Winds of Change DX

Chapter 3: Life. 3

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Timeline – Volume 3

3 Goddesses, a Glutton, a Dhampir and a Tomboy… Oh, the Dragon's there too!


Ireland, Dublin

Jin Skyward

It's been around an hour after my duel with Scathach. After we fought, we decided to have lunch and now we're back in Dublin.

"I'll be honest with you guys… I didn't plan ahead, so let's just do what we want?"

I say and turn to look at the women with me. They mostly agree but I did get a disappointed look from both Valerie and Natsume.

"Cool. Then Let's—"

"A moment, Jin."

Scathach interrupted me and I turned to look at her. She drags Áine and Danu away to a random store leaving me with the other girls. But Scathach's head quickly pops back up and gestures for them to join them. They glance at me before approaching them.

"Ah, I see, I'm alone."

So, I just stood out there waiting for them to get back to me. I take this time to look around me and try to find the differences between this Dublin and the one I knew. Not many but there are minor differences, I mean, not including Crann Sióg then yeah, it's mostly minor.

A bar or pub being slightly bigger or smaller, a certain shop being replaced by another, a tree or bush missing, and certain other things are just removed or replaced entirely.


I hear my name being called out and I turn to my left. When I do, I see an old classmate of mine. He had short brown hair, green eyes and was skinny. He wore a green hoody and black jeans with white adidas shoes.

"Cian? The hell are you doing here?"

"I should say the same to you, Mate! Didn't you move to Japan?"

I awkwardly chuckle and nodded.

"Yeah… But I came back to Ireland for the summer vacation, just taking a look at Dublin, you know?"

He nods sagely. Now that I look at him, he's doing well and was carrying a plastic bag. If memory serves right, he lives in Dublin so him coming here isn't all that strange.

"Anyway, are you out shopping or something? Not with yer ma or da? What about your sister?"

Just as I finish saying that, a woman walks up beside him. She looks at him and then at me before her eyes widen in surprise.

"Well holy shit, is that you, Jin? The fuck are you doing here? I thought you flew to Japan to shack up with Japanese moths."

[Japanese moths…]

{I love this…}

'What does she mean by that?'

I chuckle and look at Cian's sister, Alannah. She also had brown hair but it reached all the way down to her waist. She also had the same green eyes and was wearing a blue dress since it was summer and it was sunny.

"Good day to you too, Alannah."

I tell her what I told Cian and she nods sagely. She looks back at me with a grin… I didn't like that. Is she going to—

"So, any new moths?"

God dammit. Why are they so obsessed with it?

[And you're not, Partner?]


Shut up!



I was about to say something to them when I hear Natsume's voice call to me. We turn to look at all of them women coming out of the store. Scathach had gotten changed and was looking quite fancy, well, that's what I think anyway.

Scathach was wearing a grey long coat, with a white shirt underneath, black skin tight jeans and black ankle boots. They all walk back over to me and both Cian and Alannah were both slack-jawed.

"Hmmm? Who are these two, Jin?"

"…Former classmates of mine, he's Cian and she's Alannah… Um these are…"

Now that I look back, both of them had shit-eating grins on their faces.

"Holy shit! Are they with you?! How many did you score?!"

"A playboy, I knew you had it in you. Aoife would be proud."


I see a very dangerous glint in Áine's eyes as she happily skips beside me and hugs my arm.

"Yes, we're all his ~"


Another round of silence. Even those who were just passing us stopped to look at me with confusion, hatred and jealousy. I just facepalm at her antics.

"Damn… Didn't you talk about this a lot? What was that word? A jarem?"

"It's harem you Muppet."

"Right, right, harem! Jin got himself a harem!"

Looking at the girls, I noticed that they had amused smirks on their faces. I mean, if you guys knew half the truth you would probably have an aneurysm right now… The girls then started to introduce themselves and they kept on nodding.

"I'll be damned, Jin. You're really living the life over there, huh? I'm still single here, you know? Even Lanna here is single, she got dum—"


"I broke up with him!"

The two siblings started to physically fight one another and I stepped in to calm them down.

"I see... Well, whatever the case may be, I hope you're doing well. Anyway, we need to get going… So, see you guys…"

"Ah… Yeah, man, see you!"

They were a bit surprised by that and involuntarily agreed and waved us goodbye. I wave to them as I walked away with everyone else.

"They seemed friendly."

"Yeah, they're good people."

They were kind to me but they had rough lives before. Both of them were adopted by their current parents a few years back. They had some behavioral issues but as time wore on, they got better. Now they're pretty outgoing.

It seems like it stays true even in this universe…

"You look good by the way, Scathach."

"Hmmm. I had help picking this out, I have money so it wasn't an issue… Valerie, Natsume and Shigune were integral in choosing this as it may appeal to you. I had thought of putting my hair into a ponytail but—"

"You should have, I love ponytails."


I cut her off on reflex and immediately regretted my decision… Oh god this won't bite me in the ass, will it? I looked back at the girls and they were staring at me blankly.

"Hmmm ~ Jin likes ponytails? ~ maybe I should tie my hair into one ~"


Goddess Danu was looking at her hair and had weird determination in her eyes. Valerie was playing with her hair and Natsume looked like she was debating something with herself. Guys… Don't think too deeply about it, I just…

[Fetish unlocked.]


'Perhaps I should tell Velgrynd about this…'

Cúntóir: Answer: I have changed my hair, Jin.

Please stop…


King's Inn Park

"Wow… It's actually eating it…"

Until we arrived at King's Inn Park, we had mostly been roaming around without a particular destination in mind and talking about random topics. The park isn't that interesting except for one small but noteworthy thing: a tree literally ate one of the park benches at one of its entrances.

[You can't sit on that.]

Yeah, no shit, Ddraig.

"This… Is an attraction? I mean it certainly interesting…"

Natsume seemed a bit confused by it but accepted it in the end. She walked over to try to sit on it. It was a bit difficult but, in the end, she managed and was sitting at a weird angle. Valerie took out her phone and snapped a picture before giggling at her.

"It's rumored that the tree was planted around the early 1800s. It took many decades to do this. It's also been listed as the country's 'Heritage Trees' by the Tree Council of Ireland, so it wouldn't be, you know, cut down or whatever."

"I was a short member of it when it was first formed."

Goddess Danu says and we all looked at her, so she continued.

"The Tree Council of Ireland is a voluntary non-governmental organization. It was formed in 1985 as an umbrella body for organizations involved in the establishment, care and conservation of trees in Ireland. This was done through the promotion of a tree culture in Ireland."

