Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 32: CH 32

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This is a very important day.

It may even be a landmark day in this season of Red and Blue Signals.

Everyone on the show had this feeling.

Apart from the group of staff who went to the Central Dance Academy, the rest of the team were all up early in the morning and all the cameras in the Red and Blue Room were switched on.

Unlike a typical romance show, which is taped and then broadcast, Red and Blue is taped and broadcast, which is very challenging for the crew because you don’t know how it’s going to end, you don’t know who’s going to end up with who, and there’s no way to pick and choose shots, splice and edit the story based on the big picture.

This requires a keen eye to catch the subtleties of each guest’s emotions, every look, every word, every gesture, every interaction, trying not to miss a single subtle but potentially crucial shot.

Especially at this stormy time of the day.

The guests did not disappoint and gave them a big surprise early in the morning.

Because today four people flocked into the kitchen at once to make breakfast.

They are.

Di Xingchen.

Yan Zhi.

Duan Yihua .

Wen Nuo .

Yan Zhi has a good reason to be in the kitchen today.

He had just learned how to make sandwiches from Di Xingchen yesterday, so today he had to learn from the past.

I don’t know if he really hasn’t learnt it or if he’s just pretending, but he forgets everything he learnt yesterday and asks Di Xingchen about it every now and then.

There are already enough people cooking in the kitchen, so Huo Cheng can’t step in and watch from across the centre island.

“Is it okay to fry it to this level, Xingchen?” Yan Zhi asked again.

Without waiting for Di Xingchen’s answer, Huo Cheng said with a smile, “I think Yan Zhi should stop cooking, you’re not really cut out for it, I’ve learnt it but you haven’t.”

Di Xingchen glanced into the pot and said, “OK.”

Yan Zhi then served the eggs, using a wooden spatula, which was a bit dull, and Huo Cheng laughed lightly as he tried several times to get the eggs out of the pot.

It was a good-natured laugh, and I thought Yan Zhi, as a famous gaming god on the internet, had his hands blown to the sky, but I didn’t expect them to look that stupid in the kitchen.

But Yan Zhi doesn’t think it’s a good-natured laugh.

“I’ll do it.” Duan Yihua said.

“I can.” Yan Zhi said.

Duan Yihua then dropped his hand, turned to Di Xingchen, moved towards him and said, “I smell sweetness, what did you add to the pot?” “I added some honey.” Di Xingchen said with a smile.

Although no one noticed his thoughts, Duan Yihua was ashamed of himself.

He had the ambivalence of pressing on, wanting to strike, but feeling ashamed to be seen by others.

He didn’t do much more than stand beside Di Xingchen and help out occasionally.

Wen Nuo is almost entirely a smaller version of Di Xingchen, silently washing dishes, wiping them down and cleaning up the worktop all the time.

Huo Cheng leaned in to look at the door, “Castor, you’re back.”

Pei Xu enters sweating profusely and nods under his breath.

Everyone in the kitchen looked over towards him.

Di Xingchen said, “You went out even earlier today, how far did you run?”

Pei Xu was already out of the house when he first got up.

“It was an extra half hour of running today.”

Yan Zhi asked in surprise, “You’re up at six?”

Pei Xu gave a nod and headed for the living room. Di Xingchen saw his soaked back and gave a soft laugh.

This dude is so full of spirit.

Running so hard is a way to release the energy you have nowhere else to go.

Pei Xu slept very late yesterday. I had a lot on my mind and tossed and turned, so I fell asleep at almost two o’clock and woke up before six.

He has always been a regular person, going to bed early and waking up early, but he never thought that the later he went to bed, the earlier he woke up.

After he woke up, he didn’t intend to get up at first. It was just dawn and it was still early, so he wanted to squint for a while, but after lying there for a while, he suddenly couldn’t stop thinking about Di Xingchen.

It was really thinking of him the moment I closed my eyes, and the first thought I had when I opened them was of him.

It’s not a missed thought, it’s simply a thought about the person.

The thought of him dancing today, the thought that everyone would see him dance today, he cared about even more than just those people in the Red and Blue Lodge, but thousands of internet users.

As he thought about it, the man became more and more awake, it was a feeling he could hardly describe, it was not irritation to say irritation, it was not desire, desire, it was as if you had to grab something in your hand and grab it hard, or you had to get up and run as hard as you could.

It’s a force, a ruthlessness in the body.

