Wish Time Rewinds, So I May See You Again

Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Into the Golden City (pt 2)

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Hengning runs through the crowd like the wind. He can hear faint footsteps behind him indicating Canzhi’s presence. Hengning followed the loud noise, and finally reached the area of disturbance. 

“Where are the other guards?! Guards! GUARDS!” The crowd had already cleared a circle around the yelling guard. He is alone, looking frantically into the large crowd of people, trying to find the long-gone thief. 

“Who was that man? Did he really steal from the Palace?”

“I wouldn’t know. That’s none of my business anyway. Come on, let's go back if any more guards come.”

“Yeah yeah, you’re right. Besides…that guard doesn’t look like a guard at all. Screaming and yelling like that. No wonder the thief got away. How unprofessional. Come on, let’s head back.”

The people dispersed, leaving the bewildered guard behind. At first glance, Hengning could tell this was an inexperienced guard. He held his sword clumsily and sloppily, without any strength at all. And his stance…even a ten-year-old could beat him. Whoever sent a guard like this to catch a sneaky thief- what was that person thinking?

Hengning strode forward to the guard. Canzhi abruptly stopped him, touching his shoulder. Hengning stopped in his tracks, unsure of what Canzhi wanted. 

“Didn’t you say we should check out what happened?”

“I did. But let me do the talking for you. After all, you are still my bodyguard.” 

Canzhi stepped in front of Hengning, taking the lead. He takes on the air of a gracious and concerned young master, looking out for a fellow friend. 

“This honorable guard, what just happened? A thief? From the Palace?”

The guard nodded.

“Outrageous! Where are the other Imperial Guards? Why aren’t they coming to help?” Hengning admired Canzhi’s acting at that moment. His fine eyebrows were furrowed into the perfect shape, and his eyes showed worry and anxiety. 

He wondered how many times Canzhi had done this to master it to perfection.

The unknowing guard shook his head in dejection. In an unsure voice, he answered, “I…I don’t actually know. One moment, I was doing my job standing outside the Inner Palace, guarding the door, and then…and then, the thief appeared! On the rooftops! The other guard at the door told me to go chase after the thief, and so I did-but the thief was so quick! I only caught a glimpse of his hair, and then in a second he ran into the crowd, and here I am…” The guard sighed dejectedly. 

“Oh? Why would they ask you to follow? A door guard like you, that would be the last person I’d imagine to chase after a nimble thief,” Canzhi slyly led him on. 

“I know! I actually just started working here a month ago too…I barely got any proper training as well. You know, in the Palace, they’re running low on door guards. Everyone’s trying to become one of the Imperial Guards, and no one else wants the small jobs. When I went to apply for a job in the palace, they gave me this…I’m going to be fired…”

Canzhi pats the guard‘s back sympathetically. “I see. What an unfortunate predicament you are placed in. But don’t worry, we’ll-“

The three suddenly turned to another loud ruckus in the distance, sounding like a crowd of footsteps and horses. 

What exactly have we landed ourselves in?

Hengning looked back at Canzhi, giving him a glance. Canzhi gave him a nod in return, and Hengning was gone in an instant, finding the source of the other noise.

The guard looked at Canzhi incredulously. “Who was that man?”

Canzhi smiled in return. “Just a bodyguard.” 


It didn’t take long for Hengning to find out the source of the clamor. A golden carriage, led by several large well-groomed horses. Two rows of soldiers lined the streets, ushering the merchants and sellers back into their homes to make way for the important carriage. 

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So that's what the commotion was. The entire marketplace was being cleared out for this special carriage. Hengning observed the carriage some more. The window curtains and the material of the carriage were all golden. Along with the dozens of soldiers accompanying the carriage. 

Not lingering around any longer, Hengning ran back immediately to tell Canzhi.

In a few seconds, the sudden way he reappeared next to Canzhi gave the guard a fright. “Brother Canzhi, bad news. There seems to be someone of really high status coming our way, I saw a golden carriage and about two rows of guards.”

Canzhi’s eyes widen in surprise. “That means whatever was stolen was extremely valuable, or someone from the Royal palace wouldn’t come out to investigate. We’ve gotten way over our heads on this one.” Canzhi sighed. “Could we even leave at this point?” 

“Don’t leave! What will I do then?!” The guard pleads desperately. “You have no idea what they will do to me if can’t find the thief! Young masters, please help me!”

Before Canzhi could retort, the carriage had arrived at the scene. Even if they wanted to leave, they couldn’t anymore. 

The dozens of soldiers circled around the three. The golden carriage slowly made its way towards them, then abruptly stopped. A voice came out through the window.

All three bowed in front of the carriage, 

“Are you three involved with the thief?” 

A commanding voice emitted from the carriage,

“No your highness.”

“Then this rookie guard, must be the one that was guarding the royal garden, what happened for you to make such a blunder?”

A man dressed in golden clothing steps out of the carriage holding his face in the palm of his hand, his eyes closed in frustration.

The guard immediately fell to his knees,

“Your highness! I- I’ve failed my duty and will accept my deserved punishment!”

“What’s important now is to find that thief, what he stole was a precious and potentially life-saving herb that the royal palace has spent generations cultivating!”

The man takes his hand off his face and sweeps his long white hair back, his unusual red eyes revealing his important status. 

“You two, come with me in the carriage, we shall continue this topic in my abode.”

Seeing the number of guards present at this man’s command and the way he is dressed, Hengning can assume his status is definitely of the royal family.

As the man turns to leave, Hengning whispers his question to Canzhi, 

“Who is this man?”

Canzhi whispers back not making any sudden movements,

“The crown prince of the royal palace, Wang Renchun.”

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