Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 6: CH 6

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Di Xingchen froze for a moment.

For those who don’t know, he’s the favourite of millions.

It’s just that the heroes are all beautiful and good-hearted.

But I’m sorry to say that he already has someone to give it to.

” Yan Zhi said he sent me.” Di Xingchen said.

Pei Xu froze for a moment and looked behind him at Yan Zhi.

Yan Zhi smiles a little.

Pei Xu then got straight on board.

“Thanks.” Di Xingchen said sardonically.

Pei Xu didn’t say a word and drove off in his Maybach.

Duan Yihua, who was next to him, said, “It’s strange that he would even offer to give a lift.”

Huo Cheng gave a laugh at that and said to Di Xingchen, “I won’t see you off then.”

” What about Wen Nuo?” Di Xingchen asked.

He’s not the only one without a car here, there’s Wen Nuo too.

” Qingning took him away.” Duan Yihua said.

Gee, this Lin Qingning.

How can you not give Wen Nuo a chance?

Di Xingchen gets into Yan Zhi’s car, which is a white Land Rover with an imposing appearance.

The camera had just been installed in the car and Yan Zhi gave him a sign.

Di Xingchen gives a YES to the camera.

“Which house is your sister from?”

“she’s studying modern dance, she’s a sophomore like you.” Yan Zhi said as she turned the corner, “If you get a chance later, I’ll introduce you to his and we can all have dinner together.”

Di Xingchen smiled and said, “Yes.”

He turned his head to look at Yan Zhi , who then looked at him, revealing his signature smile again, seemingly shy but with an unblinking gaze …… This contrast and contradiction coupled with a handsome face really makes it easy to fall in.

It is only when you fall in that you realize that this man is not a gentleman, but a demon coming out of a monstrous fire.

The good thing is that this man has nothing to do with himself, he just admires male sex in silence.

A man of tools can have no problems with beauty.

He had only one curiosity about Yan Zhi.

This was the biggest question on his mind when he used to swim in the land of the Longma flower.

Longma is known to produce a large number of bisexual tits.

and a 20 start attack.

Hmm …… not sure how much Yan Zhi is.

Yan Zhi, by the way, is also known by his nickname, Long Tongue.

Alas, Longma is back and he is no longer pure.

Yan Zhi dropped him off at the entrance of the Central Dance Academy: “What time do you get out of class? I’ll come and pick you up if I have time.”

Di Xingchen froze for a moment and said, “Six o’clock.”

Yan Zhi nodded a little and said, “Let’s go.”

Di Xingchen stood by the roadside and watched Yan Zhi’s car walk away.

For example, he didn’t ask him what time his class was going to end, he followed the question with a declarative sentence, he didn’t say “I’ll come and pick you up”, but added “if you have time”, as if he was very casual, he didn’t even give the other party a chance to refuse. He didn’t even give him a chance to say no, but left immediately after he confirmed it, without staying a second longer.

Clean and crisp.

Such a great move against him, if he used it against Wen Nuo they ……

Shake S is YYDS.

Di Xingchen didn’t have any classes today, he was mainly working with the programme team to film some of his school material. After filming, he went to the library and stayed there until almost six o’clock, when he packed his bag and left the school.

As a result, he saw the familiar Land Rover before he had even left the school gates.

Yan Zhi is leaning out of the car window, looking towards the front door of their school, the golden sunlight pouring over his head, his hair all maroon. He was fair-skinned and handsome, and with his gold-rimmed glasses, he was a man of the world.

Di Xingchen waved at him as he ran.

Yan Zhi then sits up straight, his smile bright and gentle.

“You’re here so early.” Di Xingchen opened the car door and got in: “How long have you been waiting?”

“Just a few minutes, too.”

“I was going to say earlier what if you come and pick me up and can’t find me, we didn’t even leave contact details.”

“I had nothing to do anyway, so I came over early.” Yan Zhi said.

“I’ve actually always wondered what you e-sports players do when you’re not competing.”

