Witch, Open Your Eyes

Chapter 4: CH 4

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APRIL 5, 2021~ 8ONI

Editor : reii

Warning : First Blood. Yes, 4 chapters and someone already dead.

It is not really graphic but I will still put a mark, just a reminder, this is a novel where people play a Werewolf game with their lives on the line. So yes, people die left and right~~~

The deserted island truly looked the part.

On the southeastern side were cliffs, the sea crashing against its stone walls. There was a gently sloping hill in the middle of the island with meadows and forests on either side. And the coasts that surrounded the whole island were made of strips of sandy beaches and rocks.

Of course, Fang Daichuan didn’t know what happened at Liuting Airport. This deserted island on the high seas was located thousands of miles away from China’s border. He still treated all this as a reality TV show, just on a different stage.

“It’s this island…” Ol’ Chen stood at the door of the cabin. His gaze held a strange air which made Fang Daichuan subconsciously feel uncomfortable. He could only tell the gaze was very complicated. Although Fang Daichuan was not particularly good at acting, he had been in the industry for so many years he’d naturally grown somewhat sensitive to emotions. What did Ol’ Chen’s gaze resemble? It was as though he was looking at his own child, but it was a child that had been sold when he was young and returned to him when he grew up. There was nostalgia, guilt, and fear…

In the middle of the deserted island, on a gentle hilltop, there was a large four-story high villa with a beautiful miniature garden in the backyard and a large helipad in front. The helicopter landed on this spot and several men in black twisted his arms and led him and Mr. Chen out of the cabin together. Fang Daichuan reflexively looked for the camera, grabbing screen time while making a fuss. “Brother! It hurts, don’t be so rude! We are delicate flowers, be merciful!”

The man in black kneed him from behind and shouted, “Shut Up!*”

(T/N: This was in English in the raw.)

“Oh, I understand this sentence.” Fang Daichuan pursed his lips trying to sell cuteness. “You are so fierce.”

When he was still in the sky, he didn’t realize. But after landing, Fang Daichuan glanced around and found that the helipad was quite large with a dozen helicopters scattered around. There are quite a lot of people, Fang Daichuan thought.

Under normal circumstances, the first step in a reality TV show should be to allocate a dressing room, then the members get to know each other, meet the chief director together, exchange the script, and then draw lots. Not this time. Fang Daichuan was directly pushed into the villa.

On the first floor of the villa was a banquet hall, the ceiling about five or six meters high with long tassels hanging down from crystal chandeliers, making the entire room spacious and bright. More than a dozen people were sitting around a long table, men and women, old and young, and they all shriveled their heads towards the door when they heard someone coming in.

Fang Daichuan felt something was off because he didn’t know any of these people.

Could it be an amateur variety show? Fang Daichuan thought to himself, Xiao Zhou said, this show is to promote the hostess of Huo Long Guo, is it necessary to find a bunch of amateurs to fill the show, specially to support the hostess? And aren’t there too many people? This will not be easy to edit.

Each segment was at most ninety minutes long, and the length of the shots given to everyone was basically predetermined. Too long would bore the audience and too short was not conducive to the performance of the guests, and the audience would not be impressed. So basically, the current reality shows would try their best to find a balance between the number of guests and the development of the story. The standard was six to nine people.

Fang Daichuan briefly glanced around. There were already twelve people present, including myself and Lao Chen, that makes fourteen people, and this is enough for the group AB.

But how can they play werewolf if everyone is divided into group AB? It’s fine if there are two camps, but if they’re divided into groups from the beginning, where’s the suspense? How will they cut the clip? Fang Daichuan couldn’t figure out what Huo Long Guo was thinking.

The staff let go of them. The handsome mixed-race brother then glanced at him and gestured to the staff. His status seemed to be superior to that of the other staff, and so was his appearance. The rest of the men in black stood beside them, and aimed their guns at the back of their heads in unison.

The door of the villa slammed shut.

I need to say hello to everyone first, right? Fang Daichuan thought.