He then got up and went for a run, this time farther than any other, sweating profusely, his blood rushing, and he ran out onto the reef that stretched out towards the sea from Pontoon Hill, watching the waves lapping against the rocks and the turquoise sea as far as the eye could see.

At that moment he was surprisingly frustrated.

When you like someone and you don’t get it, it turns out that the undercurrent of this liking is despair.

Di Xingchen made a very generous breakfast because he couldn’t cook in the evening.

“Get ready for dinner.” Di Xingchen shouted.

Huo Cheng goes over to help serve the food and Wen Nuo runs upstairs to get Hu Ying and Lin Qingning.

Hu Ying actually got up a long time ago, almost at the same time as Duan Yihua, but as soon as he came downstairs and saw Duan Yihua helping Di Xingchen in the kitchen, he came back upstairs himself, just to give them a little more privacy.

He squeezed the pink bunny on his bed and gave a silent nod to his assisting self!

What he didn’t know was that not long after he had gone upstairs, Huo Cheng Yan Zhi and the others had gone to the kitchen to join in the fun.

” Where’s Pei Xu, not back yet?” Hu Ying asked as soon as he came downstairs.

“He’s back, probably in the shower.” Duan Yihua said.

Duan Yihua seemed a little different today, much more proactive.

Everyone moves towards the table together and Lin Qingning is the first to sit down.

He takes the middle seat on the right.

“Pay attention to the way you’re seated today.” Guo Bing instructed the crowd.

The staff cut the panoramic shot to the big screen.

Hu Ying was a step behind this time, waiting to see Duan Yihua and the others.

Duan Yihua kept his bowl and waited for Di Xingchen to leave with him.

Also in the kitchen is Yan Zhi, who is also carrying something.

Huo Cheng has no reason to stand and wait, so he takes the lead and sits in the middle on the left, opposite Lin Qingning, but just one person away from him.

“They’re both so good at picking.” The staff member said, “The middle is a safe spot, so you can make sure you have people to your left, right and opposite! This also increases the chances of sitting with the person you like!”

Wen Nuo is still seated on the right-hand side, by the window.

Yan Zhi, Di Xingchen and Duan Yihua came to the table, with Di Xingchen sitting on the far left side, next to Huo Cheng.

“Look at the corners of Brother Huo’s mouth, tsk, tsk, tsk.”

On the big screen, Huo Cheng grins unobtrusively.

Then in a rather dramatic scene, Duan Yihua, half a step ahead of Yan Zhi, slowly pulls back the chair opposite Di Xingchen.

The camera does not capture Yan Zhi’s face, but sees him sitting silently between Lin Qingning and Duan Yihua.

Opposite is Huo Cheng.

The corners of Huo Cheng’s mouth grinned again, then his gaze passed over Duan Yihua before he slowly narrowed his smile again and took a sip from his glass of water.

Hu Ying sits next to Huo Cheng.

Writer Liu couldn’t help but exclaim: ” Hu Ying is so clever.”

This leaves the window seat on the left to Pei Xu.

Hu Ying sits between Huo Cheng and Pei Xu, diagonally opposite Yan Zhi, ensuring that his interests are maximised, seemingly passively, but actually very proactively.

This leaves Di Xingchen, Huo Cheng, Hu Ying, and Pei Xu on the left, in that order.

On the right are Duan Yihua, Yan Zhi, Lin Qingning and Wen Nuo, in that order.

“It’s getting a bit stormy!” Guo Bing says excitedly. Guo Bing said excitedly.

The Love Variety dinner piece really lives up to its detail-laden reputation as a place of repair.

At breakfast, Di Xingchen said to the others, “I may not be able to come back tonight to make dinner, so you can eat out and come back.”

He said looking over to Yan Zhi and Huo Cheng and their group, “It’s best if you don’t cook.”

Too dangerous.

Huo Cheng said, “Don’t worry about us, just concentrate on your business.”

Hu Ying deliberately asked, “What are you up to?”

Duan Yihua immediately coughed.

Hu Ying just sips his water and laughs.

I didn’t expect Di Xingchen to say, “I have a performance for my final exam tonight, so I guess it will be after nine o’clock.” As the programme team had asked them to keep it a secret, Hu Ying didn’t ask any further questions, fearing that the surprise would be leaked in advance.

“Do the pots and pans in the house need to be bought again.” Hu Ying asked, changing the subject.

Di Xingchen said, “I’ll go shopping tomorrow, I’m basically on holiday from tomorrow and I have a lot of free time.”

“Are you going to the supermarket? Come along then.” Duan Yihua said.

