WITCH – The Revolt

Chapter 185: Book 2 Chapter 40

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The horses were restless. The two dragons who accompanied them were to blame. Fiete had taken the form of a pony and carefully carried Finn on his back. Marko walked beside him and kept an eye on the younger wolf. From time to time, he held him as soon as Finn began to struggle.

Cleo and Charlotte's horses carried the luggage, but gradually Cleo got the feeling that this was a bad idea. What would they do if the horses ran away in fright?

The other dragon, Josefine, sat on Julia's shoulders as a black cat and stared fatally at Cleo. Leopold and Peter went ahead and discussed the way. Peter hoped for a shortcut, but Leopold insisted on simply following the river. He would lead them to the desert. So Peter asked Fiete for a shortcut. The pony snorted, rolled its eyes, and shook its head. Finn and Marko laughed and teased Peter with it.

Peter's choice of clothing for this adventure was very spectacular. He was wearing pants, yes. And also a simple shirt. So far so good. But he wore a fancy, colorful coat of shimmering fabric and more jewelry than Cleo had ever seen him wear. His shoes were also shiny. Pearls and a shimmering ribbon adorned his now-long hair.

Of all of them, Peter had most of the luggage with him. All the things he desperately needed, he had assured them.

And something else caught Cleo's eye: Julia was wearing the same ribbon as Peter. But her clothes were otherwise very modest and of a practical nature. Bright colors suited her well and were appropriate for the desert. Unlike the dazzling Peter.

Marko, Finn, and Leopold ignored Cleo for the most part. They only talked to her when it was necessary. They were a little more open toward Charlotte. Cleo wanted to ask the elf what he had been thinking when he kidnapped Julia... But Cleo had kidnapped him. Was she allowed to ask him that? His parents called her a thief and murderer when Cleo had been alone with them for a moment. Those were not pleasant memories.

The tall grass of the steppe swayed back and forth in the wind and it smelled of dry earth. They followed the river, but Peter was wondering if it wouldn't be better to move away from the river to avoid the centaurs. Not everyone was friendly. So far, they had not encountered any other centaurs. Cleo was happy about it.

They made them almost as nervous as the dragons. One of them had forced Charlotte to empty her pockets after they crossed the border. Just before Julia ran to them. The manipulative abilities of the centaurs were intimidating. Cleo didn't want them as an opponent.

Julia petted the black cat and yawned tiredly. So far, she had said very little. She left the decision to Leopold and Peter.

"Julia?" Cleo wanted to stroke her hair, but Josef hissed. She flinched.

"Yes?", asked Julia, pulling the cat off her shoulders to hug him.

"What exactly are you planning? You want to ask the harpies to fight Mother?"

"Yes. I want to bring all the surrounding people together to dethrone our Mother. I want to put together an army. Even if I basically have no idea about it. I've talked to two harpies in kind of a vision, so I know they're going to help."

"What? In a vision? Is that possible?" Cleo had never heard of anything like it.

Charlotte also seemed confused. "And surely that wasn't a dream?", she asked.

Julia shook her head. "It wasn't a dream. It was magic. Charlotte? You are a healer. Can you practice with me? And Cleo? Can you practice manipulative magic with me, please? I lack practice. I would like to use the way to the dragons to get better."

"Of course." Cleo nodded. "But that won't be enough. If you want to lead an army, you need to know strategies. And be able to handle a sword."

Julia groaned. "I don't like swords!"

Josef purred softly and rubbed his head against her hands.

"You're a powerful witch, with more practice you won't need a sword at some point, but now you should be able to handle it", Charlotte said. "Your magic is still growing. And you might get into situations where you have to defend yourself with a sword."

Josef hissed and jumped out of Julia's arms. Then the dragon took human form. "She doesn't need a sword. She has fire!"

Cleo nodded nervously. "And if you or Fiete are not by her side? What then? A lot can happen in a fight."

Julia nodded in agreement, but she was clearly not enthusiastic about the idea of wielding a sword.

Josefine hissed and grabbed Julia's hand. Hand in hand, the two girls walked on. When it started to get dark, they all set up a camp with two tents. Fiete and Josefine took care of a campfire. Marko and Peter set up the tents together with Cleo and Charlotte. Julia and Finn took care of the beds. Then it was decided that Cleo and Charlotte would share the tent with Peter and Fiete. Julia, Josefine, and the former servants shared the other tent. Cleo sighed. Dragons.

Leopold was whirling Julia through the air and kissing her. The two fooled around at the campfire.

Charlotte smiled. "They're a cute couple."

Cleo looked at them skeptically. "He kidnapped her."

"He was desperate. And see how much he loves her."

Cleo nodded. "He does. But I don't know... I couldn't trust anyone who kidnapped me."

And that's exactly why the elf doesn't trust me... And his parents would have loved to bury me alive... And then there are the two dragons...

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From everything that could happen, she got herself two dragons... And one of them is married to Peter...

Julia had told her about the magical bond that connected her to the two dragons. And she had also explained to her how the marriage between Fiete and Peter had come about.

Dragons as pets...  Cleo sighed.

She looked at Peter, who was sitting with Fiete on the riverbank now, then her eyes wandered to Charlotte. The Queen would faint if she knew that all her children had chosen an 'unsuitable partner'.

Especially since Peter's dragon was not called Babette and was also male... And Julia? She had chosen an elf. Here, too, her mother could not expect grandchildren.

That made Cleo laugh.




Peter kissed Fiete's cheek and hugged him tiredly. The two had made themselves comfortable by the river. Fiete grinned and leaned his face against Peters. "You missed my lips again!", he teased him.

"Have I?" Smiling, Peter kissed him again. This time not on the cheek. No. He gently touched Fiete's lips with his. The dragon returned the kiss with a sigh. He let his hand wander under Peter's clothes and stroked Peter's back. Fiete's hand felt unusually warm on Peter's skin. He shuddered and moved restlessly away from the dragon.

"Too much?", asked Fiete calmly.

Peter nodded. "I... Well..."

"That's okay. Another time, maybe." This time it was Fiete who kissed Peter's cheek.

"Will you show me your wings?", asked Peter, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

Fiete laughed. "You know my wings."

"I'm talking about the half-form you once took."

"All right." Smiling, Fiete's shape changed. His teeth became more pointed, threatening claws formed from his fingernails, and two beautiful white wings with a few scattered orange feathers adorned his back. "Do you like me?" Fiete winked at him.

"Yes." Peter smiled and stroked the soft feathers. "You are beautiful. But your claws make me nervous."  He looked at Fiete's hands. He didn't want to feel those claws on his skin. They looked like they could shred him in seconds.

Fiete raised his hands and grimaced. "Why?"

"Would you hurt me? If you touch me?" Peter preferred to ask openly. By now, he knew that the dragon valued honesty.

Smiling, Fiete held out his hands to him. "No. Not if I'm careful."

Restlessly, Peter moved further away from him.

"Hey." Fiete embraced him with one of his soft wings. "Come on. Come here. Nothing happens."

Peter stroked some of the feathers again. Fiete visibly enjoyed it.

"Come", he said again.

Peter nodded nervously and moved closer again. Fiete embraced him carefully. Peter felt the claws through the fabric of his clothes and trembled a little. Fiete noticed this and held his forehead to Peters.

"All good." He also embraced Peter with his wings. Then Fiete's lips hit Peters and distracted him from his claws. "Peter? Have I ever told you that I think you are beautiful?"

Peter laughed softly. "More than just once."


They kissed again.


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