With the Sharingan in the MCU

Chapter 54: Chapter 52: Untrustworthy

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"Hello, it's been a while since we talked."

Are they afraid of me, or why do they not say anything and only stare at me?

"Yes, it's been a while. But it's not like we couldn't because there were plenty of chances." said Natasha, looking slightly annoyed at me.

"Is that so? When you guys arrived here, it looked more like Steve wanted to deal with me on the spot and---." I said and wanted to continue, but Natasha interrupted me.

"And the second time? You appeared with her and then made a show, only to disappear a minute later. Wouldn't it be that difficult to explain anything?!"

Hearing her, I sigh and then say, "it wasn't the right time or place to explain everything to you and it was also none of your business."

Why does she think that I need to justify all my actions before her?

"Guys, guys let's start at the beginning. You are skipping some steps. I think we should first introduce ourselves to your companions." said Bruce as he waved his hand, to deescalate the situation.

"My name is Bruce Banner and this is Natasha Romanoff." He pointed at himself and then at Natasha while looking at the siblings.

"I'm Wanda Maximoff and this is my brother Pietro." said Wanda calmly, while Pietro only nodded at them.

Natasha looked at them and said, "You both are from Sokovia? I already thought that the country had changed too fast, but after seeing your power and knowing what David can do, it explains everything.

I guess you also were responsible for the strange behavior of the Hydra facility?"

I nod at her.

"I was in Germany at that time when I noticed some Hydra movements and followed them then to the facility, where I met an 'obedient' Strucker."

"And there you met them both too?"

Natasha was once again acting like a spy.

"We were---" Wanda began to speak, but I disturbed her. "I met them shortly after and the rest is history."

It is unnecessary to let them know about the Hydra guinea pig stuff, since Natasha only wanted to profile them at the moment.

It would be the same situation as our 'date', but this time, it would probably be Steve who would be the receiver of the information, not Fury.

Seeing that I don't want to tell her more, she looks at me and says, "OK... and what did you do all these years? Touring through Europe?"

"Basically, yes." I say and shrug.

Bruce realizes that this leads to nothing and asks the question they really wanted to know.

"Can you tell us what really happened in New York? What happened to you after you saved Nat?"

I could even see in Natasha's eyes, sincere interest in this topic.

"That is..." I close my eyes and think about how to tell them.

"Wanda would you please use your powers to show them my memories of that day?"

She nods and makes some hand movements and all of us appear in New York a few moments before I grab the scepter from Loki.

I didn't use my eyes, because I knew they had something to counter my genjutsu and they both wore some lenses, which was strange.

But that wouldn't help against Wanda's magic.

The events start to unfold. I blinded Loki and saved Natasha and then when Loki tried to stab me, I grabbed the scepter and used it on him.

Which triggered something and a dark aura started to engulf me.

You are reading story With the Sharingan in the MCU at novel35.com

Natasha sees all this and steps forward with a shocked look.

"What is this dark aura? What is happening to you?"

"I don't know what this thing is, but as soon as I grabbed the scepter it started to control me." I say and the scene changes again.

Now after the death of Nick Fury and the fight with the Ancient One.

After I vomited out the slime it took on a humanoid form, which made everyone stare in blank horror at it.

Bruce was the first one to recover from the shock and said, "Its eyes... they look like yours."

"Yes. I'm not sure if it copied them or if it had them from the beginning, but I know one thing, that its eyes are more powerful than my own."

Natasha and Pietro stared at it like they were in a trance and then he asked, "But why did it do something like this?"

Wanda stops the illusion after I send Tamat away with the Tesseract and everything becomes normal.

"It's simple. It wanted to create chaos, which would lead to total destruction." I say while looking at Pietro.

This sentence made them all shudder, even Wanda who knew the story already.

"But why didn't you tell me earlier? I could have helped you if I'd known the truth." said Natasha after recovering a bit.

"Tell you? You would put me above Tony who wants to see me dead?"

Wanda looked at me worriedly when I said this in a calm voice, because she knew that what would come next would be unpleasant.

"Let's be real here. As soon as I would have contacted you, Tony would be the first person to know.

What would come next? You would be sent or used to track me down and lure me into a trap.

No I don't think contacting you would have helped me back there or even today, because you are simply not trustworthy."

She looked down hearing this, knowing that I was right.

Then she wanted to say something, but Bruce stopped her and stood up.

"Thank you for your time. We know the truth now and that is enough for us." he said angrily.

And then they both left the house...

By concentrating my chakra into my ears, I was able to hear Bruce trying to console her while she remained quiet.

Pietro watches them leave too and wonders, "Do you think someone like her can change?"

"Maybe... if she manages to leave her old life behind." I say and walk to the kitchen to get a drink and to be alone for a bit.

Seeing these memories again was also too much for me.

It also felt strange to be so harsh with Natasha. Nonetheless, she needs to open her eyes and start living her own life.

Otherwise she would always end up like in Endgame, as a tool for something...



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