Winds of Change DX

Chapter 2: Life. 2

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Timeline – Volume 3

The Perverted Duo and The Eccentric Duo, oh and a Dragon


Kuoh Academy


Jin Skyward

"Gentlemen, do you reload after you empty a clip, or after firing one bullet?"


It was currently lunch and Najima, Kouta and I were just wandering the school passing time. I decided to hang out with them before I headed to the Occult Research Club. Najima asks a question as Kouta and I answer in unison. We were talking about video games, and more specifically FPS games.

"Correct answer! This is like a silent rule for all gamers! One that transcends language barriers!"

He was quite passionate about it. There were only a few days left before school is out for summer break and everyone was quite excited for it. Due to the fact that I will be visiting a few other mythologies, I shared the sentiment.

"Man, how can you just play FPS games all the time? Don't you like anything else? …Like I don't know, MMORPG's? MOBA's? Anything?"

Kouta looks a bit irritated at Najima and he scoffs.

"I am skilled at them, but they have become boring. I would eventually reach the top ten on whatever server I was on, get the best gear and be bored out of my mind! The same with MOBA's! I played Alliance of Legends and got challenger on all roles! Boring!!"

Najima then grins.

"But with FPS games it can always go either way. I started playing Underwatch and I've been having a blast! It's like a mix of a MOBA and FPS, and my dog shit teammates make it even better!"

Alliance of Legends? Underwatch? Are those League of Legends and Overwatch knockoffs…? I really should scour through the internet in this world more to see what weird things I see…

Najima takes a breath and looks at Kouta.

"But you like playing rhythm games and other shit like that, right?"

This time Kouta was the one to grin.

"Huhuhu! Look at me, idiots! For I am 'Dookibookie' the top player of a game where you click God damn circles! I am a champion! My skill with my fingers is top notch meaning my future girlfriend will have the time of her life! Kukukuku…"

"I am also in the top 10 in many other rhythm games! I'm probably the best in Japan!"

Kouta does a weird pose, a lot of pride oozing out of the guy. Then the both of them turn to me.

"Well? You've mostly been listening to us, Skyward-sama. What do you mainly play?"

"…I don't have much time to play but… I play anything, really. I've tried out the FPS games you've mentioned and tried out the rhythm game you mentioned, Kouta. But… I just tend to read manga or light novels these days."

"— And spend time with your ever-growing harem! Tch!"

"…Ahh… I forgot about that momentarily… Don't remind me."

The two of them become depressed... Like seriously? Haaaa… Can't shit in Detroit—

Smack! Smack!

"Aaahhhhhhh!!! You bitch! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"You barely missed my balls you!!"

The three of us hear a sound and turn to look at it. When we do we see… Ah, the famous Perverted Duo. I guess they were up to their usual shenanigans, huh? W-Wait a minute… I glance at both guys I was with.

Have… Have these guys officially met yet? I hadn't asked them before and assumed that they did but…

"Hey aren't those two the Perverted Duo? I think their names are…"

"Matsuda and Motohama."

I finish his sentence and he looks at me strangely.

"They've asked me some weird questions before… It was unavoidable."

Both of them nod sagely and then start walking towards them. Finally, we reached the two who were lying on the ground. It was Murayama and Katase who hit them.

"The famous Perverted Duo. I've never actually seen them this close before."

Najima says as he looks at the two like they're some weird exotic animals. Kouta does the same but from a distance. I turn to face the two girls.

"Hey, Katase, Murayama, how have you two been?"

They turn to me and smile.

"Yes! I've been well, Jin-senpai! We've been wondering when you'll come and at least try out kendo, even Sachiko-sensei has been wondering."

Katase answers me, while Murayama nods along… Kendo, huh? I am interested in it but… I don't know, maybe at a later date? But even Sachiko-sensei has been thinking about it, huh?

"I'll swing by another time; I have been curious about it… Tell Sachiko-sensei that."

"Will do, Jin-senpai!"

After that we turn to look back at the—

"Are you serious?! It's tits you dumb goat!"

"Haaaaaaaaaa? It's obviously the nape!!! The nape!!!"


Murayama, Katase and I stare in silence as the four of them. They had begun conversing about perverted topics. I have no idea what but, if I had to make an educated guess… It would be what part they liked about a girl…





All of them turn to Kouta, the guy was obviously joking from the sound of things but… They look at him with disgust. I glance at the two girls who had ice cold dead looks on them, their grips on their shinai had also tightened.

Finally, they turn to me—

"What do you think, Jin/Jin-senpai?!"

Even the girls turn to me, waiting for my answer… How do I do this? Answer honestly? If I do, I may get hit by these two… Let's go with the safe option then. Then I turned to the four and answered them as seriously as I could.

"The soul."


They all become speechless at my answer. Both Najima and Kouta's lips and brows were twitching like crazy. Meanwhile, Motohama and Matsuda were looking at me like I was insane. However, to my side… The two girls were looking at me like I was some kind of messiah.

I'm sorry, I lied about that.

"Quit fucking with us!!!!!!!!!"

All four of them scream, even surprising the two girls.

"Soul?! Soul?! Are you fucking insane?! Who the hell says that?!"

"No!! I saw this idiot enjoy Himejima-san's thighs! He even kissed her! Stop lying!!"


They slowly approached me when—

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

All four of them were hit quite hard by the shinai's that Katase and Murayama were holding… All four of them were down on the ground… Hey don't they look like…

[The Yamcha defeated pose…]

{The only thing missing is the crater on the ground…}

"Haaa… Two was already troublesome enough, now another two are added… Jin-senpai please tell us you're not friends with them…"

"…Unfortunately, I am. But they're… Usually not like this… Usually."