Hu Ying immediately looked at Duan Yihua.

Duan Yihua looked over at Di Xingchen and said, “I happen to be going to the supermarket to buy something too.”

Hu Ying then looked at Di Xingchen with a mysterious smile on his lips.

Looks like his assist was effective last night.

Duan Yihua is on the move!!!

His heart was racing, but he seemed happy for Di Xingchen and a little disappointed at the same time.

When a good friend falls in love, one has less time to spend with him and it is only human to lose it.

Hu Ying wanted to.

Yan Zhi and Huo Cheng’s feelings are even more mixed.

Yan Zhi thought, and sure enough, one by one, they were about to get into action!

Duan Yihua is in fact one of the eight members of the group, with the same status as Lin Qingning.

But he’s the one who has received Di Xingchen’s Touched Messages, so he’s actually in danger too.

For him and Huo Cheng, there are now three love rivals!

Just then, Pei Xu, who had finished his bath, came over and sat down at the table.

Everyone went out one by one with their own thoughts.

It’s been a long day for both the crew and the netizens.

Not to be discouraged, Huo Cheng continued to learn how to cook in his spare time today.

He is a man with a natural drive, unafraid of hardship and failure.

Yan Zhi went to the florist and ordered a bouquet of pink starflowers.

He thinks Di Xingchen seems to prefer pink.

The Central Dance Academy’s Salon Stage has performances almost every week and is open to the outside world, but the grandest of all is the two final performances each year, in July and January.

You are reading story Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That at novel35.com

It was not even six o’clock and the usually packed auditorium was already full.

In the middle of the first row of the auditorium, however, there were eight empty seats.

Little Zhou runs a milk tea shop next to the Central Dance Academy, and at seven o’clock, when it is crowded, there is a long queue outside the shop. Little Zhou turned his head and saw a row of luxury cars parked outside the Central Dance Academy.

“Wow, a Rolls Royce Phantom, it’s got to be nearly ten million dollars this car, fuck me.”

“Maybach, Porsche, Audi, Lamborghini, Ferrari! One, two, three, four, five, six …… What is our school doing, holding a luxury car show?”

“It’s all the latest models from the last two years eh.”

The crew asked Guo Bing nervously, “Is this too high profile for us?”

Guo Bing said, “We’re all about luxury romance this season, and there are so many top rich kids, so what’s the point of not being wealthy?”

Many of the boys were impressed by the luxury cars, and many of them picked up their mobile phones to take pictures.

The golden street lights were hazy and the girls next to them gasped as soon as the men got out of the car.

Because all those who came down from the limousine were long-legged, fair-skinned and handsome men who were particularly rich at first glance!

Webcast pop-ups dominate the screen: [My Sixth Brother!

[Hu Da Beauty is gorgeous!

[Holy shit Pei Xu is so handsome today, I can forgive his stinky face].

[Is Huo Cheng the tallest one? Oh oh oh oh, Brother Huo is still the man, Mars CP fans scream!

[Oh my gosh, they’re all so good looking, aren’t they? I could do it all!

Wen Nuo glances towards the crowd of onlookers, nervously tied up in his arms. Hu Ying takes him by the shoulders and walks inside, following them with a camera on his shoulder.

The group of seven, plus their respective followers and other crew members, numbering nearly twenty in all, headed together towards the Central Dance Academy’s salon stage.

The path leading to the salon stage is a little darker, and Yan Zhi purses his lips a little, looking even more grave.

After tonight, there’s really no telling how many more love interests he’ll have to add.

In the future, Huo Cheng is really not a problem anymore, the most scary thing may be the red side.

Hu Ying was wearing a thin, loose suit, and the man who normally wore formal shirts was wearing a sweatshirt and a baseball cap today, looking much more youthful.

Huo Cheng, quite excited, turned his head to survey the campus of the Central Dance Academy and said, “Haven’t you arrived yet? Their school is so big.”

“You have the nerve to say that other schools are big even at A University.” Hu Ying spat, “Don’t you all have to ride bikes to class?” Hu Ying spat, “Don’t you all have to ride bikes to class at your school?”

Huo Cheng smiled at this.

He wore a white shirt today. He was usually so brown, but today he looked a bit more aristocratic, and it was obvious that he had been well groomed.

All were dressed somewhere between formal and casual, with just the right amount of emphasis.

Only Duan Yihua’s perverse attitude reveals his innermost secrets.

It was not a good day, a little overcast, and the night seemed to be tinged with mist. As the salon stage got closer, the sound of music from inside came through the night.