"Its mission statement is to 'Foster a Tree Culture in Ireland through Action and Awareness'. Its objectives are threefold: to educate the public about trees, to facilitate networking among members, and to be a representative voice for tree culture and tree promotion."

"Its main activities are the organization of the annual events of National Tree Week in March and National Tree Day on the first Thursday of October."

It's been around for a long time now. It makes you wonder how old Danu is—

Pinch ~


Goddess Danu pinched me and had an unamused expression on her face.

"…My bad."

She stops pinching me but instead hugs my arm, seemingly satisfied with my apology.

"Why did you join?"

Shigune asks and Goddess Danu nodded.

"As you know, I am the Primordial Goddess of Wind, Nature and Earth in Irish mythology. As such I want to see this country prosper. If I have the power to better it, be it in the normal human way or just using my powers… I will do so."

She lets go of my arm and walks over to the tree. She closes her eyes and the tree emits a small green glower for a few seconds before disappearing. I also made sure no one was around us so she could do that without worry.

I observed the tree and noticed that Goddess Danu had increased its lifespan even more. As she finished what she was doing, she made her way back to me and embraced my arm again.

"You increased its lifespan?"


That's all Goddess Danu said and we remained silent for a few minutes as the rest of the girls, not including Scathach started to take turns sitting on the bench and snapping pictures of each other. They forced me to take one, as well as Goddess Danu and we awkwardly obliged.

After that, we strolled around King's Inn Park for a short while. It was a relatively small park, and as I mentioned earlier nothing of note was there apart from the tree that was eating that bench. However, we did come across a few people, mostly elderly couples out on a stroll for the day.

"Jin. You said that Ireland isn't usually sunny, is that why there are so many people out right now?"

Natsume says to the left of me while still glancing around trying to look for something interesting. To her question, I nodded.

"The sun is shining and it's summer vacation, right? Most of the country's people would be out enjoying the weather right now. It's pretty rare, hell even in past summers the sun doesn't really come out or last that long… But I guess in recent years it has been."

I told her, and I hope I didn't jinx that. Since this country's weather pattern is bipolar at best. I feel a tug on my right arm, and I look at Goddess Danu.

"Don't worry, it won't rain today…"

"Is that a guess or a guarantee from you?"

"A guarantee."

"I see."

Natsume makes a 'hmm' sound before walking ahead of us. This is because Valerie was getting a small history lesson about the country of Ireland from Áine. I glance at Scathach, who has remained mostly silent so far.

"Are you doing okay?"

"Hmm? Are you worried about me, Jin? I'm flattered but you healed me after our duel, so I am fine."

She also glances at me and gives me an amused look. In response, I just shrugged. We spent a few more minutes in the park before heading somewhere else entirely.


Dublin Zoo

"I feel like I've been here way too many times, but also at the same time only a handful of times…"

I say to myself but the girls with me clearly heard me and gave me strange looks.

"What do you mean?"

"…Don't worry about it, anyway, let's go. It's still far from closing time so we can take out time. But it is crowded."

Crowded is an understatement... I look around and can see a sea of people walking around Dublin Zoo. Most, I would assume are tourists, couples or families on outings. As I said before, it is summer.

"T-That's a bit of an understatement, Jin…"


I agree with Shigune's statement. Áine walks in front of us and puts her right arm up.

"I will be your guide today!"

She says enthusiastically… Also, why? She gives me an amused look and waves her finger at me.

"No, no! Jin! I am a wanderer as you know, I have been here many times over the years! I have watched it change and grow, accept my proposal!"

"I never rejected it though."

She smiles and gives a satisfied nod before turning around. No one else was against it so we followed after her. As we do, we passed by the glass enclosure with a tiger in it.

'Hey, look, more humans… I'm hungry, where's food?'

The tiger says. I rarely use this ability since nine times out of ten I would just hear all kinds of animals, insects and other things speaking so I turn it off. Also, that barking dog is annoying… I look to my right and spot a zookeeper.

"Hey… I think that tiger's hungry…"

He gives me a strange look that asks, 'how are you sure?' To which I shrug.

"It just gives off the body language that it's hungry."

He nodded and left. I don't know if he's taking what I said seriously or just thinks of me as a psycho, either way works for me. I turn back to see Áine, Scathach and Danu looking at me strangely.


Before they could say anything, Valerie added in—

"Jin can understand any kind of language, that includes animals too… So, he probably heard the tiger say something."

The three nodded understandingly and we continued on our way.

"Wait, does that mean you can understand the language of our boobs?"


[Oh no… It's Issei's Pailingual!! Partner, don't you dare!]

The girls with me stop and stare at me. I also blankly stare back at Áine who was snickering at me. I eventually sigh and nod.

"In theory, it should be possible for me to do that, but I haven't once done it…"

"So you can! Interesting! Hehe ~"

Áine seemed to have some kind of strange plan in her head, and I became wary of her. But we continued on our day in the zoo, I heard many more voices of animals and translated them to the girls. However, as mentioned, Áine was looking at me and I could tell she was planning something…


Phoenix Park

"Oh? There's deer here today… They do sometimes come here, Ingvild seemed to be interested in them, a shame… I'll just snap a picture then…"

We had come to Phoenix Park and had purchased food earlier, so we were walking around while eating. Goddess Danu was still attached to me… No, she had been attached to me since King's Inn Park. The other girls, including Áine but excluding Scathach had been using my other free arm from time to time.

"This park is pretty big, huh? They even have that large tower thing as well…"

Natsume points at the monument and I tell her what I told Akeno during our date. The three other Goddesses shared their thoughts and experiences as well.

"Heeeee, that sounds cool… Actually, Jin! Is there a chance you can… You know, talk to the deer and let us near them to pet them?"

I shook my head.

"Unfortunately, we can't touch or feed the deer. It's in the rules of Phoenix Park..."

She seemed to deflate, but I continued.

"But those rules are mostly aimed towards normal humans… We're part of the supernatural so, yeah, I can."

Happy with this she appears beside me and gives me a peck on the cheek and starts to skip towards the deer along with Shigune and Valerie. I chuckle at her enthusiasm as we followed her.

"You tend to spoil them?"


Scathach asks and I answer her bluntly. She just gave me a grunt in response. We were quickly approaching the deer—

[The rules state to stand at least 50 meters away from them, so stay at that distance and wait for us to get there.]

Using the communication function on the ring, I told the three, and they stopped. We quickly joined them and I covered the small area around us with an illusion. Luckily, the area these deer chose wasn't near a pathway, so a normal human wouldn't accidentally step inside it.

I also add an effect that they'll avoid this area for as long as this barrier is up. I point at the three of them and give them the ability to communicate and understand animal language, the same with the three Goddesses with me.

"Why are humans coming near us?"

