Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 7: CH 7

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Duan Yihua They all got a little restless, took off their shoes, rolled up their trouser legs, and tried to walk into the sea.

Lin Qingning turned back to Yan Zhi and asked, “Aren’t you going into the water?”

Yan Zhi shakes his head.

Lin Qingning thought about it, but finally stayed with Yan Zhi.

Lin Qingning was still not used to the camera shooting like this, but Yan Zhi was used to it and was perfect in the light of the sea and sky.

He was gentle, gentlemanly, and just the right amount of detached, and Lin Qingning’s mind was in turmoil when he thought of his fierce and aggressive style of play during the game.

Hu Ying bends down and pours water on his legs, glancing back at Yan Zhi and Lin Qingning every now and then.

As the sunset light dims, twilight floats up from the sea and the wind becomes cooler, the crew suggest they don’t wait to go back and talk in the living room and kick off their season of professional age disclosure right on the beach.

“But Pei Xu is not here.” Hu Ying said.

“We’ve contacted him and he’ll be here in a minute.” The staff member said.

Di Xingchen asked, “Where did he go?”

“He went over to Pontoon Hill.”

The sun was about to set, a flame-like light at the intersection of sea and sky, but the clouds were darkened, a golden light wavering on the sea, broken and reunited.

Di Xingchen was collecting shells along the beach when, from a distance, I saw a familiar figure, slowly emerging from the twilight, surrounded by the dark blue sea and the pale, thin white moonlight.

The other man’s stance was so superior that it reminded him of a European or American film where the moment when the hero comes out of the mist is a classic.

Pei Xu is such a natural jjwxc leading man.

He then stood up and waved a hand at Pei Xu.

When Pei Xu approached, he smiled and asked, “I hear you’ve been eating a lot?”

But Pei Xu asked, “What did you do to yourself, you look like a chicken.”

Di Xingchen said, “I just slipped in the sea by accident.”

“Is it cold?”

Di Xingchen says: “It’s okay.”

Not cold, just sticky and uncomfortable.

“Let’s go, everyone is waiting for you.” Di Xingchen said.

“You’re picking up shells?” Pei Xu asks.

“Right.” Di Xingchen said and showed him a few shells he had just picked up.

Pei Xu held out his hand, “These are for you.”

A tiger-spotted shell, an oversized landscape painted roan, and a purple starfish.

“It’s so pretty.” Di Xingchen said.

The sound is one of suppressed excitement.

“You like this?”

“They can be made into crafts.” Di Xingchen says, “Some can even be painted on.”

Pei Xu gave a “hmm”.

“You’ve given me these?”

“There you go.”

Pei Xu said.

Huo Cheng They had already sat down on the beach, except for Yan Zhi who was crouching on the ground, cleanliness-obsessed and afraid of getting dirty.

Di Xingchen sits cross-legged on the empty seat between Yan Zhi and Wen Nuo.

Yan Zhi looked at what he was holding, “I picked up a few for you too.”

With that, he gave Di Xingchen a few shells.

Pei Xu glanced towards them.

Duan Yihua They looked at Pei Xu and said, “How far you’ve come.”

Pei Xu didn’t sit down, but walked straight towards the crew and came back a short while later with a plaid shirt, which he threw over Di Xingchen’s knee.

Di Xingchen looks back at the shell Yan Zhi has given him.

“Thanks.” Immediately he pulled off the damp floral shirt he was wearing, and Huo Cheng and the others all stared at his white body.

A dancer’s body is just as good, light and well-muscled, with a slim and supple waist that is both rigid and supple.

“Why are you so white.” Hu Ying hated it.

It’s really creamy and milky white.

Yan Zhi’s eyes unconsciously glanced towards Di Xingchen’s chest, his thin lips pursed slightly, and then up at his follow-up shot before dropping his eyes and reaching out to fiddle with the shells on the beach.

