Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 31: 31

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Ch31 - “You should pay for it yourself.”

Translator: Abo Dammen

Editor: Scarlet 

Proofreader: Kuro 




After the two explained their intentions, Principal Shi was sincerely happy for Bai Tang’s decision to prepare for the exam again. “You are always welcome! Will you be available for enrollment the following week?”


“There’s still time! Thank you, Principal Shi!” Bai Tang responded swiftly. He was overcome with a sense of euphoria and wondered if he were dreaming. He pinched the first webspace of his hands hard. It was painful.



To think that he would be able to return to his studies some day overwhelmed him.



“But our school already has no accommodation space.” Shi Muqing showed embarrassment and smiled bitterly. “The storage and utility rooms have been occupied by some students and teachers who live far away.”


“It’s okay!” Bai Tang’s face was animated, and he waved his hand fast. Already grateful to be able to study, he did not care about this. “I can come on my own!”



Jiang Yunshu, who was standing nearby, overhearing their chat, thought to himself. The school’s first class typically begins around 8:20. Bai Tang should be given ten minutes to prepare for class. Due to the 20-minute distance between their home and school, they had to depart by 7:50 am. They will have breakfast for twenty minutes, then shower and dress for fifteen. Then, Bai Tang had to wake up no later than 7:15, while he had to rise at 7:00 to get breakfast. He would then drive Bai Tang to school before going to work. The timing was just right.


Seeing that he had nothing else to do, Jiang Yunshu opportunistically fabricated an excuse to go and closed the door behind him, leaving the teacher and the pupil behind.


The tuition fee was paid in accordance with the procedure. Bai Tang signed his name with a single stroke.


“Your current alpha seems to value you very much,” Shi Muqing smiled.


Bai Tang was a little unresponsive when Jiang Yunsu was unexpectedly brought up. “Huh?” What about the current alpha?



“I don’t know if you’ve noticed,” Shi Muqing looked to the left. Through the office window, he could see the expansive field and school gate in front of the classroom building, “since entering the school, he always followed you two to three steps behind or alongside you. He was never ahead of you.”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Bai Tang thought back. He found that Principal Shi was right. “Hmm… Seems like it…”


“Pc atf mjrf bo jiqtjr, la lr lcralcmalnf bo atfw ab jikjsr ajxf mtjguf. Ktfs wera yf jtfjv, bg firf atfs klii offi lcreiafv. Ktlr lr atf qfgrbclolmjalbc bo qglvf jcv vluclas lc jc jiqtj. Snfc lo atlr lr sbeg jiwj wjafg jcv sbeg bkc “afgglabgs,” atlr beaibbx tjr jigfjvs yffc fcugjnfv vffq lcab  atflg ybcfr jr rffc atgbeut atflg ybvs ijcuejuf.”


Bai Tang frowned, as if absorbed in deep thought.


“He’s much better than the alpha who came to help you pay your tuition when you were in your second year of high school. At that time, everyone was aware of your difficult circumstances. He could have given you the money so that you could pay it yourself, but he chose not to.” Shi Muqing shook his head. He couldn’t remember what the alpha had looked like, but he vividly recalled the conceited and disdainful look in his eyes, gleaming strongly with contempt, as if saying, “You’re an alpha, why do you want to serve an omega? You are humiliating all the other alphas.”


Shi Muqing understood at the time that it was Bai Tang’s alpha, so he was unable to speak up and could only shake his head and sigh.


Bai Tang recalled as well. Jiang Yunsu personally visited the school and proceeded to find him in class, causing panic and alarm among the omegas.


Several omegas had asked him angrily and loudly, catching the attention of the entire class. “Why would you rely on an alpha! If you have any difficulties, just tell us and we will definitely  do our very best to help you. But why must you rely on an alpha! Have you forgotten what you saw in the auditorium every week in Ideology class!? Have you forgotten?! Bai Tang!”


Bai Tang’s complexion had been deathly pale. He pursed his lips and clenched his fists. He didn’t forget, how could he forget! He had defended somewhat anxiously, “I’m sorry! I’m really sorry, but he’s not the same as those arrogant alphas. He…”


In the end, all the words he had wanted to say remained stuck in his throat. His fingertips trembled, and he could only apologise. “…I’m sorry, really.”



Since then, his friends and classmates slowly drifted apart from him somehow. It was neither an isolation nor school bullying, but they just felt that their paths and his were not the same and did not work with one another harmoniously.


Afterwards, Bai Tang had also confronted Jiang Yunsu, angry and aggrieved, “Why did you come to the class? The teaching office and the classroom are obviously in different directions!”