The two of them shook their heads and smacked them two more times before heading back in to the gymnasium. I look at the four idiots with pity… Sorry, I won't be exposing myself here…

After a few minutes the four of them sat back up seeing as how those two weren't coming back. As they did, they glared at me and sighed.

"Haaa… Women are violent creatures."


Kouta gets up first and dusts himself off. He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone.

"Oh shit! I received an email about my rent-a-girlfriend! I got a spot! Yes!!!"

"Oh my god! You got one dude?!"

The other three walked over to him and looked at his phone. Rent a girlfriend…? T-That's a thing here…? Seeing how engrossed these four were, I just decided to leave. I take my phone out and check out the rent a girlfriend thing…

"Pfft— M-Mil-tan…?!"

W-Why in the world is he there….?! I scrolled through the list of girls that were willing to be a 'rent a girlfriend'. I found a few more… Interesting characters… I eventually arrived at the club and joined everyone.

They all commented that I looked exhausted. Yes, my soul is…


Timeline – Volume 2

Occult Research Club and The Cleaning Competition


Pocket Dimension

6 Months

After being in the [Pocket Dimension] for six months we decided to take a break for the day.  Now… I wasn't the one who suggested this but rather, Ddraig.

[Hell yeah!]

Anyway… I then proposed this to everyone else and they didn't mind. Even though it's a day off, this in a way, is training. They were fine with it… So, I made my entire house dirty, and disabled any automatic cleaning function it had for today.

"So, the replica of my house is dirty as hell and it also stinks. I summoned cleaning supplies everywhere, both inside and outside. Winner… I don't know, will win something but, yeah, good luck."

I looked at them all and they were chuckling at me. I am not very proficient at speeches. I shake my head and summon a gun; I then aim it to the sky and pulled the trigger.



All of them dashed away and got started with the cleaning process… Haaa… Now I'm alone. I summon a chair and wait for them to finish. Above my house was a holographic progress bar showing what percentage of my house had been cleaned.

"It's going up pretty fast…"

[Hmmm, It's at 9% already. They sure do want to win.]

{Winning basically means Jin granting them anything… He's like a gene.}

Gee, thanks Albion…


Rias Gremory

Swipe! Swipe! Bap! Bap!

I, Rias Gremory, will win the cleaning competition. I haven't cleaned much in my life, however, that doesn't mean I didn't! Since living here in Kuoh I have been living on my own, meaning I have had to do many things by myself.

This also included cleaning. I am ashamed to say it out loud but I was very inept at it at first, however, trial and error… And Akeno's help made me improve. That means I am confident in my skills!


"Ufufufu ~ you need to be quicker than that, President ~"


S-She just cleaned the spot I was aiming for! Her skills at this are top notch… We're lucky that Grayfia is not participating and we— The Gremory peerage are the only ones participating.

I do not know how well Ingvild or Kuroka can clean. However, if I had to make an educated guess, Ingvild may be well versed in it… As for Kuroka? I don't think so…

I run around Jin's home and clean multiple areas, today, he made it much larger. Essentially, he expanded certain areas, such as the hallways and multiple rooms. We also need to clean the outside too… I wonder where else everyone went? Akeno had left earlier after stealing my spot…


Kiba Yuuto


I furiously scrubbed the floor of the long hallway of Jin-senpai's replica home. Gasper-kun and I had a deal, we would be helping each other… Because we had the same prize in mind, and that is… An entire volume series of a certain Light Novel!

It's called 'Classroom of Magicians and Witches'. It's a famous Light Novel written by a Devil with the pen name 'Yeita Yeitoro'. It's quite popular in the Underworld right now and rumor has it… It's getting an anime adaptation!

I believe President may try wishing for it too.

"Hurry, Gasper-kun! We have to win this!"

"Y-Yes, Kiba-senpai!"



Gasper-kun and I ran around the hallway cleaning everything up but—


"Wha— A-Akeno-san?!"

We saw a brief image of a figure appear and disappear in front of us! After that happened, the entire hallway was cleaned thoroughly! As strange as this sounds, I would be confident in licking it with my tongue and not worry about getting sick.

That's how clean it looks to me…

"Uwa… W-What do we do… Senpai…?"

"…We keep moving forward, Gasper-kun. No matter how futile it looks right now, we must persist!"


Did I underestimate Akeno-san? She… As of now is one of the three in Jin-senpai's harem that is madly in love with him. That also means she will be going all out and will want to win this competition!

I do no know what she wants out of Jin-senpai but…! That entire series is in the line, so forgive me!


Shirone Toujou


"Go!! ~ Shirone!! ~"

Everyone had gone inside Jin-senpai's home to clean it. I came back outside because Akeno-senpai was like some kind of cleaning monster in there… It was kind of scary.

"S-h-i-r-o-n-e!! ~"

I felt my cheeks heat up as I heard my Nee-sama, Kuroka cheering me on. Grayfia-sama, Nee-sama and Ingvild-senpai aren't participating in this small competition. Jin-senpai said that it was exclusively for the Gremory peerage.

In all honesty, if Grayfia-sama participated… We would all lose, even with the enthusiastic Akeno-senpai. I turn to look at them and Nee-sama was still cheering me, Ingvild-senpai waved at me while Grayfia-sama was serving Jin-senpai some tea.

As I look at them, he waves, and Grayfia-sama bows towards me. I give a curt nod before turning back to cleaning. I have no desire to win this. Jin-senpai will help us regardless and also spoil us… But, Akeno-senpai is very excited and wants to win.