“We’re basically training during the week as well, which is pretty boring.” Yan Zhi says, “Recently, I’ve had more free time because I’m taking part in this variety show.”

Yan Zhi was pushed by his company. He was not originally scheduled to participate in the show, but another big shot from their team.

Their school was a bit far from the Red and Blue Lodge and they ran into traffic, so they got back to the Red and Blue Lodge a little later than he expected. The car was parked in the open garage next to the lodge and when he got out of the car, Di Xingchen looked at the few luxury cars next to him, “Looks like everyone’s back.”

Others have traded in their luxury cars.

He guessed it was Hu Ying, this time with a blue supercar.

This dude’s luxury car, like his clothes, doesn’t change from day to day.

They had just changed their shoes in the foyer when Wen Nuo came running in and froze when he saw them, “Eh, what are you two doing back together?”

” Brother Yan went to pick me up.” Di Xingchen said with a smile.

Duan Yihua They were all playing checkers in the living room, and when they heard the commotion they all looked towards the entrance.

” Has Yan Zhi gone to fetch Xingchen?” Duan Yihua asked.

The crowd rises, except for Pei Xu, who stares at the board in front of him without raising his head.

As soon as Di Xingchen came in, he said, “Sorry I’m late, everyone is hungry, I’ll make dinner right away.”

With that he ran off into his room with his school bag on his back.

Duan Yihua asked Yan Zhi: “Did you pick up Xingchen?”

Yan Zhi gave a “hmm” and said, “Just passing by.”

Hu Ying raised his eyebrows when he heard a pop and a marble rolled off the board and into Pei Xu’s lap.

When Di Xingchen returned to his room, he immediately put down his bag, went to the bathroom and when he came out, he saw Pei Xu enter.

“Good evening.” Di Xingchen greeted him with a smile.

Pei Xu just said “hmm” and didn’t even look at him.

Di Xingchen was so intent on making dinner that he ran out in a panic.

Pei Xu turned his head to look at him, and glanced again towards the camera in the small living room.

Staff: “Is he angry?”

“I thought he was pretty good-tempered when we were playing checkers earlier.”

” Producer Zhou says he’s like that, he’s unpredictable.”

“He didn’t just play a game and win all the time, a bunch of people kissing his rainbow ass, what’s he got to be mad about.”

“What a strange character this man has, it’s a pity he has such a handsome face.”

Pei Xu, of course, didn’t hear the staff’s tirades. He was alone on the sofa in the small living room for a while, hearing the buzz outside and most clearly Di Xingchen’s voice, which was clear and lively.

Seems to be in a real good mood today.

Huo Cheng was the last to return, and when he did, he saw a crowd of people gathered in the kitchen watching Di Xingchen cook.

“Why are you all standing around in the kitchen?” He asked with a smile.

“We’re worshipping Brother Zhai’s knife skills.” Hu Ying says.

Huo Cheng smiled, looked around and asked, “I can’t believe I’m not the last one back? Pei Xu is actually later than me.”

“He came back early and went to his room.” Wen Nuo said.

“I don’t know what one is doing in the room.” Hu Ying said.

Huo Cheng went back to change his clothes, and when he came out, he went to the next room and pushed the door to see Pei Xu lying on the sofa.

“What for?” Huo Cheng asked.

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Pei Xu sat up and said, “Nothing.”

“Don’t be alone in the room, come out and talk with us.” Huo Cheng said.

Pei Xu says: “Haunted.”

Huo Cheng smiles: “It’s the crowds that make it lively. Go and see Xingchen’s knife work, I’m tired of saying the word bull.”

It was a short day and Hu Ying and Duan Yihua were on a diet, so he only made a few salads, a pasta dish and two cold dishes. In less than half an hour, dinner was ready.

“Dinner’s ready.” Di Xingchen shouted.

Everyone is moving towards the table, with Di Xingchen walking purposely at the end.

You know that every dinner row is also a classic scene of romance and variety!

