Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 41: CH 41

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Early the next morning, Di Xingchen was still up when he heard a knock on his door.

He tilted his head sleepily, “Who is it?”

“It’s me.”

It’s Yan Zhi’s voice.

“Come in.”

He then saw Yan Zhi enter.

The room was a little dark and he reached for the light, but Yan Zhi said softly, “No need.”

Di Xingchen then lay down again, wrapped in his blanket and looked at Yan Zhi.

The room was dimly lit. Yan Zhi knelt down at the foot of his bed and said, “I have a flight to catch and I have to go, just to let you know.”

Di Xingchen gave a “hmm”.

He thinks Yan Zhi is really polite. He also told everyone when he left.

Perhaps because he had just woken up, his heart was soft, and there was a little sadness of parting.

Yan Zhi looked at him in the hazy morning light, crouched at the foot of his bed, looked at him and said, “I’ll see you in a few days.”

“Well, goodbye.” Di Xingchen thought he should get up and see Yan Zhi off now that he knew and it was almost dawn.

He then lifted the covers and sat up.

Yan Zhi froze for a moment and said, “You don’t have to get up.”

“It’s time to get up too.” Di Xingchen said, “We have to cook dinner later.”

When the covers are lifted, his scent wafts beneath Yan Zhi’s nostrils, warm and lightly scented.

It was something he had come to know, something addictive.

Yan Zhi then took a step back and watched Di Xingchen get out of bed.

Di Xingchen was dressed in pyjamas, so he took a jacket and put it on, and came out of the room with Yan Zhi.

When I passed by the bathroom, I noticed that Pei Xu was also up, probably just now, and was still squeezing toothpaste.

Pei Xu saw them both, froze for a moment, then fixed his gaze on Yan Zhi’s face and asked, “Are you leaving?”

Yan Zhi gave a “hmm”.

There were two big boxes in the living room and Di Xingchen wanted to help Yan Zhi carry one of them, but Yan Zhi said, “No, it’s heavy, I’ll carry it myself.

“Don’t underestimate me.” Di Xingchen’s voice was still a little muffled and soft, and Yan Zhi’s heart was filled with the sadness of parting.

He was surprisingly a little reluctant to give up.

Such a brief parting.

He didn’t insist and watched Di Xingchen carry one of his suitcases out the door.

“Bon voyage.” Di Xingchen said.

Yan Zhi closed the trunk and saw his follow up camera running from the next yard.

The morning light was brightening and there was a thin mist in the air. Di Xingchen automatically takes a few steps back and stands to the side of the road.

Yan Zhi then got into the car and started it.

When the car turned a corner and passed in front of Di Xingchen, Yan Zhi lowered the window, looked at him and said, “Let’s go.”

Di Xingchen yawned and nodded.

He was that sleepy and that lazy.

Di Xingchen gave it to him as a good friend, Di Xingchen did not love him.

Yan Zhi suddenly leaned over the car window.

Like when he first picked up Di Xingchen at the Central Dance Academy.

Di Xingchen raises his eyebrows, looking haggard and lovely with a weary frown.

Yan Zhi hooked his hand and gestured for him to pass. Di Xingchen then bent down and put his head in front of the car window. Yan Zhi took a small glass bottle from the car and gave it to him, his white, good-looking fingers squeezing it, “Here.”

“What is it?”

“I formulated my own perfume.”

Di Xingchen looks surprised.

“Did you match it yourself?”

It’s so moody, isn’t it?

“Had nothing better to do and went to my friend’s company to transfer it. You might like it, it’s for you. Thanks for getting up to see me off.”

Di Xingchen then smiles, a gentle smile on his sleepy face, and reaches out to take the bottle of perfume.

Longma, what other surprises do you have that I don’t know about?

“This time it’s really gone.” Yan Zhi said.

He watched Yan Zhi walk away and looked at the bottle of perfume in his hand.

He sprayed a little onto his wrist and smelled it.

It is a light floral fragrance, slightly bitter, the fragrance of flowers in general, especially light, like the flowers of Mandace, which have a very light fragrance, a very common taste.

He kinda likes it. He doesn’t like too much fragrance, and he doesn’t usually use perfume, so such an ordinary scent, it suits the ordinary him ah.

Like being surrounded by flowers.

He put the perfume in his pocket and walked back.

Walking to the door, I saw Pei Xu.

Pei Xu is back to his usual outfit, a black jumper and a baseball cap, and asks, “Are you leaving?”

“Let’s go.” Di Xingchen asks, “Are you going for a run?”

Pei Xu said, “No more running today, are you going to make breakfast?”

Di Xingchen gave a “hmm”.

“You go and wash up first.” Pei Xu said.

Di Xingchen went back to wash up, and when he came out, he saw Pei Xu standing in the kitchen with a mobile phone on the table, staring at it and pouring oil into the pan.

Di Xingchen has completely gotten over his sleepiness: “Why did you start cooking too?”

“A little help.” Pei Xu said.

Di Xingchen went over and found Pei Xu watching a video on how to fry eggs.

He did it with style.

“What time do you leave today?” Pei Xu asked.

Di Xingchen said as he cooked, “I don’t know, wait until you’re all gone.”

“I’m not leaving early either, so I can give you a lift home if you need it.” Pei Xu said.

Just as he finished speaking, he heard footsteps.

The two men look up to see Huo Cheng coming out of the bedroom.

Huo Cheng saw them both in the kitchen and visibly froze for a moment.



Huo Cheng walked across to Pei Xu, looked at the omelette in the pan and said, “That’s something.”

Pei Xu says: “I learnt it from Brother Zhai.”

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Huo Cheng said, “A master teacher makes a master student.”

Hu Ying and Wen Nuo, among others, also got up one after another.

