With the Sharingan in the MCU

Chapter 38: Chapter 36: Raft

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How can you break into a mostly underwater prison in the middle of the ocean?

Well, you usually don't.

I don't even know how Captain America did it in Civil War. Getting in, kicking some ass and walking out with the inmates simply doesn't work.

The Avengers and the Iron Legion would only wait for something like that to happen.

We need to do it discreetly.

At the beginning, I wanted to find Ross, who supervises it the prison. However, I couldn't find him, which means he is probably on the Raft or somewhere out of the US.

So the second plan was to play the role of warden. Where people are working, there are also shifts.

After sending my ravens out, I found the Raft outside the New York coast and a battleship from where people get in and out of the Raft.

After spying on them for a day, I found they worked twelve-hour shifts from 8 am to 8 pm and the other way around.

We took advantage of the late shift because they had a female warden there.

Since no one noticed us getting on board the battleship, it seems they didn't expect people to run on water to get to them.

It was now just a matter of getting rid of the two wardens and taking their place.

We found the female warden and a male one, took their IDs, uniforms and headed to the helicopter.

Wanda used her powers there to make them think we were one of them.

After a short flight, we arrived at the place where the Raft should be. After a minute, the giant prison rose from the water.

When we landed, I noticed a strange chakra in the sky I had never felt before. It felt both wild and ancient at the same time.

Not knowing what it was, I hoped only that it wouldn't interfere with our plan.



Since everyone used helmets, walking around after scanning the IDs was easy.

The prison had ten levels. Level one was where the weakest inmates were and level ten was reserved for boss-level villains.

In our first task, we had to locate the chief warden who could open all doors for us and tell us where Pietro was.

"Do you think Pietro is alright?" asked Wanda while we walked to the control room.

While smiling through the helmet at her, I reply, "Don't worry he is tough and no matter what we'll take him out of here!"

She nods at me and smiles back.

When I saw her smiling, it made me happy too.

I only hoped she could keep her smile in the future rather than lose it, as she did in the movies.

After she lost everything, she never really smiled except when she created her fantasy world in Wanda Vision.

I shook these depressed thoughts from my mind and focused on the present because we were already near the control room.

The chief warden was sitting before a desk full of monitors and was talking into a radio when we disturbed him.

"What are you two doing here? Are you the two who are missing on the eighth level?"

I take off my helmet, activate my Sharingan and catch him in my Genjutsu.

"No we are the new guys here. General Ross said you should show us around and inform us about the inmates."

His eyes became glassy and he said, "Ah yes the new guys I was already waiting for you. What do you want to do first the tour or the information?"

I could see that Wanda became impatient

"Give us the details about Pietro Maximoff." she said while stepping closer to the warden.

He nodded happily and showed us a computer with inmates information on it.

I saw names like Ulysses Klaue, Erik Lehnsherr, and Cain Marko, also known as Juggernaut, while he searched for Pietro.

Knowing that all of them meant trouble, my plan was to stay away from them as far as possible.

How do they even keep Magneto locked up in this metal bucket?

"Found him! He is the cripple that arrived here two days ago. He is on the fifth level because we were not sure if he had a healing factor or not." said the warden as if he wanted to be praised.

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Wanda became furious at his words, "What do you mean by cripple?!"

Her eyes started to glow and the warden floated suddenly in the air gasping for air.

Putting my hand on her shoulder, I tried to calm her down. "Wait, whatever happened to him, I can help him so please stay calm."

When the chief warden fell, I ordered him to lock up the control room and take us to the fifth floor.

When we reached the elevator, I could feel the ancient chakra following us not far away.

As we made our way to the fifth floor, the strange being stopped somewhere above us.

Who the hell is this and what is it doing here?



Walking through the corridor, we could see many people sitting in the cells. I didn't know any of them, so I ignored them all.

Until we reached the room where Pietro was.

He was in a wheelchair and looked like he was dead inside.

Wanda ran to the cell and started to cry, "Pietro... Pietro it's me Wanda, don't worry you will be free soon."

"Open the cell and remove your uniform." I told the chef warden and we walked to the cell.

After the cell was open Wanda ran in and gave Pietro a hug, which brought him out of his state and he hugged her back.

"Wanda? What are you doing here? It's too dangerous. You need to get out of here now!" he said, while looking around in panic.

I step forward with the uniform of the warden in hand.

"You two can talk later. First we need to get you out of here."

But he only looked down and shook his head, "I can't... The prison doctor said I broke my back and would never walk again."

"Yea, about that." I walk forward, place a hand on his head and shoot my chakra through his body, making his body make a crackle sounds and then he falls on the floor out of the wheelchair.

Wanda looked at me in shock and tried to help him up.

"What did you do to him?!" she screamed at me.

This made me sigh and then I said,

"Do you trust me so little? Didn't I say that I could help him no matter what?

And Pietro how long do you want to lay around there?"

Wanda looked down at him with wide eyes, then he simply rose from the ground.

Despite his weak state and shaking feet, he could still stand. It seemed like I wasn't able to fully heal him.

Wanda gave him a shoulder to lean into and said with a sorry voice,

"I'm sorry that I screamed at you, but I was so afraid that something had happened to him again."

"Don't worry I understand this." I say while giving Pietro the warden uniform.

"I will help you to put it on and then we can finally relax a bit."

As soon as I said this, the Raft started shaking and an alarm rang through the whole prison, while the lights turned red.

After this, a robotic voice could be heard.

"All wardens prepare for battle because the Raft is under attack. The Navy was informed and is on its way.

Inmates, move to the corner of the cell and don't move, or you can expect consequences."

When I heard this I only could facepalm myself.

Who the f**k attacks a prison like this?



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