“Sorry… we’re late, I’m Fang Daichuan, I’ve made everyone wait for a long time.” Fang Daichuan greeted everyone cheerfully.

No one paid attention to him. Everyone’s expression was tense and their faces were pale as they stared at the tabletop in front of them. Fang Daichuan was a little embarrassed. He felt these people were acting too seriously so he scratched his head, pulled a chair and sat down. Ol’ Chen sat opposite him.

A girl next to him opened her mouth, smiling at him reluctantly, “I know you, didn’t you film the historical TV series, “Feeding The Demon”? You played as the hero’s best friend, was it Third Young Master Wang or Third Young Master Chen?”

Fang Daichuan sighed, “The Third Young Master Xie.”

“Oh,” the girl said in embarrassment, “I’m sorry I remembered wrong, it’s Third Young Master Xie. You were very handsome in that drama.”

Fang Daichuan smiled and thanked her.

The girl looked around, and when she saw the guns’ muzzles, she swallowed and said nervously, “My name is Ding Zihui, please take care of me later.”

“No problem!” Fang Daichuan agreed. It seems this is the female lead, Fang Daichuan thought, this girl doesn’t look like a goddess at all, at least not superficially. She’s the type that’s sweet and delicate. It’s okay to play a little sister next door, but can she hold her set up as the goddess of wisdom? Fang Daichuan thought while shaking hands with the other party.

“Hello everyone, welcome to Düsterwald*.” A voice appeared out of thin air.

(T/N: So the Werewolf game in this novel is based on a card game named “The Werewolves of Millers Hollow” or “Die Werwölfe von Düsterwald”. Below is a wiki link to the game and I also compiled the role and rules that are used in this novel so feel free to check it out.)


Everyone was taken aback by the sound. The speaker seemed to be using a voice changer, mixed with a hissing electric current, and one couldn’t tell whether they were male or female. Fang Daichuan noted metally that this was a common method used in reality shows. It was the sound from a loudspeaker hidden in the room, but he still pretended to be shocked, shuddered, and made a frightened expression.

The voice was probably the chief director’s or maybe the executive director who was deliberately speaking with a voice changer to set the atmosphere.

The voice continued, “A long, long time ago, on the top of a steep cliff on the Rhine, there was a small village named ‘Düsterwald’. This small village was attacked by werewolves every night and the villagers were trying to fight back against these werewolves. After one desperate fight, thirteen villagers who finally escaped from their birthplace built a boat and fled the cursed village. The boat carried the thirteen villagers to a deserted island, and they landed here. The island was named ‘Düsterwald’ and the villagers started their life anew. But when the first full moon came, something terrifying happened. They found out that among the thirteen villagers, the descendants of werewolves were hidden. A new killing game was about to begin on this deserted island.”

Yes, this story is very classic, Fang Daichuan thought, it fits a horror setting.

However, a girl sitting in the top seat frowned and pointed out, “Thirteen villagers? But we have fourteen people here!”

Fang Daichuan was frozen for a moment. Their long table was made of seven pairs of tables and on both ends there was a seat. Now the seats on the ends were both empty but the seats on the long sides of the table were full, which totalled an even number of fourteen people.

The “Chief Director” chuckled softly and continued, “It seems that our ship has encountered an unexpected guest. There’s a ghost disguised as a human mixed into our Düsterwald. What should I do? There are only thirteen character cards.”

“Then, before the game officially starts, let’s play a warm-up game of “ghost hunting”. “

“There are two deck cards in the cabinet behind you. Sinian, you really are the dealer.” “Chief Director” ordered.

The mixed-race brother who escorted Fang Daichuan to the island bowed his head and walked to the back cabinet to take out two decks of cards. It turns out that his name was Sinian, Fang Daichuan turned his head and looked at his back and thought, but I don’t know what the two written characters are*? Is he Chinese? He also has a role as an NPC? He’s actually the MC that Huo Long Guo wants to support, right?!

