Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 30: 30

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Ch30 - Clever little ghost

Translator: Abo Dammen

Editor: Miha 

Proofreader: Agneya

Heitang didn’t know what was going on. With an anxious “awoo“, it put its meaty paw on its owner’s shoulder.




Bai Tang shivered even at Heitang’s touch. He sobbed, raised his tear-stained face, shrank his shoulders, and glanced about. After realising it was the fluffy dog’s head, he stumbled towards Heitang and gave it a bear hug. He simultaneously used his limbs to pull Heitang back. 



“Bai Tang.” After a brief pause, Jiang Yunshu continued, “Actually, I’m not Jiang…” But he quickly clamped his lips shut when he saw Bai Tang’s hand grasping the dog’s fur so tightly that it turned white, as if he couldn’t control his strength. Heitang yelped in pain.


Bai Tang’s face was bathed in cold perspiration, and his pupils had started to dilate as he glanced up.



Jiang Yunshu regained consciousness in an instant. His forehead began to sweat, and he muttered a curse. Is he crazy? Good thing… Good thing he didn’t carry on.



As the saying went, one had to tell 10 lies to perfect one lie. Moreover he was terrible at covering his tracks; just now, he was on the verge of spilling the beans to Bai Tang. Bai Tang, I’m not that scum. I’m not the one who harmed you. Someone else has taken over your husband’s body. Contemplate this information in whichever manner you like. 


It was way too irresponsible. Internally, Jiang Yunshu condemned himself aggressively. Given Bai Tang’s mental state, it was inappropriate for him to reveal the truth, and Bai Tang would not have believed him even if he did. This was not the kind of misunderstanding that could be resolved simply by mere communication, but rather an absurdity that could not be explained in today’s scientific world.


You wouldn’t believe your buddy if he told you he was someone else, yet here we have Jiang Yunshu inhabiting the body of an abuser who abused an omega to the point that the victim developed PTSD. 


They were like polar opposites. One was a miserable pessimist and the other was someone who briefly offered some light before crashing back down into hopelessness. It was fruitless to consider which was more depressing.


His past efforts almost went down the drain as he came dangerously close to failing. But above all else, the most important thing he had to focus on right now was Bai Tang. Fearing for Bai Tang’s condition, Jiang Yunshu took a few deep breaths, pounded on the railing with the spine of his book which made a loud noise, and solemnly called out, “Bai Tang.” 


Bai Tang was shaking and buried himself deeper in Heitang’s fur when a faint voice emerged from the nothingness. It drew his attention, and he gazed towards it dumbly.



“Bai Tang,” the voice said. Jiang Yunshu set his other thoughts aside, swiftly prepared his logical stance, and then stated, “Listen, I really lost my memory permanently, and I had forgotten everything before, but it was simply the way things were. I haven’t forgotten common sense and wisdom. Otherwise, how would I be able to communicate, write, or cook?” 


Bai Tang remained curled in the corner, unresponsive, as if he hadn’t heard anything or believed what the alpha stated was plausible. Several clumps of black dog fur were haphazardly thrown on the ground. Heitang was also quite docile, since it never bit.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Aljcu Tecrte xcbmxfv bc atf gjlilcu jujlc jcv nfgs qjalfcais gfqfjafv la aklmf, kbgv ys kbgv.


Lf qbcvfgfv ibcu, rb ibcu atja bcis joafg Lflajcu ygbxf ogff jcv gjc ab atf rlvf ab mtjrf lar ajli vlv Djl Kjcu rqfjx lc j tbjgrf nblmf, “…Efjiis?”


“Efjiis,” Aljcu Tecrte jrregfv. “P mjc ub yjmx ab atf qrsmtljaglra obg atf afra, jcv sbe mjc rla lc ab ilrafc, bxjs?”


Bai Tang didn’t reply. 


Jiang Yunshu added, “And besides, I don’t need to lie to you. It’s time-consuming, energy-intensive and money-consuming.”


Bai Tang’s tearful eyes glimmered, and he laboured through the argument in his mind. There really was no need for the alpha to lie to him. The Jiang Yunsu who had not lost his memory was disdainful of spending any energy on him. 


“What are you thinking?” Jiang Yunshu serenely guided Bai Tang, “You have to say it. I can only know and explain to you if you tell me.”


Bai Tang kept his silence for a while, and then hoarsely said, “You bribed the hospital and Dr. Lin… You lied to me together.”



Jiang Yunshu was startled, felt a little ridiculous, and then burst out laughing in anger. “Have you seen the hospital seal on the medical certificate, Bai Tang? The hospital seal is the hospital’s symbol, and certifications cannot be falsified since they affect the hospital’s overall reputation. It’s a really thorough process.”


