Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 82: CH 82

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He closed the door and left the light on inside, which looked warm and golden from the outside.

Outside, the snow is white, the light of the snow blends with the night, and only the north wind whistles.

Pei Xu pulls two hats out of his pocket and puts them on the two snowmen, who seem to have taken on a human touch.

" Is Brother Pei in a good mood right now?" His follow up shot asks with a smile.

Pei Xu's smile used to freeze when he noticed the camera was trying to film him, and he seemed particularly uncomfortable, or uncomfortable, with the idea of showing his mood to the camera.

But this time he didn't, he smiled and asked in a relaxed tone, "How's that, does it look good?"

The camera brother looked at the two snowmen and said, "Chubby is cute."

Pei Xu has a blue hat for the two snowmen, and a blue and white checkered one.

This is a hint of a blue-blue match.

After a long day of practice and a few trips to and from the house, everyone was tired and sleepy, so they finished their porridge and went home to rest.

Hu Ying asked Di Xingchen: " Xingchen, are you sure you don't want to stay here? Room 3 is not only cold, but the bed is also very hard, so it's not comfortable to sleep on. If you stay here, we can squeeze in together and have a chat."

Before Di Xingchen could say anything, Huo Cheng said, "I'm so tired, how can I have the energy to talk? Unlike you, you had a day off and basically didn't practice anything."

"It's not because someone learns to dance and can't learn, that's why Xingchen is so tired." Hu Ying says.

Di Xingchen: These two are love rivals.

"You do look a bit tired." Yan Zhi looked at Di Xingchen and said, "It's really late, I think Qingning is dozing off, let's go."

Lin Qingning smiled shyly at this.

He is in a rather low mood.

Because he was the worst performer of all the performances today, and he had to while his son, he didn't dare to go online to read the comments of the netizens until now.

"Let's go then." Di Xingchen said.

Although back in room three, there was a wolf over there too, but it was better than sitting here surrounded by wolves.

When everyone came out of Room 1, Huo Cheng looked up and said, "Look, there are so many stars."

The sky was clear and starry after the snow, more magnificent than the day they arrived.

The clarity of the starry sky calmed Di Xingchen's mind. He breathes in the cold air outside and turns his head to see Huo Cheng's affectionate eyes.

He suddenly remembered something Huo Cheng had said to him.

He says that Di Xingchen is a name that people will never forget.

Di Xingchen slung his backpack over his shoulder.

When they reached the second room, Huo Cheng and Duan Yihua separated from them. Di Xingchen heard Huo Cheng calling him as soon as they separated.

They looked back and saw Huo Cheng running towards them.

At that moment, not only Di Xingchen, but also Wen Nuo and Yan Zhi were nervous, thinking that Huo Cheng had suddenly lost control of his feelings and was about to explode.

Huo Cheng said, "I forgot to give you something," Huo Cheng said and took out an ointment from his pocket, "Frostbite medicine for Pei Xu, take it back to him."

Wen Nuo breathed a long sigh of relief and couldn't help but laugh at the shock he had just felt.

Di Xingchen took the ointment into his hand and said, "Good."

"Let's go." Huo Cheng said, "Good night."

"Good night."

Huo Cheng took two steps and then looked back at Di Xingchen.

Why didn't he and Di Xingchen get a room together?

If he could live with Di Xingchen, he would be so excited he wouldn't be able to sleep all night!

I'm so jealous of that Pei Xu kid. And Yan Zhi and Hu Ying, who are always competing with him. If they hadn't stopped him, he would have been living with Di Xingchen.

Huo Cheng didn't rush into room 2 and smoked a cigarette outside by himself.

Di Xingchen, Yan Zhi and Wen Nuo continue on their way, almost to room 3, when they see Pei Xu standing alone between two snowmen.

"It's Brother Pei." Wen Nuo said.

Di Xingchen exhaled secretly.

"Why did you run back alone?" Wen Nuo asked.

Pei Xu said, "Come back and clean up."

"Have you made a fire?" Di Xingchen asked.

"It's already burning up." Pei Xu said.

Wen Nuo was drawn to the two snowmen in hats and said, "These two snowmen are so cute with their hats on."

