With the Sharingan in the MCU

Chapter 37: Chapter 35: Revenge

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A few hours after the reality-warping accident.

I placed Wanda on some destroyed bed sheets that I found lying around, then I lit a campfire to keep her warm.

Hours passed with no sign of other reality-altering events and the sun started to rise.

When the first sun rays hit Wanda, she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Good morning. I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. I really didn't want that to happen." she said while averting her eyes.

"I know don't worry, it would be boring if something like that didn't happen from time to time." I smile at her, take out a cold drink from the refrigerator and give it to her.

Pointing at the broken refrigerator behind me, she asks, "How come there is a refrigerator stuck in the ground?"

"This? Oh, it looks like you sent it up in the air after the other reality broke and then it fell here," I say as I shrug my shoulders.

She looks at me, a bit confused, "How can you be so relaxed about the stuff that happened? It could have ended horribly!"

This made me laugh when I heard her say this.

"Stuff happens all the time here and I've given up crying about spilled milk. What's done is done, and we can't change it."

The only thing we can do is learn from the past and don't make the same mistake again." saying this, I stood up and patted her on the shoulder.

"If you feel strong enough, we should move."

"It's about Pietro? I felt his emotions before falling asleep yesterday." she looked down when saying this.

"Yes, he went after Tony Stark and if we don't stop him, he could get captured or even worse."

"Alone? That's horrible! Where is he now?" she jumped up in shock.

Shaking my head I say, "I don't know. Despite sending my ravens to the airports, none of them have found him.

I don't think that he will run to America on the water, but he could get on any airplane with his speed."



Pietro's POV:

My only goal was to get the American soldiers out of Sokovia and finally take revenge on Tony Stark for what he did to us.

Hydra came next, and we were rescued by an American my sister blindly trusted who showed us the truth about our helpers.

Training in the woods and enjoying life made me forget my true goal and it looked like my sister did the same. She was always by the side of the Savior and she seemed happy.

Even so, I always knew that deep down inside, she could never forget what happened that day and that's why it finally came out.

But in the end, David saved us again. He could do what I couldn't, face everything without caring what happened in the past and even help Wanda with her powers...

It always looked like he could see through me, as if he could look into my future.

When he looked at me, he always seemed worried, as if he feared that I would do what I had promised myself long ago.

When I deal with Stark, I can give Wanda a happy life even when I'm not here and that's the goal I need to fulfill.



Sneaking on a plane to America was easy with my speed, simply sitting in the cargo area while keeping my body warm with my powers.

After nearly twelve hours of flight, I finally arrived in Washington D.C. I could see from a distance the Stark Headquarters that had changed from what David described.

It was still on a small island, but now it was a huge tower with a big shield and the letter A on it.

You are reading story With the Sharingan in the MCU at novel35.com

After running across the water, I reached it. It had some robots outside the tower that checked everyone who walked in.

But I don't need to use the main entrance.

I ran up the building to get to the top floor, where I was sure to meet the guy that destroyed our lives.

Arriving there, I hid behind a pillar and looked through the large window.

One of the people inside was Tony Stark and the other was a well-built man with blonde hair, who I assume is Captain America based on how David described him to me.

"No Cap! You should be glad that Barnes landed in the Raft! Had I not controlled myself, he would have landed where he should have been long ago, buried in the ground.

Said Stark, nearly screaming.

"It was not his fault Hydra programmed him!" said Captain America as he slammed his hand on the table they both sat at and broke it in half."

Stark raised a brow at this and after a while said, "So if everyone says they were mind controlled by someone, we let them all go? I will not accept that and neither would you if it were your parents! This conversation is over now!"

Captain America became angry and left the room through the elevator.

It was my chance now!

I stepped into the room while Stark walked to the bar and grabbed a drink.

"So you came here to listen to us, or do you want something else?"

While holding his drink in his hand, he turned to me and looked relaxed.

"I came here to avenge my people and my family."

Saying this, I activated my speed and dash at him. I could see him stretch out his hand and something red appeared on it but it was too late for him, nothing he could do to stop me now.

He fired something out of this red thing at me, but I evaded it easily.

This is his end!

My fist was already near his head, when a humanoid thing passed through him and shot a laser out of its forehead... was this Mind Stone on its head?

It hit me and I flew back, hitting the wall.

I couldn't move anymore. It felt like every bone in my body was broken.

Stark walks forward and a hologram appears next to him with my picture on it.

"Pietro Maximoff from Sokovia.

Suspected of being a part of the Rebellion, which caused many deaths and now it appears he is also a mutant.

Vision, call Rhodey.

He should bring him to the Raft. I have no time to deal with delusional people."

I fu**ed up sorry Wanda...



Watching a Quinjet fly away in the distance, two people stood on a building with glowing red eyes.

"Well shit we are to late, it seems it's time for a prison break." said the male while the woman only nodded.



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