Yuuto-senpai and Gaspy are the other two who are excited. Asia-senpai… She's just going along with it. I don't know where she went though, I think she's trying to compete with Akeno-senpai… I don't think that's a wise choice.

Fwosh ~ Swish ~

…? I was confused… I saw a blur fly past me several times and everything around me was suddenly clean…

"Nya? Nyahahaha! Akeno just came by! Shirone, go inside and hurry, or she'll definitely win!"

I look back down and… Even the front garden was cleaned by Akeno-senpai…

"Ahahaha… Akeno really wants to win, huh?"

Ingvild-senpai says while having a strained smile stretched across her face.


Asia Argento

"Eh? Eh? Eh? A-Akeno-san?!"

Swish~ Swish ~ Swoosh ~ Swoosh ~

In a random room, I began diligently cleaning but... Akeno-san, our [Queen], appeared suddenly and began to clean it quickly. I was amazed, seeing someone be able to clean a room this fast was—

"Ah… She's gone…"

"Auuuu… I have to leave and find a different room now…"



[It's done, the entire place was cleaned out pretty quickly…]

J-Jin-san's voice… Oh, did everyone manage to clean it all already? I only managed to get a few rooms and spots cleaned.

"…No, I can be better in the future! Don't give up, me!"


Jin Skyward

I looked at the progress bar, and it was at 100%. This meant that the replica of my house was fully cleaned... We waited for them to all come out, and one by one they did. The last one out was Akeno who had a satisfied smile on her face.

Other than Akeno, everyone had a defeated look, and then they turned to look at him with strained smiles.

"Well… I guess the winner is quite obvious…"

When I said that they just sighed. Yeah, I expected that reaction…

"The winner is Akeno Himejima, well done… You cleaning weirdo… So, what do you want as a prize?"

I had a few ideas in what she wants but, let's be honest… Anything can come out of Akeno's mouth right now. Everyone was looking at her with anticipation as her smile got wider and wider.



Yeah, I expected that too. I sigh as a few of them blush.

'Let's do that tonight. Akeno…'

I tell her telepathically and her smile grows wider.

"Alright, the first cleaning competition between the Gremory peerage has concluded… The first winner is Akeno Himejima, and the prize she wants is… Sex…"

Gasper looks at me with a questioning gaze.

"Is this going to be a regular thing, Jin-senpai?"

"I don't know, but you never know, Gasper."

And so, that's how part of our day ended… Akeno was way too happy about this.


Timeline – Volume 4

Sitri of the Questionable Cooking


Jin Skyward

In a few days I'll be heading to the realm of the Shinto Gods, but for now… I'm attending school like a normal person. It's a bit boring but… It's nearly over and I can head home, hopefully. Why did I say hopefully? Well, Sona has been glancing at me throughout the day and it's been weirding me out.

I gave Tsubaki a questioning look but she just shook her head and sighed. So, I have been expecting her to approach me for most of the day.

Ding ~ Dong ~

The bell finally rang signaling the end of the day.

"Remember, we have a short quiz tomorrow so don't forget to review what we read through today!"

The teacher says while walking out of the room. The class answered him with a collective 'Yes' before immediately starting to gather their things and leaving the room. Everyone that was part of the supernatural waited until the normal humans left.

"Are you guys doing your usual contracts?"

I ask Rias and Akeno; they answer with a nod. I turn to Ingvild—

"Valerie and I will be going out shopping… So, I'll be heading home first."

Ingvild came over to me and we share a quick kiss before she teleported away. Akeno came over to kiss me to and left with Rias to go to the clubroom. Sona and Tsubaki were still here so I waited for her to do or say something.

Sona finally got up from her seat and approached me, Tsubaki was just behind her. They stop in front of me as I look up at them.

"Need something from little ol' me?"

Sona fixes her glasses and hands me… A letter? Um… This isn't the cliché love letter, right…? I look at the letter, then back at Sona with a confused expression on my face.

"Sona… I appreciate you confessing your love for me but… We should take it slower."

Sona's lip twitched and she glared at me. I could see a small smile crack on Tsubaki's face but it quickly faded.

"Just open it and read it. We will be in Student Council room."

Both of them left me alone after that. I was joking, obviously… I sigh and open the letter up...… I see. A simplified version of the letter would be that Serafall was visiting Sona and her peerage. Serafall wants to eat her cooking when she gets here. Sona also knows I'm a competent cook so she invited me to help them.


Jesus Christ, from what I can remember Sona is terrible at cooking. In canon, only Serafall likes it, both Saji and Issei eat her food just to not hurt her feelings...… I should be fine, right? I mean I am immune to all poisons.

But… The rest of the Sitri girls will be there, and if I'm correct, Saji started to date Ruruko Nimura, right? Or at least they're really close… Maybe he'll tell me? Whatever, I'll by then. I got up from my seat and made my way to the Student Council room.

On my way there I come across—

"Oh, hey Kiyome."

"Ara? If it's isn't Jin-kun, how do you do?"

"I'm alright, I'm just on my way to the Student Council room, got a request from Sona."

She nods sagely and looks at me silently...… What's up with her? She shakes her head and then sighs.

"Thank you again for helping with that problem a few months back."

"Hmm? Oh yeah don't worry about it. It was a pretty fun request. If you need help again just come see me."

She sported a small blush and nodded. As I walked past her, I lightly touched her shoulder... It was inevitable, saving her from her own arranged marriage would do that. Though, she hasn't said anything or approached me about it. We rarely get chances to interact after all.

[So, what are you plans for her, Partner?]

Whatever happens, happen, I guess? I speak with Ddraig until I reach the doors of the Student Council room and knock on it.