When people are watching each other, the crew usually give close-ups of everyone’s face, what with all the cautious glances, who wants to sit with whom and who wants to sit opposite each other, the editing makes people stomp their feet in excitement.

Ahhhhhhhh, get ambiguous!

Duan Yihua was the first to sit down.

Wen Nuo was his usual self, waiting for someone else to pick the spot first.

Just like Di Xingchen in the original, he is honest.

Hu Ying asked Yan Zhi directly, “Where are you sitting?”

Yan Zhi looked at Di Xingchen and the others, but chose the seat he had taken at lunchtime, the one on the far left.

Hu Ying sat directly opposite him.

Yan Zhi took a sip from his glass of water and turned his head towards Di Xingchen.

The restaurant was a bit cramped with all the long-legged, handsome men, and Lin Qingning smiled and asked, “Shall we sit separately in red and blue?”

“No need, sit anywhere.” Duan Yihua said.

Lin Qingning took the seat where Di Xingchen sat at noon, to the right of Yan Zhi.

A person who is normally very gentle and sensible has inexplicably become more aggressive.

He, like Yan Zhi, is wearing gold-rimmed glasses today.

Yan Zhi put down his glass of water and his throat twitched.

” Pei Xu!” Di Xingchen shouted, “Come out for dinner.”

Wen Nuo is sitting next to Duan Yihua.

Huo Cheng sits next to Lin Qingning, directly opposite Wen Nuo.

Only the last two seats remain, the two furthest from the window, one directly opposite the other on the left and the other on the right.

Di Xingchen is now sitting next to Huo Cheng.

He would leave the opportunity to sit next to Wen Nuo to Pei Xu.

Pei Xu was the last to arrive and had no choice, so he took a seat next to Wen Nuo.

“Did you go back to looking at stocks?” Duan Yihua asked Pei Xu.

“He has a mobile phone?” Huo Cheng asked.

“Don’t you know, he’s the only one here who has the privilege that the programme team didn’t take his phone.” Hu Ying said.

“He needs it for work.” Di Xingchen explains as he gives out the noodles.

Pei Xu needs to keep up to date with current events. Domestic funds are a policy market and can be easily influenced by positive and negative news.

“I’ve actually always been curious about what fund managers do… funds usually open at 9.30am and close at 3pm, right, so what do you do the rest of the time?” Duan Yihua said.

“No wonder he’s back so early today.” Wen Nuo said.

“Is he back early?”

Wen Nuo nodded, “I think he came back before five. He was already there when I came back.”

“We can all have a good chat after dinner and I’m interested in what so many people are doing.” Hu Ying said.

“Do we have to guess each other’s professions?” Huo Cheng asks.

“Do we have to guess?” Lin Qingning asked, “Or do we pretend we don’t know.”

“We all seem to work on different things, so we can have a good chat.” Hu Ying says.

“This bolognese is delicious.” Pei Xu said suddenly.

“I think it’s delicious too.” Duan Yihua picked up a tissue and carefully pressed the corner of his mouth, ” Xingchen is a really good cook.”

“My wish is that I can open a restaurant in the future.” Di Xingchen says.

“Didn’t you study dance?” Duan Yihua asked.

Di Xingchen says: “But I’m more interested in the food.”

“It’s exasperating, doing well, eating a lot, and people are still so skinny.” Hu Ying said.

As Pei Xu was sitting opposite him, Di Xingchen looked up at him and noticed that Pei Xu seemed to have a good appetite tonight.

Because he ate a lot, he soon finished his plate of pasta.

Di Xingchen immediately stood up and held out his hand.

Pei Xu then handed him the plate in his hand.

“Is it good?” He asked.

Pei Xu says: “Delicious.”

He served another portion to Pei Xu, who actually wiped it out again.

He only made the normal eight servings, but since Hu Ying and the others only ate most of them in the evening, there was a lot left over and Pei Xu basically ate the rest by herself.

Huo Cheng sipped his water and said, “What have you done today, you’re so hungry.”