“Did you hear the song they played?” Hu Ying paused for a moment, then looked at Wen Nuo and the others.

The crowd leaned in to listen, and they heard the night breeze send a misty song, singing

[I pray for a transparent heart, and eyes that weep].

“The Brightest Star in the Night Sky!” Wen Nuo shouts.

Hu Ying laughs, “It’s so appropriate, isn’t it? Is it the programme’s doing or the school’s doing, it’s tailor-made for Xingchen.”

The Escape Plan’s clear, booming vocals echoed around the salon stage, the song was magical, the tune and lyrics were not sentimental, yet every time you heard it in the dark, you were inexplicably melancholy and moved.

There are no stars in the sky tonight, but there is one on the ground, and it is the brightest one.

This is not the first time Di Xingchen has taken part in the final performance, but he feels that this year he is particularly valued.

Not only was the person who did his make-up a super famous teacher from their school, he had a new set of dance clothes, a big messy crowd backstage, and the leader of their school actually came to inspect and came over to encourage him.

Di Xingchen figured out what was going on.

Presumably the programme team is coming to film material today.

Mr. Zou, who was in charge of their dance, said to Di Xingchen, “Don’t be nervous, just play as well as you normally do in rehearsals.”

The crew said they hoped they wouldn’t tell Di Xingchen so that he wouldn’t be too nervous and it would affect his performance. However, Mr. Zou felt that this was a unique opportunity for Di Xingchen.

They graduate so many students from the dance academy every year, except for two or three who are lucky enough to make it to the top, most of them will be obscure. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be on the TV channel, so they can’t miss it.

So she hinted at Di Xingchen and said, “If you behave tonight, the road will be smooth for you.”

Di Xingchen nodded and turned his head to look in the mirror next to him. In the mirror, he was dressed in a white robe with a thin red sarong, a golden mask hanging around his neck, he was dressed in Chinese clothes but without a wig cover, his dark soft hair, his fair and small face, modern and ancient charm all in one, except for the red hooks in the corners of his eyes and the upward lift of his ink eyebrows, which at a slanting glance charmed the crowd.

There was a sudden commotion in the noisy audience and everyone looked towards the entrance to see a stream of handsome men coming in accompanied by a camera.

Someone in the audience immediately grabbed their housemate’s arm in excitement, “Aaaaaaaahhhh, it’s really coming to our school to record!”

“What ah what ah?”

“My sister just tweeted me that they were coming to our school to record, and I thought I was joking! Look, Yan Zhi! The one with the glasses, he’s my boyfriend’s idol! No, no, I have to call my boyfriend to come over.”

But it was too late, for as Yan Zhi and the others entered, a large group of students came after them, and the already full auditorium was packed to the rafters and the aisles were filled to capacity.

Instead, the live feed panned to the stage, which was empty and illuminated only by a single headlight, the curtain glowing with a warm golden light.


[Why is the camera pointed at the stage?

[I want to see handsome men!

[We’re not going to see the show live today, are we?

[Who plays, and will the guests be on stage?]

He was the only one who didn’t show his face in the live broadcast, and he’s a student at the Central Dance Academy.

[Although Di Xingchen is really good, I’d rather see Yan Zhi and the others!

[That is, what’s so great about dancing, we’re watching the Love Roundup, not the Spring Festival!

At this point, the live feed is suddenly split into eight screens, with the stage still being the largest screen, taking up two-thirds of the screen, and the remaining seven smaller screens focusing on the seven guests, including Pei Xu.

“You’re too good at this too, director!” The crew couldn’t resist patting themselves on the back.

Guo Bing said proudly, “Who wants to watch a stage show when it’s more about the other guests’ expressions than the performance? Keep an eye on them and mark any good shots, so they can all be cut into the main feature!”

Wen Nuo licked his lips, glanced back towards the audience and said, “That’s a lot of people.”

Huo Cheng also looked back at his words and for some reason he was a little nervous, his palms were sweating.

Pei Xu, always the most indifferent of the group, was the most shadowy, leaning back in his chair and holding his two large hands out and back in, over and over again.

“It’s almost time to start.” Lin Qingning whispered.

He glanced towards the opposite camera, coughed softly and sat up straight.

The light in the audience suddenly dimmed, leaving only a single light on the stage, and then a man and a woman, two student presenters from the Central Dance Academy, came on stage.

They had all seen the performance schedule beforehand and Di Xingchen’s classical dance department was the first to start the show.

