Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 81: CH 81

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The temperature outside was even colder than yesterday, the wind was not strong but it was bone chilling.

Hu Ying said, "I thought it was cold in the small theatre, but when I came out, I realised it was even colder outside.

The staff smiled and said, "Put on your hats and gloves, keep warm, and watch your feet."

As soon as the staff member said this, Duan Yihua's foot slipped.

Di Xingchen was next to him and hurriedly grabbed him with one hand.

Duan Yihua only felt a hand grab him and lift him up with great force.

"Thank you." He turned his head and saw that it was Di Xingchen.

Di Xingchen let go of him and said, "Be careful."

Duan Yihua's heart suddenly heated up and he let out a "hmmm".

He felt that Di Xingchen seemed particularly subdued tonight.

Di Xingchen is usually similar to Hu Ying, very sunny and lively, the vivacity of a young boy, but this evening Di Xingchen seems much more stable.

It looks extraordinarily calm and upright.

"Our group has been divided, so is it time to divide up the houses?" Hu Ying asked. Hu Ying asked.

Guo Bing said, "We'll go back and split it later."

"In this cold weather, is room 3 still available? I definitely don't want to stay here anymore!" Hu Ying said.

Pei Xu and Yan Zhi were walking at the end of the line, and Pei Xu turned his head to look at Yan Zhi and asked, "You're freezing, aren't you?"

Yan Zhi, his nose red from the cold, said bravely, "It's okay."

The camera behind him suddenly slipped, but fortunately the crew around him held him in place. When Pei Xu looked back, he saw that the camera crew had no gloves on and his hands were red with cold, so he took his own gloves off and handed them over.

The camera brother said, "You wear it."

Pei Xu, as usual, shakes the glove in his hand.

The staff all knew his character and the staff member next to the camera took it and said, "Thanks Brother Pei."

Pei Xu tucked his hands into the pockets of his down jacket and continued on his way, working with the crew to put on his gloves as soon as he was photographed.

"I can barely feel my hands." Said with the shooting statue.

Some of the roads were not cleared of snow, so they crunched as their feet stepped on them. Wen Nuo suddenly shouted, "Look at this, it's beautiful."

The crowd looked around and saw that all the buildings in the small North Pole were lit up, but the roofs were all covered with a thick white snow almost half a metre high, the scene, like a fairy tale world.

It's cold here, but it's really romantic.

Huo Cheng turns his head to look at Di Xingchen next to him, only to lock eyes with Hu Ying on the other side of Di Xingchen.

Huo Cheng raised an eyebrow when he saw Hu Ying's unpleasant expression.

Hu Ying immediately took Di Xingchen's arm: "It's cold, Xingchen."

Di Xingchen's heart skips a beat as he is held by Hu Ying.

He and Hu Ying will never be good sisters again.

But after holding him for a few seconds, Hu Ying let go of his own hand.

Hu Ying suddenly felt embarrassed.

He lifted his scarf to cover the lower half of his face and followed Di Xingchen, step by step, towards Room 1.

The wind was blowing a bit and everyone stopped for a bit to catch the wind. Di Xingchen was just about to put his hat on a little deeper when he saw Pei Xu go ahead of him.

The wind in his face is instantly less, and Pei Xu's wide down jacket looks like a narrow wall.

It is not clear whether he inadvertently happened to walk into this position or whether he deliberately went upwind to block those winds for him.

Once back in Room 1, the group had some hot water and sat down at the dining table.

It was so warm in Room 1 that they all took off their thick down jackets.

"Say, director, what's the split going to be."

It was the grouping of the guests that was important, but Guo Bing didn't think it was so important which house they were in.

"Let's draw lots." Guo Bing said.

Everyone just laughed and said, "Another lottery."

"It's good that we don't have to use PK," Wen Nuo says.

"You guys talk it over and send someone from each group." Guo Bing said.

