Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 42: 42

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Ch42 - Single for 29 years.

“Get off.” Zhou Zhaoyu picked up the dog food, “We’re here.”


Alphas were too busy managing themselves during their rut to take care of a dog. Bai Tang panted as he got out of the car with Heitang in his arms. Heitang was already the size of an adult dog, and he’d been carrying it for quite some time, so he was exhausted.



The trio walked into the neighbourhood and took the elevator up to the 23rd floor. The first to enter, Zhou Zhaoyu opened the door, pulled out a pair of slippers, and placed them on the ground.



The guest, of course, had to wait for the host to open the door before he could step inside. Bai Tang, who was standing on the sidelines with no plans to enter, locked eyes with Qin Zhongnan.


Qin Zhongnan smiled teasingly as he peered down at the lost Bai Tang.



The door slammed shut, and Bai Tang’s anxiety vanished. This was his first encounter with Zhou Zhaoyu’s alpha. After being lied to for two years and then violently abused for three more, he developed a deep-seated hatred and mistrust of alphas. Even if Qin Zhongnan was Zhou Zhaoyu’s partner.


“Senior…Thank you.” Bai Tang’s toes writhed in his slippers as he felt increasingly uneasy.


Zhou Zhaoyu poured a glass of warm water for him. “Don’t bother thanking me, getting away from Qin Zhongnan is a relief in and of itself. You just need to keep this dog from biting the furniture.”


“Heitang is a good boy! I’ve taught it not to bite things.”  Hearing Zhou Zhaoyu say “getting away” and ”relief” , Bai Tang became tense. “W-What happened?”


“I didn’t mean it like that.” Zhou Zhaoyu, as a psychology professor, appeared to be able to read people’s minds. “He’s too clingy and has no concept of personal space. Let’s not talk about this, go take a shower and then go to sleep.”



Even though annoyance was evident on his face, he kept a smile on his lips.


Bai Tang stayed at Zhou Zhaoyu’s house for four days, doing all of the housework as well as making lunch and dinner. He was like a virtuous wife.


Zhou Zhaoyu was not unreasonable either. “You can cook our meals, but don’t do the housework. I’ll just call my aunt.”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Rb…” Djl Kjcu ofia j ilaaif rfio-mbcrmlber. “Lflajcu’r oeg lr ralii rtfvvlcu. Tbe wera mbcrajcais njmeew, bg firf atf oeg klii ois jgbecv…”


Itbe Itjbse ecvfgrabbv. Lf gjgfis rajsfv ja tbwf obg ibcu qfglbvr bo alwf, ifjnlcu fjgis jcv gfaegclcu ijaf jiwbra fnfgs vjs. Cqjga ogbw atf 7-8 tbegr bo riffq, tf mbeiv bmmjrlbcjiis tfjg atf ktlcf bo atf njmeew mifjcfg.


Heitang launched a surprise attack beneath the table, its piercing black eyes filled with emotion. It licked Zhou Zhaoyu’s ankle. Zhou Zhaoyu was used to it. With his instep, he pushed it away. “It looks like I’m more suited to raising cats.”


Qin Zhongnan came here with Hopper yesterday, and Bai Tang had a good time petting it. “Hopper’s so cute!”


The screen of the mobile phone on the table suddenly lit up, and when Bai Tang picked up, he saw it was Jiang Yunshu’s reply.


Bai Tang: Are you okay?

Jiang Yunshu: I’m fine. 


Over the course of the last four days, Bai Tang had thoroughly reviewed in his mind the events of the past few months. Suppose this mysterious person transmigrated on the day Jiang Yunsu was recovered from a state of brain death. Bai Tang observed everything with his own eyes, including his character, living habits, and how he treated Bai Tang with kindness. But who exactly is he? Who is this person? Bai Tang had absolutely no idea. A total stranger had been staying under the same roof as him for over four months.



It was really frightening to grasp. 


“Senior,” Bai Tang stirred the fish soup, “do you think there is such a thing as transmigration and soul exchange in this world?”


Zhou Zhaoyu turned to face him. “Are you talking about Jiang Yunsu?” 


Bai Tang hemmed and hawed, “….Mhm. I am not delusional! It’s just too bizarre, extremely bizarre.”


“I don’t know,” said Zhou Zhaoyu. ” But the way he always seemed when we meet wasn’t an act. Did you know he previously sought psychiatric guidance from Qin Zhongnan?” 


Bai Tang raised his head, shocked. “I had no idea.”


“He approached Qin Zhongnan and inquired as to how he might make you feel better. Throughout those two hours, he never did any petty actions, nor did he show any physical or facial indication of a guilty conscience and mockery,” Zhou Zhaoyu claimed. “However, I’m merely relaying the facts in an objective manner. I never really knew him. The judgement rests with you.” 