"Who knows? They look stupid."

"But don't we usually run away?"

"It's because we're sparring their lives, idiot."


Multiple deer started to speak, and the girls froze in place. They stare at them in disbelief… Who knew some deer are assholes, huh?

"W-What the hell?! That's so rude!"

The deer are clearly startled that Natsume could understand them. They just stare at her but when they were about to say something she continued.

"I didn't think deer were so mean! What the heck?! Now I'm starting to regret this!"

"N-Natsume calm down, I-I'm sure they're just… Um… It's called 'trash talking' right? Yeah… Just that…"

Shigune tries to calm her down, but she is just as terrified. I glanced at Scathach and she had an amused look on her face. Áine was smirking at Goddess Danu… Well, she had her eyes closed and was leaning against me, though I believe she did hear that.

"Interesting, shall I wipe them into shape?"


"Hmph, very well."

Scathach, they're normal deer, not supernaturally powered up deer! You'd kill them! I looked at her incredulously. Natsume continued to walk towards the deer. But they started to get up ready to bolt the second she got too close…


"W-What? What's happening? Why can't I move?!"

"Oh my deer! We're all gonna die! I haven't gotten laid yet!"

"That's what you're worried about?! Why isn't the deer god here when you need him?!"

"I haven't eaten enough today…"

All the deer had varying reactions, but most of them ended up the same, which was: shock, terror or disbelief...… Also, they have a deer god? Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: In ancient Celtic and Gallo-Roman religion, Cernunnos or Carnonos was a god depicted with antlers, seated cross-legged, and is associated with stags, horned serpents, dogs and bulls.

Cúntóir: Answer: Believed to have originally been a Celtic god, there are more than fifty depictions and inscriptions referring to him, mainly in the north-eastern region of Gaul. Cernunnos is also associated with the Wiccan Horned God in the modern religious tradition of Wicca, via the discredited Witch-cult hypothesis.

Cúntóir: Answer: However, in the Draconic Deus, and in this universe, they are very much real. They reside on the south side of the country, in Cork.

I see… The God of Deer, huh? I wonder if they'll come to the aide of these deer… Also, they seem aware of the supernatural, I guess I was wrong with them being not part of it.

"Let me— No, let us pet you!"

The deer just became even more confused by Natsume's demand. Their eyes dart to one another seemingly looking for an answer but none of them say anything. This is leading nowhere. Sighing, I walked up to Natsume and lightly chopped her head.

"Slow down."

I glanced at Goddess Danu and asked for her help. She sees this and smiles. Coming up beside me she turns to face the deer, lets out a bit of her aura and they calm down instantly.

"G-Goddess Danu?!"

"Oh my deer! I never would have thought I would meet her!! So the rumors of her re-appearance were true… Wait does that mean he's—"

"The Red Dragon Emperor and Middleman?! Sign my butt cheek please!"

[Bwahahah! You have deer as fans, partner! Go on! Sign his butt!]



Ignoring the screams of the [Welsh Dragon] I wait for the reactions of the deer to stop, and they eventually do. Goddess Danu then continues.

"I'm sorry for Natsume's sudden outburst, but may we know why you are here? And could these girls pet you?"

They all quickly looked at each other and nodded.

"We do not mind, Goddess Danu! But! Could we please be freed? It feels quite uncomfortable being bound like this…"

One of the deer says, perhaps he's their 'leader' of sorts? Natsume complies and grumbly undoes her binding technique she learned from me on our last visit to the [Pocket Dimension]. The deer let out a sigh of relief and started walking toward us.

"To answer your other question, Goddess Danu. The shade is what brought us here! It's also quite cool here."

The deer leader says and we nod. One of the deer came up to me, the one who asked for their ass to be signed…

"I won't sign your ass but…"

I summon a necklace with 'Red Dragon Emperor' inscribed on it and dangled it in front of the deer. His eyes widen—

"I'll give you this instead. It's just a—"


They looked at him with apathetic expressions and shook their heads as he fainted. Natsume, Valerie, Shigune and to my surprise Áine were all petting the deer, and they seemed to like it too.

"…Um, will he be okay…?"

One of the deer nodded his head.

"Yes, he will, Middleman. He's just a fan and got too much stimulation and fainted. However, this happens to nearly anyone he becomes a fan of, don't mind it."

"Is that so…?"

I shrugged, looked at the unconscious deer one last time before turning my attention to Scathach and Danu. They hadn't moved from the spot they were at, which was beside me. They just looked at the others petting the deer.

"Are you guys not going to join?"

"No, I am fine here, Jin."

"I have fought the Deer God a few centuries ago and I am not interested in petting those animals. He was… To put it bluntly, weak. However, he used interesting techniques and abilities that he seemed to have mastered and didn't let me end the fight as quickly as I had thought."

Danu gave a short reply, but Scathach launched into a long rant. Fascinating. I wonder what kind of style that is…? Scathach looked at me in amusement before speaking again.

"Do not be mistaken, Jin. It wasn't anything spectacular. Apart from the techniques and abilities he mastered, everything else was subpar at best. The rest was just him struggling to survive until I chose to end it."

She explained and I nodded along.

"I see…"

So, it was just a struggle— A desperate attempt at survival, huh? Still, it appears he was spared or it wasn't a duel to the death because the deer did wonder early on if he was helping them or not.

Rustle ~ Rustle ~

I feel Danu adjust herself to hugging my arm. Seriously though, what's up with her? Maybe she can share her reasons with me? I mean she's this… Erm, smitten with me already… It won't hurt to ask, right?

"Hey, is the Deer God called Cernuous? Where's he at right now?"

The leader of the deer looks at me and nods.

"Yes, Cernuous is the God of Deer in Ireland. Goddess Danu was one of the few to help him gain that power many years ago, however, he is not a fighter nor is he super powerful, however, he is powerful enough to help us or animals in need…"

He frowned but continued.

"He currently resides in Cork; however, he does travel the country from time to time. Since he is very powerful, he has transformation magic and can disguise himself as a human. But… The last location we knew of him was that he was in Galway, west of Ireland."

Galway? Why was he in Galway? That isn't too far from County Clare and the Cliffs of Moher… Were we that close to him?

"When was this?"

"A few months back, he was apparently going to meet up with Ilana in Tír na nÓg but after that he hasn't been heard of since."


Cúntóir: Answer: Cernuous is currently south of Ireland. He is in Waterford. However, he is not in danger.

...…Waterford, huh? And not in danger? So, I don't need to go in some kind of rescue mission?

Cúntóir: Answer: Negative. He is a masochist.

...…Huh? W-Why is that relevant?

Cúntóir: Answer: You will see in the future.