Hu Ying looked at the group, "Now it's Xingchen and Pei Xu, Brother Huo and Brother Duan, Wen Nuo and Yan Zhi, and me and Qingning, right?"

A set of blue-blue, a set of red-red and two sets of red-blue.

Di Xingchen looked over to Pei Xu behind him, who said, "You do it."

Di Xingchen then raised his hand for a moment.

Finally he, Hu Ying, Huo Cheng, and Wen Nuo came forward.

Guo Bing took four toothpicks, broke three of them off and made four different lengths of toothpicks and snapped them into four ceramic mugs/> You can see that Guo Bing had a great time tonight.

He smiled and said, "Take your pick. Room 1234 in order from longest to shortest."

"I'll go first then." Hu Ying said.

With that he held out his hand, selected one and opened it to see that it was the longest.

"Yes!" Hu Ying said excitedly, "I don't have to live in a broken house anymore!"

Wen Nuo was asked to choose first, so he took the one closest to the edge and opened it to see that it was the shortest.

" Wen Nuo doesn't need to move." Hu Ying said, "It's still a hotel."

Huo Cheng allows Di Xingchen to choose first.

Di Xingchen chose one, and the remaining one went to Huo Cheng.

They both opened their glasses at the same time and Hu Ying clapped his hands and laughed out loud, " Pei Xu doesn't need to change rooms either!"

Di Xingchen has chosen Room 3.

Huo Cheng has chosen Room 2.

Huo Cheng actually wanted to switch with Di Xingchen. For one thing, Room 3 was in the worst condition and he didn't want Di Xingchen to live in such a poor house, and for another, Pei Xu had been living in Room 3 for two days and was not resting well.

But he can't do it alone now, after all, Duan Yihua still lives with him and he can't be a good person alone.

Duan Yihua would actually like to change.

But rooms two and three both have only one bed.

But room two was a king-size room, and when he and Lin Qingning stayed there, they slept under one duvet and never touched each other for two days, and the bed was big enough.

He had seen the fire bed in room three and it was much smaller. Huo Cheng is tall and his feet will probably show. Pei Xu and Di Xingchen were fine sleeping together, as they were both Blue guests, but he and Huo Cheng didn't feel comfortable sleeping in a bed that was too small.

They are, after all, a sensitive red and blue pair.

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But he finally couldn't resist asking, "Are you going to switch with us?"

When Huo Cheng heard this, he immediately said the same thing: "Do you want to change it?"

Di Xingchen felt that there was not much difference between room two and room three, not to mention that he was the worst house, and it was not good to let others stay in the bad ones and go to the good ones themselves, saying, "No, I have just stayed in the best, it is good to experience the worst experience."

He's already a bit of a broken man.

Since he knew that he and Pei Xu were going to live together.

Everywhere was a place of restoration, where could he escape to.

He didn't have much choice.

"You can come and stay with us in room one." Hu Ying said. Hu Ying said, "You can come and sleep with us, there are four of us, we can squeeze in, we can still fit in two beds. I don't have a cleanliness problem anyway."

I stepped on Yan Zhi by the way.

"It's better to follow the rules of the show, then." Huo Cheng said immediately.

Hu Ying is trying to share a bed with Di Xingchen, right?

Those two single beds in room one are so small!

"Yes, let's respect the rules of our move in." Guo Bing said, "It's getting late and we're all tired today, so let's move early and get some rest."

Pei Xu didn't need to move, so he stayed in Room 1 to help Di Xingchen. Wen Nuo didn't need to move either, so he stayed behind and planned to go with Yan Zhi.

Because Yan Zhi was still there, Pei Xu and Wen Nuo still did not go into their bedroom, they waited outside in the living room.

Wen Nuo glanced at Pei Xu and saw that he was squeezing his glass of water and his long fingers kept tapping the table lightly.

"Dang, dang, dang."

"Why are your hands freezing so badly." Wen Nuo asked.

Pei Xu reached up to look at his finger, his pinky was swollen even more.