Five days had passed.

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Bai Tang’s mood had changed drastically since the last time he stepped onto the lawn of this house. 


Zhou Zhaoyu was in the driver’s seat. “Please contact me if you require anything.”



“Okay.” Bai Tang turned to his senior and smiled. “Bye bye.” 


Together, he and Heitang entered the house. Seeing the alpha waiting for him at the door, he involuntarily halted and stood still.


“What’s the matter?” Jiang Yunshu spoke. “Come on in. The house has been ventilated all day, so there is no residual odour everywhere.” 


Bai Tang tightened his lips, drew a deep breath, reached into his pocket, and pulled out an object, which he then concealed behind his back. He tightened his fist and asked, abruptly, “You’re not him, are you?”


When Jiang Yunshu attempted to turn, he too suddenly froze. Suspecting he had misheard, he blurted out subconsciously, “What?” 


“You aren’t Jiang Yunsu, are you?” Bai Tang took five steps back, his gaze fixed on the alpha. As he spoke it, his stomach twisted in knots and his heart raced, but he also felt a tremendous surge of courage.


Jiang Yunshu stood quietly at the door, his gaze fixed on Bai Tang. His hair whipped around in the breeze. They exchanged glances for a time before he responded positively, “Yes, I’m not.” Following this, he smiled helplessly and sighed, “How did you know?” 


Bai Tang’s hand, which had been gripping the metal fork behind him, trembled. Bai Tang’s eyes gradually got red, and he could feel his nostrils burning. He muttered, “Really… Really not you?”


“Mhm,” Jiang Yunshu replied. “I’m not.” 


Bai Tang took a few steps back, and beansize tears slid down his cheeks and absorbed into the ground. He recalled with a strangled voice, “Throwing away the treasured handcuffs… different handwriting, l-likes eating chrysanthemum….raising Heitang, donating to Fengqi, and letting me go back to school…. I, I….”


His grip on the fork weakened, and it fell to the grass. He crouched slowly, then covered his face with his hands. His hands became drenched with tears, and he let out a mournful wail that was three years overdue.


He should have…should have realised it long ago. All the way through, he failed to remember the most crucial detail. An individual’s essential nature remains the same even if he or she loses their memories. Those who believe that domestic violence is not wrong will continue to believe so even after amnesia. How could Jiang Yunsu reflect on his actions, apologise to him, and reconcile with him?


The weather was sunny at 9 am, the white clouds floated leisurely, and the feeble sunlight hit the boy’s body obliquely. From the shadows, Jiang Yunshu watched the boy who was eight years younger than him.


The boy, who at his age was supposed to be taking his first steps into the adult world to gain experience, now sat on the floor and broke down in hysterical cry.




Jiang Yunshu dug out a bit of ice from the refrigerator and put it in an ice pack, handing it to Bai Tang. “Re-introduction, my name is Jiang Yunshu, the shu from scholarly spirit.“


Bai Tang sat on the sofa, his eyes red and puffy, and his double eyelids had become monolids from crying. The world in front of him had shrunk by half as soon as he put the ice pack on his eyes. As soon as he realised he had wept for over thirty minutes in front of the other person, he felt embarrassed.


Jiang Yunshu said, “I did not come from this world.”


Bai Tang spat out a mouthful of water. His pupils contracted and he stared at him with disbelief.


Jiang Yunshu took a tissue and passed it over. “I live in a world where there are only two genders, male and female, and my profession is a surgical oncologist. After an operation, due to overwork, the blood vessels in my brain ruptured and I died. I was 29 years old when I died. My parents are still alive but have a strained relationship. I don’t smoke and I only drink occasionally. I’m unmarried, I don’t have a lover.”



Bai Tang jerked because of the alpha’s gesture. “…There are other worlds?”


“Mhm.” After hearing his own words, Jiang Yunshu realised how fantastical he sounded. It was like something out of a science fiction novel. “I suspect that it’s a parallel universe, because not only my name, but also my appearance is similar to Jiang Yunsu. You also resemble one of my patients, as does Dr. Lin.”


Bai Tang had previously cried dizzy, but this time he thought he might pass out.


Jiang Yunshu feared Bai Tang would not believe him. He added, “If you think otherwise, I’ll prove it to you.”


“H-How would you prove it?” hiccuped Bai Tang.


Jiang Yunshu turned around and went upstairs. “Just wait.”


Not long after that, he came back down with a heap of stuff in his hands. “There are around 30 sets of examination papers available here. You pick a random set, and I’ll do it for you?”

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