Huo Cheng smiles a little and raises his hand to rub his nose.

No wonder it smelled milky, he thought.

Pei Xu, however, spoke up at this point and said, “There’s a camera, don’t you want to watch your image?”

Di Xingchen laughed and immediately looked to the camera crew next to her, “Cut it out for me.”

Once everyone was seated, the crew brought another ambient light and placed it between them.

“I thought we were going to skip this party,” Hu Ying said, “We don’t need to guess careers, we all know each other more or less, right?”

“Wen Nuo and Xingchen are harder to guess,” says Lin Qingning. Lin Qingning said.

” Xingchen is a university student.” Huo Cheng said.

“College students?” Duan Yihua They looked to Di Xingchen .

Di Xingchen nodded, “Sophomore.”

Well, he knew that once it was announced here, he was completely PASSED by them.

Sure enough, Hu Ying immediately said, “I want to talk to the show, what do you mean by finding a male college student for us?”

“Little titties under the year.” Huo Cheng said, looking over at Di Xingchen.

The ambient light given to them by the crew was golden, and when the night was thick, the light splashed on several people’s faces as if a beauty filter had been added, and their eyes looked all deep in emotion.

” What about Wen Nuo? He looks very young too.” Huo Cheng said.

“Students?” Yan Zhi guessed.

Wen Nuo looked over at Pei Xu and the others, who said lightly, “I guess it’s a student too.”

“I worked.” Wen Nuo says.

He was probably a bit self-conscious and shy, and when he finished he covered his own mouth and smiled first, his ears all red.

“You’ve already graduated from university?” Hu Ying said in surprise, “I thought you were a student too, you look about the same age as Xingchen.”

Wen Nuo did not go to university and if he continued to guess what he did, the group of rich kids who did not know the hardships of the world would have to guess higher, which would make Wen Nuo even more embarrassed, so Di Xingchen said, “We can’t guess.

“I opened a cake shop with a friend.” Wen Nuo says.

“No wonder you told me in the kitchen today that you could help if you had to make desserts.” Di Xingchen said, “Well, I’ll have to learn to make desserts, I can do everything but desserts.”

Wen Nuo smiles and lies on his knees, embarrassed, soft and pitiful.

In fact, today’s age-related professional disclosure is a hurdle for Wen Nuo.

It was only at this point in time that he could realise more profoundly how far apart he was from this group of heavenly beings.

Some people are born into a life that he will never be able to catch up with. There is no such thing as equality in life, but for someone like him to be a guest in a love show where the rich and famous are all together is like having a bicycle in a bunch of luxury cars, or a bunch of high luxury designer clothes mixed with a piece of ground floor stuff.

So he hides himself with a shy smile.

But Di Xingchen gave him a certain sense of security.

They are kindred spirits, cherishing and pitying each other.

He even felt that Di Xingchen was sitting next to him on purpose.

Di Xingchen was so open and warm, with no trace of inferiority complex, and it gave him a lot of courage.

Feeling a little chilly from the sea breeze, he moved a little closer to Di Xingchen.

Apart from the two true vegetarians, the careers of the rest of the group instantly brought up the quality of their show.

It goes without saying that all three male leads are already notorious figures.

Hu Ying is one of the most popular figures on the Internet.

Duan Yihua founded a milk tea shop called A Little Sweet, which has recently become an internet sensation and is very famous, with more than a dozen chain shops in the South City alone.

Mature, stable and career-oriented, doesn’t this kind of big brother smell good?

Do attack fragrant, do suffer more fragrant, through red face to sit on their own words to move ……

OK, it’s time to live with your brain.

Lin Qingning, a Yale graduate with a master’s degree, is now the youngest professor at a university in China and the most knowledgeable of all the guests.

Compared to Yan Zhi’s ascetic, almost sensual, aura, Lin Qingning is the real sexually cool type.

Just a very bland, very restrained kind of desire.