Pei Xu came over and tried to take the bag from Di Xingchen's hand, but Di Xingchen said, "It's light, I can carry it myself." Pei Xu then looked at Wen Nuo and Yan Zhi who were carrying the bag: "Do you want me to help?"

"No need." Yan Zhi said.

It was so cold outside that they didn't chat much outside. Yan Zhi and Wen Nuo were walking away from each other when a cold breeze blew in, blowing the snow on the ground, and Yan Zhi's heart was suddenly chilled and he looked back again.

See Pei Xu and Di Xingchen already heading to Room 3.

For a moment, he felt as if Pei Xu had come to pick up Di Xingchen.

Di Xingchen and Pei Xu walk towards Room 3.

When it was just the two of them left, Di Xingchen suddenly got nervous.

As soon as you enter, a wave of heat hits you. Di Xingchen says, "It's so warm."

He put the bag down in his hand and Pei Xu said, "Take the duvet off."

Di Xingchen then took the duvet off.

Guo Bing They are all very nervous.

Excited about it too.

The reason for their excitement is not to mention the reason for their nervousness, because they were afraid that Pei Xu would cover the camera.

He didn't cover the camera on any other night except the night he slept with Hu Ying.

It's a good thing Pei Xu was so nervous at the moment that he forgot about the camera. Di Xingchen had just taken off his duvet, which he took into his hands and hung on the back of the chair next to him, before turning back to close the door behind him.

"Are you thirsty?" Pei Xu asked again, "I've boiled hot water and it's just come on."

Di Xingchen wasn't really thirsty at all, but he was particularly nervous at the moment, especially after seeing Pei Xu close the door behind him.

Pei Xu even put the bolt on the door!

My goodness.

He nodded and said, "A little thirsty."

At that, Pei Xu hurriedly lifted the kettle and poured him a cup of tea: "This is a new cup, it's not used."

"Thank you." Di Xingchen said, reaching for the cup, which had a small handle and was being held by Pei Xu, who put it on the table when he tried to pick it up, only to find that he couldn't.

"Thanks." Di Xingchen said again. "You're welcome." Pei Xu said.

The two men looked at each other, each in their own panic.

Guo Bing and the others burst into laughter.

"It's the first time I've seen Pei Xu like this. When he was living with Di Xingchen in Nancheng, he wasn't so confined."

"The feelings are different, the love is getting deeper and deeper." Guo Bing says, sipping his coffee.

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"There are still not enough cameras set up, there should be a few more and a special lens for close-ups of Pei Xu, it would look great!"

Guo Bing said, "I'll get it tomorrow!"

"I think both of them are a bit nervous, and Di Xingchen is not his usual self. He used to be very relaxed when he was alone with Pei Xu, but now he's acting like he's on a blind date."

"I was just about to say what it feels like, yes, it's like a blind date, awkward and ambiguous!"

Di Xingchen, holding his glass of water, sat down on the bed, all but sat up, then stood up again, "I haven't taken off my clothes, can I sit?"

"Feel free to sit down, I'm not a clean freak." Pei Xu said and looked at Di Xingchen for a moment, seeing Di Xingchen look over, he looked back to the fireplace himself and said, "Don't be polite, this is both our houses, you are not a guest, you are the host."

After a slight pause, he added, "This is the bed for both of us."

"Pfft." Guo Bing couldn't help but laugh and almost spit out his tea.

Di Xingchen does not smile, but gently rubs his hand against the glass of water in his hand.

There was a moment of silence in the room.

"Are you sleepy?" Pei Xu asked, "I see you're not in a good mood."

Di Xingchen gave a "hmm" and said, "I am rather tired today."

"Then let's rest early." Pei Xu said.

Di Xingchen thought to herself, "Why is this line so familiar!

He remembered that he used to watch old fashioned dramas and it seemed that the groom would say this line when the bride and groom were going to bed.

The groom said, "Then let's get an early night's rest."

The bride nodded shyly.

Then the two of them fell back towards the bed and the red tent fell down.

Ah, the living brain.

"I haven't washed up yet." Di Xingchen said.

Pei Xu, with a sudden realization, got up again and took a glass of water and a disposable toothbrush and toothpaste out of the suitcase.

"I have my own, I've brought my toothbrush and toothpaste." Di Xingchen said.