[Another Baraqiel situation! Alert! All hands on deck!]

{Ddraig, shut up.}

I sigh and look back at the deer who was confused.

"He's fine… He's in Waterford for whatever reason… I sensed his aura around there, and he's not in danger."

To this, the deer shook his head.

"I see… He does wander sometimes, but usually informs us when he does. I guess it just slipped his mind? Nevertheless, thank you, Middleman."

I nod to him as the girls pet the deer for a little while longer. However, I was left with more questions… I still want to explore those worlds in Ireland, now there the Deer God and whatever mythos is in Waterford… And…

I look at Áine as she notices me and gives me a bright smile. I used [Pailingual] on her breasts. However, I modified mine, so there was no need to cast a barrier.

[Die! All men should die!!! They're all but disgusting creatures who sexually assault and beat up anything that disagrees with them! I will expose the Red Dragon Emperor's true nature in the future!!!!!!!]


Expose me, huh? I'm sorry to say, but apart from lying about a few things… I've mostly been honest with how I feel. I don't know what you want to 'expose', Áine, I only know the 'history' of you in my old world.

In early tales she is associated with the semi-mythological King of Munster, Ailill Aulom, who is said to have sexually assaulted her, an assault ending in Áine biting off his ear, hence the name Aulom 'one-eared'.

In other tales Áine is the wife of Gerald FitzGerald, 3rd Earl of Desmond, known popularly as 'Iarl Gearóid'. Rather than having a consensual marriage, he sexually assaults her, and she exacts her revenge by either changing him into a goose, killing him or both.

In a variant of the FitzGerald story, Áine is sexually assaulted by Gerald's father the Earl of Desmond, who witnesses Áine combing her hair while bathing in a river. The Earl takes possession of Áine's cloak, which is the only way to control her, and he sexually assaults her.

In every version of her story, she is sexually assaulted… I wonder if that— No, it has to be the truth, seeing she hates men and wants to 'expose' me. But… Which one is true? Or… Are all of them true to a certain extent…?

"Why do you look so serious, Jin?"

I feel Danu tighten herself around my arm and pull me out of my thoughts. I look at her and shake my head.

"No… It's nothing… I was just wondering what version of Áine's folklore is true. I used the ability to talk to her breast just now and I heard some unsavory things being said about men."

"…I see… Please don't think badly of her… She's…"

I shake my head, no, I understand. Some people can react very badly after being sexually assaulted. I mean, if it happens more than once then… I glance at Áine who had gone back to petting the deer with a smile on her face.

"Will you help her?"

"…At the end of the day, it's up to the individual to get through that, but… I'll try. I mean, I'm not sure in what to do, but I'll try."

"Thank you."

She hugged my arm a little tighter and we silently watch over the girls with the deer. Scathach had stayed silent but I could feel that she felt the same way. Hey, this was my country in my past life, I'll gladly help…



"Thanks for paying for dinner, Jin ~"

We had come out of Crann Sióg. Thankfully the rude waiter wasn't working tonight. I gave the two guards five hundred euros as a tip for threateningly looking at two assholes who were giving us a hard time.

Like, who gives a shit if we're not wearing the appropriate clothing for it? I have the money, fuck off. Anyway, we were outside and it was around nine at night, and we were about to go home.

"Don't worry about it, Áine. Do you guys want some help with teleporting back to your homes…? Well, Danu and Scathach that is, I dunno about you, Áine."

We had gone back to Phoenix Park so we wouldn't have to worry about normal humans seeing us teleport and do supernatural crap.

"No, I will be fine, thank you for the offer, Jin. Good night to you all. We will meet again in the future."

Scathach says and turns around. She proceeds to create a rune teleportation circle and disappears. I turn to Goddess Danu and she nods. But she stops me and beckons me to her. I was taller than her so I bent down and—

Chu ~


She had kissed me on the cheek…

[Partner, how the hell did you even fall for that? That's the oldest trick in the book!]

{And have you ever been kissed before?}


{He's sulking. I was expecting some sort of physical retaliation.}

'You fix it.'

{Oh, come on! Help me here, Rudra!}



"Thank you, Jin. For the day and for 'earlier'. Please teleport me back to Galway please…"

I just sigh and do that. Danu then disappeared, the only one left was Áine.

"You don't need to teleport me, Jin. As you know I'm a wanderer so I'll somehow get by myself. But thanks for the day! Even though it was meant to be a date between you and your girls."


"Don't worry about it, Áine-sama! Having everyone else here made it even better so it wasn't that bad!"

Valerie answered on my behalf, and I agreed with her. It did make it more interesting, and… Finding out about certain things was well worth it, in my opinion…

"Is that so? Then I'm glad for you, Valerie-chan ~"

Áine says and then skips towards me. Since I found out how she truly felt about men and Danu confirmed it to me… I have been a bit unsure of how to approach her. Of course, I've mostly been acting the same but, you know…

I looked at Áine and waited for her to do something. She just chuckled to herself and beckoned me down like Danu. I cocked my brow but obliged.

Lick ~

Instead of kissing me like Danu, she licked the side of my neck… I frown at her as she steps away with a giggle.

"That's my declaration ~"

She 'smiled' and the girls were stunned. However, she… Did she just try to put some kind of spell on me? I felt something trying to attach itself to me but I immediately dispelled it. She was waiting for my reaction and I sighed.

"Is that so? Then I will do my best to prove you wrong, Áine."

She had a surprised expression but it quickly changed as she 'smiled' at me.

"Is that so? I look forward to it then, Jin ~ anyway, bye-bye and goodnight ~"

Áine responds in a cheery manner before turning and walking away. The girls were confused by our exchange. They looked at me for answers but—

You are reading story Winds of Change DX at

"You'll find out in the future… Just leave it for now."

"If you say so, Jin…"

Valerie answered quite reluctantly, and the other two also agreed. Well… I made a promise to Danu that I'd help Áine, and to Scathach in an indirect way…

"Anyway, let's go home."


Timeline – Volume 3

Dhampir of the Dancing Moonlight


Pocket Dimension

Year 4 – 7 Months

Valerie Tepes

We have been in the [Pocket Dimension] for at least four years now. We had been asked by Jin… No, he in a way, forced us to go here. After what had happened to Reni-san he was really worried about us and wanted us to get even stronger.

But… It seems he's slowly getting better; he's smiling at a lot more naturally now rather than forcing himself like he did back two years ago.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Everyone was busy at training and I was taking a short break with other girls. They were Asia, Ingvild and Suzaku.


Asia sighed after having a drink of juice that Sharon prepared, she was working on her touki along with Shirone, Kuroka and Gasper. They had been making leaps and bounds in their work and she was taking a well-deserved break.