Well, I can’t say for a moment who would smell better as a nian gaijin, him or Duan Yihua.

The contrast is really killing me, and I want to become a brother for a second.

You are reading story Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That at novel35.com

They ended up guessing their respective ages again.

Everyone is a decent person and guesses at a younger age.

Finally everyone announced their age in turn.

Duan Yihua, the oldest, has just celebrated his 30th birthday.

Huo Cheng and Lin Qingning are the same age, both 28.

Hu Ying and Yan Zhi are the same age, both 24.

Pei Xu aged 25 and Wen Nuo 22.

Di Xingchen is two years younger than Wen Nuo at 20.

“Twenty ……” Hu Ying laughs.

Huo Cheng glanced up at the night sky and saw a bright Xingchen.


After stargazing and looking down again, I caught a glimpse of Di Xingchen’s long, white legs propped up.

When there was nothing to talk about at the end, we all sat on the beach watching the moon and listening to the sound of the waves.

“If it wasn’t for this programme, there would be very few opportunities like this to sit around so leisurely.” Duan Yihua said.

“Are you very busy at work?” Hu Ying asks.

Duan Yihua nods: “Being on this show is kind of the only vacation I’ve given myself in the past two years.”

“By the way, have you all been interviewed during the daytime?” Hu Ying seemed suddenly excited. Hu Ying seemed to have a sudden interest, “Did the crew ask you who you were most impressed with? Who did you all say?”

“I haven’t.” Yan Zhi said.

Hu Ying then looked at Di Xingchen and the others.

Duan Yihua and Lin Qingning both sat up straighter and could see that they were both concerned.

“Can we talk about this?” Huo Cheng said, “This has to be confidential, right?”

Di Xingchen says: “I definitely can’t say, it’s not the same as the heartwarming text I’m going to send later.”

“That’s not necessarily true, the person I was most impressed with as I told the show was not the person I wanted to send a heartfelt text to tonight.” Hu Ying said before dropping his gaze rather ambiguously onto Yan Zhi.

It looks like Pei Xu has been changed to Yan Zhi, Di Xingchen thought.

Just as he thought the conversation was ending, he heard Pei Xu across from him say, “I chose Di Xingchen.”

At his words, there was instant silence, and you could see that everyone was stunned.

Even Di Xingchen herself was surprised and looked up at Pei Xu.

Everyone laughed, and Hu Ying said, “Huh? I thought you had to choose between red and blue!”

Duan Yihua : “Me too.”

“They say they don’t specify the scope.” Pei Xu said.

Di Xingchen explains, “That’s true, it’s not like I like anyone, I just ask who I’m most impressed with.”

“And who do you remember most?” Pei Xu asked suddenly.

The tone of voice is slightly slower, with a touch of carelessness.

Di Xingchen froze for a moment.

Pei Xu is not known for being difficult to communicate with, but he was so active this evening.

But he knew that this was exactly what the show needed; the romance variety was supposed to be bland, relying on the guests to interact with each other, whether it was the fireworks of sabre-rattling or the ambiguous pink scent of romance.

He detected the faint sensation of gunpowder.

Did Pei Xu see him as one of the threats?

He’s the least threatening of them all!

He smiled and looked at Pei Xu, who looked quite serious.

His features are well defined and when he is serious he looks somewhat stern and compelling.

He looks at Yan Zhi and Huo Cheng, who is smiling, and Yan Zhi, who is expressionless, with a straight nose and thin lips, handsome as a jade in the light.

A few other guests were completely watching the show and all looked at him expectantly.

Wen Nuo also rubbed his hands together with excitement.

Di Xingchen grasps the landscape painting in his hand.

” Yan Zhi .” He said.

Yan Zhi then grinned softly at the corners of his mouth.

“Why?” Huo Cheng asked.

“He’s picking me up and dropping me off today.”

“I was also most impressed with Yan Zhi,” Hu Ying says.

