Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 42: CH 42

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After seeing Huo Cheng off, Duan Yihua and Hu Ying came downstairs together.

Duan Yihua’s face does not look good.

After meeting Di Xingchen, Duan Yihua was embarrassed.

The reason he was up so late today was that when he woke up and remembered his explicit behaviour last night, he was so ashamed that he didn’t know how to face the world.

It’s not enough to like a man ten years younger than you, but he was so aggressive that he grabbed his arm in a drunken stupor.

There were so many cameras in the box, they must have caught it all.

And the texts he sent, how he felt so ashamed.

He actually sent a blank, signifying that he had a load of words he didn’t know how to say.

It’s too pretentious, like a schoolboy.

Di Xingchen tried to behave as usual and said, “Brother Duan, do you want breakfast? I’ve left breakfast for you.”

“It’s too late, I have to hurry.” Duan Yihua said.

Hu Ying looks at Duan Yihua silently and helps him carry his luggage downstairs.

Hu Ying found the atmosphere at the moment to be downright odd.

Just yesterday, he was setting up Duan Yihua and Di Xingchen!

Hu Ying peeked into Di Xingchen’s eyes and found that Di Xingchen was not as shy and pleased as usual with Duan Yihua.

Di Xingchen reached for the box in Duan Yihua’s hand, Duan Yihua gave it to him and went to get a sandwich for himself, rushing out of the door before he could finish it.

Duan Yihua was the one who got away. Hu Ying and Di Xingchen gave him a lift, but he waved his hand lightly and looked like a successful thirty-year-old again.

When he came here, Duan Yihua had no intention of falling in love either.

He came to this variety show mainly to promote their family’s milk tea, which they have sponsored.

As the oldest of the guests, Huo Cheng and Pei Xu were the only ones he noticed at first.

Now they are caught by a twenty year old male student who catches all eyes and ends up running away.

Duan Yihua thought that maybe he could calm down after the three or four days apart.

A few minutes later, Di Xingchen, Hu Ying got into Pei Xu’s car.

Hu Ying has Di Xingchen in the passenger seat.

Pei Xu’s mind is all loose and relaxed like never before.

All gone.

It was a beautiful day. After yesterday’s rain, the sky looked like it had been washed in water, with no clouds in the sky. As Hu Ying had to go to the Civic House for an errand, they took Hu Ying to the new district first.

” Hu Ying .” Di Xingchen called.

Hu Ying, who was sitting in the back row, answered at the sound of his voice, his make-up was extremely sophisticated today and he looked more like Chanel on earth: “What?”

Di Xingchen turned back and said, “Why do I get the feeling that you are in a strange mood today?”

Hu Ying said, “Maybe I didn’t get enough sleep. I slept very late yesterday.”

“Then you can squint a little longer.” Di Xingchen said.

They took Hu Ying to the Citizens’ Home and Di Xingchen asked, “Do you want us to go with you?”

Hu Ying shook his head and said, “It might take half an hour, you can go and watch the pigeons in the square at the back.”

Behind the Civic House is a superb forest park with a music stand at the entrance, where people often feed pigeons, and which has become one of the famous tourist attractions in the south of the city.

Di Xingchen asked Pei Xu: “Want to go?”

Pei Xu closed the car door: “Go.”

Who knew that they had just taken two steps when they heard someone shout, “Di Xingchen!”

Di Xingchen looks back and it is the programme staff.

The other person ran up to me with a handheld camera: “You have to take this.”

Di Xingchen picked it up and asked, “Have you been following us?”

Pei Xu reached out and picked up the camera: “Give it to me.”

The staff seemed a bit scared of Pei Xu and said hastily, “You can film yourselves, we won’t follow you!”

Is that always enough!

Because it was a weekday, there were not many people in the park, only an old man with a 3 or 4 year old child feeding the pigeons.

“Do you want to feed?” Pei Xu asks.

Di Xingchen said, “I didn’t bring anything to eat.”

“It’s for sale.” Pei Xu says and walks off to a nearby kiosk, and in no time at all he has bought a loaf of bread.

Di Xingchen took the bread and went to feed the pigeons. When they saw Di Xingchen throwing the bread crumbs, they flew over.

Pei Xu then turned the camera around and pointed it at Di Xingchen.