Ingvild had also been training her Sacred Gear. She had opted to go somewhere private and start singing, controlling the draconic monsters around her, and as well as mastering her clan's trait.

Suzaku had been training with Akeno as she was trying to create some kind of unique form, however, it didn't seem to be working yet.

"…Stop running, Gya-suke."

"Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jin-senpai please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Our attention was drawn to Gasper's screams of panic and despair as we saw him being chased my Jin. He had a sword made out of garlic and was chasing him around, of course, Jin wasn't trying to seriously hurt him, but…

"Huuu… I thought Gasper-san had gotten over his gripe with garlic?"

Asia asks us with a confused tone. Ingvild just chuckled.

"He did, well, I think he did? He did say it himself…"

I also heard that. To another point… Gasper still doesn't know that I'm Valerie, his childhood friend, we're still keeping it a secret from him. I've had the pleasure of seeing his growth the last four years.

"I think it's due to Jin having it made into a shape of a sword, and I can feel some holy properties coming from it. It's most likely garlic plus holy sword. Perhaps that's why he's so scared?"

When I told them my thoughts, they focused on the sword. Once they did, they also let out soft chuckles before agreeing with me.

"I see... Gasper-san, keep up the good work!!"


Asia encouraged him but instead he just screamed in response while giving us a pleading look. We, instead, wave. This prompted another wave of screaming from him. However, he was doing very well at avoiding the attacks.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Just another normal day…"


Later in the day


I flew high into the sky and created more spears made out of blood and then threw them at the monsters in front of me. Many of them were pierced by them and died, I felt the power going into me…

"That doesn't and will never become a natural thing…"

"What do you mean?"

I turn to look at Ingvild as we had decided to hunt down monsters together. We had formed a friendship over the years and I would say we were good friends at this point. Even if it had only been four years.

"The feeling of power going into you? I mean you were already used to this, right? You spent an extra year here before everyone else."

Ingvild nodded.

"Yes, but I don't think we made too many significant changes. The higher in rank you go… The harder is it so go to the next one. You've seen everyone else, right? They've been struggling to climb up a rank…"

I nodded to her question. Yes, they've even asked Jin to increase the spawn rate of monsters appearing. This is because most of them die quite quickly, however, there are rare instances of stronger monsters appearing and we have to team up at times to kill it.

"By the way, Valerie, do you like Jin?"


I felt my face heat up at her question. But before I could answer Ingvild was already smiling at me… Uuuu, was my reaction too obvious…?

"I see, so, do you mind telling me when?"

Seeing as how this might end our hunting session we begin to fly away and back toward Jin's home. I go through my own thoughts and feelings about the situation. Jin outright told me to not confuse gratitude with love at the start of entering the [Pocket Dimension] for our five years in here…

At the start… I did acknowledge what he said and I definitely was confusing the two. But it turned into a start of a friendship between us though Jin was quite stiff the first few years, only the last year he started to relax a bit.

We eventually arrive at his home and we take a seat at one of the benches of his back garden. I sigh and shook my head.

"I don't know…"

I told Ingvild of my previous thoughts and she giggled.

"He told Kuroka the same thing, she quite literally tried to sleep with him on the same night he helped her out of her situation."

Considering the time I have known Kuroka, it sounds a lot like her... but Jin rejected her advances, huh? Then… What about her?

"What about you, Ingvild?"

She seemed a little surprised by my question. She closes her eyes and leans back into the bench we were sitting on. After lunch Sharon with Grayfia made us some sandwiches and drinks. So, we stored them in our rings, I took a bottle of mango juice and took a sip from it.

Ingvild eventually opened her eyes and answer my question.

"It was a gradual thing between us. You've already heard about it but, I was in a coma from more than one hundred years. It was due to the sleeping disease that devils get, Jin woke me up from it… The current Satans also left me in his care and… Well, we're now here. Hehe."

She told me about the many things she experienced when his harem was still quite small, and how it's grown along with everyone else's dynamic.

"In a way… I also started out the same, gratitude. Even Grayfia at the time told me that I needed to sort through my feeling for him at the time. I did that through writing a song for him."

Ingvild started to hum it and then she continued.

"The song started out as a 'thank you' song, but over time, it slowly changed into one where I would confess my feelings for him. Jin is both stupid and smart. He's kind to everyone he meets and wants to see the best in people, including the ones that tried to kill him…"

Ingvild seemed a little uneasy about her own past but didn't go further into it. She did briefly mention that her father, who was a devil was still alive, and that she hadn't met him yet since she woke up. Will she go meet him again…? Jin certainly gives off the aura of wanting to marry her in the future…

"But I guess the recent one has jarred him a bit. He doesn't want that happening to anyone else so he is taking some precautions, I guess?"

…I can see it. The few weeks that I knew of him, he wore his feelings on his sleeves. However, at times he tried to hide it and tried to act like an adult. However, I guess it didn't really suit him so he would just revert back to his honest self.

But what happened with Lavinia did change him quite a bit, I always see him just looking up at the sky for some reason.

"But, I don't doubt that he'll come out of it eventually. He's stupidly honest and positive. This will eventually pass; I know he can get through it."

I nod—

"He has everyone here and the friends he's made along the way, right? I see… I'll see what I can do later on tonight! I want to help him! Like he helped me!"

I had a weird motivation rise up within me. He helped me… He rescued me from my fate, healed me, helped me get new friends, a new life, and didn't ask for anything in return except for—

'I didn't want my junior to think you were dead, so I rescued you.'


I felt Ingvild's hand on my shoulder and I turn to look at her.

"You probably already have your answer but… Like Jin and Grayfia told me, take your time in sorting out your feelings, Jin is an Outer God after all and he won't just randomly disappear."

"Yeah… Thank you, Ingvild."



"Hmm? Oh yes, we've been teaching Jin in how to ballroom dance, he's a quick learner after all. If he's to marry Rias-ojou-sama then it's only natural."

I was in a random spare room in Jin's home, he was dancing with Ingvild right now and I was sitting beside Grayfia and Rias. Rias blushed at Grayfia's comment but didn't try denying it.

"Do you know how to dance?"

Grayfia asks and I shake my head. I want to know how to!

"N-No, please teach me."

"Very well, I am quite strict with this, so please prepare yourself."

She got up and so did I, I followed her when—


"Run Valerie nya! It's not worth it, she will kill you nya!"

Kuroka appeared out of nowhere to give me an ominous warning before Grayfia glared at her and she ran away. I nervously looked back at Grayfia as she had a dangerous glint in her eyes and a 'smile' that he sometimes gave to Jin.

