di Xingchen senses the smell of gunpowder.

Without saying a word, Pei Xu put on gloves and went to bring the pot down, his white face still stained with black dirt.

“Brother Huo said he wanted to show his hand.” Pei Xu says, “Yan Zhi went to help and accidentally knocked over the next shelf of ingredients.”

Di Xingchen looked at Pei Xu at that.

Eh, why did he feel that such bland and normal words were also somehow teared up.

“When you say you’re going to cook, you’re really going to cook. Hu Ying said.

We all tidied up together and it took over half an hour to clean up the kitchen.

It’s impossible to ask for the pot.

“Let’s order takeaway, I’m starving on the front and back.” Duan Yihua said, “What do you all want to eat.”

Huo Cheng saw the pink rabbit in Hu Ying’s arms: “Did you buy it when you were playing?”

Hu Ying immediately held it out like a treasure: “Isn’t it cute? Xingchen clip it.”

“Did you guys go pinning?” Yan Zhi asked immediately, turning his head.

“Yeah.” Hu Ying said, “It’s just annoying that I tried so many times and didn’t get one, but Xingchen was also playing for the first time and got it on the first try.”

As soon as he said it for the first time, Yan Zhi was instantly attracted to him. Yan Zhi glanced at Di Xingchen and then at the pink rabbit.

I just hate that I can’t take possession of it for myself.

“What have you all been doing today?” Lin Qingning asked, “Can we talk about this?”

“I thought the show said it was a secret?” Pei Xu took off his gloves, “Don’t say it.”

“Yeah, we said we’d go on a secret date and everyone knows about it.” Hu Ying said.

“Who told you two to come home so late.” Huo Cheng said slyly.

Hu Ying and the others had no intention of hiding it from anyone, so they didn’t care if they heard it. Hu Ying went upstairs with his pink rabbit in his arms, while Di Xingchen went to his room to take a shower after sweating.

The two of them looked delightful on this date and had quite a good time.

Duan Yihua is a bit of a lost cause.

Huo Cheng is not even lost, but a bit angry, and I don’t know who he is angry at.

Yan Zhi is still thinking about the pink bunny.

Pei Xu also got dirty and followed Di Xingchen back to his room.

Di Xingchen was crouching on the floor, getting clothes out of his suitcase when he noticed someone approaching and turned around to see that it was Pei Xu.

“Do you like rabbits a lot?” Pei Xu asks.

Di Xingchen asked in amazement, “How do you know?”

“I see you have bunnies in your pyjamas and I’ve even pinned one on Hu Ying today.”

jjwxc The male lead is gradually coming to the fore well.

Careful and observant!

Di Xingchen smiles and says, “Yeah.”

He is a rabbit and his favourite cartoon character is Bugs Bunny, of which he has a bunch at home.

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” Brother Pei , come out here for a minute!”

Outside, Wen Nuo called out to him, and Pei Xu answered and went out.

When they arrived outside, they saw that Guo Bing had also arrived and everyone was sitting in the living room.

” Di Xingchen went to take a shower, right?”

Pei Xu nods.

“What is it, making it so mysterious.” Hu Ying said.

Guo Bing lowered his voice and said, “Tomorrow at 7:30 pm, Di Xingchen will take part in their final exams at the Central Dance Academy at the end of the year, and he is the lead dancer of their classical department ……”

Before Guo Bing could even finish his sentence, Wen Nuo let out an excited “ah”.

Yan Zhi and Pei Xu’s faces darkened.

“Are we going to see it?” Duan Yihua asked.

“Can we go and see it?” Hu Ying asks.

Guo Bing smiled and said, “Please arrive at the Central Dance Academy Salon Stage tomorrow night at 7pm sharp to watch Di Xingchen’s performance together. To avoid him getting too nervous, we hope you can keep it a secret and we’ll surprise him after his performance.” “Wow,” says Lin Qingning, “I’ve actually always wanted to see Xingchen dance.”

“Me too!” Wen Nuo couldn’t help but be excited.

Huo Cheng’s eyes are even brighter.

Guo Bing whispered, “The reason I’m telling you all in advance is that I’m hoping you’ll all have your evenings free tomorrow, so I’d also like you to keep it a secret.”

“No problem.” Huo Cheng said.