With the camera, he has a reason to stare at Di Xingchen. Di Xingchen’s eyes were so bright, his lips so red, his nose so upturned, his skin so white in the sunlight, his neck so white and slender that it gave his whole body a bright, juvenile look. A pigeon flew directly onto his shoulder, and Di Xingchen said hastily, “Look, look, they’re not afraid of people at all.”

Pei Xu then laughs, without the camera on him, completely unconsciously, from the bottom of his heart, his eyes moving out of the camera to look at Di Xingchen in front of him and then dropping his eyes again to look at Di Xingchen in the camera.

He had never liked a person so much, a heart, and translucent, and joyful.

Di Xingchen turns back to him and shares half the bread: “You want to feed?”

“Give me a pinch.” Pei Xu reached out.

Di Xingchen then pulled out a section for him.

Pei Xu put the bread crumbs in his palm and held out his hand for the pigeons to eat them.

Di Xingchen got up quickly, there was still dirt in the water and it made a big wet spot on his shirt.

Pei Xu reached for his pocket and said, “Wait a minute.”

He took the camera to the kiosk and in a short while bought a packet of tissues over.

Pei Xu then put the camera on the ground, bent over and gave Di Xingchen a few wipes, and finally said, “I have clothes in the car, go and change out of these.”

The two men then came back to the car and Pei Xu took a blazer from the trunk and gave it to him.

Di Xingchen then unbuttons his shirt. Pei Xu glanced towards the camera in the car and reached out to block it, sitting himself in the front and not turning his head.

Just because he didn’t turn his head didn’t mean he wasn’t looking. He leaned back in his seat and looked into the car’s rear-view mirror to see Di Xingchen’s pale arms.

Di Xingchen was the whitest person he had ever seen in reality, glowing white.

Di Xingchen and Pei Xu are about the same height, but Pei Xu’s blazer is very loose on him, his shoulders are not as wide as Pei Xu’s and his shoulders are not as thick, so he can’t even hold it up.

But Pei Xu’s heart is very hot.

His clothes, which wrapped around him, now wrap around Di Xingchen.

The mere thought of it made him want to branch out.

When Hu Ying came back, he froze when he saw Di Xingchen and asked, “Changed your clothes?”

Di Xingchen then gave him the story of what had just happened.

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Hu Ying said, “You’re lucky you didn’t get lucky with a pigeon. I used to watch people feeding pigeons or seagulls on the beach and I’d wonder if that would happen!”

“Yeah, I thought I was the only one who would have that worry!” Di Xingchen said, “Every time I see birds flying all over the place, I wonder if they’ll drop dirt!”

He was wearing no clothes because he was underneath, his suit jacket was buttoned up but the suit buttons were just a few, faintly revealing the outline of light muscles.

Young boys, even if they don’t do any exercise, will have simple lean lines on their chests, let alone someone like Di Xingchen who practices dance all the time. Hu Ying gave him a look and said, “You actually look good in a suit, you can try it on more often.” Pei Xu then glanced at Hu Ying through the rear-view mirror.

There is nothing wrong with Hu Ying saying this. He always likes to compliment Di Xingchen. But his tone today was quiet and unobtrusive.

When they arrived at the supermarket, Di Xingchen really bought the pork and said he wanted to make Mao’s braised pork.

Hu Ying thinks this is not a roast pork dish.

What does is simply his heart.

Hu Ying is very gentle throughout.

He didn’t even know he could be such a quiet person, as if he had gone back to his teens all of a sudden. The voluptuousness of him was gone, and all his flamboyant eyebrows seemed to have become introspective all of a sudden.

He regretted the words he had spoken to Di Xingchen when they were dating.

Di Xingchen is now a complete friend of his.

Pei Xu, with his hand-held camera, has been taking care of the filming, not particularly of Di Xingchen, but even subconsciously more of Hu Ying.

Occasionally the camera catches Di Xingchen with his own black jacket on.

“Is there a particular dish you would like to eat?” Di Xingchen asks Pei Xu.

Pei Xu was going to say crayfish.

He also heard Di Xingchen talking about his love of crayfish at the bar.

However, Yan Zhi and Huo Cheng were both secretly peeling prawns for Di Xingchen to eat, so he didn’t come forward.

He turned the camera on him and said, “I’ll eat what you make.”

Hu Ying smiled at this and looked at Pei Xu: “I’ve changed my mind about you a lot.”