He said putting the hot water down, opening his bag and pulling his toiletries out of it.

Pei Xu said, "I'm the only one who uses the basin, can I use it? If you want a new one, I'll go to the programme and get you another one."

"It's fine, I'll just wipe it with a washcloth, I won't wash it." Di Xingchen says.

But Pei Xu poured water into the basin anyway and swished it around.

"It's hard here, so we'll have to make do." Pei Xu said, bringing over another basin. Pei Xu said and brought another basin over, "This one for washing your feet, this is mine, and there is another one for Hu Ying, he didn't take it, will you use his or mine?"

Di Xingchen feels like he's getting the five-star treatment.

jjwxc The male lead really does seem like a completely different person when he is in love.

"I ...... anything." Di Xingchen said.

Pei Xu said, "Then you can use mine."

Pei Xu said as he brought another towel over and rested it on the rim of the basin. "The cool water is in this tub." Pei Xu said again.

Di Xingchen said, "Good."

Pei Xu sits down on the edge of the bed. He feels a little warm and realises he is still wearing his duvet, so he takes it off. Di Xingchen squeezed the toothpaste and started to brush his teeth. After a while, he asked Pei Xu: "Aren't you going to wash up?"

"I'll wait." Pei Xu said.

Di Xingchen looks at Pei Xu with the rest of his eyes. When he was living with Yan Zhi, including when he was living with Pei Xu in Nancheng, he did not feel anything different at all, he did not think of it in that way at all.

It's like when High Light grew up and suddenly became gender conscious.

"Turn the camera a little to the right and capture the expression on Pei Xu's face." Guo Bing says.

As soon as the camera was turned around, Pei Xu spotted it.

"It's over, it's over, it's over."

No sooner had the staff finished wailing than Pei Xu stood up, grabbed one of his jackets and walked over to cover up the camera.

"I knew he was going to cover up!"

"Like Yan Zhi, as long as you live with Di Xingchen, you have to cover up, cover up what? The staff said indignantly, "If you can't do anything, you can't cover up anything!"

Di Xingchen was brushing his teeth when he saw Pei Xu go over and cover up the camera, his heart beating wildly.

He rinsed his mouth, his toothbrush stirring in the cup.

After washing his face, he poured the water into the footwash basin and Pei Xu came over with a kettle and added some hot water, testing the temperature with his hands as he did so until it was hot.

"Thanks." Di Xingchen said.

He remembers poking fun at Pei Xu because of his penchant for saying thank you.

There's no going back!

He sat down on the edge of the bed and took off his shoes and socks.

The feet of some dancers are deformed, but Di Xingchen's are not. They are still very good-looking, a little whiter than he is because they are often out of the sun, with long, even toes and a light red colour.

Pei Xu used to not understand why any man would like feet.

He gets it now.

Just then, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Pei Xu brings the phone over and picks it up.

Guo Bing said, "Why cover up so early, is there anything impossible to see? It's so cold and you don't take off your clothes or shower."

"We said when we signed up, right, that the bedroom could be covered at night." Pei Xu said blandly.

"...... Brother Pei, open it up and give us some material." Guo Bing said, "I'll ask Sister Zhou to call you if you do."

"We're going to sleep later, what else is there to shoot." Pei Xu said and hung up the phone.

Di Xingchen says: "Turn it on. There's nothing to be afraid of anyway, I think I can sleep with it on all the time."

It's good to have the camera on, it's good for him to have peace of mind.

"Didn't want them to film it." Pei Xu says, "It's almost bedtime anyway. When the lights go out, they won't be able to film anything."

Di Xingchen says nothing more as he sits on the edge of the bed, his head hanging slightly, his left foot grinding against his right.

"Is the water cold yet?" Pei Xu asked.

Di Xingchen said, "It's not cold."

Pei Xu puts the phone on the bed and glances again towards Di Xingchen's feet.

Very white, once hot, red.

He felt that Di Xingchen, perhaps because of his good skin and milky whiteness, felt that his whole body smelled good.

Everywhere smells good.

Di Xingchen noticed Pei Xu's gaze and gave him a glance with the rest of his eyes.


He noticed that Pei Xu's ears were actually red.

He would take another look later and it was even redder.

What was he thinking! Later when it's time to sleep!

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