Jiang Yunsu coaxed him, “Baobei, I just wanted to see where you study. I didn’t know it would cause you trouble. I won’t do it again in the future.”


At that time, Bai Tang believed him. But now, Bai Tang knew that wasn’t the case. At that time, Jiang Yunsu did it on purpose—to enjoy the omega’s panicked state, to show off his superiority as an alpha, and to see how bad the academic environment of the omegas were. It was to let the other omegas know that “this is the consequence of not choosing to depend on an alpha“


“Bai Tang, Bai Tang?” Shi Muqing called worriedly.

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Bai Tang snapped back to his senses. “Ah, Principal, I’m fine…”


B-But…why did the principal say that, this is the same person! Didn’t the principal recognise him?


However, when Shi Muqing said this, it reminded Bai Tang about something. After comparing, he found a difference from the alpha before and after amnesia.


Earlier today, the money for his tuition was given to him in an envelope by the alpha.


“You should pay for it yourself,” said the alpha.



“Bai Tang,” Shi Muqing stood with his hands behind his back, his figure reliable and kind. “At that time, I couldn’t get in touch with you after you graduated, but now I’m really glad that you can come back to study. If you encounter any difficulties or confusion in the future, you can find me right away.


“I remember that you had very good grades in theoretical and experimental subjects. So you should study hard and prepare for the exam carefully. You can pass the exam easily, don’t worry.”


Shi Muqing’s encouragement and kind words made Bai Tang emotional. He went out of the office door with red eyes. The alpha was standing by the window, waiting for him. When he saw him coming out, he looked over with a dull look.


Ever since Jiang Yunsu lost his memories, Bai Tang had felt that the alpha’s behaviour became quite unfamiliar, but this feeling had never been as powerful or had such an influence on him as it did right now.


The alpha’s appearance seemed to be different. In recent months, his hair had grown dramatically and he no longer maintained a crew cut. Instead, he trimmed his hair, kept a fringe, and side-combed it to reveal his whole forehead. However, it concealed much of his aggression, and he seemed more calm and tranquil. If he wore gold spectacles, he would be a perfectly disguised beast in human clothing.


Bai Tang was sure that Jiang Yunsu saw his red eyes as the alpha’s gaze stopped at the rim of his eyes for a second. But the alpha didn’t say anything, and just asked, “Have you finished talking with Principal Shi?”


When Shi Muqing was mentioned, Bai Tang’s nose turned sour again. He endured it, and responded with a heavy nasal voice, “It’s done…”


“Then, should we go to the supermarket to buy food or should we go home directly?” asked Jiang Yunsu.


Bai Tang,holding the signed enrollment form, wanted to go home, but an idea suddenly flashed through his mind.





Bai Tang put a bunch of chrysanthemums into the shopping cart, and looked up to check the alpha’s reaction.


Nothing. Out. Of. The. Ordinary.


Bai Tang frowned, picked it up, then put down the bundle of chrysanthemum again. He shook it, trying to attract Jiang Yunsu’s attention.


Jiang Yunshu pondered for a moment and thought that maybe Bai Tang didn’t like it, but the original owner did. Bai Tang was probably using this tactic to protest against him, so he said, “If you don’t like it, put it back.”


“Do you…know what kind of ingredient this is?” Bai Tang tentatively asked.


Jiang Yunshu felt apprehensive of Bai Tang’s systematic routine. He went through the vegetables in his mind first, and found that he couldn’t find any connection, so he also tentatively replied, “Chrysanthemum?”


Bai Tang placed the bundle of chrysanthemum back in the cart with an eccentric look. This was Jiang Yunsu’s most hated dish. He hated it so much that when he took a bite once, he immediately went straight to the bathroom and vomited it out. It was a psychological nausea, a flavour he was so disgusted with from the bottom of his heart. Shortly after that incident happened, Jiang Yunsu came out furious. He overturned the table with one hand, and the broken dishes and food spilled to the ground. And of course, it was inevitable that Bai Tang was beaten.


But, can you even forget what your body hates when you lose your memory?


Bai Tang no longer spoke in a roundabout manner and instead asked bluntly, “Do you hate eating chrysanthemum?”


Jiang Yunshu also knew that Bai Tang was testing him. Through the situation that just took place, he deduced that the original owner should be the one who hated eating chrysanthemum, not Bai Tang.



But this time, Jiang Yunshu chose to tell the truth. “I don’t hate it, I actually really like the taste of chrysanthemum.”


Author’s Feed:

Once again! All the medical knowledge I wrote was just my superficial knowledge of reading various materials, don’t take it as the truth! If you’re facing any problems, please seek medical advice immediately!


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