Pei Xu looked up at him and Hu Ying said, “At first I …… no, I should say we, all thought you were grumpy and fussy.”

It’s so well known that even the programme crew like to call him Stinky Face in private.

Di Xingchen looked over at Pei Xu, sized him up and said, “Brother Pei has changed quite a lot.”

And now it loves to laugh.

Pei Xu smiled gently at him.

Look, it’s smiling again.

Pei Xu looks great when he smiles, but Hu Ying doesn’t even notice Pei Xu’s perversity.

He doesn’t have the heart for Pei Xu’s light bulb right now.

Yes, he thinks Pei Xu is a light bulb.

Although the three of them didn’t have a follow up camera, and it’s common these days to take live selfies with a camera, the three of them stood together and were quickly recognised. Di Xingchen made quick work of the situation, buying groceries on the fly and rushing out of the supermarket.

On the way out there were people holding up their mobile phones to take pictures of their cars.

Di Xingchen didn’t panic at all this time.

This was something he had predicted, that their season of Red and Blue Signal was destined to be a hit, a national hit variety show, and that even the small supporting cast would be a big hit.

Then he heard a boy holding up his mobile phone and shouting, “Di Xingchen!”

You see, the supporting characters are starting to become popular.

This is such a good omen.

He then smiled through the car window and waved a little at the other man.

“Oh my God, Pei Xu is so handsome, Hu Ying is so beautiful and Di Xingchen is so nice when he smiles.”

The boy stopped to lament with his little friend.

Once back at the Red and Blue Lodge, Di Xingchen changed and returned Pei Xu’s jacket to him.

Pei Xu took the jacket back to his room, put it in his suitcase and put it in a box with the roses Di Xingchen had given him.

Pink roses and a black blazer resemble the sudden budding love of the often grimy man.

Di Xingchen set out to start cooking.

Unlike in the past, all his dishes this time were so exquisite that they were comparable to those of a five-star chef.

Hu Ying’s heart grows fonder and the confusion and worry in his mind fades away as he stands next to Di Xingchen, leans up and says, “It just smells so good.”

The roast pork is cooked with colour and flavour and the soft, quivering meat makes your mouth water just looking at it.

Hu Ying looks slightly sideways at Pei Xu sitting at the table.

He really doesn’t understand why Pei Xu doesn’t go to his room if he has to work.

Wouldn’t it be quieter with the door closed?

Must work in the kitchen.

This big bulb, he finally realised.

He then said to Pei Xu, “Brother Pei, will it affect your work if we talk like this?”

Is his subtext obvious enough?

Pei Xu had already seen Hu Ying’s little gestures.

Compared to Huo Cheng and Yan Zhi, Hu Ying is actually more deadly. Because Hu Ying likes physical contact.

Although anyone has the right to pursue in a love affair, none of the love rivals are sensible. Huo Cheng and Yan Zhi would be upset, and although he was a little more subdued, he wasn’t too happy about it, so he said, “I’m used to you two talking endlessly together.”

“We both just clicked so well and we hated each other.” Hu Ying says, “I now feel that the biggest reward of coming to this show is meeting Brother Star.”

Oh, now it’s a mouthful of Star.

But Pei Xu is not Huo Cheng, nor does he speak in a flame-throwing manner. Nor is he like Yan Zhi, who hides a needle in his mouth.

He was still relatively honest and raw in love, so he didn’t say a word.

As a result, Hu Ying went further and further, always the man of action, and when Di Xingchen finished the prawns in the back, he went over and opened his mouth and said, “I’ll try it.”

Di Xingchen then took one and put it in his mouth.

Hu Ying blowing rainbow farts: “Yummy, I’ve never had such good scrambled eggs with shrimp, you tell me how you cook so well.”

Pei Xu couldn’t resist this time, and picked up the mineral water on the table and looked at Hu Ying with drooping eyes, squeezing the bottle in his hand with a click.

” Hu Ying, Yan Zhi seems to be on live gaming today, do you know?”

Hu Ying turned his head to look at him at his words.

Sure enough, before Hu Ying could say anything, Di Xingchen next to his said, “Yeah, it looks like he’s going to be on live. Do you want to go and chart for him?”

Hu Ying’s heart went dark: “Let’s talk about it.”

Pei Xu takes a sip of water and sets it down.

Mutual dislike and hostility between love rivals turns out to be innate, even for the most indifferent men.

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