(T/N: It is this [斯年, Sī nián] )

“I will explain the rules of ‘ghost hunting’ to everyone,” the “Chief Director” introduced, “There are a total of 108 cards in the two decks, three ghost cards have been removed, and a total of 105 cards will be drawn. Each person will draw seven or eight cards. Then you will draw another card from someone else according to the seat order. The cards of the same number are to be discarded in pairs. In the end, whoever has the remaining single ghost card is the “ghost” who has mixed into the villager team.“

(T/N: This is an old maid, link for more information. Also the raw are saying ‘ghost card’ so I dunno what card got removed, just a note.)

You are reading story Witch, Open Your Eyes at novel35.com


“Sinian, deal the cards,” the “Chief Director” ordered. The ghostly voice and the gloomy tone were handled very well, and even Fang Daichuan felt a chill when he heard it.

The mixed-race brother was superb at shuffling the cards. The cards were turned over and over in his hand, forming a small bridge between them. He had fair skin so the way his fingers quickly flicked across the back of the jet black cards was dazzling. He shuffled the cards and handed them out to the fourteen people present.

I don’t want to go home yet. Fang Daichuan thought if he lost the first match, he probably would have to go back home. He shuddered involuntarily when he thought of Xiao Zhou’s disappointed face and Deng Ge’s gloomy eyes.

After the cards had been dealt, there were seven of them in front of Fang Daichuan. He took a deep breath and turned the cards over. Luckily, there were two pairs. He quickly pulled them out and threw them into the card pool in the center of the table like everyone else.

The cards in everyone’s hands ranged from three to seven, and everyone looked at one another like they were enemies. The man sitting across him was pale with a ghastly expression. Everyone looked at each other and tentatively guessed that the man had drawn the ghost card. The suspected ghost card was in Ol’ Chen’s hand, and Ol’ Chen had already started sweating from his forehead.

“From the beginning, Yang Song, please draw cards.” A command came from the loudspeaker.

The girl called Yang Song had been the one who first questioned the number of people. She was probably in her twenties, and with perfect pokerfacer, she looked cold and aloof.

She took a deep breath and drew a card from the person opposite her, compared it, and quickly took out two identical cards and threw them into the card pool.

Her neighbor’s face immediately loosened considerably, the same card had been tossed out to prove that it was not a ghost card. Then they immediately drew a card from Yang Song.

The game was going fast, without anyone talking. Fang Daichuan watched everyone’s expressions closely, especially when it came to Ol’ Chen’s turn to draw a card. Everyone stared at him, and Ol’ Chen chose the middle one after half a minute. His opposite clung to the card and didn’t want it to be taken away by him. Ol’ Chen jerked it free and his expression loosened in an instant. He looked at the card, and under everyone’s gaze, threw two identical cards onto the table.

Fang Daichuan let out a long sigh of relief.

The game had been played for three rounds.

A teenage boy who came with his mother was the first to discard all his cards. In this kind of card game, children always seem to be the luckiest, so it was unavoidable.

Ding Zihui was the second one to escape. She gently placed the last two cards in her hand onto the table, her fingers still trembling, then quickly drew a cross on herself, putting her hands on her chest to pray.

Anyone who’s played ghost hunting knows that in this game, getting a ghost card at the beginning wasn’t so bad. As the game progresses, the ghost card is easy to release, so it only becomes more exciting later.

Sure enough, after two-thirds of the players had already walked away, and it was Ol’ Chen’s turn to draw cards again. This time, the expression on his face could no longer be hidden, his face instantly turned pale.

His neighbor was so excited that he was crying and was taking deep breaths to control his emotions.

The ghost card had changed hands once more.

Ol’ Chen raised his eyes to Fang Daichuan, his hands kept moving, shuffling and reshuffling all three cards.

Fang Daichuan swallowed. He still had two cards left in his hand. Ol’ Chen still had three cards left. There were four people left on the table. Ol’ Chen’s neighbor and the woman with a child both had a single card left.