He stood up and asked Di Xingchen, "Is it all packed?"

"It's almost there." Di Xingchen said. Pei Xu then said, "Why don't you give me one of your suitcases first. I'll send it to you first."

Di Xingchen came out with a suitcase and said, "There's still some toiletries, I'll pack them."

Pei Xu gave a "hmm" and said, "I'll send it to you first."

Di Xingchen purses his lips and glances at Pei Xu, who looks really, really flat.

This blandness all but made him feel that everything during the day was an illusion.

But in any case, Pei Xu's calmness soothed his somewhat overwhelmed heart.

He thought it would be better to live with Pei Xu than with Yan Zhi, Huo Cheng or Hu Ying.

At least Pei Xu is very light.

For goodness sake, he has learned to comfort himself.

Pei Xu comes out of Room 1 with Di Xingchen's suitcase and heads to Room 3 alone.

He walked fast, faster and faster, and eventually he simply ran, the night as cold as it was, and his panting was obvious in the darkness. The cold wind poured into his lungs and he coughed twice, but his eyes were that bright.

Hu Ying had just packed his bags when Pei Xu came in with his suitcase.

"Are you done packing?" Pei Xu asked him.

Hu Ying said, "Okay."

He had a lot of luggage.

Pei Xu helped him carry two boxes directly: "Let's go."

Hu Ying said, "My box is very heavy."

"It's okay." Pei Xu said under his breath.

Hu Ying hurriedly followed, carrying his bag and pushing another suitcase. He walks behind Pei Xu, the cold wind blowing over him.

Pei Xu has stayed in the most dilapidated house again, why is he not depressed at all?

If he had, he would have sulked.

They helped each other move and it probably took them nearly an hour to finish changing the house.

Everyone ended up staying in Room 1, having some hot porridge and chatting for a while.

" What about Brother Pei?" Wen Nuo asked.

Pei Xu is no longer in Room 1.

"Yeah, where's Pei Xu?" The staff member asked.

Someone pointed to the monitor in room three, "It's working."

The surveillance footage shows Pei Xu hard at work, putting a hot water kettle on the cooker, putting a new sheet cover over the bed and crouching beside the fire, fumbling with the fire to make it burn.

"It's not easy, Brother Pei is finally springing into life." Staff said.

"A few joys and a few sorrows."

"It's just a different style." Screenwriter Liu laments.

Guo Bing looks over at her.

Writer Liu says, "Really everyone has a different personality and does different things. Some are romantic and passionate, some are coarse but fine, some are embellished, so how can you choose?"

Guo Bing just laughed.

"That's what makes it look good. One branch is not enough to make a monastery, it's all about a hundred flowers and turnips and cabbages."

Pei Xu struggled for half a day and finally managed to get the fire going. He threw the coals in and the flames roasted his hands and made them hurt and itch. He crouched down next to it and the firelight turned his face red and his ears red.

He stood up, put on his cotton hat, zipped it up and went out the door, appearing in a short time at the inn where the programme team was staying.

"Do you have any more quilts that you haven't used."

Guo Bing asks, "Don't you have enough quilts?"

"Give me another bed." Pei Xu said.

The programme was well prepared with supplies, so he was given another quilt.

"What does he want with the quilt?"

"Who knows."

Everyone watches the monitor and in a few moments Pei Xu returns with the quilt in his arms. He had taken the quilt apart and put another layer on the bed.

He was not very good at making the bed and folding the quilt, so after making it for half a day, he probably felt the pain and simply folded it up and only made the inside half.

"Oh, so Di Xingchen is Princess Pea, right? he's afraid the bedpan will be too hard and hurt him." Guo Bing joked.

" Whether Di Xingchen is Princess Pea or not I don't know, he certainly is in Stinky Face's mind." The man next to him laughed.

"I'd like to see how much he's going to do tonight. Keep an eye on him, cut him out and put him in the film!" Guo Bing said. Guo Bing said.

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