Knock ~ Knock ~

"Come in."

I push open the door and—

"Top o' the morning to ya laddies!!"

I greet them and they look at me strangely, Saji who was beside the door when I entered looked at me stunned. Hey man… It's Jacksepticeye, wait, does he even exist here? I quickly summon my phone and check Youtube… No! Dammit! He doesn't!

I hear Sona sigh as I put my phone away and stand in front of her desk.

"May we know your answer?"


Sona asks and Saji repeats in a confused manner. Yes, my good junior, I, Jin Skyward am here as the Middleman. I will be taking on your King's odd request!

"Yeah, I accept. When do we start?"

"Today. You will be coming with us."

I nodded and turned around to see Saji just confused. I chuckle at him.


We left the school after I informed everyone that I may be late getting home tonight. This means that if I'm not back around the time for dinner they could just start ahead of me.

The rest of the peerage were ahead of us while Momo was to my left and Saji with Ruruko to my right.

"So, what request do you have, Jin-senpai?"

I took out the letter and handed it to him. He nodded and handed it back to me.

"Be prepared, Saji."


"Sona's cooking is bad…"

"How are you sure?"

"My instincts as a cook are telling me that, trust me…"

He still looked incredulous but when I glanced at Momo, she shared the same sentiment. Saji looked at her for confirmation and she nodded, this time his face paled. I don't think this guy has stopped gunning for Sona even after being with Ruruko.

They're holding hands as we follow after Sona and the rest, that much is an indicator.

"By the way, congrats, man. Are you gunning for a harem too, or…?"

Squeeze ~ Squeeze ~

He had a lewd face on him, but it slowly morphed into a pained one. I looked at his hand and it was being squeezed by Ruruko. I guess that's a no from her…?

"He still needs to convince me, Jin-senpai. I'm not against it but, I want a convincing enough argument to let him have one!"

Ruruko spoke for him, Saji just smiled painfully, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Is that…? Good luck then man…"

"W-Why do you not have this problem, Jin-senpai…?"

"I mean, probably because I'm the Middleman? I am willing to wager that all of the Supernatural knows of my main goal, which is to gain a harem. So, any female will know that in advance if they become interested in me."

Baring with the pain, he raises his free hand and clenches it. A pained and determined expression plastered on his face.

"I will spread my name as one of the Dragon Kings! That way ladies will flock to me to— Ow ow ow! R-Ruruko-chan please— Ow!!!"

We walked through the streets of Kuoh. Passing by some shops and places that I was very familiar with. I was also greeted a few times, but we eventually reached a relatively large house… It was in a part of Kuoh that was quite 'fancy'.

I didn't expect Sona to have a house like this. Do all of them live here? I look at Momo and she shakes her head.

"We don't live here, Jin-senpai. But we are nearby, President Sona helped some of our families to relocate into nicer homes."

"Yep! I have to take care of my siblings so being close to President's home is a plus! If they get into trouble or something I can just run back to them quickly."

Saji nodded as I looked at him. According to my memory... His parents died in a vehicular accident, and then he and his two siblings were taken in by their grandfather. He also passed away, this was due to an illness.

Saji was having financial troubles and received a summoning leaflet by the train station, summoned Sona and explained his situation. She then found out that he had a Sacred Gear, formed a contract with him and he was reincarnated.

Since he was part of her peerage and family, she provided him with an apartment that he and his siblings could live in. He then joined the Student Council… But when I look around this place, there are no apartment buildings but only houses.

"Saji… Do you live in an apartment building?"

"Hmmm? Yes, well, I used to! That was when I first became President's servant. However, after the Azrael incident, we were moved closer to the President's home and my siblings and I were moved into a big house! They loved it."

"I see, I'm glad for you man."

As I turn back to Sona's group, we arrive at the front door. That took some effort to reach... I glance back and see that she even has a large front garden. I could feel a bunch of defensive magic all over the place.

Sona pushes the doors open and we enter her home. Once inside it was quite large, a large entrance hallway and there were two staircases that led to a second floor, and one more that lead downwards.

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The entrance hallway had a large chandelier that illuminated the room. To the left there were three doors and to the right there were three as well. The entrance hallway also had a few paintings and decorations around it, mostly plants.

"Follow us."

Sona says and we do. There weren't any Maids or Butlers to my surprise, so I can guess she does the cleaning by herself…? Or does Tsubaki live with her? She is exiled from the Shinra clan for having a Sacred Gear.

Both of them go to the left, then into the second doorway. We did the same thing and walked through it. Once inside, there was a large dining hall and a kitchen combined.

"What the hell… This is the same size as one of our gymnasiums. Even my own dining room and kitchen isn't this large!"

The three of them laughed at my reaction.

"Yeah, I had the same reaction as you, Jin-senpai…"

Saji says with a strained smile while patting my shoulder.


"Alright, now tell me. What do you want to cook for Serafall? I can pretty much cook anything, so hit me."

I was standing at the front of the dining table as the Sitri peerage sat at the table. They all turn to Sona as we wait for her response.

"…Since we're in Japan, why not some Japanese dishes? But since we're requesting your help, an Irish dish would also be acceptable."

Japanese or Irish, huh?

{[Why not both?]}



Sure thing, I don't see why not. But let's check with Sona first.

"When will she arrive?"

Sona checks her clock and looks back at me.

"In four hours. It's currently four in the afternoon."

Four, huh? So, I may be able to leave by eight or nine tonight… The girls would have eaten by then. Ah, it's fine. I nodded and sighed.