As for Dr. Lin… Why did he singled out Lin Baizhou? Jiang Yunshu frowned and considered it twice. Once he realised what had happened, a cold sweat broke out over his back.


Bai Tang was tricking him!


Despite the fact that he was the one who incited Dr. Lin, Bai Tang didn’t tell him what happened in the CT room, so he shouldn’t know anything!


That was a close call. A human almost got killed.


Bai Tang, the clever little ghost, even in such a frightening situation, tried his best to remain calm and think.


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Jiang Yunshu suddenly felt a bit of pity for his ability. If Bai Tang chose to become a surgeon, he would at least make it with his psychological quality. He said expressionless, “What was the matter with Dr. Lin?”


Sure enough, after hearing this response, Bai Tang, who had been tense until now, relaxed. Although he wasn’t fully convinced, he said, “Then… when will you go for a re-test?”


“Just a minute, I cooked a millet gruel. We’ll go out after eating. After finishing the test, we’ll head to Fengqi,” said Jiang Yunshu.


The alpha still remembers! Bai Tang’s eyes widened slightly. Is this real, can I really go?



A thought suddenly popped up in his head. Jiang Yunshu took out his phone from his pants, squatted down, slid the phone against the ground directly from the balcony to Bai Tang.


“Uah!” Bai Tang exclaimed and raised his arm to cover his head reflexively, but he didn’t feel the expected pain. Only then did he dare to open one eye, observe through the gap, and saw an askew phone before him.


“Sorry, I scared you,” Jiang Yunshu folded the pages of the book, closed them, and joked, “I’ll give you the task of taking care of my phone first, lest any kid say I lied by bribing the hospital.”


Bai Tang froze. With a hesitant expression, he picked up the phone, stumbled to his feet, and fled away, like a little hamster who came to steal food.




Bai Tang grasped the piece of paper in his hand and repeatedly read it from start to end. There was also the hospital seal of “2nd Star’s District 3 Hospital” at the bottom.


“Do you believe it now?” Jiang Yunshu looked ahead and turned the steering wheel to the left. Bai Tang also deliberately chose a hospital in another district. Jiang Yunshu drove for almost an hour.


Remembering the handful of dog fur lying on the ground earlier in the morning, Bai Tang felt sorry for Heitang and huffed, “I believe it…”


After turning left, the GPS sounded, “There are still 200 metres ahead to reach the destination.”


Jiang Yunshu saw a structure similar to a memorial archway, which had “Fenqi Omega University” written on it, mottled in several places.



When the car drove to the gate, the security first verified their identities, and then said, “I’m sorry! There’s no parking space in the school, please park outside! Hey, are you an alpha? Put on a pheromone blocker, and you also need to bring a dose of inhibitor!”


Jiang Yunshu pulled down his collar and took out the inhibitor from his pocket, indicating that he was prepared.


At first he thought the parking space was just full. Only when he entered did he find out that there was really no “space”. The whole institution had only one teaching building. There were two basketball courts and two running tracks in front of the teaching building. There was also nowhere to park motorbikes since every available space had been filled by various equipment.


Bai Tang stood at the entrance in shock and murmured, “How could this be… The area over there used to be part of the school before I graduated…”


Jiang Yunshu followed his gaze. A three-metre-high iron wish mesh stood behind the basketball court. A work site was hidden behind the iron wire mesh. Several excavators were constantly generating loud sounds.


“It was requisitioned by the government,” Jiang Yunshu said.


Bai Tang clenched his fists, his face filled with fury and his cheeks flushed with rage.


There was no elevator in the old school building. When passing the second floor, the voices of students reading the texts subtly reached over them.


Jiang Yunshu kept following behind Bai Tang. Bai Tang glanced back at the alpha with distrust.


Bai Tang climbed to the third floor, and there was a small sign on the door of an office on the right that said ‘Principal & Teacher’s Office’. He knocked on the door, and a voice came from inside and said, “Please come in.”



Jiang Yunshu saw a man in his mid 40s sitting behind the desk, wearing a black suit. He stood up with a smile when he saw Bai Tang. “Bai Tang, right?”


Bai Tang bowed in his position and exclaimed, “Principal Shi!”


Shi Muqing acknowledged him in the tone of an elder, “Hey! I haven’t seen you for three years, let me take a good look at you. Why do you seem so thin? You should always remember to eat well.”


His gaze fell on Jiang Yunshu who stood behind him. “Who is this?”


Bai Tang stumbled, “I-It’s my…”


Jiang Yunshu stepped forward and held out his hand. “I’ve heard so much about Principal Shi. I’m Jiang Yunsu, Bai Tang’s partner.”

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