D-Did I make the right decision…? I'm not too sure anymore…


A few days later


A few days had passed since I took my lessons with Grayfia and Rias. Even Ingvild helped me at times. I surprised myself at how fast I was also learning too…

I had to balance this with my own training and it was pretty exhausting, Jin does this regularly? Kuroka jokes that he doesn't work and just watches everyone else and reads Japanese literature most of the time but…

Since I've been following his movement… This sounds like I'm stalking him! Wait, no, I'm no stalker! A-Anyway, he seems to train by himself mostly and do other things, keep things in check, and also take dancing lessons from Grayfia.

He did mention he had infinite stamina so…. I guess it doesn't physically bother him, but… What about mentally? With what happened to Lavinia and all of this, is he taking care of himself? No, Cúntóir, Ddraig and Albion are there to support him…


I was on top of his home, the roof was quite spacious and I was just sitting there. I didn't know he expanded the roof… Maybe he comes up here to gaze at the sky at night? It certainly sounds like him…


I hear a voice and turn to look at it. It was Jin!

"O-Oh, hi, Jin! I didn't expect to see you here…"

"Yeah… Did you have dinner yet?"

He says while walking over to me and sat down beside me. Okay Valerie, calm down… You've been practicing for this and it's finally here!

"Yes, I had dinner already…"

Jin then looks up at the night sky and falls silent. I wonder what he's thinking about? I look at his eyes and they seemed to be looking at the artificially created stars in the night sky, following suit I also look at the stars.

In the short time that I have known Jin, I've learned that he had many normal and strange quirks. I know he likes cooking and may pursue it as a normal job in the human world to keep up appearances.

Ingvild said she may try being a singer, however, Rias said it may not be a wise choice since she will have a lot of eyes on her. But Jin said that it would be fine since we'll be stronger once we're out of here.

Jin also tends to zone out from time to time, but we chalk it up to him speaking with Cúntóir, and the two Heavenly Dragons. He also likes weird combination of drinks and food… An example was he mixed strawberry and kiwi, added a bit of 'spice' and drank it. Most of us were disgusted but he liked it.

Even though he's a good cook and all… It's a weird quirk of his. I wonder where that started? In his past life? Or here…? I put these thoughts away for now and turn my attention back to him.

"Do you like gazing at the sky, Jin?"

"…Yeah, it's like a hobby of mine now…"

…Another short reply. Hmmm, alright! No time to beat around the bush, I guess! I suddenly shot back up making him look at me in with a questioning gaze.



"Dance with me!"

As I say that, I held my hand out for him to take. He was confused but accepted my hand and got up.

"Grayfia did say you were taking lessons from her and Rias, do you mind me asking why?"

"…I-I just wanted to."

"I see…"

I felt him wrap his arm around my waist and hold my other free hand with the other. Letting Jin guide me, we started to dance around the roof top of his home. Since it was spacious, we didn't need to worry about falling off, thankfully.

"Ah! I'm sorry!"

As we danced around, I accidentally stepped on his foot, this normally wouldn't happen since I would be absolutely terrified of doing it to Grayfia. At the start it was fine since I was a beginner, now she considers me intermediate and close to expert so messing up now with her is a big no, no!

"It's fine, Valerie."

He wasn't bothered by it and we kept on dancing. There was a sudden gentle breeze that started and it made what we were doing a little less, I guess, awkward? Since dancing for so long is quite physically demanding and can make you sweat. Did Jin summon this breeze…?

Suddenly he steps back and makes me twirl, I was a little startled and kept on spinning and couldn't stop. W-When do I stop?! Oh… I'm getting dizzy.

Grab ~

"…You know, you could have stopped yourself anytime you want."

"I-I… I didn't know that! I hadn't gotten around to that with Grayfia or Rias!"

I covered my face with my hands out of embarrassment. Did I fail? I feel like I did… Ugh… As I continued to feel bad about myself, I felt Jin poke me on sides making me yelp. I look at him in confusion.

"It's not a big deal, let's continue?"


So, we danced a little more and he helped me during that time. Apparently Grayfia and Rias gave him the okay of being called an expert in ballroom dancing, however, he personally feels that he isn't yet. He said he watched some videos about it and he was an amateur, so he's been taking lessons with Cúntóir in his soul at night.

We eventually stop and stand there; I felt a little awkward so I decided to hug him instead. Ahhh!!! What am I doing?! But, to my surprise Jin also hugged me back and didn't say anything. Did he already consider me as one of 'them'? Or is this just him being friendly?

"We should go back inside; the girls should be having their turn in the open bath now."

"…A-Ah… Y-Yeah…"

Chu ~


H-He just kissed me on the forehead… I felt like my face just became the surface of the sun in how hot it is… Dammit, Jin… Did you say not to develop feelings for you…? You are seriously making very hard in not doing so…

I look back up at him as he had his usual stoic expression on and was lending me his arm. I sigh while still blushing and grab onto it.

"You're an idiot…"

I muttered to myself. I know he heard me but chose not to say anything. I swear, your stupid excessive kindness will the end of you…


Timeline – Volume 4

Griselda of Kuoh Academy and the re-appearance of Yumi


Japan, Kuoh

Kuoh Academy

Jin Skyward

It's only a few more days before I make my way to the Shinto God's realm and I have been thinking about who else to invite. I know Shigune, Akeno and Suzaku are going with me but… Should I bring someone else?

I wasn't too sure, perhaps I may just meet someone else there? How about… Raynare or Rossweisse? I don't think either of them will mind. As I deliberate my options I had been wandering around the school.

It was currently lunch so most students were in their classrooms, clubs or just outside. I opted to walk around for a little bit before going to the club.

"Hmmm? Kouta? The hell happened to you?"

"Najima. Fight. Butts or Boobs."

He replied bluntly as he walked past me seemingly still annoyed. I shake my head, those two idiots fought again, huh? Then is Najima still in the infirmary? Seeing as how I won't lose anything by heading there, I do so.

It didn't take me long to get there. I passed by a few students along the way, including Sadako-senisei as she mostly winks at me when we do come across each other. I wonder what that's about? I know I'm friendly towards the female kendo team but still...

Knock ~ Knock ~

"Come in."

I hear Griselda's voice from behind the door and I slide the door open. Once inside my theory was right and Najima was being fixed up by Griselda. I sigh and walk over to him.

"You two seriously fought over the dumbest things, huh?"

"It's a life-or-death debate, Jin! You should know that by now! Our youth, our opinions ride on it, dammit! Ow!"


"A-Ah, yes, Griselda-sensei…"

Najima winced as she seemingly applied some alcohol to a bruised-up spot and made him yelp. I just sighed, grabbed a chair and sat with them.