"Alright, let's make an Irish and Japanese dish then. Split into two groups, four in each. One will work on a Japanese dish and the other on an Irish dish."

With a snap of my fingers, I summoned two recipes. I then look at Sona seriously as she looks back at me a little worried.

"Follow the recipe, do NOT add or leave out any ingredients. Do I make myself clear?"


"Sona. I've heard from Serafall (I have not). But please just give it a shot this time."

She seemed oblivious to what I was trying to imply but nodded in the end. I sigh in relief. Sona organized everyone into groups. It looked something like this:

Group 1: Sona, Tsubaki, Tsubasa, and Tomoe

Group 2: Saji, Ruruko, Reya, and Momo


Group 1

Group one which consists of Sona, Tsubaki, Tsubasa and Tomoe had the Japanese recipe, they were following the recipe to the letter so far. Sona had delegated a person to a task and they were efficiently getting through it—

Grab ~

"No ~ no ~ no ~ Sona."

"But this will make it look good."

She was about to add mayonnaise to one of the pots… How would that even translate…? They were given the 'Katsu Curry Ramen' recipe and I don't think mayonnaise would pair well with it.

"No, just, no… We have to prioritize how it tastes rather than how it looks, Sona… Who in the world taught you how to cook…?"

She blushes and looks away while I let go of her hand and take the mayonnaise bottle away from her.

"I-I learned on my own, mother didn't have time and I only received some advice from our servants back in the Underworld. B-But I did look up tutorials and how-to's online so I wasn't that clueless."

"Okay… But how does adding mayonnaise to this make it better?"

She didn't really answer and just blankly stared at me… Is this just a weird trait she has? I glanced at Tsubaki while she was working quietly. She sees me and shakes her head.

"Haa… Look, Sona. Like I said earlier, prioritize how it tastes before working on how it looks. This is the weirdest quirk I've seen on someone, you're stupidly smart that this kind of shocked me…"

She just sighed and nodded. As I approach the others in her group, I put on my birds-eye view. If this is a habit of hers, I don't want to take risks. I will try to break it slowly, especially if it's a problematic one. I arrived by Tsubaki's side; she was pretty skilled at it.

"You're pretty well versed in the kitchen."

"…Before I was exiled my mother and clansmen taught me how to cook. I loved cooking so much that I wanted to become better at it. I was also the one to help and teach President Sona most of her cooking skills."

I see, that makes sense seeing as how she's so skillful at using that knife. I stayed and helped her for a short time. Since Tsubaki is Japanese she's already adept at making Japanese dishes. It was the right call when Sona added her to this group.

"Well, you don't need my help. Good luck, Tsubaki."


I go over to Tsubasa Yura and Tomoe Meguri, the [Rook] and [Knight] of Sona's peerage. I don't know much about them but... Tsubasa seems to prefer 'manly' guys and Tomoe appears to be a shotacon. In other words, she seems to like younger guys since she likes Gasper.

Both of them were also involved with the Supernatural at a young age. Tsubasa could see and interact with supernatural beings or phenomenon and would pick fights with them while also winning, but would lose to stronger opponents.

Tomoe is part of the Meguri clan, which mainly exorcised demons. But she was cursed before she was born by a vengeful youkai. The only way for the curse to be lifted was for her to be reincarnated and by coincidence they summoned Sona.

So, she was exiled from her own clan. I swear all of these girls have sort of tragic background… Well, Tsubasa is excluded from that so far.

"How's the broth coming along?"

"Ah yes, it's going well, Jin-senpai."

Both of them were working on making the broth and had split the work between them. The two of them seem to be doing well, so I go over to Tsubasa and look over her shoulder.

"No offense but… I didn't expect this from you, Tsubasa."

This caused the girl to laugh and shake her head.

"No one does. I am perceived as a 'tomboy' kind of girl, right? Not that I mind."

She glances at me before turning back to her work. I nodded and patted her on the shoulder. I then go to Tomoe. She also was doing well… Should I discreetly tell her about Gasper and Coriana…?

"It looks like it's the same story over here, Tomoe."

"Yes! ~ we won't be needing your help here, Jin-senpai… But maybe the other group will…"

I follow her gaze as the other group seemed a little more chaotic. Ruruko was scolding Saji as she was also telling her how he does things. Momo and Reya just got on with it while doing some of the tasks of the arguing couple.

"Yeah, I may need to go over there… But you seem well versed in this cooking thing, huh?"

"Yes, I do live by myself after being kicked out so I had to learn a lot of things by myself."

She said in a sort of sad tone. I sigh and pat her head.

"You're doing fine so far so don't be too down about it."


She smiled at me and so did I. I finally left for the chaotic group two…


Group 2

"Like I said we do it this way! It's literally in the instructions Gen-chan!"

"No, no, no. We add this! If we do, it'll bring out more flavor!"

When I got to group two, they were still arguing, so I glanced at the other two and they were quietly working and sometimes helping each other. The recipe for 'Dublin Coddle' was given to them. It's essentially just potatoes, bacon, sausages with a dash of chicken broth and beer thrown in.


I chop both their heads making them stop and look at me.

"Okay, what's happening?"


They both spoke at the same time and started to talk over each other. I kind of understood what they were saying and I sighed. I snapped my fingers and created another batch and they look at it.

"Saji, do it your way on the left. Ruruko, yours is the right one. Go."

I already knew the outcome… I'm sorry Saji, but following the recipe for this is essential. Unless you become an even more experienced cook… Only then you'll be able to diverge from the recipe. I don't doubt your cooking skills since you have to look after your siblings but… This is a foreign recipe.

The two headed to each of their stations and started. I make my way to Momo and Reya. They were diligently doing their jobs and were following the recipe quite well.