“What, did he pick you up and drop you off too?” Duan Yihua asks with a smile.

“He’s a man of outstanding qualities, you see what we’re wearing and then you see what he’s wearing.” Hu Ying said, “What a male virtue.”

Everyone just laughed.

“Do you dress like this in summer?” Duan Yihua asked Yan Zhi. Duan Yihua asked Yan Zhi.

“Get used to it.” Yan Zhi says.

Yan Zhi is an extremely ascetic person.

When he explodes one day, it will be a scary, usually arms and legs are rarely shown male virtues model, love desire to explode can not be naked body cuddled together every day, this is not exciting? This is not a good smell?

The Longma Mens de Pie exposed for one person only!

You are the only person in the world who can see me naked, and this is my most sincere confession to you.


His eyes met Yan Zhi’s and there was a smile in them. Yan Zhi’s eyes seem to be hiding an ocean, majestic and deep.

Pei Xu stood up.

The sea breeze was cooling down, it was winter after all, and even the warm southern city was a bit chilly at night, so Duan Yihua said, “Let’s go back, I feel a bit cold.”

Everyone got up from the beach and walked back together.

What followed was their first heartfelt texting moment at the Red and Blue Lodge.

Di Xingchen couldn’t guess who all these guests would be sending to.

In the original they all sent the first day’s text to Pei Xu, but that was because Yan Zhi hadn’t arrived by this time in the original, and according to his observations, Yan Zhi was now attracting the attention of almost all the guests.

Di Xingchen looked up to see Pei Xu walking in front of him.

” Pei Xu .”

Pei Xu turns back, both hands in his trouser pockets, cool and handsome in the night.

Di Xingchen chased after her: “Which staff member owns this dress?”

Pei Xu said, “Didn’t remember.”

Di Xingchen : “……”

He then went to the programme and asked for it. Pei Xu watched him run away and continued on his way.

Lin Qingning leaned towards him and said, “Since you’ve decided to come on this show, have fun, think of it as a job, and cooperate with the crew a bit more, Auntie Zhou is worried sick.”

Pei Xu says: “I can’t act.”

“I know you can’t act, so take a little initiative.” Lin Qingning says.

Pei Xu didn’t say anything, but Lin Qingning said as he walked along, “Don’t you think it’s actually very interesting? A group of people who barely know each other come together because of a variety show, and whether or not they really want to fall in love, or whether they can fall in love, it’s a unique memory. I hope that in the future, when it’s over, or when you look back at the show many years later, you won’t feel any regrets.”

Pei Xu then turned his head and looked at Lin Qingning. Lin Qingning gave him a small smile.

Pei Xu gave a “hmm”.

After Di Xingchen had identified the original owner of the clothes, he came back to the group. Yan Zhi kept looking back at him, and when he came up to him, he asked, “What are you doing?”

“I’ll ask Pei Xu whose clothes he took.”

“It’s still him who thinks ahead.” Yan Zhi said.

He only thought he was wearing a shirt because he wasn’t wearing a bottom, otherwise he would have taken it off and given it to Di Xingchen, not even thinking to ask the programme team for it.

“Are you guys going on holiday soon too?” Yan Zhi asked.

Di Xingchen gave a “hmm”, “This month.”

“Is there an exam coming up?”

“The last two days of next week, a culture class and a big final exam.” Di Xingchen said.

“Is your big final exam a form of cultural performance?”

Di Xingchen nodded.

Yan Zhi was thoughtful, but did not say anything.

He recalls Di Xingchen, whom he saw at the Central Dance Academy final exam last year.

Dressed in red, he danced a famous piece from the classical dance, ‘The Flying Sky’, on a golden stage, with a combination of rigidity and softness, floating like an immortal entering the mortal world.

The audience applauded after the dance, and he settled on the stage in a flying flower pose, his clothes flying, and he finally knew why some dances can be so beautiful that they make people want to cry.

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