"So? Are you intending to kiss and make up or will this last a stupid amount of time?"

"Screw him, I am a butt lover for life. He and his stupid boob fetish can go screw them se— Ow! I'm sorry!"

Griselda sighed and continued to work on Najima until she was done.

"You know, Najima-kun. You'll be graduating soon; do you really want to spend the rest of your time here fighting with your friend? You never know if you'll ever see them again once you graduate. From what I can see you two are good friends, along with Jin here."

"Friendships should be treasured for life, even if some of them don't last forever. The time we spend, the memories we make with those friends during certain points in our lives are irreplaceable, you know? Think back in the last year and how much they made your life much more fun."

Najima looks at Griselda the entire time she said those words. He then looks at the ground and started to tear up a little, and nodded in the end.

"…Yeah, yeah! He's an idiot, we even fight from time to time but…! This year has been really fun with Jin joining our group! Okay, thanks, Griselda-sensei! I'll go make up with him then!"

Najima filled with new determination and after his short new epiphany gets up and leaves the room while thanking Griselda the whole time. I look at her as she had a satisfied smile on her face. I wonder where that came from?

"I just gave him words of encouragement, no need to think too deeply about it, Jin."

Griselda sighs as she relaxes as it seemed no one else was coming here. I shrugged and brought my chair closer to hers. She summoned a sandwich from her ring and started to.

"You didn't have lunch yet?"

I asked her and she gave me an amused looked… What? Was what I said that amusing…?

"I have lunch while on the clock, Jin. Just because it's lunchtime doesn't mean students or even teachers stop getting hurt. Then, how about you? Did you have lunch yet?"

"Point taken, and no, I haven't."

After I said that, she stopped eating her sandwich and offered some to me. I gave her a questioning look, but she just smiled. Seeing as she was offering, I leaned forward and took a bite. I hadn't prepared her lunch today, and neither did Grayfia, so she probably bought this…

Irina and Griselda do have their own allowance from me and they have money from the jobs and missions they received from Heaven. Though it makes me wonder how much it is, apparently, it's enough to buy some manga volumes, according to Irina.

"How is it?"

"Normal, I guess?"

"Yes, it was from the school's canteen after all."

"I haven't eaten anything from there actually… I usually just leave school to buy something or have lunch made by myself or Grayfia."

Satisfied with my answer, I just make a copy of the sandwich and start eating that. We chatted idly for a few more minutes until I needed to go to the clubroom.

"I'll need to get going, I need some thighs to lay on."

"…And here I thought it was something serious…"

Griselda looks at me before getting up, and going to a free bed. She gestures for me to follow her and I do so. She gets on the bed and gestures for me to join her but I just stand there.

"I am offering my thighs to you, Jin. Are they perhaps not good enough?"


"Don't mind if I do then."

Seeing this as a golden opportunity to enjoy new thighs, I enthusiastically agree! However, it's not the first time but I'll still take it. I got on the bed and laid my head on her thighs, and let out a satisfied sigh.

"You sure do live up to one of your titles."

"I live up to all of them."

[...…That felt like a punch in the gut.]

{I concur...}

'You two are overdramatic, get over it already.'

[Fuck you, Velgrynd! Titles mean so much in this world! You have Scorch Dragon and that's all! I can't wait for another one to pop-up when you get to this world, dammit!]

'It will surely be better than what you have, Breast Dragon.'


"Are they uncomfortable, Jin?"

I opened my eyes back up as I had closed them. Griselda had a worried look on her and I shook my head.

"No, just Ddraig being dramatic and screaming… Your thighs are great."

"I see, I'm glad."

Griselda and I continued like this and enjoyed each other's company until the bell rang for the end of lunch. I had sent a text to Akeno that I won't make it to the clubroom and she was a bit upset. I think, I got a little closer with Griselda, right?


After school

I was on my way to the clubroom, and I was a little late since I was held up by Griselda. But Rias sent me a text that everyone else had started their contracts and no one else would be in the clubroom, apparently. But I could feel Kiba's aura but it felt a bit weird.

Ingvild went out to a karaoke place with her friends. She invited me but I declined since it would mostly just be them teasing the both of us. This would probably end up with me proving them wrong and probably making out with Ingvild, you know, the usual.


I turn around when I hear a voice behind me, and when I do I see Griselda and Rose power walking towards me. I wait for them and we start walking back to the clubroom.

"Everyone else is gone but Kiba is the only one left in the clubroom, I wonder why? Also, where the hell is Azazel?"

To this, both women laugh confusing me.

"He's being held back in the faculty room and being scolded by the principal since he apparently veered off on a tangent and started talking about lewd topics during one of his classes. A few students complained and now he's in trouble."

Huh, that sounds weird. Azazel isn't usually like that. He does goof around and joke with the students but usually stays on topic during his class. However, he does tend to pick me out when he's teaching us just for a bit of fun. However, I end up just doing whatever is asked and walking back to my seat annoying him a little.

"Is that so? Well, whatever. Let's just wait for him in the clubroom."

We enter the old school building and when we got to the main room, we—

"What the fuck?"

In front of us was a blonde haired blue eyed, female. I've seen this before! This isn't the first time this happened, God dammit Kiba!

"Kiba? What the hell are you doing? Wasn't Azazel's Gender-swap Raygun locked away by Rias?"

He was also wearing a maid uniform and turned around with a blush! Dude please… Give my sanity a break…

"Hello, Jin-senpai, Rossweisse-sensei, Griselda-sensei. This is for a good reason, actually."

He says with a bow making his chest jiggle. After he looks back at us and continues.

"It was one of my requests. Apparently… From Inaie-chan. She heard of the first time it happened and well, she wanted me to become 'Yumi' again, so, I'm here to do so. Please bear with me, Jin-senpai ~"

I felt a weird shiver go through my body and I take a step back. Please, Kiba… Don't look at me like that, I admit that you look cute in this form, but seriously… Don't!

Kiba proceeds to bow and starts to prepare some tea for all of us that were present. For some strange reason I feel a bit of jealousy coming from Rose! I turn to glance at her and she was puffing her cheeks like a child…


She walks over to Kiba and grabs his— Er, 'her' shoulders?

"U-Um, Rossweisse-sensei?"

"Yuuto— No, Yumi-san? Come with me for a second. Griselda-san! Please join us!"