"You two seem to be doing okay, unlike the couple behind us…"

They both giggled at this and agreed.

"The two of them began dating a few weeks ago, Jin-senpai. They're still in their honeymoon phase. They'll eventually leave that…"

One would this so! But alas! Many of the girls with me aren't past that part, not that I minded though.

"Some honeymoon phases last a long time…"

"Are you talking from experience?"


After the short exchange with Momo, I see that Reya was having a bit of trouble with peeling the potatoes. She was doing it in a weird way so I walked over to her and showed her.

"Like this, give it a go."

She nods and tries to replicate my movements but falls a bit short, so I hug her from behind and grab both her hands. I felt her entire body freeze and shake a little... Geez girl calm down… Though, I have seen this a lot in anime and wanted to try it, sorry.

I start doing the motions—

"See? Like this…"

But she obviously doesn't hear me. Momo was staring at us wide eyed… No, I could feel everyone's gaze on me. Still frozen, Reya stared straight ahead at the board. I glanced at Momo and she didn't look too happy…

[Jealous… She's jealous huhuhu.]

{That much is obvious you imbecile.}

[Bite m— Ow! What the hell?!]

Boom! Boom!

...Anyway, I turn back to Reya and continue to do the motions a few more times and get off of her. I step away and watch her do it perfectly, though she was blushing furiously… Doesn't she have a crush on Kiba?

Chop ~ Chop ~ Chop!

I glanced at Momo as she was furiously chopping away while frowning at the countertop. Haaa… Teenagers… I guess teasing her is fine, right…? As I walked over to her, I leaned into her left ear. Before she could do or say anything I blew into it.


Momo let out a strange moan as she dropped the knife she was holding. I had stepped away from her as everyone's attention was drawn to her and I. I just chuckled to myself and shook my head. Her face was completely red as she looked at me. Mission accomplished!

[What did you accomplish?!]

I stopped her from being grumpy, now she's just embarrassed.

[I mean… Okay…?]

I helped everyone for the next few hours. The one who won between Saji and Ruruko's small fight was Ruruko since… You know, she followed the recipe. Saji was a bit distraught by it.


4 hours later

"Wooooooh!!! We're done!"

Saji celebrated as everyone had finished setting up the table and the food was on it. The only one left to appear was Serafall. I had tasted the two dishes that were made and they were fine. Tsubaki and I made sure that Sona followed the recipe.

After the fifth time I had to stop her, she just gave up in trying to add whatever she wanted to. Which was a good thing, she was doing in subconsciously so hopefully she won't be doing it going forward.

Everyone was already seated as we waited for Serafall to arrive—


A magic circle appeared and out came the Satan Leviathan herself. The moment she saw Sona and me, she froze.


"Khh!! I can't decide who to hug first! So-tan or Jin?!"


We were left speechless by this. I just shook my head and teleported her beside Sona, since I made the decision for her, she hugged her little sister much to Sona's annoyance. She finally stopped and looked at the table and the feast that was waiting for her.

I had also made some desserts for everyone and other side dishes while we were waiting for Serafall.

"Oh! These all look quite good! Shall we start eating?!"

"Sure thing."


"Ahhh ~ cooking done by So-tan is amazing ~ oh! And don't forget about her peerage too! Jin's here too."

Oi… I helped out quite a bit you know? I just shook my head at her as she giggled. Everyone else also liked what they had made, Saji and Ruruko were feeding each other, annoying some of the other girls here.

I'm not too bothered by it since I probably did the same thing months ago, heck, even now from time to time…

"Jin! You're heading to the Shinto God's soon, right?"

I nod to Serafall's question. A wide grin spreads across her face.

"I can't go! Uwaaaaaaa!!"

...…??? Then why the hell did you smile?! And don't start crying! Everyone was staring at her in shock before she abruptly stopped and looked at me before eating again. I was utterly confused… I'll ask her about it later…


Dinner had finished and I was washing the dishes with Momo as she had offered to do it. Everyone else had moved to the living room and I could hear a lot of noises coming from there, though most of it was coming from Serafall.

"The 'Dublin Coddle' was very tasty, Jin-senpai."

Momo says as she hands me a plate and I dry it off. Well, I'm glad the food of the Irish is liked by all of you… Especially Saji, the guy ate like three servings and nearly puked in the end.

"Is that so? I'm glad you liked it then, Momo. Nevertheless, I think the request has been fulfilled. I'll go say goodbye for the night and go home, I can't keep my girls waiting."

Momo nodded while having a complicated expression on her face. She looked like she wanted to say something but held back. We quietly and quickly finished washing the dishes.

Once we were done, we made our way to the living room and once there—

Squish ~ Squish ~

"So-tan ~"

Serafall was basically using Sona as a body pillow as she was hugging and rubbing herself on her little sister. I knock on the side of the door frame to get their attention.

"Yo, it's night and my request is finished, I'll get going now."

"Ah, yes, good night, Jin-senpai."

Several of them wished me goodnight, and I nodded. Sona and Serafall got up and dragged me into the entrance hallway. Momo glanced back at me and gave me a friendly wave before joining everyone in the living room.

"So-tan I knew you would ask Jin for help! What will you pay him?!"

Sona sighed and fixed her glasses before looking at me.

"I was about to get to that, Nee-sama. Jin, thank you for accepting this selfish request… As to the compensation… I was thinking of leaving it up to you."

"Up to me?"

I repeat what she said and point at myself. She nods as a giant smile slowly started to appear on Serafall's face, then it turned into a shit-eating grin.