“You guys really got into it when you said you were going to start helping Brother Xing with the cooking.” Hu Ying said and glanced at Di Xingchen.

Di Xingchen looks up at him with a smile, wearing an apron and looking very much at home.

Hu Ying avoided his gaze.

When it was time for breakfast, Duan Yihua was the only one who had not yet risen.

“I just went to check on it and Brother Duan said he would get up later.” Wen Nuo said.

Di Xingchen said to Hu Ying, “Do you have work in the morning?”

Hu Ying said, “No.”

“Then let’s go to the supermarket together later. I’ll cook a big meal for lunch and the three of us will eat it before we go.”

Hu Ying hesitated for a moment and said, “Yes.”

Huo Cheng then looked at Pei Xu: “Do you have something to do this morning?”

He would not leave Di Xingchen alone with Hu Ying.

Pei Xu said, “No.”

“Then you can all go together.” Huo Cheng said, looking at Di Xingchen. Huo Cheng said and looked at Di Xingchen, “Don’t leave Pei Xu alone.”

Di Xingchen glanced at Pei Xu.

Hu Ying said, “That’s good, let’s go together, there are more people, it’s more lively.”

It’s nice to go together.

He now doesn’t know how to be alone with Di Xingchen.

He had a dream yesterday about Di Xingchen, can you believe it!

In the dream the two of them present a 0.5 relationship.

They are like two intertwined foxes.


After breakfast, Wen Nuo left first. They saw Wen Nuo off together.

Lin Qingning then also left.

” Has Yan Zhi left already?” Hu Ying asked.

“You just found out?” Di Xingchen said, “He left at dawn to catch his plane and you didn’t get up to see him off.”

Hu Ying asked: “Did anyone see him off? Did he go alone? Wouldn’t it be a bit sad?”

“I’m sending,” Di Xingchen said, “Don’t worry, none of you will go alone with me. Send you all away before I go.”

Hu Ying and Huo Cheng both glanced towards Di Xingchen at the words.

Yeah, with Di Xingchen around, they don’t even have to worry.

Di Xingchen’s personality is really more attractive than his appearance.

he is obviously the youngest, but he takes better care of people than anyone else.

“And were you sad when you left the Red and Blue Lodge alone at the end, dragging your bags with you?” Hu Ying asked.

He sounded like he was misbehaving, but he was actually really concerned about it.

He understands the sense of loss and loneliness of being the last to leave.

“I’ll go with him.” said Pei Xu, who was next to him.

Hu Ying glanced at Pei Xu, who was standing next to him with his pocket in his hand, the sunlight making his skin almost as white as Di Xingchen’s.

After seeing Lin Qingning off, Hu Ying went upstairs to get dressed.

He had always been good at dressing, but today he was torn for a long time.

Not knowing which one he should wear, he tried on all the clothes and he felt that none of them fit.

It was all too gaudy and he suddenly wanted to wear something plain, like a university student, like Di Xingchen.

Di Xingchen cleaned all the red and blue huts as he was leaving.

Huo Cheng and Pei Xu helped him with the packing.

” Brother Huo shouldn’t you be leaving, not for the ten o’clock flight?”

Di Xingchen said and looked at the time. “This side is close to the airport.” Huo Cheng said.

But he does have to go, and if he doesn’t it will be too late.

He left home as a teenager, and when he was in high school, he only came home once every two months. Later, when he started his own business, he was in a hurry to get home once in a while.

He had long since become accustomed to parting.

But he was surprisingly reluctant to give up today.

He’s become all but unlike himself.

Too childish.

He then washed his hands and said, “I’ll be off then, see you in a few days in the North.”

Di Xingchen also took off his gloves: “Here you go.”

Pei Xu looked at Huo Cheng for a moment and said, ” Goodbye Brother Huo.”

Huo Cheng glanced over his shoulder, hoping that Pei Xu would not follow him out to see him off, leaving him alone to have a few words with Di Xingchen.

“Have you taken all your luggage?” Di Xingchen asked.

Huo Cheng said, “It’s been put on the car in advance.”

Di Xingchen went to see him off and looked back at Pei Xu, who didn’t say anything but gestured to him to see Huo Cheng off on his own.

Pei Xu watched Huo Cheng and Di Xingchen go out while he kept his head down and continued to wipe the table.

He knows what Huo Cheng’s constant dilly-dallying is about. Huo Cheng is big-headed, sometimes seemingly brash and rambunctious, but he’s not as emotional as Yan Zhi, either.

In the vase on the dining room table, the stargazers and forget-me-nots are on the verge of wilting.

Di Xingchen sends Huo Cheng to the car.

Unlike the time they dropped Yan Zhi off, the sun was clear and bright, much as it had been on their first day.

Huo Cheng stops and looks back at their red and blue hut.

“Isn’t it a bit hard to let go too?” Di Xingchen asks with a smile.

Huo Cheng said, “When I came here, I really didn’t expect to be in this situation.”

He didn’t come on the show to be in a relationship, it was purely for his career.

He said looking over at Di Xingchen , some of the words almost coming out of his mouth. The knot in his throat slid up and down, a big man who had been through a lot but whose heart was suddenly sore at the moment, and he held out his arm.

Heart beating that fast.

Di Xingchen froze for a moment and then walked up with a smile on his face.

He gave Huo Cheng a hug: “See you in the North.”

Di Xingchen was startled when Huo Cheng let out a “mmm” and suddenly picked him up with a jerk.

Huo Cheng turned him upwards a little harder and then put him down.

“Let’s go.” Huo Cheng opened the car door and got in.

Di Xingchen was left standing in a daze, and by the time he came to his senses, Huo Cheng had already driven away.

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