After Guo Bing had left, Hu Ying and Duan Yihua went upstairs while they chatted.

“Have any of you seen Xingchen dance?” Duan Yihua asked, “I don’t know what style he is.”

“Xingchen studies classical dance.” Wen Nuo says.

“That should be beautiful.” Hu Ying says.

It’s over, and he doesn’t think it’s a good thing for Di Xingchen.

The manly image he had just established in the sit-ups was only going to be knocked back into the sisterhood with this performance.

He has an impression that there are only two types of classical dance, the masculine, muscular and hormonal, and the feminine and charming.

It’s beautiful, but I’m afraid it’s not offensive enough.

” Does Brother Duan usually follow classical dance?” He asked.

“I watch it all the time,” says Duan Yihua, “I just saw Mr Zhang Fang’s dance drama Dream of the Red Chamber with a friend last month.”

That’s it, Di Xingchen is probably not going to wow anyone who regularly watches the dance masters.

“Wasn’t there a dance video that was all over my circle of friends recently, there was Mr. Li dancing to ‘Running to the Moon’. I was very impressed, it was very beautiful.”

“Ah, I’ve seen that video!” Wen Nuo said, “I’ve swiped it online.”

“The name sounds like the type of thing Xingchen would dance to.” Hu Ying says.

“They’re the final repertoire, it shouldn’t be a solo.” Lin Qingning said.

“The director said he was the lead dancer.” Wen Nuo says.

Hu Ying smiled and said, “Let’s sneak over there tomorrow, we’ll give him a big scare.”

Once back in their rooms, Duan Yihua unpacked his suitcase and started to pick out his clothes for tomorrow.

Wen Nuo is lying on the table, looking at the roses in the vase.

Hu Ying put the pink rabbit on his bed.

Hu Ying thinks this is a very good idea on the part of the programme.

Of the four guests on the blue side, Di Xingchen was the weakest, seemingly inferior in terms of ability, wealth and manliness. He lacks a chance to shine, and since dancing is his profession, it must add to his charm.

The most important thing is to show the audience what Di Xingchen is all about.

In the long run, this will help Di Xingchen’s future.

Both Yan Zhi and Pei Xu were not expecting this sudden move from the show.

Di Xingchen has no better idea of what dancing is like and how fascinating it is than these two.

How much more so for yourself!

Huo Cheng, in particular, would have gone crazy!

It’s like a war without smoke and mirrors, the battle is in the heat of battle before one has a vantage point!

Di Xingchen There is no hiding this gem.

Early the next morning, the programme team was all out in force.

Today was a shot in the arm!

If the previous sit-up PKs were just a small taste of what’s to come, the big reversal is coming!

The Star Ocean Video Network, which is constantly following the latest developments of their show, also received the news and came over specifically to meet with the crew of the show.

“This dance by King Lanling is good. You know classical dance, beautiful as it is, there are masculine and soft, if it’s soft, it might appeal to Pei Xu and the others, not necessarily to Hu Ying and the others. But this dance of the King of Lanling is so valiant, beautiful and valiant!”

“More than that, the Central Dance Academy has put a lot of thought into this show since they knew it was going to be on TV, the stage music and lighting are all top notch, it’s not too much to say it’s beautiful!”

“Tonight is really the first big show of the season!”

The head of the video site then said, “The show is about to start, so let’s have a live broadcast tonight to build up the buzz!”

As the main variety show of the fourth season and StarHub’s ace variety show, the website has taken the launch of “Red and Blue Signal” very seriously and has been very active in the pre-launch campaign.

Early in the morning, StarHub put a preview of the live broadcast on the front page headline, and the number of booked viewers soon broke a million.

[Finally, it’s live again!

[The Red and Blue Signal has been so tightly covered these days, why did it suddenly go live today?

[There must be some heavy drama today.]

[Why isn’t this show on? I’m ready for the groundhog to bark!

[Red and Blue Signals has so many little tricks this season, the trailer has raised the audience’s expectations so high, and Pei Xu and the others are so draggy, wouldn’t it be hard to watch if they don’t have a real face to beat later on?

[Yes, and it’s the only variety show that’s been live every now and then to whet the appetite of viewers before it even starts, right? It’s already got over 2 million viewers! If it’s not great tonight, wait until you get mocked!

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