Up to me, huh? What do I want for compensation…? I look at both sisters, back to the doorway of the living room since I felt all of them had gotten up and had been listening. I chuckle and turn back to Sona, but before I did. I gave Saji an apologetic look. He just looked at me confused.

"How about we go on a date, Sona?"




Sona looked at me and started to rapidly blink, Serafall was a bit stunned, but her grin came back, I heard a loud thud behind me.



Ruruko and the others voices resounded behind me and I believe Saji fainted from shock. I'm sorry, dude… But she literally sees you as a little brother… Forgive me, you also have Ruruko. I look back at Sona as she slowly turned red.

She tried to fix her glasses again but her hand was shaking so much that she missed and put her finger up her nose. This made her blush even more… Serafall was expectantly looking at her little sister. But Sona was too shocked to give an answer.

"Hmm-hmm, So-tan is too shocked to answer! So, I'll do it for her, Jin!"

Sona looks mortified at her older sister but couldn't say anything on time as Serafall spoke.

"It's a double date! I'll go with you two! So-tan and Levi-tan on date with Jin!"


I turn back to see Saji fall again, did he somehow wake up and then hear this again…? Ruruko started to drag him back into the living room. Good idea, I don't want to break his heart even more.


"Let's talk details another time, Jin!"

Serafall came up to me and kissed me before stepping back and giving me a wink. I prepare to teleport away after nodding to her. Sona was still quite red as she stood there blushing.

"We need to buy some new undergarments, So-tan. Oh, maybe some new dresses to! I might lose my v-card after it!"

The last thing I saw before leaving was Sona looking horror-struck at her own sister. Serafall couldn't help but laugh at her sister's reaction…


Timeline – Volume 4

Daily life of a Fallen Angel




I, Raynare have been granted my powers back by Jin Skyward, however, they are being heavily monitored. The entire organization of Grigori is in a buzz since his match with the Devil of the House of Bael will be streamed live all across the Supernatural world.

"Here, Raynare."

"Ah, sure thing, Crisolica."

I took some of the lunch we would be serving the children we were watching for the day and put them in the fridge. I would be off for the rest of the day since we have a new hire. They will be taking over for me for the rest of the day.

Crisolica is a high ranking Fallen Angel, the head nurse of this nursery and hired me even after all the thing she heard about me. She gave me a second chance, I'm forever grateful to her. She started out a little suspicious of me but… She eventually warmed up.

I wanted to change but… It was challenging at first. I shut down for a few days when all my plans were destroyed and my powers were sealed. But I didn't feel hatred for him and I hated that, my feelings were all jumbled up…

"Off you go now, Raynare. There won't be work tomorrow since most of Grigori will be watching Jin-kun's fight. Enjoy the day off, okay?"

"…Yes, thank you, Crisolica-san."

I bowed after she let me off for the day— The new replacement came in and it was a Fallen Angel that I hadn't seen before. We see each other and give each other a quick nod. I make my way to the locker room and take off my apron, hang it up and got my bag out of my locker.

I walk out of the same door, say goodbye to some of the children and leave the nursery. I take a deep breath and look around me… Time to start my day then.


"Thank you again, Yuuma-san."


I had gone to the human world to buy some groceries for myself. I wasn't rich but I was well off enough to not worry about my financial situation but… Seeing the amount I had made me feel uneasy and guilty.

Most of these were from people I've killed in the past. I shake my head and leave the store with my groceries. I also use my alias Yuuma Amano when I come to the human realm, well, this part of it anyway. I didn't want anyone knowing my real name.

I began to walk to a nearby alleyway to teleport back to Grigori when I was stopped by… Haaa… Why can't they just leave me alone?

"Hey, hey! Ain't you a cute thing?"


Four morons approach me.

This is the fourth time this happened. I wasn't using my Amano Yuuma transformation, only the name so I looked like my usual self. I know for a fact that Fallen Angel possess bodies in order to successfully seduce men. Even Azazel-sama has said this in the past.

But I hate how it works too well at times… I blankly stared at the men who were harassing me… Should I just scream r—pe and be done with it…?

I push past them and keep walking. It looks like I need to use another alleyway… Ugh, the next one is so far away.

"Hey! We were talking to you, you skank!"

I am not a skank. I am wearing pretty modest clothing right now you know? I sigh to myself and keep walking. Nevertheless, I felt one of them grab my shoulder and grip it quite hard. I know I said I was trying to better myself and improve as a person, but I have my limits.


I quickly turn around and punched the human male in the stomach. He clutches his stomach and falls to his knees, without missing a beat I turn back around and keep walking.

"F-Fuck… What the fuck…? Stop gawking at me! Get her!"

I hear more footsteps approaching me. There weren't many people out right now since it was a weekday and during school hours, and the place I chose to buy my groceries is… Less than desirable.

Swosh! Swish! Swosh!

With minimal movement I avoid all of their attacks. I'm sorry to say that… But after I got over my slump, I didn't just sit around and do nothing. While it took a lot of convincing, I started to attend some self-defense classes and some martial arts training.

Training— That was a foreign word to me once upon a time. But now… I started to train my magic and light manipulation, while I haven't felt any substantial increases… I do feel satisfied with myself.

Don! Bam! Don!

I turn around and uppercut one of the men. I kicked the other in the balls and punched the last one on the throat but not hard enough to kill him... I just wanted to scare him and make him panic. I look at all of them as they lay on the ground in pain and defeat.

Their 'leader' was looking at me with horror and a dumbfounded expression. After seeing that they all had minor injuries and nothing too serious, I turned around and left. I didn't feel any of them trying to follow me so I dodged into an alleyway and teleported back to Grigori.