After dinner it was time for the eight of them to have their first chat, Huo Cheng volunteered to do the dishes and Di Xingchen went back to his room and took a shower.

Coming out of the shower, Lin Qingning said, “The crew said it’s a beautiful sunset outside, so we should go for a walk on the beach.”

Di Xingchen glanced out of the window and saw a sky full of golden red, with clouds that were so thickly coloured that they could not be painted in oil.

It was a hot day and everyone was dressed in cool clothes, but Yan Zhi was the only one who still wore trousers and a shirt, and he was so ascetic that he looked like a man in a pictorial.

Di Xingchen just wore a pair of fancy trousers and a white t-shirt, and when he saw that everyone was going to the beach and it was suggested by the show, apparently wanting them all to look good, he went back and changed into a fancy shirt.

But of them all, it is Hu Ying who attracts the most attention.

He wore a fiery red shirt, more brilliant than the evening sun in the sky. Even in a pile of handsome men, he was the most eye-catching one.

Di Xingchen couldn’t help but keep looking at Hu Ying and kept exclaiming, ” Hu Ying is so beautiful. ”

Hu Ying glanced back after hearing this, and his eyebrows grew even more smug.

They were particularly close to the beach here, walking five or six hundred metres to the beach, and because of the filming, the programme crew had a cordon and a bunch of onlookers were filming them with their mobile phones.

Di Xingchen had gone ahead long ago, and Huo Cheng had been walking with Hu Ying. The sea breeze blew over with a faint fishy smell, and the blue sea and red sky were too gorgeous to be earthly.

“Look at Xingchen’s legs ……” Hu Ying said as he stared at Di Xingchen’s legs in front of her.

Huo Cheng was talking to Wen Nuo when he glanced at Di Xingchen’s legs. The sea breeze was blowing and Di Xingchen’s loose, thin, floral trousers were sticking to his body, revealing his firm, rounded buttocks, but the best part was his legs, long, white and straight.

He hadn’t noticed before that he was so well-proportioned, he was nearly 5’9″ and Di Xingchen was just over 5’8″, but he thought Di Xingchen’s legs might be even longer than his.

The legs were so hairless and white that for the first time an odd emotion rose in Huo Cheng’s heart as he walked, glancing every now and then at Di Xingchen’s legs as the setting sun grew redder and redder, painting them with a honey-coloured light.

The sea breeze came up in a gust, wrapped in waves, and Di Xingchen took off his shoes and walked into the water carrying them: “It’s not cold.”

Yan Zhi, Lin Qingning and Duan Yihua didn’t come over, but Hu Ying and Wen Nuo ran over to tread water with him. Huo Cheng rolled up his trouser legs and suddenly said to Di Xingchen, “Look at my hairy legs ……”

Di Xingchen glanced at his legs. Huo Cheng’s calves were strong and athletic, and his legs were hairier than the average boy’s, so hairy that when the waves hit them, they all stuck to his legs.

Huo Cheng laughs at himself.

Di Xingchen said, “I don’t even have leg hair.”

He was regretful in tone.

I didn’t expect Huo Cheng to say, “It’s nice to be naked, I like hairless legs.”

” Where’s Pei Xu?” Hu Ying asked, “Isn’t he out?”

Di Xingchen realised that Pei Xu was not there.

“Where did he go?” He asked against the sea breeze.

“He said he had eaten up and had come out for a walk.” Wen Nuo laughed.

The orange sunset shone on his face, and Huo Cheng was lost in his gaze.

Huo Cheng took a big step forward and scooped him up. Di Xingchen was soaked to the skin and still smiling, so youthful, reckless and spontaneous.

Huo Cheng helps him to stand, and because they are not standing up straight, they are almost equal in size, only their bones are different in width and thinness, Huo Cheng looks down the back of his neck, the wet shirt and trousers sink and undulate against his back, healthy, long, youthful.

He was more glorious than this rosy evening sun, as if all the light of the world had fallen on him.

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