Fang Daichuan’s fingers touched Ol’ Chen’s cards one by one, Ol’ Chen’s eyes moved with his fingers, his forehead covered in cold sweat. Fang Daichuan comforted himself. If I draw a ghost then I drew a ghost. Anyway, I would only go home, but the tense and anxious atmosphere on the table somehow made him unable to comfort himself. Whatever, lets just pick one. Fang Daichuan glanced to the right. The mixed-race brother named Sinian stood in the empty seat on his right, looking at him meaningfully.

I’ll just choose the right one! Fang Daichuan drew and put it into his hand.

Three different cards, no ghosts, and no identical cards. Fang Daichuan’s expression was calm, there was no joy nor annoyance, he silently expanded the cards in his hand into a fan shape and held it out to the next person.

The person who originally sat next to him was Ding Zihui, who had already taken off, and the next few people had also taken off. So the next person was the young mother who brought a child with her. She was far away from him, and she probably couldn’t have picked up anything from him and Ol’ Chen’s face. It was only after two minutes of waiting and Fang Daichuan’s hands were sore that she came over and drew the card in the middle.

The king of hearts was drawn away. The young mother let out a sigh, fell softly on the chair, and threw the only two cards in her hand into the card pool.

Only three people remained. It was time for Ol’ Chen’s neighbor to draw cards once again. The person he was supposed to draw from had already left so according to the regulations, he had to draw one card from Fang Daichuan. He only had one card left.

Fang Daichuan shuffled the cards casually, and the man started to move as he gritted his teeth. The girl beside him suddenly clutched his arm.

“What’s wrong baby?” he asked. The two of them seemed to be lovers.

The girl’s body trembled lightly as she kissed his face, “Du Wei, I give you all my luck, you must not die.”

Seeing that, Fang Daichuan was quite speechless, this dramatic couple, acting in a reality show, but they’re making it seem like it’s real life and death. “Hurry up!” Fang Daichuan impatiently offered the cards in his hands.

Du Wei closed his eyes tightly and drew a card, an ace of spades, exactly the same as the card in his hand.

Du Wei couldn’t help but throw out the cards in his hand and kiss his girlfriend next to him fiercely.

The outcome had already been decided.

Fang Daichuan only had one card left. And according to the rules of the game, Ol’ Chen would have to draw another card from his hand. Therefore the ghost card wouldn’t move; it seemed it was destined to stay in Ol’ Chen’s hands.

Ol’ Chen’s face was as pale as paper. He tremblingly took the card from Fang Daichuan’s hand, drew out another same card and pressed it onto the table. Only the last card was left in his hand.

Brother Sinian turned over that card and put it on the card pool—the ghost card.

Fang Daichuan’s had been tense the whole time he was playing this game so he felt extremely tired. He touched his pocket, wanting to smoke a cigarette. But remembering it was a reality show, he restrained himself.

There was an eerie silence in the room.

The hissing electric current from the corner of the room sounded again, “The winners have been decided. It seems the ghost that got mixed up with the villagers has been found. Then after solving the ghost problem, let’s officially start the game, I can’t wait.”

[Skip This For Some Mild Gore, BTW The Gore Continue Until Next Chapter]

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a pause, then the staff standing behind Ol’ Chen took two steps back and fired with a bang.

Bright red blood and yellowish white brains splattered all over the table.

The playing cards on the table were instantly soaked in blood. Fang Daichuan, who sat opposite Ol’ Chen, got splattered with blood and brain on his face and chest.

The liquid was still warm, scalding Fang Daichuan viciously. Fang Daichuan foolishly reached out and touched the blood on his face, and it dripped down from his trembling fingers onto the table. All he could smell was death.

Ol’ Chen’s head had completely disintegrated, his body lunging heavily forward, the mutilated half of his head crushed heavily against the ghost card in front of him.

“Ah!” Ding Zihui, who was beside Fang Daichuan, tightly squeezed her eyes shut, then looked up into the air with a scream.

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