It's been a few hours since then and I was walking around Grigori just to think. I then come across Penemue-sama and Dohnaseek.

"Ah! Raynare! Good timing, are you free?"

"Yes… Do you need some help?"

Penemue-sama nods and gestures behind them. I look at where she is gesturing and see some documents stacked up. I nodded and grabbed a few stacks and carried them.

"The Researchers need this; we are working on a new type of Sacred Gear. Haaa… That Azazel can't stop himself from making new types before making a fully completed one that can rival the original Longinus."

I could only give her a strained smile and nodded along. I'm sorry, I'm too dumb to understand the intricacies of Sacred Gear making and research… I wonder if Jin does…? We eventually arrived by the lab and go in.

"I'll get started with the rest, can you two sort those out and put them over there?"

We followed her finger and found a bunch of metal cabinets and shelves filled with other documents. Both of us nodded and she smiled at us before leaving the room. Having only been in this room a few times, I see many gadgets and other items around the room.

It almost seemed something out of a Sci-Fi film… I turn back to see Dohnaseek had already started to sort out the documents. I walk over and join him. I have rarely spoken with my previous subordinates and we have mostly stuck to our own jobs.

Mittelt is probably the only one who keeps us mostly on 'speaking' terms since she's always everywhere. It's either cleaning or complaining about something, the other times are her saying that Azazel-sama will take her virginity and finally, cursing Jin out for not giving her powers back.

It's understandable though, she has refused to 'improve' herself in any way shape or form. It's like looking at a stubborn child refusing to do anything unless they get their way, and even then, it's questionable.

"Mittelt is still bitching as usual."

Dohnaseek says as he sorts through the documents.

"Is that even a surprise at this point?"

We both let out a snort before silence takes over again. This continues on until the door slides open again. We turn to see that Penemue had Kalawarna with her now too, she was also being accompanied by Kouki Samejima, one of the members of team Slash/Dog.

If I'm not mistaken… He has a crush on her. Kalawarna is aware of that but has not yet decided on what to do or how to respond to him. He's quite innocent in that regard, it's weird seeing it clash with his usual delinquent personality.

"Hmm-hmm, that's all for now. I'll leave you guys to it. I'll come back in a few minutes to help out, Azazel just called for me… Haaa…"

Penemue-sama says before leaving again. I look at Kalawarna and she nods at us both. All three of us begin sorting through all the documents we had. Kouki Samejima was just silently looking at us.

"Kouki, if you want to assist, please come here. If not then leave… Being stared at just feels uncomfortable."

Kalawarna says while looking through a piece of paper. Kouki awkwardly nodded and walked over to her right side and started helping her. He asked a few questions about what to look out for and the like.

She explained it to him in a way he could understand, and he began to follow along. He had a pretty serious expression… Kalawarna had a small smile on her… I see… I guess she is fond of him to a certain extent.

"Hey, you're Raynare, right?"

I look up to see him looking at me and I nodded.

"You went with bro to Asgard, right? How was it?"

"Bro…? Oh… You mean, Jin? Um it was fine, I guess?"

He gave me a look that said 'Go on, explain'. I inwardly sigh and recount to them my experience in the Norse realm. The things I saw, the feelings I felt, the people I met, and how Jin conducted himself in his role as the 'Middleman.' It was… Strange.

He helped out an entire race in there… I didn't expect that. He also had powerful subordinates; he was a little different since I first met him but… It was in a good way, I guess? I don't know how to describe it, but that's how it was.

And he only asked to be able to visit on occasion without needing some kind of identification, I don't understand what goes through his head…

"Haha, that does sound like bro. But… Helping out the Dark Elves of Asgard, huh? Growing his reputation in a positive way is certainly a good thing! Ahh—"

"Be careful, Kouki."

"R-Right m bad…"

I look at Kalawarna in disbelief. So, I wasn't mistaken… She had called him 'Kouki' earlier, not 'Samejima-kun' or anything like that. They've gotten that close…? I glance at Dohnaseek and he also had a small look of shock.

I don't know anything about him, what he does in his spare time, or if he has any romantic interests in anyone… Did— Was I that neglectful towards them in the past? Yes, but… In a way they were also the same.

They didn't care about anything like that, only about power. I guess time does change people, though… In the case of Mittelt, not so much. For the rest of the day, we worked on this. Penemue-sama came back to us and told us we'd be paid for this since it will take the rest of the day.

We were even invited to watch the game with the higher-ups in the organization. We accepted, with the exception of Kouki since he'll be watching it with his team.


The game, huh? I wonder what will happen during it… Jin is strong and I know he'll win but… I shake my head, I'll see by tomorrow, I guess. I arrived at my room, closed and locked the door behind me.

"Jin, huh… I wonder what you'll show the world tomorrow, Red— No, Dual Dragon Emperor…"


Next day

"Ah! Raynare, come here!"

Upon seeing me, Penemue-sama started to gesture me over. Once I arrived in the room there were many Fallen Angels there, even Shuri-sama was also here… So, she was here to watch her soon-to-be son-in-law fight, huh?

I see Azazel-same wasn't here, where did he go? Was he over there in the stadium too…?

"Ah, it's starting!"

I sat down at a random spot and watched the match… I was surprised to see Azazel-sama was one of the commentators…


He won and also revealed his [Queen] form…! I felt a surge of excitement within me and squeezed my hand into a fist and lightly pumped it. I caught myself and felt my face heat up… W-Why am I…?

I turn to see if anyone saw and to my horror… Penemue-sama saw me, she smiled at me and winked…

I want to die!! Damn you, Jin!


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