Rose quickly marched back to us and grabbed Griselda by her shoulders and dragged the two of them into the backroom. I was left to stand there just confused with everything… I take my phone out and text Inaie.

|Hey, did you ask Kiba to become 'Yumi'?|

|I did, but I said it jokingly, why?|

|He followed through and did it. He's currently Yumi right now, you know?|

|R-Really? C-Can you take a picture and send it to me, please?!|

Inaie has strange hobbies and likes, I've only learned of new ones recently. I would bet that she also learned of this recently. She's taken a liking to guys becoming girls and likes cross-dressers like Gasper. Not romantically mind you, just like a weird obsession…

|I can ask him when he comes back out…|

|Yes! Thank you, Jin-san!|

I put my phone away and sigh, so Kiba misinterpreted this? Inaie probably meant it as 'I would like to see this in the future' and not 'I want to see it now or soon' kind of deal. I hear some muffled sounds beyond the door and a lot of thuds and rustling, until—



Out came all 'three' 'women', Yumi, Rose and Griselda, and holy crap I wasn't expecting this. Griselda was the worst off as she had turned into a red mess. All of them were wearing the same maid attire as Kiba, and since both women had larger bust sizes as 'Yumi' it was great eye candy.

It also showed off their thighs, which I was appreciated. I gave them a thumbs up, and both Rose and Griselda blushed.

"I-I don't think this is appropriate attire for a sister to wear…"

"You look great in it, Griselda-sensei, Jin-senpai seems to like it. The same to you, Rossweisse-sensei."

I walk over to them and examined them at a much closer proximity. I started to nod. Yes, yes, Rose was great, everything was great! You could say they were all at the right proportions and to my liking—

"As expected of my secretary and lover. You sure do know what I like, Rose. Ten out of ten."

She blushed but didn't say anything. I moved onto Griselda; the usually modest sister of the church was lightly blushing at me as I stared at her. Seeing her without her veil was strange, she had convinced the school that she had to wear her veil for religious reasons so…

I've only seen her without it when we sometimes shared a bath or other occasions but seeing her without it AND wearing a maid costume? It was both cute and sexy, quite stimulating.

"Ten out of ten, Griselda. I rarely see you without your veil, so this is great, add the maid costume? I'd say you look perfect, all the curves on your body just sits right."

I look at Rose with the 'same with you' look so she wouldn't be upset. That just made her smile, finally, it was Kiba… Er, Yumi. He or she was looking at me rather expectantly and I wasn't sure in how to respond to that…

"Um… You look good, Ki— Yumi."

I turn around an—

"Ah! That's unfair, Jin-senpai! You barely gave it any thought! At least humor me!"

I turn back around to look at Yumi but she had started to move towards me but tripped on something… There wasn't anything there?! How did you trip?!


I caught her and this felt really weird. Ki— Yumi looked up at me with a blush and why was I sensing his heartbeat increase?! Hello?!


"It's Yumi! While I'm like this please address me as Yumi!"

Yumi complained and began to close the distance between us, so I stopped her immediately. She was clearly annoyed by it and kept on trying to force it… The entire building started to shake as Yumi was literally using more and more strength…

"Stop, stop, stop! We— You're going to collapse the building at this rate!"

"Then give me a kiss!"

"...…No, sorry."

Ki— Yumi started to struggle even more and I looked towards the other two women for help, seeing this Rose came over and put her hands on Yumi's shoulders and started to pull her off. I know I can just brute force my way out of it but… I don't know, I feel like I'll hurt his feelings even more, a safer way is through Rose or Griselda! Is what I thought.

"See? It's not that har—"

Squish ~

"Hya? ~ Jin-senpai… I forget you're quite bold and aggressive when you want."

Yumi had stopped struggling but when she was starting to be pulled off me, my hand accidentally groped her breast making her moan. My eye was twitching rapidly and I quickly retracted my hand and got Yumi off me.

I put a hand on my forehead and sighed heavily. I seriously need to rescue Tosca soon and have those to get together. Kiba, you're a good friend but seriously, I don't swing that way… Even if you turn yourself into a girl! I can't change my mind set that quickly!

[Then what if Tosca supports it and they both trying going for you, Partner?]

Ddraig! I don't need those kinds of thoughts right now! Support me dammit!

[I was just suggesting a scenario that might literally happen? I mean, it's not out of the realm of possibility!]

Bad thoughts go away… I hear voices inside my head… Bad thoughts go away…



"I'm here! …The hell? Kiba? Why the hell are you a girl? Wait, where's my Gender-bend Raygun?"

On cue, Azazel slammed the door open and was staring at Yumi in confusion, then his gaze goes to the female teachers and he became even more confused.

"The hell is happening here?! I'm too confused and I want to get drunk, I'm leaving."

And with that, he leaves! Help me here you stupid crow! I turn back to Yumi—

"Where's the Raygun?"

Instead of answer me she turns to her right and puffs her cheek… Jesus Christ dude, work with me here… I guess I have to barter? I sigh and look at Ki— Yumi seriously.

"Tell me where the Raygun is and I'll—"

"It's over in the backroom in the second drawer under the two thick Light novel volumes."

She didn't even let me finish! You don't even know what I was going to say?! I looked at her incredulously and shook my head. Following Yumi's instructions I go to the backroom, to the drawer and thankfully the Raygun was there.

I came back out and put the Raygun into [Yexal] before turning back to Kiba.

"Since Inaie asked for a picture of you as 'Yumi' let's take a selfie together to send over to her."

Thrilled by the idea, Yumi immediately appeared beside me and hugged me like a koala... I awkwardly smiled and took out my phone and aimed it at us, ready to take a selfie.

"If you try to kiss me, I swear…"

"I already have this, Jin-senpai! I won't!"

I didn't really trust her words so I got my [True Infinity] ready took the selfie, and true to her word, Yumi didn't kiss me. I take a look at the picture and she looked quite happy with herself. I sent the photo to Inaie and that should be it…

"I have achieved a life goal."

"You're being dramatic…"

I look towards the other two and gestured to my phone and they also wanted a selfie so I took one of each of us. At the end of all of this, I changed Kiba back to his original male form and his clothes changed into that of a butler uniform to my surprise. Did Azazel modify this thing…?


"You changed your phone's wallpaper to that…?"

Kiba had his phone out and apparently Inaie sent the photo his way and he made it into his wallpaper. Both Rose and Griselda also changed theirs into the ones we took together.

"Yes, it's one of my most treasured photos."


"Anyway, I'll head out and do more of my contracts. Goodbye for now."

Kiba got up and bowed to us before getting a piece of paper from Rias' desk and teleporting away. I was left with Rose and Griselda. Both of them had their normal clothes on again, so the legendary maid costumes were gone…. It was short lived but I loved it…

"I didn't think I would have to deal with that much chaos at the end of a normal school day…"

"It'll be fine, Jin. We can also wear those again… Right?"

Rose says and looks at Griselda who sported a small blush and agreed with her. I sighed in relief and gave them a thumbs up.


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