“Look, there’s Xingchen!” Wen Nuo shouted in a sudden excited whisper.

The seven of them looked towards the entrance to the stage and saw a group of boys and girls in Chinese costume ascending the stage and entering behind the curtain one by one, Di Xingchen in the queue, his head hanging slightly, he was the tallest of them all, his red belt tied around his slender waist, tall and handsome, bejewelled and starched.

Huo Cheng was dumbfounded.

Pei Xu and Yan Zhi, among others, also watched with rapt attention as Di Xingchen gradually stepped behind the curtain.

At the moment they forget everything but Di Xingchen in full make-up.

“First up next is a dance presented by the Department of Chinese Classical Dance, ‘King Lanling Enters the Battle’, applause and welcome!”

The MC retired and the stage dimmed, and the last light went out.

The anticipation of those watching the live stream was all but raised.

[It’s coming it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming!

[Don’t let me down, Di Xingchen!

[Why do I have a feeling it’s going to be great!

[Di Xingchen, Mum’s coming, let’s go!

In the silence of the stage, even a slight cough could be heard. The curtain slowly lifted and a group of beautiful boys emerged under the golden light, with a male dancer in Chinese costume in the middle, standing solemnly with his back to the audience, tall and with a strong, thin waist.

[Wow, this is Di Xingchen, isn’t it? This figure, love it!

There were fewer pop-ups, and everyone held their breath.

Di Xingchen slowly stretched out his arms amidst the sound of the pipa, and then heard the drum. “Before his body could be stabilised, there was another “dong” from the drum and he spun around, his skirt flying in an arc, before landing on the ground with a gentle cartwheel, light and fluid.


[Absolutely beautiful Yunri Maebashi Bridge!

[Divine Dance!

[The guests are in awe hahaha, look at Wen Nuo and Huo Cheng!

Huo Cheng on screen, mouth agape.

Wen Nuo’s face is almost red with excitement.

Di Xingchen’s dance moves are so powerful, so sultry, so wide and open, his body moves with his hands, his clothes float with him, his body is so flexible, his movements so light, it’s as if gravity has lost its grip on him, his body is so soft and so powerful, he’s as graceful as a dragon!

“The brave and fearless cloaked man, the king of the Langley with his beautiful voice and face”!

[Who dares to say Di Xingchen is not offensive enough!

[This strength, this flexibility, this superb body control!

[His body is too beautiful, too, in the positive sense of male beauty!

[Aaaahhhh, this turns around and kills me!

[The hem of his skirt dances!

[Is this the kind of bounce a human should have!

[This trembling body, I’m dead!!!]

Lying down, rising and falling, swaying, he jumped on the hearts of all, he jumped out of a million and one, he made all hearts pound.

At the climax, he tumbles and falls, his body twisting and turning like a snake, his hair in disarray, he leaps up, his robes flying and rustling, he leaps into the palms of the dancers around him, the other party throws him into the air, he lands on a back flip, but his body does not stop at all, he spins three times in a row, then three more times in a row, the bridge in front of the clouds, finally his body seems to have lost control completely, he is about to jump into the arms of his partner. The dance partner’s arms, but a wave of the long sleeves, a “rustle”, as if the whole body was brought back by the sleeves, stalled in mid-air.

All was silent at this moment, except for his heaving chest and his red ears.

Di Xingchen pushes his mask upward to reveal a flushed face as the high-pitched female chanting comes on, and the screen is almost invisible to the pop-ups.

[So beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

[I’m Really Dead !!!!]

As the dance drew to a close, Di Xingchen’s body leaned down, his sleeves falling away to reveal his thin white arms, as long as his arms and as beautiful as his fingers, the golden light shining on his fluttering thin robe, which also coloured his robe gold.

At the moment when his movements were set in motion, a drum beat and the light on his body instantly turned bright red, and he was dressed in a red suit of fire, as if to He was dressed in red as if he were about to burst into flames.

On the large screen, an ancient painting of the red-robed King Lanling emerges.

In this moment, the stage and the ancient painting reflect each other and become one.


[I’m not educated, but I can’t do anything about it!

[Goose bumps all over my body. It’s amazing!

Even Pei Xu and Yan Zhi, who had seen a little bit of the rehearsal on and off, were stunned.

Wen Nuo was in tears of excitement straight away.

Huo Cheng and Hu Ying, among others, looked dumbfounded.

“There there there there.” The staff member said.

“Now that’s really something.” Screenwriter Liu said.

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